PlayStation 4 Pre-Order Thread *GREATNESS OUT NOW!*

anyone know if the costa mesa store has a ps4 for demo and what game to try?

edit: answered my own question - does list costa mesa as having a demo kiosk

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Hd is hd, I'd like to have you all stand in front of both and tell me the difference. You'd probably get it wrong.
My TV is only 32 inches, so you can't really tell the difference. If you have anything over 40 though, you better go with 1080p.

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Hd is hd, I'd like to have you all stand in front of both and tell me the difference. You'd probably get it wrong.
I actually can tell the difference and it does annoy me to see jagged edges and low res in between high res when watching videos. For certain movies I could care less if its in 720p but for action packed movies, I need it in 1080p.

Yeah, I'm a quality addict and prefer my videogames and movies to be in the highest quality possible.

Hd is hd, I'd like to have you all stand in front of both and tell me the difference. You'd probably get it wrong.

Probably need to get your eyes checked.

Anybody know if remote play to the vita is gonna work for every PS4 game or just select ones?
Devs are required to support remote play unless the game requires the PS Camera.

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Probably need to get your eyes checked.

Devs are required to support remote play unless the game requires the PS Camera.
if you have a 40 or less tv you will not see the diff seeing systmems upscale gams to 1080p. 720 p at non stop 60 fps upsaled to 1080 p on small tvs will look th same to avg person.

I don't like that I have more questions than answers prior to the ps4 launch. Like psn. Is it the same psn on ps3, will I see friends who are using ps3/vita? Will my download list be gone? If I want a new psn id but want to keep my plus, is that possible?
TV size and viewing distance factor in to whether you can tell the difference or not. Also note that the comment that started this conversation mentioned 900p, not 720p.

If anyone wants to know what your Costco has in stock, and they won't tell you over the phone I need the store number, and what your wanting to know. I can try to look up stock or incoming stock!

Also Costco is still in the gaming market. They are just reworking the way they do things!
TV size and viewing distance factor in to whether you can tell the difference or not. Also note that the comment that started this conversation mentioned 900p, not 720p.
I'm disappointed either way that next gen consoles can't promise a baseline of 1080p 60 for every game. I shouldn't be required to play on a screen that is 40inch or less to get the optimal experience.

Anybody know if remote play to the vita is gonna work for every PS4 game or just select ones?
who knows. Sony likes to make promises and then flake out. They have been promising universal remote play since the PSP, and shows little signs of progress. I could tell you what Sony SAYS, but that doesn't do anyone any good. Sony promises native remote play on all ps4 games. Just like how Vita TV is going to stream PS4 over WiFi; lol....yeah...we'll see. Very pessimistic.
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who knows. Sony likes to make promises and then flake out. They have been promising universal remote play since the PSP, and shows little signs of progress. I could tell you what Sony SAYS, but that doesn't do anyone any good. Sony promises native remote play on all ps4 games. Just like how Vita TV is going to stream PS4 over WiFi; lol....yeah...we'll see. Very pessimistic.
All 3 companies like to do that.

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if you have a 40 or less tv you will not see the diff seeing systmems upscale gams to 1080p. 720 p at non stop 60 fps upsaled to 1080 p on small tvs will look th same to avg person.
I don't know about you but when I upgraded from a 32 inch 720p TV to a 32 inch 1080p I noticed the difference almost instantly. Especially in games, and premium network channels.

Could be just me, but who knows.

I must have gotten spoiled from sitting right next to my monitor but now sitting down and playing games on my TV is a lot harder than it used to be. It feels like I can never focus on what's going on, onscreen and I just can't get into it like that.

I have a 32 incher. I don't even have the minimal. :whistle2:(
Big TVs are overrated. :lol: I had a 32" for years (cost $1500 when I bought it, and that was a reasonably good bargain, so that gives you an idea of how old it was). We just upgraded to a 39" because the 32" stopped working, and I don't know that I'd ever want a television larger than that.

Big TVs are overrated. :lol: I had a 32" for years (cost $1500 when I bought it, and that was a reasonably good bargain, so that gives you an idea of how old it was). We just upgraded to a 39" because the 32" stopped working, and I don't know that I'd ever want a television larger than that.
Just make it one inch bigger. Odd numbers really mess with my OCD. Lol

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I don't like that I have more questions than answers prior to the ps4 launch. Like psn. Is it the same psn on ps3, will I see friends who are using ps3/vita? Will my download list be gone? If I want a new psn id but want to keep my plus, is that possible?

Well I believe you will be able to keep your plus as long as you put the psn Id with plus on your primary console all other psn id that are your primary console also get access to plus. The following article confirms it
I must have gotten spoiled from sitting right next to my monitor but now sitting down and playing games on my TV is a lot harder than it used to be. It feels like I can never focus on what's going on, onscreen and I just can't get into it like that.
I have this same problem! i started gaming on my pc monitor and now playing ps3 games just does not feel the same...

I think instead of a ps4 i will have to buy a new pc :'(

If there are any CAGs in the San Diego (North County) area that would like a ps4 on launch day please direct message me. I have a pre-order at the Carmel Mountain Best Buy from June 11th that I am not going to keep. They are not having a midnight launch but I am willing to meet you in the morning at the store for minimal compensation. Anyway DM me, maybe we can work something out.

No, both were LED. Went from 60hz to 120hz though.
That is most likely the difference then. Unless you have DirecTV I don't know of anyone broadcasting 1080p content. Watching Walking Dead via Apple TV (1080p) vs. watching it on the air (720p) is a huge difference for me on our 65" TV, not so much on the small TVs in other rooms.

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Well I believe you will be able to keep your plus as long as you put the psn Id with plus on your primary console all other psn id that are your primary console also get access to plus. The following article confirms it
Really wish I could turn my sub into a prime account. Before I was 18, I signed up under my parents. I used to be able to get Plus with my sub account, but then Sony changed it where you couldn't get a Plus subscription for a sub anymore. I didn't know I could use Plus on the primary and it would work for the other profiles. Basically, I lost 2 years of my PS+. Now, I'm stuck with PS Plus on the primary and all my trophies on my sub. It's quite annoying.

TVs have really come down. Target has a 55 inch Vizio for 799 this week. You can even get samsungs and Panasonic plasmas for that at 50 inches if you watch for deals.
I don't know about you but when I upgraded from a 32 inch 720p TV to a 32 inch 1080p I noticed the difference almost instantly. Especially in games, and premium network channels.

Could be just me, but who knows.
I don't know at what distance or size or what your actual eyesight has to be in order to tell the difference between a 1080p and 720p upscaled to 1080 is, but even on 15 inch laptops you can clearly see the difference in pixel density between 720p and 1080p proper. It's not just the size of the icons, it's the pixels themselves. Anybody who looks at them once can tell the difference. The pixels are like half the size.

going from 60Hz to 120Hz I'm sure makes the picture move more fluidly with material that takes advantage, but if you just put a picture next to other you can definitely tell the difference between 720 and 1080. I certainly can, and my eyesight is like 20/125ish (I technically barely don't need glasses when driving) so anybody with 20/20 vision should definitely see the difference.

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TVs have really come down. Target has a 55 inch Vizio for 799 this week. You can even get samsungs and Panasonic plasmas for that at 50 inches if you watch for deals.
Amazon has a 46in for $350. Not bad! I picked one up for my dad for Christmas. Its a knock off brand but for under $500 I'd say its pretty nice.
I got my PS4 pre ordered at Target but got about $100 of Best Buy credit.  Anyone know how I can turn that credit to something I can use in Target?

I don't know at what distance or size or what your actual eyesight has to be in order to tell the difference between a 1080p and 720p upscaled to 1080 is, but even on 15 inch laptops you can clearly see the difference in pixel density between 720p and 1080p proper. It's not just the size of the icons, it's the pixels themselves. Anybody who looks at them once can tell the difference. The pixels are like half the size.

going from 60Hz to 120Hz I'm sure makes the picture move more fluidly with material that takes advantage, but if you just put a picture next to other you can definitely tell the difference between 720 and 1080. I certainly can, and my eyesight is like 20/125ish (I technically barely don't need glasses when driving) so anybody with 20/20 vision should definitely see the difference.
pixel density is different from screen resolution.

I got my PS4 pre ordered at Target but got about $100 of Best Buy credit. Anyone know how I can turn that credit to something I can use in Target?
Find Visa Gift Cards. I know my BB has a bunch of them but most are expired. They will try to tell you you can't use BB credit on Visa gift cards but you can. Have them constantly scan a bunch of Visa cards until one works (again, since most of the time they are expired).

Find Visa Gift Cards. I know my BB has a bunch of them but most are expired. They will try to tell you you can't use BB credit on Visa gift cards but you can. Have them constantly scan a bunch of Visa cards until one works (again, since most of the time they are expired).
Thanks man.

But I'm not sure if credit certificates work the same way. I've only done it with BB gift cards. If anything, you could probably buy BB gift cards with BB credit and than buy a Visa gift card.

I don't know at what distance or size or what your actual eyesight has to be in order to tell the difference between a 1080p and 720p upscaled to 1080 is, but even on 15 inch laptops you can clearly see the difference in pixel density between 720p and 1080p proper. It's not just the size of the icons, it's the pixels themselves. Anybody who looks at them once can tell the difference. The pixels are like half the size.

going from 60Hz to 120Hz I'm sure makes the picture move more fluidly with material that takes advantage, but if you just put a picture next to other you can definitely tell the difference between 720 and 1080. I certainly can, and my eyesight is like 20/125ish (I technically barely don't need glasses when driving) so anybody with 20/20 vision should definitely see the difference.

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This 50 inch plasma has AMAZING picture quality and is one of the best "budget" Tvs for gaming available. I purchased one 2 months or so ago and It is truly the best TV you can get for the money.
Too bad the 50'' is temporarily out of stock. Anyways right now I have a 40'' Samsung TV but I have been wanting to upgrade to one of at least 50'' or 60''inches . Hopefully this Black Friday we will see some good deals on TV's.

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Too bad the 50'' is temporarily out of stock. Anyways right now I have a 40'' Samsung TV but I have been wanting to upgrade to one of at least 50'' or 60''inches . Hopefully this Black Friday we will see some good deals on TV's.
It does that from time to time, usually no more then a few days.

bread's done