Poll: How many CAGs have had a broken 360?

[quote name='strandiam']These polls don't work and are always stupid because the people that don't own 360 vote for failure. Thanks for helping spread ridiculously fake stats.[/quote]Thanks for that insightful analysis, Zogby.
I've had excellent luck. Never had a console break and I've owned:

Gameboy Pocket
DS Phat
DS Lite
Well since we're doing all our consoles I guess I'll post mine too. These numbers include consoles my brother also owned.

NES: 0 of 2 (In fact my current NES was a broken one I fixed which is perfect ever since)
Sega Genesis: 0 of 1
Game Boy Color: 0 of 2
N64: 0 of 2
Playstation: 0 of 1
Sega Dreamcast: 0 of 2
Playstation 2: 0 of 1
Game Boy Advance: 0 of 3 (Includes all models, original and SP)
XBOX: 1 of 2
GCN: 0 of 1
NDS: 0 of 3 (Again, all models)
PSP: 0 of 1
360: 0 of 1, though I get the feeling it could kick it soon.
Wii: 0 of 1
[quote name='strandiam']These polls don't work and are always stupid because the people that don't own 360 vote for failure. Thanks for helping spread ridiculously fake stats.[/QUOTE]

It would be ridiculously fake if the results didn't reflect the trend of the 360 and its severely limited lifespan.
I've had it red ring on me twice but a quick reboot has fixed it. Out of my friends that have them only 2 others haven't had their break. Everyone else has had it happen at least twice. And 2 friends have had it happen 5-6 times.


360= 0-1
PS1= 0-2
PS2= 0-1
NES= 1-2
SNES= 0-1
Saturn= 0-1
2600= 2-5
Pong= 1-3
GBA= 0-1
DS= 0-1
N64= 0-1
3DO= 0-1

can't think of anything else right now.
Hmm.. how about stratifying the results further by asking who has had a falcon fail? That's something I'm REALLY interested in....
Mine has been good, but I am on my second. I had the EBgamestop warranty on it when I got my first one around when Gears came out...then 2 days before that expired I took it back for a falcon unit. So far so good...but I totally expect it to break, not if, but when...
I've had...

- N64
- Wii
- Genesis
- Dreamcast
- PS1
- PS3
- Xbox
- Xbox360

Besides the 360 breaking twice, my xbox is basically dead, most games give me a DRE.
WOW...just got the RROD after I voted this morning that mines has yet to break in over 6 months. I'm more amused by this than pissed at this moment.
[quote name='RobertEffenHorry']WOW...just got the RROD after I voted this morning that mines has yet to break in over 6 months. I'm more amused by this than pissed at this moment.[/quote]
:cry: Maybe this poll is bad luck. But just out of curiosity, what type of console was it? Falcon? Zephyr? Launch console?
[quote name='ajm1240']Stop, stop, stop!!!!!

People treat this console no different than any other. PS3's and Wii's fail, but not like 360's. Are you trying to say that Wii and PS3 owners are more careful with their systems? Give me a break!

I LOVE my 360! I hope it never breaks. But to say something like you did in the face of a SIXTY PERCENT FAILURE RATE on this poll, just makes you look like another stupid fanboy.

Xbox 360 is my console of choice. Aside from Drakes' Fortune, there is nothing I want to play on PS3 or Wii. But I am not so silly as to make excuses for MS's piss-poor engineering job by blaming the customers for using the console.[/quote]

Ahh here we go, pulling the fanboy card. Get your facts right, the 360 was my only system until last week where I got a ps3 and i got it strictly for blu ray. The average ps3 owner plays less than the average 360 owner (is my guess) which equates to less time, means less malfunctions. I'm not even going to touch on the wii (basically the power of it isn't up there with the 360 and ps3 so less advanced electronics=less problems imo) But I like how you call me a stupid fanboy, when I've (sadly) played more halo games, than people you've probably seen in your life.


My 8000+ gamerscore is also something all xbox 360 haters have as well...please

I want you truthfully tell me that doing any of the things I said will not increase the chance of breaking a 360. We all know that there is a problem with the engineering as I stated but besides that alot of the problems surface from what I said.

PS Darkyoda, very nice videogame rap sheet haha
First system Red ringed Christmas Eve '06, Current System the Elite is apparently going through DRE problems worse than my PS2 did. Waiting on the box from msft so I can ship it out, depending on how things go this may be my last 360.

When I can get the funds together a PS3 might be in my future, gonna search for a 60gb model. Very few games that draw my attention, just a few features that make me go "ooh!"
Xbox 360 built in Nov 2005, in early 2007 had graphics corruption with PGR4, returned to get it fixed under warranty, got the same unit back. A couple of months ago that unit died with the red ring of death.

Haven't really stressed the refurbished replacement all that much yet... so it seems to be OK for now. :whistle2:O
bought one on launch(Core) it died, then i sold the replacement

bought another 360 about a few months after, that one broke too(premium) sent it in replacement still working, sold it to a roommate

bought another one a few months after that, still working for now.
I had two red lights, it kept overheating....my warranty was overdue so now I'm saving up for a new 360. I'll probably buy a new one in may, an arcade one this time, cause i still have the harddrive.....
I bought my 360 and as I got home and hooked it up, I turned it on and was instantly greeted with the red rings of death! Amazing. So I returned it and used my 2nd one for a little over a year until I got the red rings of death last week. It got louder as time went on and for the past 2 months I've been getting random black lines flashing across the screen.

I can't believe more people aren't that upset about the crappy quality of these things. It's just awful. And I don't even play that much, I'm pretty much an average gamer, Id say I log 5 hours a week. That's hardly abusive at all.
Mine's broken in odd ways. The disc drive makes grinding noises and will stop, then restart games for no reason, amid overheating and other glitches. I'm sending it in shortly.
Multiple failures is an interesting variable statistically. I'm not sure how these multiple 360 failures should count since they're not fresh, store purchased 360s, however, they're still 360 failures.

Either way, as of this post we're looking at a 59% failure rate without counting multiple failures per person. That's insane.
well, im on my 8th one everyone before 3 red lights as much money as i have spent the should be giving me and elite for free
monday I mailed out my 2nd 360 . the both died in the past 35 days a core and a premium my HDMI is still goin strong
[quote name='dennis1969']I had two red lights, it kept overheating....my warranty was overdue so now I'm saving up for a new 360. I'll probably buy a new one in may, an arcade one this time, cause i still have the harddrive.....[/quote]
Wait as long as you can! For a price drop for one thing and number two, for the next hardware revision, which is being speculated on as a summer rollout, but I'd bet more like Fall or Winter.
[quote name='dsingh2007']In the podcast Cheapy said that even the Falcons are supposedly breaking. Is this true? Damn I thought I was safe when I bought a falcon 2 months ago.[/quote]

All electronics break! Geez, have you even read the posts here about videogame console reliability in general? It is NEVER safe! Let's say they get the 360 failure rate down to 5% next year. (They won't, but for the sake of my point, let's pretend) That Means that if MS sells 3 million consoles in the year, 150,000 will be defective! And that would be considered not too terrible. Imagine how they would look all in one big pile!

So unless they get that figure down to like 1% or less (Which will never happen) you will always be able to find someone whose console has failed. Wii's, PS3's, DS's, PSP's and oh yes, especially Xbox 360's.
I can't believe that this poll is accurate. A 16% failure sounds high, but over 50% is just plain nuts. I've had mine for about 15 months with no problems whatsoever, but maybe I've just been lucky.
although my xbox has not broken yet, the disc try does sometimes get stuck but that may be a precursor to red ring hell.
Bought my 360 in July '06. Red Ringed in November '07, three days after CoD4 shipped. Life's a bitch.
MS replaced it w/ a refurb in December '07; no issues with the new unit.
My first red ringed a week after I got a system, Dec 4 of 2005. People didn't even know what the red ring issue was back then. I just knew it made me quite angry and I returned the system.

My second red ringed December of '07 while playing Mass Effect. I got it end of December '05.

Hopefully my new falcon will hold up.
Ok as far as poll accuracy goes from my point of view the numbers here will be skewed. For example how many people here talk about playing all hours of the night,beating this game or that game so on and so forth. There are just as many people who only randomly play theirs so they aren't beating them up like we are. Granted they should last through anything but don't. I would like to see a poll of how many hours you got out of your 360 before it finally died.My first 360 didn't die until we got a new entertainment center and my wife said it had to go into a cabinet and my kids would turn it on while I was at work and I would shut it off and the cabinet would feel like a sauna! With my current halo 360 the cabinet is left open and have had no issues at all,and I play the you know what out of it.Anyways just my thoughts.
[quote name='Littlefields']:cry: Maybe this poll is bad luck. But just out of curiosity, what type of console was it? Falcon? Zephyr? Launch console?[/quote]

I bought my 360 about a year after Launch...so whatever version that is. Pretty sure its a launch system then.
just sent my elite to circuit city yesterday. they're gonna send me a gift card for the original price, $479.99, as they don't deal with repairs or replacements.

i never really used up more than 8 GB on the 120 GB hard drive, and i heard that all the models are pretty much the same now (HDMI, heatsinks, etc). is this true? does that mean there's no advantages to having an elite anymore besides the 120 GB hard drive?
[quote name='evangelion11']although my xbox has not broken yet, the disc try does sometimes get stuck but that may be a precursor to red ring hell.[/quote]

yep that's how my problems started then it would start scratching some of my discs and a couple of months later boom.
[quote name='Mr Durand Pierre']I can't believe that this poll is accurate. A 16% failure sounds high, but over 50% is just plain nuts. I've had mine for about 15 months with no problems whatsoever, but maybe I've just been lucky.[/QUOTE]

The 16% number from that article was definitely too low as someone posted that it was calculated by the number of in store replacement plans that were used (i.e. warranties bought at Best Buy, Target etc. that were then used to return a broken console).

They don't include people who return them to MS, which is the majority since that warranty is free (at first for 1 year and now for 3).

50% is probably too high as well, as you have the bias of people being more likely to get online and vote if they've had problems vs. if they have not. Yes you'll have some fanboys defending their console (i.e. the morons saying those having them break mistreat their console).

Other, less biased articles have estimated the failure rate to be in the 30% range. That's probably about right.

And you have to keep in mind that it had to be a DAMN high failure rate for money grubbing Microsoft to drop $1 billion on the warranty extension. It had to be so high that they were going to face gigantic class action lawsuits if they kept charging people to repair consoles they knew were faulty (as they admitted when announcing the warranty extension).
Thanks I'm slowly trying to buy all the old systems I can. Right now trying to get ahold of a Turbo Graphix 16. I know someone that has one and I'm hoping to pick it up CHEAP.
Yea theres no question that these polling results are off...way off.

I have another theory for why xbox 360s break (based on 2 friends). It's that you have to use it daily like, and cant let it sit for a half a week, a week or longer. I've played mine everyday for the last year and a half (missed probably 15-20 days total) and no red ring. Two of my friends played it alot when they got it then one got the red rings right after he booted it up after it sat for a about 2 weeks. The other would play onces every week or so and his broke.

Im curious as to how often people that got the red rings played and if it came after a break. The system is like an old car, you have to use it often to make sure everything flows but you can't beat on it ;)
Every single one of my friends has had their's red ring.. I understand that you want to believe the polls are off, but I disagree.

And who cares about the reason.
Yeah, I don't expect there's any rhyme or reason to when they break. They all have a flaw that could lead to the RROD problem.

Certain things will increase risk, like not having it ventilated well, logging tons of hours on it, but it's not like it only happens when these added risk factors are involved.

It's so faulty it's going to break in tons of different situations and some will be lucky and never have one break regardless of how much they use it.
Woah.. i knew that "many" people have had a 360 that RROD'ed. But this thread is damn proof that "many" need to be changed to "a fucking lot!"
[quote name='Cedrock15']Yea theres no question that these polling results are off...way off.

I have another theory for why xbox 360s break (based on 2 friends). It's that you have to use it daily like, and cant let it sit for a half a week, a week or longer. I've played mine everyday for the last year and a half (missed probably 15-20 days total) and no red ring. Two of my friends played it alot when they got it then one got the red rings right after he booted it up after it sat for a about 2 weeks. The other would play onces every week or so and his broke.

Im curious as to how often people that got the red rings played and if it came after a break. The system is like an old car, you have to use it often to make sure everything flows but you can't beat on it ;)[/quote]

That's not true in my case. I go on a gaming binge whenever I buy a good game for the xbox360. For example, I played Gears of War for hours a day for over a week when the game was first released. Once I finished single player and co-op with a friend though, I waited until the next big hit was released before I used the xbox 360 again. Once I finish with a game, the xbox360 doesn't get turned on for weeks (I don't play online) or sometimes over a month. :lol:

I've got problems with DRE's and the freezing logo screen, but no RROD yet and it's over a year old.

EDIT: :whee:
On my third one here. Launch unit died about 5 months in. The replacement died about 5 months later. My third is going on about a year and a half. Although, I did get the RROD the other day, but unplugged/replugged it and now it's running fine. :crosses fingers:
I've had three RroD so far. The 16% fail rte is much much too low. I can say that about 60% of my friends have had their 260's fail on them at least once as well as constantly getting messages on XBL from people asking not to be deleted off my friends list because their 260 is being repaired. I also work at Gamestop(Yeah Hell itself) and we get at least six or seven RroD's a week.
I don't personally know anyone with a 360 that hasn't broken. 3 co-workers (1 of them 3 times), 4 friends, and 1 neighbor (twice). I've only read about 360's that don't break on forums... I'm sure they're out there, just like aliens. I just haven't seen one yet.
I bought mine March 06 and the only issues I've ever had were purely software (game glitches causing the system to freeze up)

And I play the HELL out of that thing - 100+ hours in Blue Dragon, 40+ hours in Lost Odyssey, 160+ hours in Chromehounds, then Dead Rising, Halo 3, GRAW, Gears of War, etc etc

I don't use an intercooler or anything, I just have it horizontal in my open face, vented back entertainment center.
Mine is at repair center right now. It has been 1 month and 2 days since it died. Oh yeah, this is my 4th time!
bread's done