PlayStation 4 - General Discussion Thread

Is the Amazon B1G1 only if you already preordered a game there before it started?

Never hudge a system by demo unit. They are almost always broken. that's what you get when the heat has nowhere to go
I don't understand why they don't add like a fan to the demo stations to get rid of the hot air.

Is the Amazon B1G1 only if you already preordered a game there before it started?
Yes, a conversation with a rep confirmed you needed to have pre-ordered at least one launch title before 11/9. The reasoning being to accommodate anyone that bought a game that already shipped. Obviously they wouldn't be able to partake in the B2G1 on Tuesday if the game was already en route, so this was the workaround.

Weighing my chances of someone trying to rob me on Thursday night when I try to pick my PS4 up. my store has 30 preorders including mine I went to the borderlands one and had no troubles but I know stupid people will come there just to try to get one.  

Ha nice. I don't know why, but one day Taco Bell just suddenly disgusted me. Not in taste, but just the thought of eating that garbage turned me off from ever going there again.
I try to stay away.

Wendys, and KFC wit the Potato Wedges is what kills me.

So everyone is worried about the Kinect recording you but now we have confirmation Sony reserves the right to actually record you.

"Any information collected in this way, for example, your UGM, the content of your voice and text communications, video of your gameplay, the time and location of your activities, and your name, your PSN Online ID and IP address, may be used by us or our affiliated companies to enforce these Terms and the SEN Terms of Service, to comply with the law, to protect our rights and those of our licensors and users, and to protect the personal safety of our employees and users. This information may be passed to the police or other appropriate authorities. By accepting these Software Usage Terms, you expressly consent to this."

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So everyone is worried about the Kinect recording you but now we have confirmation Sony reserves the right to actually record you.

"Any information collected in this way, for example, your UGM, the content of your voice and text communications, video of your gameplay, the time and location of your activities, and your name, your PSN Online ID and IP address, may be used by us or our affiliated companies to enforce these Terms and the SEN Terms of Service, to comply with the law, to protect our rights and those of our licensors and users, and to protect the personal safety of our employees and users. This information may be passed to the police or other appropriate authorities. By accepting these Software Usage Terms, you expressly consent to this."
Didn't care about it happening on the Xbox, don't care about it now. Nothing worth watching on my end.

Didn't care about it happening on the Xbox, don't care about it now. Nothing worth watching on my end.
Agreed I don't mind since I am not doing anything wrong but MS ate a crap sandwich for all this and Sony sneaks it in 4 days before launch. I am sure there will be the defenders though.

For anyone who has a ps3 but no hdmi slots left for ps4 consider works good for me.  Also their switches work pretty well.  Finally anyone have opinions on whether or not i should switch on the 5ghz feature of my router if the ps4 is only thing that supports it and its on opposite side of house where signal might not even reach?   I have a 2.4ghz client bridge setup also so all i would have to do is plug in an ethernet cable to it and be good to go and not have to type in my 64 digit passphrase. 

Agreed I don't mind since I am not doing anything wrong but MS ate a crap sandwich for all this and Sony sneaks it in 4 days before launch. I am sure there will be the defenders though.
A big concern for this on the XBox One was the required installation of the Kinect. It is easier to justify keeping a webcam around when you have the option of unplugging it. A camera that isn't connected to a computer or an internet feed isn't going to be transmitting anything. When the Kinect was a required component for the console to even run, it made it impossible to remove the Kinect while playing games.

Of course, I find it difficult to understand why this would bother most people. I personally don't do anything embarrassing while I'm playing games. I pretty much sit in my chair with a controller, and that's it. And if you are that obsessed with maintaining privacy, there's always the option of yanking the power cord on the whole thing. Your XBox One won't be spying on you when it doesn't have electricity.

The current development from Sony is just boilerplate. The same conditions hold true for just about every remote service in existence. Your cellular phone has the same conditions. Everything you say or type on-line can and often is recorded somewhere. PS4, XBox One, PC, there is no difference when it comes to this.

People need to stop assuming that on-line anonymity exists. Any digital footprint leaves records that can be traced. It's just a consequence of being on the grid.

Yes, a conversation with a rep confirmed you needed to have pre-ordered at least one launch title before 11/9. The reasoning being to accommodate anyone that bought a game that already shipped. Obviously they wouldn't be able to partake in the B2G1 on Tuesday if the game was already en route, so this was the workaround.
Well, I feel sort of dumb. I had Knack preordered with Amazon, then cancelled it to get in on the "buy $50/$10 off" PSN sale... :whistle2:(

Sweet got a 15 foot micro usb cable for my controller and 3 adaptor cables for my turtle beach headset for $6.74  shipped on monoprice.   Don't waste money at best buy people on stuff like this

PS4 game installs can be playable in tens of seconds – report
PlayStation 4 installs are mandatory, but you could be playing the game almost immediately after whacking the disc in.


Although install times will vary from game to game, lead system architect Mark Cerny told Kotaku that Knack, the game he created for launch, is playable “tens of seconds” after beginning the install.

Speaking to Polygon, Guerrilla Games managing director Hermen Hulst said that Killzone Shadow Fall takes less than three minutes to get started after you insert the disc – 2 minutes 44 seconds, in fact, including introductory cinematic and profile creation.

“The experience when you have a disc and you put it in the PlayStation 4 is so much more seamless compared to that of current-gen gaming. There’s no more loading screens between levels, and I think that’s a massive technical achievement. When we commenced this project, we actually weren’t convinced it was going to be possible,” he said.

Cerny gave Kotaku an overview of how the system works PS4 review event in New York last night. The PS4 begins caching a disc as soon as you put it in the console, saving a varying amount of data to the hard drive. When this amount is smallish, as with Knack, you can leap in to playing really quickly – and as you do, the console will continue with the rest of the install, for parts of the game you’re not ready for yet.

Knack’s mandatory install is 37GB; this is noted on the game’s box. When you buy a new game you should check the figure against your available HDD space and consider if you have any older games you might like to uninstall; the PS4 won’t auto-delete old install data, a decision Cerny says Sony made consciously.

Installs mean games will load faster, reducing wait times, Cerny said, and the console is not designed to stream off discs.

The PS4 launches on November 15 in North America, and in Europe and beyond on November 29.

just got a text from Gamestop that says fifa will be in tommorow. yay. Gamestop better not screw me over on the console. Been told a million times they'll have mine at midnight
A big concern for this on the XBox One was the required installation of the Kinect. It is easier to justify keeping a webcam around when you have the option of unplugging it. A camera that isn't connected to a computer or an internet feed isn't going to be transmitting anything. When the Kinect was a required component for the console to even run, it made it impossible to remove the Kinect while playing games.

Of course, I find it difficult to understand why this would bother most people. I personally don't do anything embarrassing while I'm playing games. I pretty much sit in my chair with a controller, and that's it. And if you are that obsessed with maintaining privacy, there's always the option of yanking the power cord on the whole thing. Your XBox One won't be spying on you when it doesn't have electricity.

The current development from Sony is just boilerplate. The same conditions hold true for just about every remote service in existence. Your cellular phone has the same conditions. Everything you say or type on-line can and often is recorded somewhere. PS4, XBox One, PC, there is no difference when it comes to this.

People need to stop assuming that on-line anonymity exists. Any digital footprint leaves records that can be traced. It's just a consequence of being on the grid.
Totally agree.

Besides, unless you are streaming a murder in your house, or making bombs, you have nothing to worry about in the first place.
Totally agree.

Besides, unless you are streaming a murder in your house, or making bombs, you have nothing to worry about in the first place.
I have nothing to hide doesn't mean it's ethical for them to look. That being said kinect spying on me is the very last thing in the world i'm afraid of. If anything they'll keep a log of your voice searches and feed you ads. That reminds me does the new playstation os have ads on it? That's one thing I hated about the 360 dashboard. 90% of it was a waste of space or ads

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I have nothing to hide doesn't mean it's ethical for them to look. That being said kinect spying on me is the very last thing in the world i'm afraid of. If anything they'll keep a log of your voice searches and feed you ads. That reminds me does the new playstation os have ads on it? That's one thing I hated about the 360 dashboard. 90% of it was a waste of space or ads
Won't know till we get our hands on it, but I presume the ads will be in the same place as it was on the PS3.
Won't know till we get our hands on it, but I presume the ads will be in the same place as it was on the PS3.
So a little tiny bar of scrolling text by the clock and completely ignorable like on the ps3? If so great. I wonder how open the os is say compared to android. Like if someone wanted to release an app on the market place that was to remove all the ads throughout the entire ps4 if it would be allowed.

Nine Cool Facts About The PS4's Interface

We watched the PlayStation 4's interface in action this morning at Sony's big review event, and we got to see some of the cool little hardware quirks that make this system really feel next-gen.

Seriously. For a while I've been skeptical about these new machines, but once you see the PS4's interface in action, that old PS3 UI will start to feel pretty damn obsolete. (Keep in mind that these are all hands-off impressions, but we've got the system in our office and we'll have tons of coverage throughout the week, including a full review on Wednesday at 9am Eastern.)

Straight from my notebook, here are a few cool things you should know about the PS4's interface:

You can have two groups of PSN friends: regular friends and "true" friends. To be true friends, or BFFs, you both have to agree. Regular friends will just show up on your lists and games by their handles, but the machine will display true friends' real names, so you don't have to keep remembering that SexCowboy77 is actually Kirk Hamilton.1

Multitasking is super-easy. If you double-tap the PlayStation button on the DualShock 4, you'll swap between your last two applications. So if you play a game, then pause to look at your friends list, it's easy to switch back to where you left off. No saving required. This is the future!

There's a whole hub for broadcasting. This is a system built for sharing and streaming—Sony's so into this stuff that they even put a share button on the controller. The PS4 will automatically record up to 15 minutes of your gameplay, and you can edit/trim that footage using a snappy interface that seems to work well. (We didn't get our hands on it, but we'll have more definitive thoughts when we do.) You can also broadcast live gameplay on Twitch or Ustream, and you can search for keywords on the system's broadcast hub to see what people are sharing at any given moment. This could be big.

The homepage shows what your friends are doing. You'll see things like "Stephen just started streaming Knack" or "Evan is playing Killzone: Shadow Fall." You can interact with your friends from that page.2

As you download a game, you can start playing it almost immediately. It'll take a minute or two for the system to install enough data for you to start a game, but you won't have to wait for the software to download completely—which is good, because these games are big. Different games will allow you to prioritize based on how you want to play while they download—Call of Duty: Ghosts, for example, will let you choose whether you want to start playing single- or multi-player, and then you'll download the bits accordingly.3

Playing as a guest will let you sign in on other peoples' PS4s. You can just choose "play as guest" and sign in on your own account. It'll automatically wipe all of your data when you're done with the machine.4

You can watch Netflix without a PlayStation Plus subscription. Okay, so this isn't a fun fact about the UI, and really, we already knew this would be the case, but it's pretty damn cool that Sony isn't locking this stuff behind a paywall. On Xbox One, just like on the 360, you'll need Xbox Live Gold to use Netflix and other media services.567

The machine is designed to stay in stand-by mode. And it'll charge your DualShock 4 while it's resting. FINALLY.8

The PS4 is shaped like a parallelogram. Not a rhombus. Just FYI.9

Nine Cool Facts About The PS4's Interface


We watched the PlayStation 4's interface in action this morning at Sony's big review event, and we got to see some of the cool little hardware quirks that make this system really feel next-gen.

Seriously. For a while I've been skeptical about these new machines, but once you see the PS4's interface in action, that old PS3 UI will start to feel pretty damn obsolete. (Keep in mind that these are all hands-off impressions, but we've got the system in our office and we'll have tons of coverage throughout the week, including a full review on Wednesday at 9am Eastern.)

Straight from my notebook, here are a few cool things you should know about the PS4's interface:

You can have two groups of PSN friends: regular friends and "true" friends. To be true friends, or BFFs, you both have to agree. Regular friends will just show up on your lists and games by their handles, but the machine will display true friends' real names, so you don't have to keep remembering that SexCowboy77 is actually Kirk Hamilton.1

Multitasking is super-easy. If you double-tap the PlayStation button on the DualShock 4, you'll swap between your last two applications. So if you play a game, then pause to look at your friends list, it's easy to switch back to where you left off. No saving required. This is the future!

There's a whole hub for broadcasting. This is a system built for sharing and streaming—Sony's so into this stuff that they even put a share button on the controller. The PS4 will automatically record up to 15 minutes of your gameplay, and you can edit/trim that footage using a snappy interface that seems to work well. (We didn't get our hands on it, but we'll have more definitive thoughts when we do.) You can also broadcast live gameplay on Twitch or Ustream, and you can search for keywords on the system's broadcast hub to see what people are sharing at any given moment. This could be big.

The homepage shows what your friends are doing. You'll see things like "Stephen just started streaming Knack" or "Evan is playing Killzone: Shadow Fall." You can interact with your friends from that page.2

As you download a game, you can start playing it almost immediately. It'll take a minute or two for the system to install enough data for you to start a game, but you won't have to wait for the software to download completely—which is good, because these games are big. Different games will allow you to prioritize based on how you want to play while they download—Call of Duty: Ghosts, for example, will let you choose whether you want to start playing single- or multi-player, and then you'll download the bits accordingly.3

Playing as a guest will let you sign in on other peoples' PS4s. You can just choose "play as guest" and sign in on your own account. It'll automatically wipe all of your data when you're done with the machine.4

You can watch Netflix without a PlayStation Plus subscription. Okay, so this isn't a fun fact about the UI, and really, we already knew this would be the case, but it's pretty damn cool that Sony isn't locking this stuff behind a paywall. On Xbox One, just like on the 360, you'll need Xbox Live Gold to use Netflix and other media services.567

The machine is designed to stay in stand-by mode. And it'll charge your DualShock 4 while it's resting. FINALLY.8

The PS4 is shaped like a parallelogram. Not a rhombus. Just FYI.9
I actually don't really want to see any screenshots of the thing tbh. I kinda just want to go in a blank slate to the os. The geek inside me went crazy though when I found out it was based off of freebsd

PS4 versions of Don’t Starve & The Binding of Isaac free on PS Plus at their launch
PlayStation Plus subscribers can look forward to free PS4 downloads of indie sensations Don’t Starve from Klei Entertainment and The Binding of Isaac from Team Meat when both games launch. Fancy that.

It comes from a Sony event in New York, during which the PS4 interface was shown in full. Check it out through the link.

Joystiq reports that Don’t Starve should launch, “early January,” and will be free on PS Plus at day one. A rep also said, “A Vita native version with cross-save is coming a couple months after the PS4 version,” and that both the PC and PS4 builds will receive parallel updates from a certain point.

Meanwhile, The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth is said to launch early 2014 on PS4, Steam and PS Vita. It is also said to be launching for free on PS Plus, but we’d hold out for confirmation of this first.

What do you think? Will you check them both out?

PS4 launches November 15 and November 29 in the US and Europe/UK respectively.

Damn, that seems like a lot for one store. I wonder how many Sony managed to manufacture before launch.

It does.

I'm no professional or anything, but as far as production is concerned, it seems like Sony was much better prepared than MS(supposedly smaller number available at launch, launching in far less territories). I guess only time will tell.

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I purchased that HDD a few pages back. I will let you know how it goes. I think IGN is posting a video of chaning out the HDD today or tomorrow. I hope its as easy as the PS3. Those game installs are so big I now think I should have got 2TB instead of 1.

the gamestop i reserved mine at only got 30 ps4's. every single one is reserved.
Damn mine better get more than that. Apparently I was the 39th person to preorder awhile back. They keep promising me it will be in on Friday though. For some reason I don't trust them. Anyway what's good on the ps store day one? I just got a $10 gift card for psn by cashing in credit card rewards points

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We'll, they're projecting 3 million PS4's sold in 2013. I'd guess at least 2 million-ish are probaby ready for launch, if not more, since they've had months to produce them, and only 6 weeks left in 2013 after launch.
And from pictures the boxes look super small so that they can fit a ton in storage. But 3 million in a month and a half seems like a lot

So far ive seen Killzone, CoD Ghosts, Madden, and Fifa used at Gamestop.  My only guess is that they were all stolen as obviously the people havent beaten the games and gotten tired of them.

So far ive seen Killzone, CoD Ghosts, Madden, and Fifa used at Gamestop. My only guess is that they were all stolen as obviously the people havent beaten the games and gotten tired of them.
Or people got in on the amazon deal bought duplicate copies and sold one. Or the employees got them early and couldn't sell them new?

Anyway what's good on the ps store day one? I just got a $10 gift card for psn by cashing in credit card rewards points
You should be getting another $10 in PSN credit in the PS4 box. Along with 30 day PS+ trial (stacks) and a Music Unlimited trial.

Resogun + Contrast are free for PS+, so you shouldn't need to spend the $20 credit right away. PSN wallet never expires, but codes to redeem credit do expire, so use the codes.

But if you want to spend on something, here is the full line up I think:

Trine 2: The Complete Story would be something I could recommend since I've played Trine 2. Good side scroll co-op (or single player) puzzle+combat game.

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You should be getting another $10 in PSN credit in the PS4 box. Along with 30 day PS+ trial (stacks) and a Music Unlimited trial.

Resogun + Contrast are free for PS+, so you shouldn't need to spend the $20 credit right away. PSN wallet never expires, but codes to redeem credit do expire, so use the codes.

But if you want to spend on something, here is the full line up I think:

Trine 2: The Complete Story would be something I could recommend since I've played Trine 2. Good side scroll co-op (or single player) puzzle+combat game.
cool thanks. looks like i'll be holding onto my credit for awhile

Did you bother touching the unit? I had an interesting moment when I moved the display unit, and realized it was an empty plastic model (lol). That means they either had a demo/debug unit hidden behind the wall somewhere or an equivalent machine hidden in the wall, since the controller was protruding from the wall.
No, it was inside a white box. Definitely made me think it was unfinished hardware.

Never hudge a system by demo unit. They are almost always broken. that's what you get when the heat has nowhere to go
I don't, but it was a stark contrast to the exciting Xbox One demo display at the MS store. Though I couldn't care less about playing Killer Instinct.

bread's done