PlayStation 2 Limited Edition LEGO Batman Bundle $129.96 at Amazon

i think these are the new ps2 slims with the built-in power brick. as far as limited, i think thats just for the bundle which includes the game and movie. it's not a bad price since they are going for 150 msrp.
sweet deal
Good deal.

I might have jumped in if I hadn't already bought the white singstar bundle for $99.99 and it's still sitting in my closet.
[quote name='dinobot']what's so limited about this?

the ps2 look exactly like other black slim ps2s.[/QUOTE]
Limited Edition Bundle. Not Limited Edition PS2.
I bought one of these bundles last week at CC for $10 more. It does have the series 90000 slim. I still have my fat PS2 from launch and the size/weight difference is remarkable.
[quote name='tightclaws']I would just spend 70 more and get the 360 Batman bundle at Amazon. Why would anyone buy a PS2 at this point?[/quote]

[quote name='tightclaws']I would just spend 70 more and get the 360 Batman bundle at Amazon. Why would anyone buy a PS2 at this point?[/QUOTE]
why would anyone buy a ps2 at this point?


come on duke....this isn't like the ps3 being 200 dollars! it's a different brand. it'll be like someone asking why pay a thousand on a laptop when for 100 more you can get a mac. maybe the other person doesn't like macs. maybe they don't want to have to learn a new operating system. maybe they don't feel like having to buy windows xp/vista just to dual boot on a mac....

maybe a parent looking at this deal wants to be able to get their child a still reliable console which is still spurning out countless games at a dirt cheap price? maybe they don't have a HDTV so the difference in graphics would be small. maybe it's all they can afford.....
I bought this bundle at Amazon last week for $149 because I still have a fat PS2 and wanted one of the new slims, plus I love the Lego games.

Anyway, when I found out that the bundle is now $129 I sent an email to Amazon and asked them to refund the $20 difference. A few hours later I got a reply that said I would see the refund put back on my card in a couple days. :)

There's really no reason to hate on the PS2. It has a huge library of great games that deserve to be enjoyed. (And yes, I have a 360 and a nice HDTV, but I still love playing PS2 also).
[quote name='strongpimphand']maybe they don't have a HDTV so the difference in graphics would be small. maybe it's all they can afford.....[/quote]

You might want to remove this part of your argument... I was thinking your argument was valid up to this point.

Once I got there, I was like :whistle2:k and then #-o

PS3 graphics have nothing to do with having an HDTV. Although it does look better on an HDTV, the PS3 has much better graphics than the PS2 regardless.
[quote name='tightclaws']I would just spend 70 more and get the 360 Batman bundle at Amazon. Why would anyone buy a PS2 at this point?[/quote]

Probably for reasons that I go by. I have no intention to buy any console that is $200-$400 dollars. I bought my first ps2 when the slim ones were out and hit around $130, and went in for half with my sister. Yes we were years late on the taking. Bonus? So much more money to spend since cheap PS2 games are everywhere, and the new/used section at stores is incredibly large. Late to the party, but more for my money. I'll invest in a ps3/360 when they reach the same level, even if it probably won't be for another year or two ;)
[quote name='strongpimphand']why would anyone buy a ps2 at this point?


come on duke....this isn't like the ps3 being 200 dollars! it's a different brand. it'll be like someone asking why pay a thousand on a laptop when for 100 more you can get a mac. maybe the other person doesn't like macs. maybe they don't want to have to learn a new operating system. maybe they don't feel like having to buy windows xp/vista just to dual boot on a mac....

maybe a parent looking at this deal wants to be able to get their child a still reliable console which is still spurning out countless games at a dirt cheap price? maybe they don't have a HDTV so the difference in graphics would be small. maybe it's all they can afford.....[/quote]

PS2 has a huge library that Micro$oft could only dream of, and PS2 games are relatively dirt cheap. For crying out loud, it's the best selling console since 2000 until at least last Christmas.

I know XBox 360 and PS3 have amazing graphics, but PS2 has more solid games than both of them combined. Perhaps some gamers are more concerned with gameplay than pretty graphics.
[quote name='InFlames215']You might want to remove this part of your argument... I was thinking your argument was valid up to this point.

Once I got there, I was like :whistle2:k and then #-o

PS3 graphics have nothing to do with having an HDTV. Although it does look better on an HDTV, the PS3 has much better graphics than the PS2 regardless.[/QUOTE]
....what are you talking about? I don't even mention the PS3...except as a quip of it not being 200 dollars like the 360

there are people who honestly just don't give a crap and will rather play a ps2 game then shell out the extra money for a 360/ps3 game. It's just like those who use the Wii. People just want to have fun at a cheap expense. If I were a casual gamer, and I was looking for something to buy a child and play when they're studying/sleep....I'd buy that ps2 package in a heartbeat!
[quote name='tightclaws']I would just spend 70 more and get the 360 Batman bundle at Amazon. Why would anyone buy a PS2 at this point?[/quote]
I'm not trying to start a flame war or anything, I really want to know, because I don't have a PS2 or a 360 yet. I'm definitely getting one or the other very shortly, though. Maybe a PS3, but bleh they're so expensive and I already have a Blu-Ray player. What makes the 360 a better buy over PS2? The price difference is much more than $70 when most 360 games aren't anywhere near the prices of PS2 games. Here's what I can see.

+Wireless Controllers
+Widely used HDD
+Good games
-Unreliable (I know it's getting better, but it will never come close to PS2 or Gamecube's reliability)
-Expensive (games, console, accessories)

++More good games than 360 (not a jab at 360, but look at how long PS2's been around. There's bound to be more great games on PS2.)
+Cheap (games, console, accessories)
-Very little online
-Very little HDD support
-Running out of steam, less games being made by the minute
-Not as good graphics as 360
-No wireless controllers made by SONY
The PS2 is a great buy right now, or anytime really. It has an amazing, timeless library: Metal Gear Solid, Shadow of the Colossus, Final Fantasy, Persona, Katamari Damacy, etc. Those games were awesome when they came out, they are awesome now, and they will always continue to be awesome. Many of its best games are easily available for less than $20 new. Particularly if you're into JRPGs you could build a PS2 library right now that will last you the rest of your life.
[quote name='Kurina']Probably for reasons that I go by. I have no intention to buy any console that is $200-$400 dollars. I bought my first ps2 when the slim ones were out and hit around $130, and went in for half with my sister. Yes we were years late on the taking. Bonus? So much more money to spend since cheap PS2 games are everywhere, and the new/used section at stores is incredibly large. Late to the party, but more for my money. I'll invest in a ps3/360 when they reach the same level, even if it probably won't be for another year or two ;)[/QUOTE]

Holla. I almost NEVER buy games brand new. Only like once have a bought a game when it first came out, and that was a long time ago. If you can wait it out, you can probably get it for a price drop/sale/clearance pirce, and save yourself a good amount of money. I can't even imagine how much money I've saved buying used/older new. For example, (Extreme example, granted), I picked up Max Payne and Max Payne 2 for $5 total from a Gamestop a couple months ago. And I'm guessing they were $50 a piece when they came out, so I saved myself like $95. Which is money I could use to pick up KH 1 and 2 + something else for around 40 at a B2G1 free instead of 150, which is what I would've spent new.

Of course, that isn't everybody's cup of tea. Some people love that new game smell, and love to finish a game right when it comes out. And I get that. But I'm a poor college student, so I can't afford much. Anyway, I'm just saying that there is a reason why people would get this bundle, so please don't say that its stupid if anybody would think about getting this bundle.
Why would someone want to buy a PS2, now? Well, it was already mentioned: the expansive, epic library. The PS2 is the most successful console of all-time, and thus, it has a impressively large and diverse catalog of titles. Plus, it doesn't hurt that there are still a handful of games getting released for it.
well the PS2 has a huge library but it's also going to be harder to find PS2 games. Ico is a great game but I haven't seen it anywhere. Shadow of the Colossus is on clearance everywhere I've seen it. People can talk about how 'great' and 'expansive' the library is, but when you factor in the getablilty of these games that cuts the library down a lot. How many Final Fantasies are there for the PS2? how do you think you could actually get right now?

If you're willing to buy used I'm sure that extends the library quite a bit as well.

It's just a factor you have to consider. with the 360 if you want the good games they'll be a lot easier to get.

If I was choosing between the two I'd still go with the PS2 though. And this is from someone who isn't a fan of the dual shock.
[quote name='Wolfkin']How many Final Fantasies are there for the PS2? how do you think you could actually get right now?[/quote]Final Fantasy X, Final Fantasy X-2, Final Fantasy XII, and Final Fantasy VII: Dirge of Cerberus are all Greatest Hits and available from Amazon for $15-20. XI and its expansions are the only things you might have trouble getting your hands on, but that has more to do with the discontinuation of the PS2 HDD. Especially now with the rash of NIS and Atlus reprints, there actually aren't that many PS2 games that are difficult to come by.
[quote name='Doomed']
-Unreliable (I know it's getting better, but it will never come close to PS2 or Gamecube's reliability)[/quote]

I don't believe that one for a second. The PS2 for the longest time had nothing but problems and DREs and all that jazz. I am pretty sure that the failure rate was pretty high when the PS2 first came out. No idea how it is compared to the 360 now, but I would not say the PS2 didn't have its problems.
[quote name='BloodiestCadaver']I don't believe that one for a second. The PS2 for the longest time had nothing but problems and DREs and all that jazz. I am pretty sure that the failure rate was pretty high when the PS2 first came out. No idea how it is compared to the 360 now, but I would not say the PS2 didn't have its problems.[/QUOTE]

I'm one of the few people that I know of who didn't have P$2 problems at launch. Granted this is just people I know personally, but still....
The 360 fail rate was ridiculous true enough, but I'm tired of $ony freaks acting like $ony'$ $hit has better nuts in it than Nintendo and M$'s. News flash, none of them give a crap about anything but our money. :)

Back on topic, what is the difference between the launch models, slim, and newer slims? (other than size) Any change in disc read speed or anything?
[quote name='howlinmad']I'm one of the few people that I know of who didn't have P$2 problem$ at launch. Granted thi$ i$ ju$t people I know per$onally, but $till.... The 360 fail rate wa$ ridiculou$ true enough, but I'm tired of $ony freak$ acting like $ony'$ $hit ha$ better nut$ in it than Nintendo and M$'$. New$ fla$h, none of them give a crap about anything but our money. :)

Back on topic, what i$ the difference between the launch model$, $lim, and newer $lim$? (other than $ize) Any change in di$c read $peed or anything?[/QUOTE]

Let me help you out there. I think you missed a few.
[quote name='Wolfkin']well the PS2 has a huge library but it's also going to be harder to find PS2 games. Ico is a great game but I haven't seen it anywhere. Shadow of the Colossus is on clearance everywhere I've seen it. People can talk about how 'great' and 'expansive' the library is, but when you factor in the getablilty of these games that cuts the library down a lot. How many Final Fantasies are there for the PS2? how do you think you could actually get right now?

If you're willing to buy used I'm sure that extends the library quite a bit as well.

It's just a factor you have to consider. with the 360 if you want the good games they'll be a lot easier to get.

If I was choosing between the two I'd still go with the PS2 though. And this is from someone who isn't a fan of the dual shock.[/QUOTE]

For every hard to find PS2 games there are 3-4 easy to find good games. I mean you can get new FFX, X-2, and XII for under $20. also a lot of games are getting reprint with the recent 3 packs.
There is some truth to the whole "harder to find" problem for PS2 games.

That said, I agree that if you're willing to buy used or even pay a little "more" on ebay, you'll get a lot more bang for your gaming dollar.

I've resolved that the last gen will be my last for games -- but have concluded that I'll continue to build my collection for those consoles. My PS2 library is at 123 titles (99% of which were purchased new or in absolutely like-new condition) and I can see it getting to 150 before it'll be closed for good. There are AMAZING titles on this machine and with the tighter economics, slow-to-build user-base, and expensive development costs, it could very well be neither the 360 or PS3 ever get close to the variety, depth and numbers of games the PS2 received.

So, if you don't have either a PS2 or 360, and you just want to play some games and a lot of them, go with the PS2. By the time you expend your enthusiasm with the system, the 360 or PS3 might well be cheaper anyways.
Yes, there are plenty of PS2 games that you simply cannot find new anymore, but with the recent rash of 20% coupons at GS, there are plenty of great used purchases to make.
Hmm, I wonder if I should pick one of these up as a spare now that the PS3 is worthless for that :whistle2:/

This is the new model with integrated PSU I guess?
[quote name='Wolfpup']Hmm, I wonder if I should pick one of these up as a spare now that the PS3 is worthless for that :whistle2:/

This is the new model with integrated PSU I guess?[/quote]

If you have a vast library of PS2 games that you foresee yourself playing in the future and beyond, then yes and pick one up as a backup for full BC.

It's so much smaller and portable and use far less power than a PS3. It hardly generates any heat while a PS3 is almost good enough as a heater for winter use.

Yes. it's the latest slimmer & lighter model with a built-in PSU.
[quote name='Wolfpup']Hmm, I wonder if I should pick one of these up as a spare now that the PS3 is worthless for that :whistle2:/

This is the new model with integrated PSU I guess?[/quote]PS2 is not going anywhere. I'll bet that we see a price drop to $100 (and beyond) within a year, and the console will not become difficult to find for the foreseeable future. I wouldn't be too surprised if we see additional improvements to the hardware too. It's not time to stock up on backup units yet.
[quote name='Ryuukishi']PS2 is not going anywhere. I'll bet that we see a price drop to $100 (and beyond) within a year, and the console will not become difficult to find for the foreseeable future. It's not time to stock up on backup units yet.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, you're probably right. I'll rent the movie, and I probably wouldn't like the game (since I hated Lego Star Wars 2, and hated the demo for Lego Indiana Jones even more).

Plus...I want a different color system :D
bread's done