Persona 4: Released and Ready 2 Play! Metacritic Score -- A Whoppin' 93!!!

do you guys think this will be like persona 3, where all copies came with the cd+art book?
or do you think pre-ordering will actually make a difference?
[quote name='willardhaven']All I know is that Amazon is the cheapest way for me to get it. $35 + tax is worth it even if it's just P3 2.0[/quote]

P3 2.0? Wasn't that FES?
Epic! Just pre-ordered from Amazon with the small discount and extra goodies. I'm very excited for the game. I still need to finish Persona 3 before hitting this one up.
What do you guys think about the VA's this time around? JYB is attached as the main character. Thank christ the leads don't talk much is all I can say. I hated him recently is Disgaea 3, nails on a bloody chalkboard. The guy doing Yousuke, Yuri something, is pretty good though. Kuma is better than I thought, for a character that is designed to be annoying I feared we'd get some sh*t like Toad from Mario.
Anyone know who Kuma's VA is and his history?
I dunno why the hell they're dubbing it. Sega had the right idea with Yakuza 2 - just leave it the fuck alone. It saves the company money, and it saves people's ears from bleeding.
I didn't have a problem with P3's dubbing. But if this is gonna be a rush job then perhaps we might see lowered quality.

Just pre-ordered mine from Amazon. Can't wait. Any word on a guide yet? This is the only series that I care to buy them for.
[quote name='Chacrana']I dunno why the hell they're dubbing it. Sega had the right idea with Yakuza 2 - just leave it the fuck alone. It saves the company money, and it saves people's ears from bleeding.[/quote]

It's a tough call, but personally I prefer a good dub to subtitles. I think P3 was great and I didn't mind they Japanese words they threw into the mix.
Were Atlus to use the Japanese track, they'd have to pay for it. I'm not exactly up-to-date on who's-who in the Japanese VA scene, so I don't know what that might cost.

I do recall a comment from Atlus on their forums stating that one of the reasons P3 did not have the Japanese track is that it would have cost them nearly the same amount as dubbing just to license the cast's voice work.
[quote name='thelonepig']Were Atlus to use the Japanese track, they'd have to pay for it. I'm not exactly up-to-date on who's-who in the Japanese VA scene, so I don't know what that might cost.

I do recall a comment from Atlus on their forums stating that one of the reasons P3 did not have the Japanese track is that it would have cost them nearly the same amount as dubbing just to license the cast's voice work.[/QUOTE]

Well shit, if it cost them the same amount to get the Japanese... I don't see why they wouldn't. At least it would've protected us from Fuuka.
[quote name='willardhaven']I'm sure there were as many or more annoying voices in the Japanese version...[/QUOTE]

I doubt it. I really can't remember any recent Japanese VA stuff that particularly hurt my ears due to a screeching, completely obnoxious voice. Well, maybe Zeta Gundams' VAs, but that was the 80's...

but on topic, I really can't imagine the Japanese cast having someone who you makes me yell "shut up, you damn wench" every time they talk like Fuuka did. And I really prefer watching/playing stuff in its original language.

Just say no to English dubs, kids.
I'm not into the anime/import scene like I used to be but I actually find a lot of Japanese VO's very annoying. However, when the setting is heavily Japanese influenced then it I'd prefer the original language, mainly because things being lost in translation. P3 was acceptable since it was modern city life.
The whole Japanese VA are better than English VA is really a silly argument, IMO. Not being a native speaker or fluent in Japanese, it's just not possible to critique the Japanese VAs.

As willardhaven stated, I'm sure their are just as many annoying Japanese VAs.

On the other hand, we do have Sandy Fox...
Meh I'm generally fine with either if they are done and localized well. This is generally done better in games than in anime. Believe it!
Atlus are very good at localizing and the VA's are about the bar in many respects. That doesn't meant they are perfect however and I understand the bitching about Fuuka's voice. I personally didn't mind it until I began grinding in Tartarus, then the running commentary on everything I did and the enemy did started to sh*t me.
But I listen to podcasts when I am battling in JRPG's, makes them much easier to sit through. I just turn the sound down until I can only hear some of the effects of the game, then just listen to other stuff.

I mean if you really hate the dubbing in P3 and P4, like Chacrana seems to, well it's called Undubbing people, use it. My god did that ever save Tales of the Abyss though. *shudder*
If NISA can afford to have Japanese voice track for all their games, Atlus can certainly afford to pay for Japanese voice acting in their biggest release of the year.

Funny with the whole dub vs sub is that people don't realized how much is lost in text translation alone. You are never going to get the game in its original language unless you study Japanese.
Having a second option for VA would be great. Having subtitles for both the English and Japanese VA's would be the way to go.

On the other hand, I don't necessarily see English DUB's of Japanese games to be that bad. P3's voice acting was actually top notch and very tolerable.
Agreed. Plus, I'd rather them use up the disk space for more game rather than talking anyway. P4's going to be undubbed the second it steps onto American soil anyway, don't worry about it.
Wait... persona doesn't let you hear the original Japanese dialog? They're Dubbed?! Argh... I don't want to listen to Clint Eastwood & some random bimbo girl... ;)
[quote name='Paint Drinker']^^
Agreed. Plus, I'd rather them use up the disk space for more game rather than talking anyway. P4's going to be undubbed the second it steps onto American soil anyway, don't worry about it.[/QUOTE]

Well first they would have to hard sub the game since P3 didnt have subtitle for the video. Also not every game is undubable, i.e. Digital Devil Saga 2
Just leave the Dubbed anime cutscenes in until then, then. They only go for like 5-10 seconds in P3 (sadly) not much to whine about. Like I said when I brought all this up is that I like the English talent they are using in P4, so far. It's no Metal Gear Solid, although nothing actually is, but its tolerable to the point where I enjoy it. No Fuuka's in sight to, so I think we're golden.
*gasp*...the enemy!
Yeah, a must buy for me this December. Boy...more money being put towards games. Good thing I finished 3 and FES though they don't directly have much to do with 4 but just good that I actually finished them.
The only true terrible japanese va's (in my opinion) are those that are doing it for the first time and don't really know what they're doing (which is probably what most of the english va's are, though i'm not saying that as a fact). Most of the japanese va's in the industry are already established and well known, in other words they are already popular and have a following, which is probably why there are a lot of people who prefer japanese to english voices (me included).
[quote name='bigl523']i've got ground shipping so i'll be lucky if i'm playing it before xmas...whatever, i've got my backlog still[/quote]

I'm in the same boat. I figured there were plenty of games coming out that I can wait for a bit on this one.
I got Amazon's free shipping but it's been pretty good to me recently with an average of 3 days. I've already beat a few games so my backlog isn't very big, so I'll be looking forwrd to this ASAP
I would have just waited to buy this, as I'm still a ways off from finishing P3. But I wanted to make sure I got the artbook. Atlus and their preorder swag...
I finally pre ordered on amazon and got one day shipping, which wasnt that a costly purchased since it averages to about what I would pay at the store ($45). I get out of school really late on the day the games comes out and I'm afraid all the art books will be gone by then. lol
[quote name='TheMaidenOfSorrow']I finally pre ordered on amazon and got one day shipping, which wasnt that a costly purchased since it averages to about what I would pay at the store ($45). I get out of school really late on the day the games comes out and I'm afraid all the art books will be gone by then. lol[/quote]

The extras are inside the Persona 4 box, like Persona 3. If you buy the game you'll get the CD and artbook.
Really? Huh, computers don't say there will be an extra coming like they do with other preorder incentives, which would suggest the artbook would have been packaged with the game. Maybe I just overlooked it.
[quote name='pete5883']Artbook is not.[/quote]

Where are you getting this info from? According to

The extras will come packaged inside the box with your game.

This does kind of suck as the book will be about the same size as the last one (the size of a dvd case). Oh well.
I expect it to be handled exactly how the Eternal Poison artbooks were handled - shrinkwrap. If artbooks are going only to pre-orders, and artbooks were inside the package, that would mean there were 2 different packages - one for pre-orders and one for regular orders. That's a waste of money, and there's not really any precedence for doing so. Therefore, the artbook will be outside the actual game package. By "inside the box" I assume they mean shipping box.
December is comming I can feel it I was browsing persona 4 stuff on amazon looks like they're selling the P4 Official Design Works (Persona 4 Artbook)

*Interview with artist Shigenori Soejima

*191 pages

*includes comments from artist, early sketches, original art, art from game and more.

Hmm has it having interviews and comments etc. on amazon's information part, but I wonder if this is a mistake or is this book translated from the looks of it on their pictures the books in Japanese same as the one selling on play asia..

I'm still going to get it for the artwork anyways even if it doesn't have any english I'm sure it has some nice pictures.

The Persona 4: Exclusive Social Link Expansion Pack is no longer available I guess that's it or maybe they'll have a few more to sell later on or on december 9 I hope all who wanted it pre-ordered and I hope they sell a few more on release day I got a friend who shows interest in persona 3 so I want to order another one for his present on christmas.

EDit:Forgot to include this the PLAY magazine december having persona4 featured on the cover, review, and more the cover for this one looks great can't wait to pick it up so keep an eye out for this worth a buy or look..
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Hmm, I guess Atlus's new business model is release game for cheap price and then clean up with extras. If one wanted to get the whole P4 experience, they would have to spend ~$95.
[quote name='bigl523']Hmm, I guess Atlus's new business model is release game for cheap price and then clean up with extras. If one wanted to get the whole P4 experience, they would have to spend ~$95.[/QUOTE]

It's good for my cheap ass. Getting the game for $33 shipped from Amazon and calling it a day.
This month's Play magazine (not the British one) has an extensive 10-page cover story, a 12-page feature on this year's Tokyo Game Show, and two posters: one for Valkyria Chronicles and the other Metal Slug 7. Worth the $5.99 if you ask me.

Edit: Some content couldn't fit in the mag, so you can read it - as well as enter a contest for this game, social link pack, Persona 2 or artbook - online:
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Great score but oKay review. Wanted some more indepth talk. I don't understand why he's talking about P3 vs. P4 fanboy wars. Anyways I can't wait to spend 150 hours on this one.
bread's done