Playstation Deals, PS Plus games, and Discussion


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Just my personal opinions, and I recognize that people love the game and don't want to take away from that, but re: Control; I have tried to play through it several times and I've never managed to get more than a few hours in. I love metroidlikes too--but Control just feels so bogged down with impurity. The story's central mystery is interesting, but it's not teased or fleshed out very well and some of the writing is horrendous. Its upgrade systems feel complex for the sake of being complex without adding much. You have so many ways of fighting, but none of them are really even necessary. The main character's face looks weird as hell to me.

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Random thing I noticed....

That trailer for Death Stranding: Director's Cut has the splash screen for Playstation Studios at the start.  Kojima Productions is its own entity if I remember correctly, UNLESS Sony has purchased the studio.

Interesting with the showcase happening today and the trailer being dropped yesterday.

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Random thing I noticed....

That trailer for Death Stranding: Director's Cut has the splash screen for Playstation Studios at the start. Kojima Productions is its own entity if I remember correctly, UNLESS Sony has purchased the studio.

Interesting with the showcase happening today and the trailer being dropped yesterday.
I believe it's in front of all of their published games, even the ones made by studios they don't own.

PlayStation Showcase summary

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This showcase reminded me that I have never played Lost Legacy and that I have KOTOR still in my backlog. I got it for free years ago on Xbox and I need to play it.

Wolverine and Spider-Man 2 are both PS5 exclusives. The directors of Miles Morales are heading up Wolverine while the directors for Spider-Man are on the sequel.

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Seemed like a solid show. Sadly no longer in my teens so I have no interest in any of the superhero stuff, but definitely interested in Project Eve, KOTOR since I've never played it, and of course my third replay of Alan Wake. Sucks that that's probably it for shows until the VGAs, unless MS has something again
Damn I really thought Metal Gear was coming

Although I am super stoked on the Wolverine game. Shit better be rated M
You ever played the Wolverine game on the PS3? It has a lot of gore for a Marvel game. Hoping the new game will be M rated too.

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I've been wondering maybe Factions 2 and the Last of Us Remake are gonna be shown next year around when the TV show comes out. kind of makes sense.

PlayStation Showcase summary

project eve is made by a korean studio
His old design was a lot better


Wonderlands is the only game I'm interested in because it has co-op. The deluge of single-player, 3rd person action/adventure games from Sony underwhelms.

KOTOR was a game I tried and just got bored by the time they finally gave you a lightsaber. Given how old it is, I doubt a new coat of paint will make it feel any more fresh.

Alan Wake was just OK for me, but compared to Silent HIll 2 is the watered down PG-13 game.

But hey, Tchia at least gets the benefit of a doubt being a guitar hero for kids and not being another copy/pasta game.

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I was disappointed.

  • Playstation sure is going hard on Marvel, huh?
  • The KOTOR remake teaser was next to nothing and didn't feel like KOTOR.
  • Forspoken's dialogue and story reminds me of a young adult novel.
  • Gearbox actually make something new challenge 2021 failed.
  • Deathloop again? I can't wait to play it, but why do they keep pushing its advertising so hard? We get it.
  • First party Sony absence in the second half of the year continues.
I can't shake the feeling that Microsoft just has so much more of interest to me in its pipeline. I'm starting to lose faith in Sony. In a few years it's gonna be all Marvel/Disney properties. Just about everything that was interesting to me wasn't even a Sony property, but paid/timed exclusives I can probably play on the PC at launch.

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I was disappointed.

  • Playstation sure is going hard on Marvel, huh?
  • The KOTOR remake teaser was next to nothing and didn't feel like KOTOR.
  • Forspoken's dialogue and story reminds me of a young adult novel.
  • Gearbox actually make something new challenge 2021 failed.
  • Deathloop again? I can't wait to play it, but why do they keep pushing its advertising so hard? We get it.
  • First party Sony absence in the second half of the year continues.
I can't shake the feeling that Microsoft just has so much more of interest to me in its pipeline. I'm starting to lose faith in Sony. In a few years it's gonna be all Marvel/Disney properties. Just about everything that was interesting to me wasn't even a Sony property, but paid/timed exclusives I can probably play on the PC at launch.
Forspoken looked hilariously bad. Like I'm not sure how they've been allowed to develop the game this far along bad.

Really hope Days Gone 2 finds a way to eventually be a thing. Probably the only (hopefully) future PS title I'm looking forward to.
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i couldnt watch it til i got home but judging by peoples reactiom i expected bloodborne 2 or something equally crazy lol
I can't shake the feeling that Microsoft just has so much more of interest to me in its pipeline. I'm starting to lose faith in Sony.
Game Pass is such a revolution opening doors for developers and gamers IMO. I've tried games I never would have, with more or less expected results BUT the point being it keeps things fresh for me the way demos did in the early days of PlayStation. I no longer feel compelled to play or finish a game I'm not enjoying because of the financial investment, and for the same reasons I'm open to trying them.

Sony is too busy marching in a straight line to notice how far behind they are.

I don't think Game Pass does anything for me exactly, it's just the fact that Microsoft bought like...half of AAA gaming.

Japanese developers seem to be flocking to Nintendo and away from the Playstation.

Sony has become a weird mainstream pop-culture vehicle. If you subtract everything from the stream that was owned by Microsoft or Disney, what's left exactly? Racing, God of War, remakes, and indie games.

If Sony stopped buying exclusives at this point, I'm not sure what I would be playing on PS5 for the next year other than Forbidden West (which if history repeats itself, will just be shittier Breath of the Wild 2 [with a better story to be fair]).

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Just got home and missed the showcase. No mention of any changes to subscription services? I was hoping those rumors would be true.
Problem with MS is I have almost no interest in their first party stuff, and thats including Bethesda.
Damn, I'm the total opposite. I only have interest in MS first party games, but not the indies. Have almost 0 interest in the Triple A PS exclusives, but enjoy the smaller games. The open world generic story gets boring after about the first time you play it.

Hulk 181 is also the first appearance of Wolverine and a very iconic cover. It’d be cool to have Hulk in the game, but it just seems like an Easter egg to me.
Now that felt like a worthwhile use of my time. Very excited for KOTOR, Wolverine, God of War, Ghostwire Tokyo, and so many other things.

The one thing I don't understand is Sony's insistence on making Forspoken a thing. The audio was noticably worse than anything else in the showcase, and all those character models were very uncanny valley.
I thought Forspoken actually looked kind of cool … definitely piqued my interest. Overall, lots of great upcoming exclusives … seems like 2022 onward will be solid for Sony.

Would have loved to see Bloodborne 2, but it wouldn’t make much sense to undercut Elden Ring by announcing it now. Also really hoping for a PC or remaster of Bloodborne … such a great game.

The Spider-man 2 trailer was the standout for me … they perfectly realized Venom … made me feel like a kid watching it.

KOTOR will be great … long overdue. Honestly surprised that Microsoft didn’t lock that down, since it wasn’t made by a Japanese developer. Wonder what the back story is with that exclusivity deal.
Very decent showcase. I have 0 interest in God of War (just too far removed from the series, as I have games from heavy sales but only played 1) and I'm reserved about Guardians of the Galaxy (not really my type of comedy) and Deathloop (looks aight but will wait for reviews). Ghostwire looks like a Janky high visual weird game I will love because of cool Japanese folklore monster things. Project Eve and Forsaken look like they could be alright games, but maybe a bit too big in scope, which could have them fall on their face. Also some of that dialogue for Forsaken made me roll my eyes.  Wolverine I'll gladly start caring about when we likely see more footage next year, though this is made by Insomniac, so it's an instant buy. Spider-Man 2 is awesome as well since Spider-Man was likely the best playing super hero game I've played in a while, and Miles Morales was aight too. Tchia is my game of the showcase mainly because it looks good and fun and who doesn't love exploring an island. An interesting mix of BOTW and Mario Odyssey with a possible stellar soundtrack and laid back feels is exactly what I would want. GT7 I just don't care about, as I don't play racing games often, but if it gets good reviews I may get it. Just the variety alone showcased is excellent, although I feel a strong sequelitis for the bigger games. I'm a major player of many niche games like visual novels, so my more anticipated stuff will likely be at the Tokyo Game show. Nonetheless in a year or so, the PS5's library will be a lot better than it currently is.

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