PlayStation 4 - General Discussion Thread

I posted about this in the trophy section, was wondering if anyone wanted to trohpy boost FIFA on PS4?  Need to start and online co-op season, and start and win a game in FIFA pro clubs?  If anyone is interested add me on PSN and we can try and do it.  I am usually on on Monday nights, want to get it done tonight so I can start to finish off for platinum...

do these people know that this system will be out for next 7 years? this is just as bad as the idiots you get on black friday going crazy over not so great deals.
I went to Walmart (24 hr) at 4 PM in preparation for the 6 PM black friday event at which they would have PS4. I was able to get a wrist band for one of 6 PS4s. Instead of hanging around, I was allowed to go home, enjoy TG dessert and come back.

The effing lines were unreal. The chaos was real, but Walmart - to their credit - was fairly organized. Aside from the random woman who was pissed that she got there right at 6 and had to wait in a line to get what she wanted, it was uneventful.

Though, I could feel the piercing stares as I walked out of the store. I had to get in line at the Pharmacy counter, which in my Super Walmart is located in the back of the store. That was a pretty intimidating walk.

I wanted to look for other stuff (like games and PS+ cards) and I thought about leaving the PS4 in my truck and going back in. But after that walk out, and the amount of people in the parking lot, I thought better of it.

I posted about this in the trophy section, was wondering if anyone wanted to trohpy boost FIFA on PS4? Need to start and online co-op season, and start and win a game in FIFA pro clubs? If anyone is interested add me on PSN and we can try and do it. I am usually on on Monday nights, want to get it done tonight so I can start to finish off for platinum...
Not in FIFA, but if anyone wants to complete the Friend trophies for NFS: Rivals, please do the same!

I have tried 5 PS4 games now and here is what I would personally rate them all:

NBA 2k14 - 9/10
Madden 25 - 8.9/10
Need for Speed Rivals - 8.2/10
FIFA 14 - 8/10
Killzone: Shadow Fall - 8/10

Hope this helps you with your game-buying decisions.
I'm surprised by your score for Madden...I was extremely disappointed. I had gotten it for the PS3, but traded it in after a week because the menu lagged, and the graphics didn't impress me (I do not by Madden games very often). I figured that I wouldn't run into these problems for the next gen since they probably focused on the next gen versions more. Popped it into the PS4...and I was extremely sad to see the menu UI STILL lags. AND the graphics were subpar compared to NBA 2K14 and FIFA. There is no reason to have all that horsepower and still experience lag when cycling through in the menu. Last time I ever buy Madden ever.

I'm surprised by your score for Madden...I was extremely disappointed. I had gotten it for the PS3, but traded it in after a week because the menu lagged, and the graphics didn't impress me (I do not by Madden games very often). I figured that I wouldn't run into these problems for the next gen since they probably focused on the next gen versions more. Popped it into the PS4...and I was extremely sad to see the menu UI STILL lags. AND the graphics were subpar compared to NBA 2K14 and FIFA. There is no reason to have all that horsepower and still experience lag when cycling through in the menu. Last time I ever buy Madden ever.
It was a port, they simply put some better graphics in, some more animations, and added a better crowd... NBA was built from the ground up for next gen. Fifa was also just a port, but FIFA 14 on current gen was a near perfect game, so better graphics, crowds, and new animations makes it even more perfect...

We will see what Madden does next year.

Xbox is still out in more countries ;)
Glad to see Sony is killing it but I think your statement is flawed. It doesn't much matter if you launch in 20 countries or 3 countries. If you all only 1 million units to sell then you can only sell that many units. It's not like Sony has 2 or 3 million units sitting in a warehouse somewhere and vice versa. IMO, both companies are doing a good job getting as many consoles to consumers as humanly possible.

On the other hand, the WiiU sales figures are disappointing considering it has the best games this holiday season. I would like to pick one up myself but I will wait until next year, $150 or bust.

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I posted about this in the trophy section, was wondering if anyone wanted to trohpy boost FIFA on PS4? Need to start and online co-op season, and start and win a game in FIFA pro clubs? If anyone is interested add me on PSN and we can try and do it. I am usually on on Monday nights, want to get it done tonight so I can start to finish off for platinum...
I would be interested. Unfortunately, still waiting on my copy from AWD.

I'm surprised by your score for Madden...I was extremely disappointed. I had gotten it for the PS3, but traded it in after a week because the menu lagged, and the graphics didn't impress me (I do not by Madden games very often). I figured that I wouldn't run into these problems for the next gen since they probably focused on the next gen versions more. Popped it into the PS4...and I was extremely sad to see the menu UI STILL lags. AND the graphics were subpar compared to NBA 2K14 and FIFA. There is no reason to have all that horsepower and still experience lag when cycling through in the menu. Last time I ever buy Madden ever.
There seem to be quite a few negative perceptions of the game. But I, for one, like the subtle additions like new animations and better crowd. It adds to an already pretty good game.
Xbox is still out in more countries ;)

Good to see you pop in from time to time to defend the Xbox One though.
bash xbox one all you want but i for one enjoy the system and the 1st party titles which by the way people are saying x1 had better 1st party launch games. with that said im sure i will feel the same way and enjoy my ps4 when i get it when the game i want to play comes out second son :D. Already traded in my ps3 and tons of my 360/ps3 stuff to have credit ready at gamestop for second son bundle.

lets be honest here outside of n.a whichincludes u.s and canada and the uk what other areas in the world are really giant gaming markets. if x1 only sold 150 k in uk that means they sold very close numbers that ps4 had in u.s.

the thing is all you guys should want xbox to do well and not flop seeing a strong xbox and a strong sony system = great for all gamers.

It was a port, they simply put some better graphics in, some more animations, and added a better crowd... NBA was built from the ground up for next gen. Fifa was also just a port, but FIFA 14 on current gen was a near perfect game, so better graphics, crowds, and new animations makes it even more perfect...

We will see what Madden does next year.
nba was NOt built from ground up if you played nba 2k on last gen for last couple years you would know that the game play is not that diff. I will say that nba is much better port then fifa and madden. I can't wait for the sports titles in 2014 when they have more time to play with next gen engine.

Not saying much. Both camps had pretty poor 1st party games. If not for 3rd party support I'd just have a pretty black box right now.

Did I miss where they had to euthanize some consoles? :O
I'm not even interested in buying them. I was originally getting a PS4 but cancelled it and later when Watch Dogs was delayed I was glad I cancelled. Now I'm thinking I won't get a PS4 until 2014 at the EARLIEST. I may wait until 2015 because I've got a shitload of last gen games to play now.

However, if Sony drops the price $100 I'll probably just buy it. At least into the foreseeable future, I have no intention of getting an Xbox One. I may just skip that one.

Not saying much. Both camps had pretty poor 1st party games. If not for 3rd party support I'd just have a pretty black box right now.

Did I miss where they had to euthanize some consoles? :O
Seriously. I have Injustice and Lego Marvel (which I bought because it was on sale this past weekend). I think the story would be similar on Xbox One because I couldn't give a damn about DR3, Ryse or Forza.

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Lol, I heard with Forza you just buy an empty shell of a game and need to purchase the real cars you'd want to race with via micro-transaction.  That's so shitty.

Lol, I heard with Forza you just buy an empty shell of a game and need to purchase the real cars you'd want to race with via micro-transaction. That's so shitty.
Yup, most of the podcasts I listen to have been talking about how ridiculous the economy of micro-transactions on that game is. Giant Bomb grilled the developer about it and got a very bs corporate speak response about it.

but guys, xb1 have those awesome games like loco cycle, crimson dragon and ryse!! nevermind the metacritic scores! people say theyre good!!

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I wanted Crimson Dragoon to be good, but looking at the reviews it's nothing like Panzer Dragoon.  I wish the old Sega team would get back together and make epic games again. :(

Eh it's not like Killzone or Knack especially have been getting high praise either. I felt Knack was a generic platformer with bad controls and cheap hits. I really tried to get into Killzone, but just couldn't. I honestly think the best PS4 game might be Warframe, I've had a lot of fun with what little I've played so far. And it's free!

I have no clue what I'm doing in that game, and I didn't have a huge urge to find out after trying it a couple times. Also a free downloadble shmup as your "best" game for the next several months is not a great start.

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Lol, I heard with Forza you just buy an empty shell of a game and need to purchase the real cars you'd want to race with via micro-transaction. That's so shitty.
welcome to next gen gaming. More and more games will become strip down version for 60 bucks and have to pay tons more if you want the full game.

but guys, xb1 have those awesome games like loco cycle, crimson dragon and ryse!! nevermind the metacritic scores! people say theyre good!!
so you don't play a game if it don't get high metacritic score? i don't know about you but in my years of gaming i have played alot of games alot of reviewers and normal people hated and i loved.

you just have to look at the scores cod games get on metacritic to know how to not judge a game on those scores.

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so you don't play a game if it don't get high metacritic score? i don't know about you but in my years of gaming i have played alot of games alot of reviewers and normal people hated and i loved.

you just have to look at the scores cod games get on metacritic to know how to not judge a game on those scores.
this thread was so nice when you werent here clogging it up with nonsensical bullshit posts non stop. you just said "oh people are saying xb1 launch titles are better". who? the reviewers? you just dismissed them. people on forums? id dismiss them quicker than the reviewers with people like you around.

both launches werent spectacular, thats obvious, but dont go on and on about how xb1 launch titles are better, but then completely dismiss the tons of bad reviews a lot of those games got.

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this thread was so nice when you werent here clogging it up with nonsensical bullshit posts non stop. you just said "oh people are saying xb1 launch titles are better". who? the reviewers? you just dismissed them. people on forums? id dismiss them quicker than the reviewers with people like you around.
so you take word of reviewers that get paid by big companys to give their games like cod and bf high scores? this has nothing to do with x1 or ps4 this has to do with people taking what reviewrs say and not play a game because of it. Is ryse a amazing game NO but it's worth a play but happy i only payed 5 bucks to rent it. im exicted to play knack even with the not so great reviews it's getting becuse it looks fun platformer and by the time i get ps4 good chance it will be in bargin bin.

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so when they give good reviews they are bought and paid for, when they give bad reviews, then whats your excuse? are review scores everything? absolutely not, but they certainly can give you a general idea of what the game is going to be like.

so when they give good reviews they are bought and paid for, when they give bad reviews, then whats your excuse? are review scores everything? absolutely not, but they certainly can give you a general idea of what the game is going to be like.
let me ask you this does games like cod deserve the high reviews it gets year in year out even if it's been the same game since cod 4? i agree reviews can be nice to see what game is like but to not play a game because a review says game is awful just puzzles me. which is my point why that number website is not a way to judge a game.

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so you take word of reviewers that get paid by big companys to give their games like cod and bf high scores? this has nothing to do with x1 or ps4 this has to do with people taking what reviewrs say and not play a game because of it.

Half of your argument is right, and the other half sounds like you wear a aluminum foil hat. It's a wash so let's let this go. In reality, we should all find one or two or three reviewers that we identify the most with and listen to them. That's all that really matters. Let's end this now and get on to something more constructive.
lets be honest here outside of n.a whichincludes u.s and canada and the uk what other areas in the world are really giant gaming markets. if x1 only sold 150 k in uk that means they sold very close numbers that ps4 had in u.s.

the thing is all you guys should want xbox to do well and not flop seeing a strong xbox and a strong sony system = great for all gamers.
Don't forget about Japan. Japan is still a big gaming country market that should not be counted out.

ms has never been big in japan in all 3 systems they released so obvious they would never win in japan.

in the end it's great both these systems are doing pretty well at launch. In order for the gaming industry to do well we need every game system maker to do well when they launch new systems.

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I must say, I got my Vita the other day and remote play is so effing awesome.

The only downfall is playing a game that really relies on the L2/R2 triggers. I'm not used to the touch pad on the back of the Vita, that's for sure.

welcome to next gen gaming. More and more games will become strip down version for 60 bucks and have to pay tons more if you want the full game.
Nah, Dead Space 3 did the same thing so this is nothing new. I just won't support games with pay to win options, which hasn't been hard so far because the truly great games don't embrace stupid shit like that.

Nah, Dead Space 3 did the same thing so this is nothing new. I just won't support games with pay to win options, which hasn't been hard so far because the truly great games don't embrace stupid shit like that.
i don't think games like forza/ ea sports games with uilimite team that is just game mode for pay to get stuff means you win. Sports games you can pay for best players on game if you don't know how to use them or play you will not win. I know just tonight i played forza 5 online and seen a car that was a pay to unlock car and the guy was crashing left and right which gives you damage and slows your car down and he he finished in like 10th place.

i don't mind games that have this stuff in game seeing it's your choice if you want to pay for the stuff or not.

look at bf3 they allowed you to pay 40 bucks to get all unlocks and most of the time those people were awful at the game lol.

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It's only going to get bigger once the next shipment hit this week and Japan is still waiting for their launch.
Yeah they still have 6 more countries to launch in over the next 2 weeks, plus replenish North American and EU before Christmas. I believe Sony said they will hit their target of 3 mil by end of year and 5 mil by March. Good stuff. :beer:

Meanwhile Microsoft can't even sell through their day one editions. :rofl:

bash xbox one all you want but i for one enjoy the system and the 1st party titles which by the way people are saying x1 had better 1st party launch games. with that said im sure i will feel the same way and enjoy my ps4 when i get it when the game i want to play comes out second son :D. Already traded in my ps3 and tons of my 360/ps3 stuff to have credit ready at gamestop for second son bundle.

lets be honest here outside of n.a whichincludes u.s and canada and the uk what other areas in the world are really giant gaming markets. if x1 only sold 150 k in uk that means they sold very close numbers that ps4 had in u.s.

the thing is all you guys should want xbox to do well and not flop seeing a strong xbox and a strong sony system = great for all gamers.
Didnt know stating a fact was bashing. But judging by everything youve posted this past year, anything that makes Sony sound slightly better (like sales), even if its true, is bashing.

Speaking of UK sales, wasnt that where free FIFA was being bundled in, where people (including yourself) figured xbox would lead the sales in initially? What happened there I think?

And nobody wants MS to flop, but theres a joy in seeing a company who has been as shady as they have this year, who over the past 3-4 years has practically forgotten the market that made them successful in the first place, and feels like money answers all questions receive an underwhelming response. And the same happened with Sony and the PS3 when it started. Sony corrected itself for the better, and Im hoping MS does too.
which by the way people are saying x1 had better 1st party launch games

so you don't play a game if it don't get high metacritic score? i don't know about you but in my years of gaming i have played alot of games alot of reviewers and normal people hated and i loved.
i agree reviews can be nice to see what game is like but to not play a game because a review says game is awful just puzzles me. which is my point why that number website is not a way to judge a game.
*cough* Keep up with the logical hopscotch Timbo!

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I think he just summed up EVERY timbo post. He never lets things like facts and logic and different things he said earlier that contradict what he just said get in the way...

In case anyone wants any additional Timbo flavor he's started his antics/gimmick/inane ramblings in the Wii U thread now too.
bread's done