Poll: How many CAGs have had a broken 360?

[quote name='Chucki Norris']i got mine at launch and it got the 3 red lights last week. i went ahead and requested a work order and they are sending a return box my way. weird thing is, though, i replugged everything in later that day and my 360 has worked perfectly since. i was just wondering if the rest of you CAGs think i should still send it in, or hold onto the repair box until in does go out? (keep in my that there have been no hiccups since i requested the repair, weird)[/quote]

I say keep it. I had a similar thing happen to me when I unplugged the video cable and plugged it back in. I guess I didn't plug it in all the way, so it had the 3 red rings. I turned it off and pushed it all the way it and it worked fine.
my vote "No, I've had an Xbox 360 for 6 months or more and it hasn't broken "

I've had mine since Jun of '06 and it's been good so far *knocks on wood*
I think the worst part was when i was listening to the podcast a couple weeks ago and it was mentioned, i thought HA! i have had my 360 for over a year and its going strong.... then red ring o death. just how it goes, but microsoft was pretty good over the phone and i got my box sent to me pretty quick and ill just be out a 360 for a lil while, lets just hope this one lasts
(Not going to bother reading the rest of the replies.)

I've had my 360 since December of '05, and it red ringed on me less than a month ago.. Unable to either boot up past the logo or unable to fully load a game, depending on its temperment. Towel trick worked, but I decided to just send it off. It red ringed on me only 2 or 3 times in the past, but a reboot always fixed it.
Surprisingly enough I am on my second... although both are over 6 months old and still working. I upgraded to the Elite and sold my cousin my Premium (still had a year replacement plan on it). My new 8 month old Elite and my 18 month old Premium are both still goin' strong.

I've had my Xbox 360 for 1 1/2 years and I finally received the 3 rings of death 2 weeks ago. I was the only one out of 20 Xbox owners that I personally know that didn't get one until now. I have never seen a product in my life that had such a high failure rate besides a Yugo. Yet, I'm still attracted to it. I've gone through withdraws and have had to fill in my game time with the PS3/PSP/DS while I wait for it to come back. I miss the online mechanics more than anything because I believe the 360 has the best setup to play with other people. I like the fact that I can just plug my headset into it (360) without having to worry about my bluetooth (PS3) being charged up. How can I love a machine that destroys itself? It's like a bad relationship that keeps me wanting more.
Dec 06- I buy console from toys r us, taking advantage of $100 gc deal. (wished I'd spent it more wisely).
June 07- RROD a day after playing halo 3 beta.
July 07- Receive new refurb console.
Feb 08- Start getting "unreadable disc" errors. I've gotten this sporadically but all discs are currently unreadable.
March 08- Sent Xbox to MS and awaiting servicing/replacement. Supposedly it's not covered under warranty but this isn't my original console, and they did not indicate that i'd have to pay for repairs.
The first one broke the same day it came home from compusa, it was freezing while playing gears of war.The second one broke a month after, it had disc read errors.And the last one broke at almost a year after, it got the 3 red lights.
I've had my 360 break once. I got my second one I believe in June. This one has lived longer than my first one which I got in March.
purchased aug. or sept. of 2006.
a few hiccups every now and then, but no RRoD.
still using a first gen nyko intercooler (the one that has melted on many others, but not me).
with the exception of the first month, it's been on its side (lays horizontally) ever since.
I have had the 360 for a year now and I got the red rings once after 6 months and after 4 months with the new one a very noisy cd spinner problem. I think that problem broke my Gears of war game.
I had one for about a year before the disc drive started acting up, it still worked but some games took as many as a dozen tries before they started. I sent it to Microsoft for a replacement and I've had the new one for 6 months without a single problem.

The failure rate doesn't really bother me, I've rather have something break yearly with a 3-year warranty than take 1.5-2 years to break with a 1-year warranty. I personally have had 2 PS2s and 2 Xboxs break (as well as various computers and other electronics) so the 360 isn't bad.
I'm on my 3rd. when micro$oft stops fixing it for free, I start buying ps3 games and as someone who camped for a 360 it really pains me to say that.:cry:
I bought my first one in August '06, it died in December.. pathetic.

Replacement unit I got back in January '07 has been working fine since. Hoping it stays that way.
I went through 2 that red-ringed and bought a 3rd (that I owned for about 2 months) which I decided to sell to a CAG. I finally bought a PS3 in February last year and couldn't be happier - no issues whatsoever. I know the 360 has a better library of games right now, but a lot of those are FPS which I don't play anyway so I don't feel I'm missing out on much.
I'm a PS3 owner and do not own a 360 therefore I did not vote.
360 don't have the type of games I like so I was never going to get a 360 anyway; but I was interested in the results and as of this post the poll for the 360 failure rate is over 50%.

I find this very hard to believe, how can it be this high??? Wouldn't there be law suits everywhere against Microsoft if the failure rate is indeed this high?

Anyway I just wanted to express my shock and I hope nobody votes against 360 just for spite because they only have a PS3 or something.
I've had mine for almost exactly 6 months(got it in mid-August) and I haven't had any real issues with it yet. This is one of the newer Pro models though(the kind with built-in HDMI) so that may have something to do with it.
in 'real life' i know 5 other people who have 360's. 4 of them are on their second system due to system failure, the other guy never uses his. i'm on my third.
[quote name='gacktplays']I'm a PS3 owner and do not own a 360 therefore I did not vote.
360 don't have the type of games I like so I was never going to get a 360 anyway; but I was interested in the results and as of this post the poll for the 360 failure rate is over 50%.

I find this very hard to believe, how can it be this high??? Wouldn't there be law suits everywhere against Microsoft if the failure rate is indeed this high?

Anyway I just wanted to express my shock and I hope nobody votes against 360 just for spite because they only have a PS3 or something.[/QUOTE]

There may be a couple reasons for this: (1) people on CAG likely play games much more than the general public and system failure might be connected to how much the system is in use; and (2) Microsoft has supplied free extended warranty plans for 360 owners and set aside a lot of cash for system repair/replacements, likely to avoid the kind of lawsuits you mention.

I'm sure they'll get the hardware issues fixed in the future if they're not fixed already. I wonder how these failures will impact the successor to the 360 - Microsoft might not be so gung-ho about being first out unless they're sure of system viability and early adopters may be more hesitant if they think they'll get burned again.
I never have owned an XBox360, however it is due mainly because my three friends who've all had them, one broke after a year, one broke after a year and a half, and the other's broke after about 6 months...
I know they got them repaired by Microsoft, but such shoddy craftsmanship isn't worth my top dollar, I got a PS3 instead and so far have had no problems, and my brother's girlfriend spilled a beer on mine and it's still fine haha...
Mine has been working for too long. I am starting to fear the red ring of death. My 360 has been making a weird snapping sound after the system has been turned off. I have a question: Does the disc tray still open with the red ring or do I have to use a paper clip to get my disc out?
Mine red-ringed less than a year after it was purchased. If my 6 friends who have 360s, 4 have had a RROD. Only one each, though, and one of the people whose 360 DIDN'T break got his at launch.

Nonetheless, since they repaired it for free, I still think it's the best money I ever spent on a console.
Purchased mine in March '06. 2 RROD's and 2 disc drive failures later, I've been gaming with "Johnny #5" since June '07. Never having the same console that was sent in.

Hey, that 9 consecutive months of gaming. thanks M$.
I'm on my fourth one. My first 360 was during launch. The latest one I got (#4) has the added heatsink. That appears to have done the trick, because it's worked for almost a year now.
Just had my 2nd 360 break this past weekend. No red lights so Microsoft won't fix it. I am really starting to hate them.

When I shipped my first one off six months ago, they sent me another one that was refurbished and had scratches all over it. I wasn't too happy. Now, it's icing on the cake.

I also need to add that my best friend is a sony fanboy and always made fun of the 360, but I finally talked him into buying one two months ago. Guess what, he just got the RROD yesterday and he is not letting me hear the end of it.
I've had mine since launch. No problems with it other than a loud power supply and after a few calls they sent me out a new one that makes no noise hardly.
I bought mine a year ago from January. It broke during the Halo 3 beta. I bought an Elite while it was off for repair. I got the first one back and sold it to a friend. It died the next day. My Elite is still going.

The 360 has the best games, but I believe the poll standings. I'm glad you put this poll up CheapyD.
[quote name='souleman96']Surprisingly enough I am on my second... although both are over 6 months old and still working. I upgraded to the Elite and sold my cousin my Premium (still had a year replacement plan on it). My new 8 month old Elite and my 18 month old Premium are both still goin' strong.

There's some obvious bias in this poll. There's no "No, I've had more than one Xbox 360 for 6 months or more and none have broken." option for me and Soule.

Plus I assume most people who have had broken consoles either sent it in for replacement or bought a new one and those working consoles are unaccounted for in this poll.
Had a launch for 18 months, video card went. Had a replacement for 3 weeks, video card went. Had my third now for almost a year, no issues (Touch Wood).

Surprisingly, no RRoD for me.
Had one red ring just days before the 1 yr warranty was up (whew!), after that I went ahead an bought the extended warranty, good thing because just yesterday it broke, DVD tray won't stay shut.
The 360 I got at launch lasted about a year before RRoD, it's replacement lasted only about 6 months. The third system is still running - now if only M$ would get back to me about transferring all my marketplace purchases to the new box. (I call and harass them about once a month, they promise to get back to me - never do).

I got a 360 for my brother around the same time as my first RRoD (XMas gift/loaner for the time mine was out). First one RRoD within 2 weeks - I returned that to the store. RRoD after about 9 months on that one - it's replacement is still running.

So, yeah, not a whole lot of luck for me with 360 reliability - Dreamcast still running fine.
My first one started having power supply issues after 10 months, sometimes it would not turn on. Returned it to Gamestop (had the one year replacement plan). 5 months now on the new one and no problems yet.
I've had mine since May last year (manufacture date from 06...), and it's still alive. Had some freezing problems during the first few weeks, but moving the power brick to an open area solved that.
I've had my 360 since April 06 and it's still going, not really had any problems with it, apart from a couple of freeze-ups playing Oblivion.

I must admit every time I turn it on these days I'm expecting the worst. I've also recently moved it to a horizontal position where it's not as well ventilated, which may hasten it's death.
bread's done