PlayStation 4 - General Discussion Thread

What the confirmation screen looks like:


Too bad it doesn't have my account info to send me a code. Balls.


PC "Accepted" Screen:


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Im downloading it now for my PS4!! If you have BF4 you can download it from the overview tab, it took me a few tries with all the error messages but I got it. :bouncy:

Well I signed up, didn't need an origin account, simply asked for my PSN ID below the Origin sign up.  Then Again my PSN may be tied to origin since I played BF4 at launch.  but who knows.  Got the confirmation screen, but no email so far.

Going to borrow my friend's BF4 later to see if I can download it this evening. Hopefully PSN/EA servers won't still be down by then.

Well I signed up, didn't need an origin account, simply asked for my PSN ID below the Origin sign up. Then Again my PSN may be tied to origin since I played BF4 at launch. but who knows. Got the confirmation screen, but no email so far.
Guess I shouldn't have quickly closed the tab, turns out you can just use your psn, thanks for the heads up, signed up!

Interested to see how Sony's conference is tonight. The members of this sub-forum may hold a different opinion but I didn't think Microsoft's was too bad. But I hope Sony focuses on gameplay and not a crap ton of CGI trailers.

Biggest thing that would kill all interest in the conference for me is if Project Beasts is 2015.

Interested to see how Sony's conference is tonight. The members of this sub-forum may hold a different opinion but I didn't think Microsoft's was too bad. But I hope Sony focuses on gameplay and not a crap ton of CGI trailers.

Biggest thing that would kill all interest in the conference for me is if Project Beasts is 2015.
Guaranteed to be 2015, they only have some rough gameplay out, with any RPG that is to scale, it takes a long time to develop, if it was coming this year we would already know.

No one is saying MS press conference sucked. But no one thinks it was good. It was meh, played very conservatively. Not a ton of gameplay stuff, and no surprises, heck some for sure things were left out all together. No Gears announcement was the biggest surprise and that isn't a positive surprise. And it looks like MGS V will be at Sony tonight meaning they may have stolen something away.

I think the silence in that thread and around the net from Microsoft fans speaks volumes to how meh the conference really was.

Last Guardian is going to flop. I don't even see all the hype behind it.
We shall see. It could flop - or not. I don't think there's a lot of hype because no one knows what it is. I'm pretty sure they've had to restart development on it multiple times. For some reason I was thinking it's an open world JRPG like Xenoblade though I could be wrong.

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Last Guardian is going to flop. I don't even see all the hype behind it.
I don't think any game that takes as long as it has can live up to the hype. In that regards, yes, I think it will flop. Much like Duke Nukem Forever, I would expect gameplay elements that have evolved over the span of its development to feel dated.

As for why people are hyped, because it's from the Ico/Shadow of the Colossus guys. Never played Ico, and I enjoyed Shadows for what it was. But aside from that, i would agree. I just want the game to come out to finally see what the hell it turned out to be.

I think the silence in that thread and around the net from Microsoft fans speaks volumes to how meh the conference really was.
Yep, I was expecting MS to drop some bombs at E3. The best thing to come out of their show was a HD collection. It will not take much from Sony to come out on top. A UC4 trailer and Project Beast should be enough.

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I don't think any game that takes as long as it has can live up to the hype. In that regards, yes, I think it will flop. Much like Duke Nukem Forever, I would expect gameplay elements that have evolved over the span of its development to feel dated.

As for why people are hyped, because it's from the Ico/Shadow of the Colossus guys. Never played Ico, and I enjoyed Shadows for what it was. But aside from that, i would agree. I just want the game to come out to finally see what the hell it turned out to be.
Nope its from Sony not team Ico... Team Ico is no more.

The Crew coming in November, that wasn't even on my radar, seems a little like Drive Club, cool that we will have a couple racers this year.

Yep, I was expecting MS to drop some bombs at E3. The best thing to come out of their show was a HD collection. It will not take much from Sony to come out on top. A UC4 trailer and Project Beast should be enough.
at least they basically did nothing but games. i could see some games being exciting for xbox dudes like that crackdown game and maybe the new platinum game. i cant believe they are already putting out another forza though. thats just ridiculous. thats like PS putting out another Killzone in november.

My wish list
Sony related:
God of War
Last Guardian
Uncharted 4
New IP's - period
Phantom Pain
Mortal Kombat

I'll be happy getting more coverage on any of the above.

I liked the Halo announcement. Wished Gears was there.
The only way Sony could satisfy me at E3 is to announce that The Last Guardian is available now and that it's free on PS+.
My wish list

Sony related:
God of War
Last Guardian
Uncharted 4
New IP's - period

Phantom Pain
Mortal Kombat

I'll be happy getting more coverage on any of the above.

I liked the Halo announcement. Wished Gears was there.
Nothing unrealistic about that, I think we'll be seeing some morpheus and ps now stuff as well. Personally, I cant wait to see UC4 and Project Beast. Im praying to the gaming gods that Project Beast releases this year. :pray:

Last Guardian is going to flop. I don't even see all the hype behind it.
Maybe you dont but judging by the massive repsone this game received the other night you are in the minority.

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Nothing unrealistic about that, I think we'll be seeing some morpheus and ps now stuff as well. Personally, I cant wait to see UC4 and Project Beast. Im praying to the gaming gods that Project Beast releases this year. :pray:

Maybe you dont but judging by the massive repsone this game received the other night you are in the minority.
Two different things between hyping a game and seeing it sell well. Honest I don't see this game doing well there hasn't even been any gameplay of it shown in the YEARS it has been worked on. It's basically survived in name alone and it may not satisfy people when it is finally released. Also the majority of that response may just be the buzz IGN's poor journalism created.

Sony wise I expect they'll show off Drive Club, a trailer of Uncharted 4 with 2015 release date (Pretty shocked if they show some gameplay) maybe talk more about the F2P games they're bringing to it like Planetside 2, and they'll talk more about PS Now emulation.

Probably throw a Last Guardian Trailer out to but I feel by now they should be showing gameplay.

my realistic wishlist for tonight:

-Uncharted 4 trailer

-TLOU Remastered footage/release date

-Phantom Pain footage

-Uncharted collection coming to PS4

-Last Guardian footage

My dream wishlist for tonight:

-ME trilogy remaster is announced as a PS4 exclusive

-Fallout 4 is PS4 exclusive

Yeah im really hoping they show Uncharted, and it will be out this year, or early next year. Hope God of War is at least announced for PS4, if they make a Vita game ill be pissed. LOL. as for Multiplatform games i want to see Mortal Kombat, and would love love love to see a Red Dead game but i think that is a long shot.

Can't get PS3 or 360 to show the Sony PC. I knew it was iffy on PS3 but I thought 360 supported flash, guess not. Nothing on PS Store either for PS3.

bread's done