PINBALL ARCADE XBLA - Xbox One 11/26 Release

I backed STTNG. Yeah!

I've gotten Battle for the Kingdom in Medieval twice now, but keep failing to complete it. Darn. I also need video mode, but I got Barnyard multiball, which is awesome. :)
[quote name='phantomfriar2002']Hopefully that glitch will be fixed when it comes out "for real" on the 28th.[/QUOTE]

If it was pulled just because it was accidentally put up early and will be out a week from now, it's highly unlikely the patch will be any different. Unfortunately.

Despite my dislike for how Farsight has handled this game (on a number of levels) I may finally pick it up in the next week or so since it falls under that "get 240 points back when you spend 1600 on certain games" Xbox Rewards thing. Between that and RB Blitz next week I'll be over the 1600 mark.
[quote name='KaneRobot']Between that and RB Blitz next week I'll be over the 1600 mark.[/QUOTE]

Who said Rock Band Blitz was part of the promotion? Certainly not the OP of the rewards thread. I looked back through the thread and the only one saying Blitz was part of it was you.

If you go back to the OP, that third category is confirmed but is "weird titles people requested that is confirmed as no". I remember that Leela, Dust An Elysian Tail and Bomberman Battlefest (see post 1050) were rejected but the guy asked anyone because he was going to buy Bomberman and asked.
The 3rd DLC pack is out. I haven't downloaded it yet, but it's supposed to be there. Monster Bash and Gorgar. Anyone grabbed it yet?
I queued it on Will download and play tonight. Yeah! MB is fun and I've only seen/played a real one once or twice, I think.
I love Monster Bash! There are a ton of details in that game.

Gorgar is Gorgar. my least liked table in Pinball Hall of Fame and this version didn't do anything to change my opinion.
Monster Bash is great. I'm not sure if there's an achievement problem. It said I got the achievement, but I didn't check to see if I actually got credit for it.

I didn't play Gorgar yet, but I don't mind that it's here. Gorgar is historically relevant and I like having it. Plus there's goals to shoot for and that's fun. I also prefer having the PHoF machines in Pinball Arcade both because they are improved and because it's a download game I don't have to put the disc in for. In any case, Monster Bash alone is easily worth the $5 IMHO.
EMs sound good to me too.

One thing that I've noticed is the game doesn't always credit you with achieving a goal when it should. I've collected the special at least once and I didn't get credit for that goal. :(

I didn't get goal credit for Lyman's Lament when I started it with the button press cheat, but maybe that one is intentional.

On a different note, I think I was one center ramp shot away from collecting a Mosh Pit super jackpot and of course I drained all but one ball. Darn.
Anyone know if they'll patch in achievements for Monster Bash & Gorgar? Want those tables much more than the Funhouse/Circus pack but I'm hesitatingly due to lack of achievements. And yes, I actually like Gorgar.
what do you mean "patch in achievements"? i got achievements for getting a high score in Monster Bash and Gorgar.
There is a lot of confusion about the achievements because of whoever dropped the ball at FS/MS originally. With the first DLC pack the achievements weren't even available concurrently.

Now, for example, when I launch the game I still don't see unearned achievements for any DLC in my list. It makes me wonder if I really will even earn them in I pick up the DLC.

The technicals of this game have been handled worse than any game I can remember.
I'm looking forward to that next pack #5 (Taxi, Harley Davidson). I actually like Taxi a lot in PHoF. never played Harley Davidson... The Internet Pinball Database shows a user score of 7.9/10 for it.

here's the preview trailer for the Xbox 360 version of pack 5:

so to be clear, pack 4 is Creature from the Black Lagoon and Black Knight? any known release date for this one?

pack 3 was Monster Bash and Gorgar.
pack 2 was Cirqus Voltaire and Funhouse.
pack 1 was The Machine: Bride of Pin*Bot and Medieval Madness.
They are releasing so many table packs in a rapid pace, i'm not able to keep up. I haven't purchased any of the Packs yet and had been wanting to, but with you just posting a trailer for pack 5 I feel like if I either don't buy them all soon i'll end up left behind and will play catch up. Along with having bought all the tables on FX2, not sure if all of these are worth it though. 2 tables for $5? $5 x 5 packs=$25
I haven't had any problems with achievements. I still have some to do for the original set. I haven't completed Grand Finale on ToM, so haven't finished the wizard goals. I haven't played Black Knight at all. I have all other achievements including for the DLC.

As far as if the DLC is worth it. Absolutely yes! IMHO of course.
[quote name='crunchewy']I haven't had any problems with achievements. I still have some to do for the original set. I haven't completed Grand Finale on ToM, so haven't finished the wizard goals. I haven't played Black Knight at all. I have all other achievements including for the DLC.

As far as if the DLC is worth it. Absolutely yes! IMHO of course.[/QUOTE]

I've seen the videos some members on here have posted in this thread from youtube. However, it is getting steep especially when there are being purchased at marketplace price. I've been able to get some of the FX2 tables cheaper on here thanks to codes but have yet to see any for these tables available. Still is cheaper to get them on my 360 than to play at an arcade which are hard to come by anyways. $25 for 5 packs? hmm bing it is!
wow. people were complaining that it took so long for tables to come out. now people are complaining that they are coming out too fast.

i guess you can't please everyone.

i like pinball arcade tables more than fx2 tables so it's not an issue for me. i'm tired of so many marvel tables. i'm really interested in plants vs. zombies though.
I never complained about that though. If they would release more popular tables instead of what's already been released before on disc and what not. I know they've had kickstarters, but the tables for those are taking longer of course. Any word of when the kickstarter tables will be released?
I'm definitely holding back on DLC purchases. Bought MM and Bride of Pinbot because I love both of those, and will probably get Gorgar/Monster Bash. The rest of 'em I'm definitely waiting for a sale. At least for the first four packs or so we'll probably see a discount before year's end.

I don't mind that they're being released "too fast" at all. The prices are what bother me, especially because half of them are minor revamps of stuff from the last game.
I don't see how the cost of the DLC is too high. the tables are pretty much the same price as Rock Band songs and RB songs are just MP3s with notes added.
Used gum wrappers are free, so I'm going to get those instead. Way cheaper.

This game is for real pinball fans (I mean fans of the real machines). For us, this DLC is a bargain.
[quote name='crunchewy']Used gum wrappers are free, so I'm going to get those instead. Way cheaper.

This game is for real pinball fans (I mean fans of the real machines). For us, this DLC is a bargain.[/QUOTE]

Hardcore fans will buy anything and everything. Someone mentioned that they are rehash tables of previously released tables, which is true and yeah, the dlc is a bargain compared to going to play them at an arcade. While the pricing varies on people, $2.50 per table is as much as a dlc song for Dance Central 2. I've had some good bargain songs on rock band for $1 even some regular priced at $2 is fine. It all depends on if you're going to actually play them and make your purchase worth it and all. You can just use Bing, earn free MSP and use that to buy the tables as well :D
They DLC is not just games from Pinball Hall of Fame. One machine in the pack is new and one is from PHoF. Have you even looked at what is in them?
[quote name='crunchewy']They DLC is not just games from Pinball Hall of Fame. One machine in the pack is new and one is from PHoF. Have you even looked at what is in them?[/QUOTE]

Yes and I was going to just get the HoF game instead, but with new games coming out soon I am hesitant plus i'd still have to order it anyways which could take awhile anyways. If you could just buy 1 table alone (single) that would be better for some people to whereas having to buy both at once isn't the best idea. You can't even try out the table (demo) it either. Will probably still end up getting the packs anyways soon.
[quote name='intoxicated662']Yes and I was going to just get the HoF game instead, but with new games coming out soon I am hesitant plus i'd still have to order it anyways which could take awhile anyways. If you could just buy 1 table alone (single) that would be better for some people to whereas having to buy both at once isn't the best idea. You can't even try out the table (demo) it either. Will probably still end up getting the packs anyways soon.[/QUOTE]

here's where I get confused.

Pinball Arcade tables are no more expensive than Pinball FX2 tables but you've bought all the tables in FX2. A lot of the FX2 tables are forced bundles as well.

You don't own the PHoF collection so you're not actually buying any repeats. And these are improved versions of the table that don't require you digging out a disc.

not railing at you by any means. just curious about your reasonings.
[quote name='dirtyvu']here's where I get confused.

Pinball Arcade tables are no more expensive than Pinball FX2 tables but you've bought all the tables in FX2. A lot of the FX2 tables are forced bundles as well.

You don't own the PHoF collection so you're not actually buying any repeats. And these are improved versions of the table that don't require you digging out a disc.

not railing at you by any means. just curious about your reasonings.[/QUOTE]

I understand, so let me clarify things. I bought the original Pinball FX, since at the time it was the closest thing to Pinball we could get and was very affordable at the time. Those imported free into FX2 and most of the packs I got for FX2 I got from this site, through the 360 code trading thread so I never paid full price for them. Also, the only pinball tables i've ever purchased for full price were singles (street fighter II, rocky & bullwinkle and I think 1 or 2 more which were sold individually). You can also try out tables before purchasing them in FX2.

See, those are a few reasons why I like FX2 more but still enjoy Pinball Arcade. The improved versions you stated are correct, however after the update they were even improved more. I will still purchase the tables for my own play, but when friends and family come over they tend to wanna play FX2 more than Pinball Arcade due to online multiplayer, being able to play at the same time and the selection they're more familiar with.

Not to mention that every time a table pack is released, there are problems with achievements & such and blame gets shifted.
Yep, the physics are better and there are other improvements. I can't see buying PHoF when these are better versions and a better game and no disc is required. I'm going to trade my copy of PHoF:Williams tomorrow in fact. Much rather play these games in Pinball Arcade.
[quote name='crunchewy']Yep, the physics are better and there are other improvements. I can't see buying PHoF when these are better versions and a better game and no disc is required. I'm going to trade my copy of PHoF:Williams tomorrow in fact. Much rather play these games in Pinball Arcade.[/QUOTE]

I don't know about that! there are still tables in PHoF that aren't in PA yet. but yeah, it is getting harder and harder to get the motivation to put in PHoF. it's like going to the TV and turning it off instead of using a remote.

for the PA versions of the PHoF tables, I've not since touched the PHoF versions. the PHoF versions don't have enough of the nostalgia to get me to play them and they're inferior so it's like using Windows XP after playing around with Windows 7.
How much are you all getting as trade in credit for PHoF? I might just buy it from you instead lol..I do prefer Pinball Arcade anyways and for some reason, i'd rather play the xbla game than to have a game disc. Which table packs do you all recommend to buy first? From best to worst..
That's a matter of preference. The games I like best might not be your favorite. There only 3 DLC packs for the Xbox so far. Of the games that are new, I like Monster Bash and Cirqus Voltaire a lot more than Bride of Pinbot. YMMV.
I personally really got into Medieval Madness. Right amount of challenge, and really fun. Dont like triggering the Trolls bonus though where their two heads pop up and you got to hit them 3 times. Can never hit them dead on from the flippers, or you're almost certainly asking for a instant drain as the ball will fall between the flippers where neither can touch it. Part of the reason I dont like Merlins Magic either with how it triggers the Trolls bonus instantly sometimes. Can happen way too quick, and your first ball can be done relatively quick with a low score.
If you have everything except for trolls, and Merlin is lit, Merlin (starting Multiball Madness) will start trolls for you, which is the only good time for trolls to be started! :) Complete trolls during MM and it will start MM over again, resetting the ball saver. Medieval is great, yes. But I have a real one to play in league and that is better. :) But I play it in PA too.
Purchased all 3 table packs today and must say, Gorgar is by far the least table i'll ever play again. It's the only table I didn't have fun playing while the others were a blast. Now, hopefully we'll get some new tables before people forget about this game.
Scare Stiff is fun. Party Monsters I haven't played enough to have an opinion, but I'm looking forward to trying it out. Both are welcome additions!
I hope they don't split up the elvira tables and pair each of them with an old PHoF table (albeit newer version).
[quote name='dirtyvu']I hope they don't split up the elvira tables and pair each of them with an old PHoF table (albeit newer version).[/QUOTE]

Pretty sure one of them will be with No Good Gofers. Not sure what the other will be paired with.
I'd say PHoF is absolutely still worth a buy if you can get it for a reasonable price. I got far more for my money out of PHoF than I'm getting with TPA. There are certainly some improvements to TPA but those are nitpicky differences.

However, it looks like the "reasonable price" thing is beginning to become a problem. I got over 25 bucks for mine through Ebay a month ago (and I remember paying 20 bucks for it, new, a few years ago). If you can get it for around that price, go for it. If someone is charging you upwards of 30 bucks, just stick with TPA. The way they are going, everything from PHoF will be available on it eventually. Only buy the tables you've gotta have out of the gate, and wait for sales on the remaining DLC. It'll happen eventually.
[quote name='dirtyvu']I hope they don't split up the elvira tables and pair each of them with an old PHoF table (albeit newer version).[/QUOTE]

That's been their approach so far and I doubt it will change. For me the price is reasonable even if I'm considering it as a one pack, though I am not as I already traded in my PHoF and I like having those games in PA, improved on top of that. But, yeah, it will be great once they get through all the old tables and we get two new ones in each pack.

I am looking forward to DLC #4. I hope that gets through Microsoft soon. I've got points waiting for it.
For a depressing read check out the TPA Facebook page. Every other update is "sorry, this has been delayed, we don't know why" or "there is a critical bug with this update, oops." Love what they are doing but I hope these guys get their shit together. It's not even just Xbox issues, it's varying stuff across multiple platforms.

Got Bing reward points waiting for Creature/ Black Knight when it shows up...
bread's done