PlayStation 4 - General Discussion Thread

after playing and platting CoD: Ghosts and BF4\, KZs campaign is awesome comparably. cant wait to play the MP which i hear actually works compared to BF4 thats a broken mess!

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Welp, Im noticing some flaking/peeling on my left analog stick. Its not nearly as bad as some of the pictures others have posted, but its still annoying. :(

after playing and platting CoD: Ghosts and BF4\, KZs campaign is awesome comparably. cant wait to play the MP which i hear actually works compared to BF4 thats a broken mess!
Same here, I finished all three campaigns and Shadow Fall was way more enjoyable for me. The MP is really fun too, its not groundbreaking but I always have a good time when playing. I love BF's MP and it will always be my go to, but that shit is just a mess right now.

Eh, I loved the game, but once I finished it, felt done. I have no urge to go back to it.

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Yeah, this feels more like a cash-in by SE because it did sooooooooooo poorly. . .

At least it's somewhat justified to recoup R&D for PS4.

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I do admit if the highly rumored next gen port of GTA V happens anytime soon I'll buy it, still haven't gotten into that game with so much else on my plate.

I'm in the same boat and I'm not sure when I'll get to it; maybe never lol.  I should've known better than to buy it right away because GTA has actually grown stale for me as a franchise.  The whole sandbox, so many things to do is nice but the core gameplay is still the same it was a decade ago.  Technically they always impress but gameplay > graphics.

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Yeah, this feels more like a cash-in by SE because it did sooooooooooo poorly. . .

At least it's somewhat justified to recoup R&D for PS4.
Its 100 percent cash in. I will say I loved the game and sucks it did not do well. But I would think they are making another one.
I'm in the same boat and I'm not sure when I'll get to it; maybe never lol. I should've known better than to buy it right away because GTA has actually grown stale for me as a franchise. The whole sandbox, so many things to do is nice but the core gameplay is still the same it was a decade ago. Technically they always impress but gameplay > graphics.
Yes the type of game is same but gamplay is leaps ahead then past gta games. To me the story was just avg and worse then 4. The shooting is like mp3 which is good. The online thing is the most disappointing thing about game they have yet to put in a lot of things they showed in first online trailer.
Eh, I loved the game, but once I finished it, felt done. I have no urge to go back to it.
Same here. I got it from Redbox loved the crap out of it but feel no need to play it again. I bought a copy from gamefly for $10 just to have in case i ever got that urge again so i'll probably pass on this

I'll rebuy & replay(especially if trophy lists are separate), but not at $60. I'll grab it when it drops to $20, which should happen within those first 2-3 months.

I mean, it's not like I'm going to have much else to play for the next 6+ months.
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Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition announced for PS4 and Xbone on 1/28.

I'm actually looking forward to this. I only rushed through the campaign before the PS4 arrived and have since traded in my PS3 and games. I would definitely like to give this game a closer look especially if a sequel is coming for next gen.
Good luck with selling a $60 game that can be purchased on the PC for $10.

It would have been much better if they made it for launch.

I cancelled my PS4 preorder a week before launch, told myself there wasn't really anything I would be interested in playing. I gave in and bought one on monday. So far I've played two matches in Warframe, while I wait about two weeks for gamefly to send me Battlefield 4.

Why did I buy a PS4!?

I'm in the same boat and I'm not sure when I'll get to it; maybe never lol. I should've known better than to buy it right away because GTA has actually grown stale for me as a franchise. The whole sandbox, so many things to do is nice but the core gameplay is still the same it was a decade ago. Technically they always impress but gameplay > graphics.
I agree. GTA has amazing storytelling but the core gameplay is kinda getting stale. I still haven't finished GTA V yet.

Also Battlefield 4 is still broken. Finish a game, stays in the black screen until I close the game again. Hoping for a fix.

I cancelled my PS4 preorder a week before launch, told myself there wasn't really anything I would be interested in playing. I gave in and bought one on monday. So far I've played two matches in Warframe, while I wait about two weeks for gamefly to send me Battlefield 4.

Why did I buy a PS4!?
because youaresmart?

I cancelled my PS4 preorder a week before launch, told myself there wasn't really anything I would be interested in playing. I gave in and bought one on monday. So far I've played two matches in Warframe, while I wait about two weeks for gamefly to send me Battlefield 4.

Why did I buy a PS4!?

Two weeks? I signed up for Gamefly about 4 days ago and battlefield 4 is on its way and it's already going to be here Monday.
I was not sure I wanted to play a game like AC4BF, but I decided to pop it in and give it a try.  I am hooked.  I am playing that and NFS rivals pretty much exclusively now.  I finished Contrast over the weekend (100%)...  In between I have been beating old PS games with my son (most recently I've completed Spyro 1 2 and 3 and now he wants me to beat Crash Bandicoot, which I hate)...

I have BF4, Killzone, Lego Marvel Super Heroes, and Knack for PS4 as well.  And I picked up GTA5, thought I think I am just going to sell that game - I am not interested in it at all.  It's just so boring.

AC4 is definitely a refreshing change of pace.  Not what I expected at all.

With BF4's servers still a mess I'm pretty much gonna play Black Flag exclusively till Infamous Second Son and Watch Dogs comes out. Destiny getting pushed back till September is a big bummer.

Of course, I haven't even turned on my PS4 in a week. I got the Last of Us for Black Friday and am trying to blast through that to trade it in, like 80% through.
Welp, Im noticing some flaking/peeling on my left analog stick. Its not nearly as bad as some of the pictures others have posted, but its still annoying. :(
This is one of the reasons why I've held off on buying a PS4. Did they really not test these controllers out? I'm a little shocked.
I don't know what you all are doing to your controllers to have peeling..  LOL...  Maybe that's why I suck at FPS online...  I don't mash the controllers hard enough.  Even my launch day PS3 sixaxis controller is in perfect condition.

I don't know what you all are doing to your controllers to have peeling.. LOL... Maybe that's why I suck at FPS online... I don't mash the controllers hard enough. Even my launch day PS3 sixaxis controller is in perfect condition.
That said, I would think the warranty covers it, no?

I don't know what you all are doing to your controllers to have peeling.. LOL... Maybe that's why I suck at FPS online... I don't mash the controllers hard enough. Even my launch day PS3 sixaxis controller is in perfect condition.
Im not mishandling the controller at all, the peeling happened from what I would call normal use. Both my DS3's are in prsitine contition so I know how to take care of my things. I posted a pic (sorry for the quality I used my ipad) its not as bad as some other users, and I kinda made it worse by picking at it LOL


Looks sorta like someone dug their nail into it now. I might look into the warranty cause Im sure it will only get worse over time.

I've seen little black flakes from my DS4, but the tops look fine. It appears, at least on mine, that the rubber coating may be on the stem/stick part and is rubbing off when in use (i.e. lots of circular motions while playing Injustice). It hasn't happened in awhile for me, so I assume what ever excess rubber coating I had on the stem part has rubbed off.

Anyone know of an accurate test for ping and stuff that works on ps4 browser?   I ordered a pair of powerline adapters and want to do a comparison of my current setup which is wifi via a dd-wrt bridge.   

I got the same tearing/peeling on my controller as well. It is very minor, but I have hardly used it much and I also alternate between the 2 controllers I have.  And it will only get worse.

What is the warranty on them? 90days? or 1 year?

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I got the same tearing/peeling on my controller as well. It is very minor, but I have hardly used it much and I also alternate between the 2 controllers I have. And it will only get worse.

What is the warranty on them? 90days? or 1 year?
You get a 1 year warranty from Sony, controllers should be covered. Im not sure how they will handle mine though since its not that messed up yet. I did contact Amazon and they gave me some credit toward the purchase of a new one.

I have to give credit, I've been playing BF4 since I got home from work and the servers are actually better.  Too bad it doesnt imrpove my skill level much haha

Wow going back to play ps3 makes the ps3 feel like a piece of shit.   5 minutes before I can even play nhl 14?   If it wasn't for the media features and ps+ games I would sell it

Lol, I love how M$ is trying to spin numbers and say they're the fastest selling console ever.  Classic tortoise and hare race scenario where they're averaging units sold in the US ONLY per day to beat out what Sony has sold because they're sold out.  Sorry M$ that's not how fastest selling works, especially when you're not even sold out.

Anyone here using HDMI Link able to figure out how to get their TV remote to work inside Apps? My remote works fine in the home screen, but once I go into Netflix it no longer recognizes it. I have the same issue with the PS3, not that it's a huge deal.

So when I did the update last night the console wouldn't recognize any discs. I had to turn it off and back on and then it did. Combine that with having to delete and reinstall Knack every time I want to play it and this PS4 thing seems pretty wonky to me. So I go back to my stable PS3 and play that more often than not.
Anyone here using HDMI Link able to figure out how to get their TV remote to work inside Apps? My remote works fine in the home screen, but once I go into Netflix it no longer recognizes it. I have the same issue with the PS3, not that it's a huge deal.
HDMI links suck. It's a great cable for 1080p delivery but those linking systems are bad. I was having a lot of weird issues with my equipment and none of it seemed like it could be related to the link (such as my stand alone Blu Ray player playback stuttering or crashing). I went through and turned that link feature off on all my equipment and suddenly everything worked flawlessly.
Has anyone had problems with their console not displaying when your tv/monitor is in sleep mode? Both my monitor and tv go to sleep for a second before it reads a signal. After that it just flickers from black to grey and refuses to show a picture. I assume its something that could be fixed with an update but its pretty irritating it doesnt work.

So when I did the update last night the console wouldn't recognize any discs. I had to turn it off and back on and then it did. Combine that with having to delete and reinstall Knack every time I want to play it and this PS4 thing seems pretty wonky to me. So I go back to my stable PS3 and play that more often than not.
I have seen several people say they have had problems with Knack, all the Sony guys at IGN have given up playing Knack because of how many times they have had Knack freeze, and how many times they have had to uninstall reinstall... I have not played Kncak nor do I own it. Have not had a single issue with my system, it has never Frozen, never flickered, never anything!

The one complaint I have that has been frustrating is more software than hardware. Whenever I use share on Ea sports games, it logs me out of the server and if I am playing an online mode it kicks me out of the game. Have missed two opportunities on amazing plays to share the video, was really sad!

I have seen several people say they have had problems with Knack, all the Sony guys at IGN have given up playing Knack because of how many times they have had Knack freeze, and how many times they have had to uninstall reinstall... I have not played Kncak nor do I own it. Have not had a single issue with my system, it has never Frozen, never flickered, never anything!

The one complaint I have that has been frustrating is more software than hardware. Whenever I use share on Ea sports games, it logs me out of the server and if I am playing an online mode it kicks me out of the game. Have missed two opportunities on amazing plays to share the video, was really sad!
Knack was the first game I finished and never had a single crash. I had some minor problems with CoD and BF4, but other than that the system has been solid.

I have seen several people say they have had problems with Knack, all the Sony guys at IGN have given up playing Knack because of how many times they have had Knack freeze, and how many times they have had to uninstall reinstall... I have not played Kncak nor do I own it. Have not had a single issue with my system, it has never Frozen, never flickered, never anything!

The one complaint I have that has been frustrating is more software than hardware. Whenever I use share on Ea sports games, it logs me out of the server and if I am playing an online mode it kicks me out of the game. Have missed two opportunities on amazing plays to share the video, was really sad!
I heard a week or so back that it could be tied to the share button. Not sure if it was taking pics or video, but seemed like the reason Knack was freezing or crashing was because of that. Not sure if they fixed it or not. Currently playing it (about halfway through I think) and haven't run into a single issue.

bread's done