[PC] The Indie Gala Thread

Are these just censored Steam versions or do they come with uncensored versions as well?
If you're talking about the Winter Wolves bundle, I'm pretty sure the only game that's been "censored" in there is Loren, and so far as I'm aware, the only difference is that the "censored" version has slightly less ridiculously skimpy clothing/"armor." If it really makes a difference to you, I believe there is a workaround. You can google for a full set of instructions, since I stopped looking into it when I heard it was just the skimpy vs. super skimpy outfits thing.

If you're talking about some other bundle, I have no idea which you mean.
re: Loren uncensored

Apparently, if you download the demo for Loren off of his site it will recongize that you own the full game on Steam and unlock the uncensored version. source

But like Souffrir said, it's not a huge difference anyway.

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Alright, I'll try the demo method. I think the mobile version of Spirited Heart is censored, so I assumed the Steam version was. Glad to hear that's not the case.
Was there something to censor in Spirited Hearts? I guess a couple of the costumes are fairly skimpy, but it's not like they show anything "nsfw."

I guess textually there's that elf chick who goes all dommy or masochistic in her associated romance ending depending on the player's race, but I don't remember any explicit details related to those turns of events.
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Google Play doesn't censor AFAIK. They've had a number of games on there that were banned on iOS.

Anyhow, is there supposed to be a Gala Monday today? It's not Presidents Day in Italy. :p

New monday bundle is up for $1.99.  They don't mention anything about it being an intro price either.


Oh god I had ask.

I love how Indie Gala includes a game that already gave away a kajillion copies for free.

I don't even think I'd take this one for 99 cents.

*Edited to add: I also like how "TRADING CARDS" is all front and center now. Like they're pretty much admitting most of the games they bundle are crap and their main audience just buys them for +1 and card idling money.

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Hmm, I thought I had Procyon but I must have been thinking of one of my 700 other shmups.  I'm interested in it and Bliss, but I have two of the others, the price is too high, and I can't be bothered to pick them up piecemeal.  Guess I'll wait for the next bundle.

I have the top half.  Of the bottom half, Bliss looks great, Infinity Runner looks OK, and Prehistorik looks to be really poorly executed.  That doesn't add up to a buy.

Bliss is a quiet and subtle puzzle platforming adventure.

Always searching for what he didn't have; the man climbed a mountain his entire life just to find himself alone at the top with a view of all the mistakes he made along the way.

In Bliss you are a shadow trapped in a strange world constructed from someone's memories. The world is infected with dark creatures that you have to remove before you can proceed. To your disposal you have a boomerang and a stopwatch that can freeze time.

Each level represents a period of a certain person's life as well as a stage in the Kübler Ross model (the five stages of grief).

* Challenging gameplay & little hand holding
* 5 unique levels
* 4 unique bosses
* Challenge mode for each boss
* Steam achievements
* Heavy but subtle story told without words

The game is played with a mouse and keyboard.
Very subtle.
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Eh, I predict this bundle sells like balls and they do a special 11th hour discount like they usually do.  It'll have to be pretty damn deep to get most of us, though.

I honestly don't own most of this...only Love. I got to late to the Squirreltopia keys so if anyone has an extra i'll gladly take it. Most of these look like not very good games.

Indie Gala Capsule Computers
That explains a lot.
They've been involved with the Monday bundles since the start IIRC (or at least very early on if I don't.)
I think they have some agreement with them to do their promotion or some such. I remember Carl telling me something about that a while back.

This way Indie Gala can just sit back and let the lire flow in and drink cappuccino and eat cannoli and have fun with Albanian hookers.

I'm actually surprised they haven't started a new 'charity fund' for some other mystery half baked game they haven't actually bothered to think up yet or get someone else to work on for them.

The Commandos games run extremely poorly on Steam....at least the first two. I would recommend those on gog so you don't have to deal with slowdown timers and such.

Praetorians and Imperial Glory were in some early Gala bundles DRM-free. Sucks that they never added keys for them. I'll probably be hal-ing a HH for this.

edit: Gala, not groupees

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Ah I read it wrong...than I'd be happy since I already have the DRM copies on my computer! But seriously Commandos on Steam requires a lot of fixes to work and for the first 1 I couldn't get it to go the correct speed.

how's Onikira
It doesn't run at a consistent framerate, instead stuttering like crazy and dropping to 1 FPS at random times. Your health bar blends into the background, at least on the first level, so deaths feel pretty arbitrary. The flying enemies that you need to hit at the peak of your jumps take multiple hits, so you'll almost certainly get shot as you're trying to kill them. It feels like an early access game, in other words.

All that said, the game is decent enough when you're not fighting flying enemies and the boss fight that I got through was a lot of fun. There's some entertaining detail, like the boss destroying buildings in the background as you make your way to him. The wall jumping mechanics are extremely generous and won't accidentally kill you.

Overall, I won't be playing it again in its current state. But I will give it another shot and re-evaluate it if it ever comes out of early access, because there's a decent game buried in there. The flaws that make it painful now shouldn't be too hard to fix, if they actually put in the effort.

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Seems there are some issues on IG servers or database, most unused keys were marked as claimed.(happened on giveaways keys from AfterFall Insanity - Extended Edition to Super Killer Hornet: Resurrection too.)
If you joined my groupbuy before, try to send seperate gift links for those unused keys to your email and click them one time in your email,keys will be auto hided on full gift link.If they are marked as claimed,wait more infomation later.
Sorry,there is no spare time for me now,I'm trying to contact those guys who bought more copies than me. :(
bread's done