PlayStation 4 - General Discussion Thread

Overall, it was decent but as with MS, they showed way too many 3rd party games and too much time boasting about better graphics on the PS4, betas or in game content, none of which are all that substantial. 

I was hoping for more exclusives, since that's what made the PS3 worth owning but that might not be until 2015. 

Order 1886 looked great, really looking forward to that one.
As I said earlier, moving seamless between gameplay and cut scene tends to make the game annoying to me. Cut scenes are normally the time I put the controller down or just hold it and relax. Moving back and forth constantly sounds like a good way to annoy people.

Next-Gen Third Party games will make it worth it, and AC Unity is only available on Next Gen. Also while I know you're just implying the Xbox One isn't any better than the PS4 coming out of this conference makes me think differently.
What? I saw nothing on Xbox One that I wanted to play. I also saw no third party games I wanted that aren't already on my current consoles. I can play Dragon Age 3 for $60 or I can play it for $460. Hmmmm

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Did they show anything Drive Club related? Wonder why it didn't even get a mention or trailers. Seems really odd since it's supposed to be one of their big holiday releases.

Well damn it's going to be a glorious 2015, huh?

Cannot wait for MGS, Batman, Bloodborne, Kingdom Hearts, Uncharted 4, Witcher 3 but fuck me it's going to be one hell of a long wait. 

Screw the early adopters I guess right...

Hey we always have indies right guys?   :drool:

Last of Us and GTA V and Destiny will help fill the rest of the year I guess but damn am I dissapointed we don't have another AAA title to play this year.  Dragon Age, AC, and Far Cry will also help don't get me wrong. And No Mans Sky does looks cool as an indie game, I will give it that. 

Compared to MS, Sony blew the competition out of the water for my interests.  Only exclusive I have any interest in is the Halo Collection and even that pales to the epic list of PS4 games above. Any multiplatform console game will be better on PS4 so that's really irrelevant for generating interest in the XB1.  PS4 should be the dominating platform by a wide margin come the end of 2015.

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I give it a B, had to knock it a grade because the lull in the middle went on far too long.  The reason I grade it higher than Microsofts is there were a couple surprises in there with Little Big Planet 3 and Grim Fandango, also they showed more of Uncharted than Microsoft did of Halo 5.  Also far better indies, and really liked how Adam Boyes segment was streamed together with letters.  Man if they would have just not put the talking in there it could have been an A.

Sony had the better conference HANDS DOWNS!! They Stumbled a bit with layden but ended on a ridiculous high note. UC4, Bloodborne, White ps4, Batman, No mans Sky, LBP3, Grim Fandango, Vita TV. Good job Sony!!!

Well damn it's going to be a glorious 2015, huh?

Cannot wait for MGS, Batman, Bloodborne, Kingdom Hearts, Uncharted 4, Witcher 3 but fuck me it's going to be one hell of a long wait.

Screw the early adopters I guess right...

Hey we always have indies right guys? :drool:
It's the same as the Xbox 360 and PS3 launches if you remember. The Xbox 360 had nothing for a long time and the PS3 was nicknamed "Delaystation 3" because all it's games were delayed - some from "launch" to like 4 years later.

As someone that doesn't care for online multiplayer, most of the games shown on the Xbox One were not at all interesting and most of the games I care about that are single player aren't out until 2015 or are out on last gen also.

I never thought I'd say this but Nintendo might be able to "win" if they pull out the games.

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gta v coming ot ps4/x1/pc in nov
Guess it's not that surprising. I'm not all that excited for it anyway. It was a great game but I honestly don't have much of a desire to re-play it since a lot of the missions boiled down to the same ones that we've been doing since GTA3 and the whole 3 characters thing really didn't add much to the gameplay. I wish they had more of those planned missions, those were awesome.

As I said earlier, moving seamless between gameplay and cut scene tends to make the game annoying to me. Cut scenes are normally the time I put the controller down or just hold it and relax. Moving back and forth constantly sounds like a good way to annoy people.

What? I saw nothing on Xbox One that I wanted to play. I also saw no third party games I wanted that aren't already on my current consoles. I can play Dragon Age 3 for $60 or I can play it for $460. Hmmmm
For starters all of the third party games are going to look better on the PS4/Xbox One and run a lot better, they'll also have better integrated streaming/media features with both the Xbox One's and PS4's recording features. Secondly in the case of the Xbox One there's 3 strong holiday titles, you may not be interested in any of them but that doesn't mean you're the only one. Halo in itself is a very strongly selling franchise.

Finally as I mentioned above Assassin's Creed Unity is Next-Gen only and I'm sure some other games hold that same requirement.

Can we all agree that Arkham Knight is pretty much guaranteed to be fucking awesome? 

Hands down, the game of the show for me. I didn't think anything would come close to Sunset Overdrive but AK really blew me away. 

For starters all of the third party games are going to look better on the PS4/Xbox One and run a lot better, they'll also have better integrated streaming/media features with both the Xbox One's and PS4's recording features. Secondly in the case of the Xbox One there's 3 strong holiday titles, you may not be interested in any of them but that doesn't mean you're the only one. Halo in itself is a very strongly selling franchise.

Finally as I mentioned above Assassin's Creed Unity is Next-Gen only and I'm sure some other games hold that same requirement.
Did you really need to make the first point? Everyone on a gaming message board knows that new consoles have better graphics. Yes I like graphics but No they aren't worth $400 to me. I'm a console gamer, not a PC gamer.

As for your second point, again, no fucking kidding I'm not "the only one". Everyone here is expressing THEIR opinions and MY opinion is that the stuff coming out on Xbox one is shit. Not a racing fan, not a fighting game fan, not an online multiplayer guy. Not a Halo fan - tried Halo 3 and hated it. I like plenty of other FPS's, third person shooters, RPG's, JRPG's, art games, and others. The games that Microsoft is putting out right now are of zero interest to me. I liked Gears and Alan Wake, they were no shows on the Xbox One and I liked Fable but they ruined it with online multiplayer which I don't care for. Maybe I'm turning into a crotchety old man but Microsoft's offerings were unappealing.

As for ass creed, I gave a couple of them a try and didn't care for it (or Farcry 3).

I think my issue is that I find joy in all games lol.

Guess that's why I have a 3ds,Vita,ps3/4, and 360/X1, and I'm building a PC.

i guess im getting ps4 tommow i can't pass up this new trade in deal from gamestop get 300 bucks for my ps3/360. Should at least get 200 with all the games i have no brainer.

Rewatched The Order trailer and I love really the atmosphere but Im worried about the gameplay with that one. LBP 3 is day one for me, I always have a blast playing that with friends. Great surprise. The white PS4 was also unexpected, Im tempted to upgrade from my black one.

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I thought the conference was pretty good actually.  The middle portion dragged on too much (fuck that Powers show) but UC4, Batman, No Man's Sky, Destiny, LBP 3, TLOU remaster, GTA V all looked really good.  Better than MS's lineup of Halo and Sunset (which I think looked like a bust)

I would give it a B+.

I think the biggest thing Sony has going for it right now is its Indie developers... and they knocked it out of the park.  No Man's Sky looks absolutely awesome.  They are cheap, and there are gems that are there.  Easy to just throw a ton at the screen and see what sticks.

They continue to use PS+ as a weapon - good for them.  (I may not care about Powers, but it is free!)  
I am interested in Kingdom Under Fire also.  Free to Play...  Eh...  

The other titles - Eh, whatever.  Most will end up on multiple platforms.  LBP3 - good.  

Vita - It sort of made me laugh... basically - "This is your portable PS4!"
Leydan was tough, but was given a tough sell...  Not his fault.  PSNow needs to be offered at a cheap price.  GameFly is the competition.

All in all, I saw what I wanted to see.  A steady stream of games that I can play.  I don't care if they are AAA or not...  I just want to have fun.  :)  


Sony C-

Microsoft C-

Both of them showed little of new announced games (Besides indies). It was all, yes we know this is coming out, or in the case of stuff like the new Ass creed, we still know it's coming out even though it's unannounced. Nothing of both conferences made my jaw drop, it was all yeah this looks cool but that's it.

The only reason they did not get lower is no goddamn kinect/ps camera demos of how the system is casual.

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Off topic...  Powers might be good...  but man...  when you are not a public speaker, you can really kill your product.  That guy was TERRIBLE.  Hire a good speaker... build momentum... ugh...

Can we all agree that Arkham Knight is pretty much guaranteed to be fucking awesome?

Hands down, the game of the show for me. I didn't think anything would come close to Sunset Overdrive but AK really blew me away.
I completely agree, this was the one game where I was blurting out "holy shit" every 10 seconds. Game looks freaking amazing! It blew me away and I really hope the gameplay trailer is truly a representation of the finished product (please no Watch Dogs shenanigans).

Most impressive next gen game I've seen in motion thus far. Although the MGS cinematic was also very impressive.

Off topic... Powers might be good... but man... when you are not a public speaker, you can really kill your product. That guy was TERRIBLE. Hire a good speaker... build momentum... ugh...
Does seem like it could be cool.

We really don't have a super heros dying kind of thing.

The graphics look insane. Also, Drake gonna die, lol


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No resident evil or silent hill game coming out
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Taken from GAF:

Rundown of both pressers, should be accurate. Bolded are "new" announcements (some were leaked).

Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare - gameplay
Forza Horizon 2 - trailer, exclusive
Evolve - trailer
Assassin's Creed Unity - gameplay
Dragon Age: Inquisition - trailer
Sunset Overdrive - gameplay, exclusive
Dead Rising 3 DLC - announcement trailer
Fantasia Music Evolved
Dance Central: Spotlight - announcement, exclusive
Fable Legends - gameplay, exclusive
Project Spark - trailer, exclusive
Ori and the Blind Forest - announcement, gameplay trailer, exclusive
Halo The Master Chief Collection - lots of stuff, exclusive
Halo 5: Guardians, exclusive
Inside - gameplay announcement trailer, exclusive
Indie Reel
Rise of the Tomb Raider - announcement trailer
The Witcher 3 - gameplay
Phantom Dust - CG announcement trailer, exclusive
The Division - gameplay
Scalebound - CG announcement trailer, exclusive
Crackdown - CG announcement trailer, exclusive

Destiny - trailer
The Order 1886 - gameplay, exclusive
Entwined - announcement, gameplay, exclusive
Infamous DLC - announcement trailer
LittleBigPlanet 3 - announcement, gameplay, exclusive
Bloodborne - CG announcement trailer, exclusive
Far Cry 4 - gameplay
Dead Island 2 - CG trailer
Magicka 2 - announcement trailer, exclusive
Grim Fandango remaster - announcement, exclusive
Indie Reel
Let It Die - live action announcement trailer, exclusive
Abzu - announcement trailer
No Man's Sky - gameplay
Mortal Kombat X - gameplay
The Last of Us remaster
Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain - trailer
GTAV remaster - announcement trailer
Batman: Arkham Knight - gameplay
Uncharted 4: A Thief's End - announcement trailer


I think both were basically a wash in terms of game content, Sony just kind of killed their momentum with non-game talk in the middle.
knack or second son to go along with mlb 14 ? i know i love second son so i think i will get that
Infamous and Assssin's Creed (which you might have already played) are probably your best bet for a quality experience. That and MGS if you are a big fan of the series.

After those games and MLB there is a huge drop in quality. Like "I would never bother playing this on my PS3/360" quality. Life of an early adopter.

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Sony's conference was okay for me, I'm okay with seeing more footage of upcoming games. I'm still happy with the hardline beta and Destiny alpha for PS4 owners this week. At least we have something new to play with after the conferences.

Edit: Also PS Now beta for those who visit the E3 PS4 app. Already got mines last month.

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Speaking of infamous, anyone interested in the DLC? I always wanted to play as Fetch haha
I am, I'm way interested in getting back into that world, had so much fun with that game.

Edit: I just hope it's better than Blood Festival, which was okay, but pretty short.

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this made the show for me

and for 100$ a gaming system for my son for his room in PS TV as he mostly plays Vita and PS1 games.

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Hey look! right from sony!

The Half-Breeds are many, its different species having evolved in their own rights, becoming a formidable and deadly threat to humanity’s dominance. One species in particular has taken dominion over the lands of Northern Europe and has threatened the rule of man for centuries. Lycan was the name given by humans to the species of Half-Breeds that acquired certain lupine and feline traits. Upon seeing them, people equated their looks to the myth and legends of werewolves that had been retold from generation to generation

bread's done