Poll: How many CAGs have had a broken 360?

I said that I had my 360 break once and it technically broke but it didn't red ring on me, one of the fans died and it will overheat if I don't leave a table fan running on it. Built May 06, gave me a year and a half without any problems, and now that I have a fan by it I haven't had any problems since.
still using my first 360 and it was from the 2nd shipment after launch. i've been very lucky.
My 360 worked for a day and then was dead, which wouldn't be so bad if customer service didn't jerk me around and lie to me for a month and a half.
have a 360 with a manufacture date of april 2006. mines hasn't crapped out on me yet but i rarely use it. i probably spend on average 10 hours every week on it. the only problem i have so far with it is that the tray won't open when i press the eject button. i have to help force it open by using my nails to push it to the side. i personally don't think the problem is solved. browsing the 360 forums on other sites, people still have the same problem with the elites. which leads me to think that the main problem is the design of the console. heatsinks and 65 nm chips help, but if youre using the console a lot chances are it'll still crap out on you.
I'm on 360 number three, and about to go onto four.

My first console failed right out of the box, so I exchanged it and got another one - then about 8 months later, that one failed on me, and had to send it in and wait over a month to get another, and now the replacement they sent is freezing up on everything, and I just have a feeling it's going to be going soon.
I'm voting based on my roommate's console, which I use occasionally. He doesn't go on CAG so no worries for multiple votes for the same machine :)

I think he got it in April or June, we've had no problems. We keep it vertical and there's a decent amount of breathing room between the TV and entertainment center. It's also in one of the coolest rooms of the house, because it's near some huge windows that are the slightest bit drafty.
I had RROD in the early years, it happened during a firmware auto-update. Then my replacement console would NOT connect back to the internet....there was a small selection of 360's that had this issue. I got a free wireless controller out of the deal...plus, back then it was overnight shipping on EVERYTHING.

Then, that console died and I got another replacement. I eventually got an ELITE via AMEX deal.

So, I've had 5 360s
- Initial
- Broke Replacement
- Replacement for broke replacement
- RROD replacement
- Elite
Launch console for me... still going strong... and it's taken a pounding.
5 and 7 Day Survivor Achievements on Dead Rising alone could've killed it.
Launch day system still kicking! I consider myself lucky, and regard its failure as a matter of time. I am shopping for an Elite replacement.
I bought my 360 in Aug 2006 and for a long time had no problems. Thought my console was one of the "good" ones. Of course, I'd get the occassional 1-flashing light error but I'd only get that if someone walked between the controller and the console when it was trying to boot up and establish controller 1 connection. Three weeks ago, the console finally died (after playing Assassin's Creed, no less). It was a pretty good system that was used frequently -- didn't think I'd ever get the RROD. Oh well...at least my repaired/replacement console will arrive later this week.

As a side note: I used an intercooler with mine, ...not sure if that helped contribute to it having a longer life span, but thought I'd throw that out there...
I’ve had horrid luck with the 360. I bought a core on launch day and it dies the next day, and over the past two have had 5 more die on me. I love the 360 games but the hardware issues are hard to justify. MS customer service has been good; both times I sent my console to them it was back to me in less then 3 weeks. The other times I used best buys PRP to have the units replaced, but you have to purchase those again after a certain amount of time. I do hope they get this fixed.
The day the 360 came out i was in line at K mart and picked up my first 360. It didn't work out of the box. Had to send it right in for repair. That worked until i sold it on ebay to get some motorcycle gear. Recently i just purchased a recertified unit from ecost.com. well 1 1/2 weeks later and it just started locking up and doing the 3 red lights. They wouldn't give me a new unit without me returning everything (including the HD) so i am waiting for my second shipping box from Microsoft. This "recertified" unit had a manufacture date from 2005.

Hasnt turned me off to MS, i love the 360 and Live. That just makes it that much more frustrating not to have it. I had just picked up Mass effect and now i cant even play it.

http://live.xbox.com/member/the NATED0G
I got my first 360 in January 2007 and I am now on my third unit. The first one red ringed and they sent me a replacement unit in which the DVD-ROM stopped working after about two weeks.
Well, I actually have 2 xbox 360s. One is a normal white core console with hard drive that was manufactured in December of 05. My other one is a Halo 3 LE xbox 360 that was bought the very first day it came out and was manufactured in like September of 07. The console does NOT have a falcon or benq drive, it has a 79FL drive with a zephyr motherboard (IIRC).

Both of them work, but I still sent in my Halo 3 xbox 360 just last week. It wasn't doing any RROD or anything like that. My problem was the fans were really loud and some games would freeze and require a restart. On occasion it would say "Disk Unreadable" or "Disk Unplayable." But usually it would work flawlessly.

My other launch xbox 360 actually still works and I still have it in my other room right now, waiting for my Halo 3 xbox 360 to say that it is fixed and being shipped back so that I can request a box from them for this launch console. The problem with this console is that it is EXTREMELY loud. Sometimes it gets so loud while loading a game that I'm afraid that it will shoot out the disk and hit a wall or something like that (have had a happen with a pc drive, just not a xbox yet). It also sometimes scratches the disks and also freezes while playing games which then require a restart. Usually after the restart it will show a RROD but then another restart and it will be perfect. Hoping to get my launch console fully replaced while I'm hoping to get my Halo 3 xbox 360 replaced with just a brand new dvd drive and new motherboard. I really want a benq or samsung, just not another hitachi.
I've been on my 5th one for for almost a year now. I have it completely isolated from my entertainment stand, on its own little table. It looks ugly but at least it is still working. I did almost get screwed though because my last one did die 2 weeks before Microsoft issued the 3yr warranty. They were going to make me pay for repairs but luckily I waited and eventually got them to fix it for free.
i got my 360 for you birthday on dec. 9th and the damn thing broke in less than a month..three weeks..and then the thing started to freeze up..called microsoft and i just got it back 3 weeks ago
There's no option for "My 360 broke once and when I got it back, my wireless controllers wouldn't sync, so I needed to send it in again..." :)

I agree, this is a great idea...
I got my first Xbox 360 this last Christmas, a 360 Pro with the 2 games. It got the RROD on New Years day. Just a week of use! The error code according to the flashing lights status posting on Xbox-scene said it was likely a bad solder connection between the GPU and the mainboard. I'm glad I found out it was a bad console early on and returned it, but then I couldn't find any in stores due to low supply for weeks. I finally found an elite and went for that with the 2 games that I found at a Walmart. It's been fine so far. The Pro was a falcon, I thought they were supposed to be more reliable.

I own every major console release since the original NES, and all still function fine except the NES which works about 1/4 the time. I never even got the disc read error some Playstations had where you need to turn them on their sides to play. Consoles were always seen as being easy and reliable, but not anymore, thanks MS.
My first 360 lasted from March '07 to December 25th '07. Second system is going alright so far, but it has been freezing on me a few times in the last 2 weeks, so I think it's almost up for this guy too.
[quote name='bostonfrontier']So far looks like there is a 50% failure rate[/QUOTE]

It's at exactly 60% of the CAGS who voted right now having failure(s) vs. never had a failure. And that would be a slight underesitmate if you want to count failing refurbs since 23% so far have had more than one fail.
I'm on my 7th 360....
It seems I have a curse! Everytime that a new high anticipated game comes out, I run out and get it like most of us do. Get home put it in and Bam... Death comes.

Gears of war the first to do it.
Then Crackdown
After that one Blue Dragon
Cant forget waited in line like a jackhole to get my Halo 3 copy get home and ShaZaam.
Guitar Hero 3
Call of Duty 4
I've had to have mine repaired twice, and I voted as such. That said, though, I don't see what the point of the poll is. The 16% is from an independent source that researched it far more thoroughly than asking people on an enthusiast website. We're just not going to come up with an accurate statistic.
I've had mine since pre-launch (every10minutes winner) and it has shown no signs of breaking down.. it's loud.. it's hot.. but it works..
Mine lasted 16 months. It was refurbished and have had it maybe one week. So far so good, but still heats up and makes as much noise as before, so while it's back to normal I doubt the problem's actually fixed.

What I'd like to know is how many owners have had their original 360 returned to them (not someone else's refurbished model) and had it fail again?
I've had two Pro's go out on me and am now to a Halo 3 edition. Thank goodness for the EBgames replacement plan, although they no longer offer since MS extended the warranty.

The failure rate is absolutely crazy, but damn the games and Xbox live is still worth it.
It'd definitely be interesting to break down the poll even further into Falcon vs. non-Falcon. I'm guessing a good chunk of the "No, I've had an Xbox 360 for 6 months or more and it hasn't broken" voters--like me--may have the newer design.
[quote name='mykevermin']Finally got you to come around, eh dmaul? ;)[/QUOTE]

I never disagreed that it was a valid viewpoint. :D As I said, I was just pointing out that they were different things.

I guess you came around on my harcore gamers play longer sessions which generate more heat and play more period putting more wear and tear on the machine and thus are more likely to get RROD than people who game less argument since you didn't respond to my last post clarifying the point? ;)
[quote name='HoobyDooby']I own every major console release since the original NES, and all still function fine except the NES which works about 1/4 the time. I never even got the disc read error some Playstations had where you need to turn them on their sides to play. Consoles were always seen as being easy and reliable, but not anymore, thanks MS.[/quote]

Xbox 360 is the worst by far, but to be fair, I also had an original Xbox give me dirty disk errors that I exchanged, a PS1 that overheated all the time and of course an NES that, like you said, would only play games part of the time.

I think the major shame on MS is not that these failures happened. That IS shameful, but just not the most shameful thing to me. The MOST shameful is that they are still sending launch era refurbs back out into circulation when people send in red ringed consoles! Nothing but falcons should be going back out imo.

These falcons are cooler running than Xenon's or Zephyr's, but still are failing at 10%. But these refurbs seem to fail at an even HIGHER rate. Like 60 or 70%
[quote name='trq']I've had to have mine repaired twice, and I voted as such. That said, though, I don't see what the point of the poll is. The 16% is from an independent source that researched it far more thoroughly than asking people on an enthusiast website. We're just not going to come up with an accurate statistic.[/QUOTE]

Point is we're all hard core gamers for the most part who play a ton more than the average joe.

So the most relevant number for us is how often it fails among people who game similar amounts as us.

I don't trust the 16% either. Too many estimates before that put it at 30%. And I don't know that MS would drop $1 billion on the warranty extension for a 16% failure rate. Unless class action suits were becoming real threat I guess.
I am on my 4th 360. First one lasted about 5 months then RRoD, so I sent it out and got a refurb. Six months later it freezes randomly and is not covered by a warranty. Then I get one from kmart and the thing is scratching my disks, so I bring that back and get an arcade version from Target.

I also know a person I go to school with who is about to be on his third. He just got a refurbished one from microsoft maybe 2 months ago and he already has to send it back.

I love my 360 it's just ashame how unreliable they are (in my experiences).
[quote name='dmaul1114']
I don't trust the 16% either. Too many estimates before that put it at 30%. And I don't know that MS would drop $1 billion on the warranty extension for a 16% failure rate. Unless class action suits were becoming real threat I guess.[/quote]

From what I've read, that 16% is from the warranty's that this company has sold through stores. Like when you buy an extended warranty. They don't disclose what stores use them. Basically they are selling mini-insurance policies to retailers.

It does not count people who are using MS directly, which as we know is the vast majority of users. So the 16% figure really signifies nothing.
16% is still about 13% above what I would personally consider an acceptable rate. Much less 30%. I am going to wait and see how the new jasper models fare this summer before I consider buying a 360 myself.
I've had mine for a year and a half. It's still working, but I keep getting the feeling that it's about to die. I'll get random Dirty Disc Errors. Sometimes the power button will light up, but it won't actually turn on. Sometimes it takes multiple attempts to eject a disc. And, sometimes it powers up with an error screen in multiple languages telling me that it needs to be sent in for service. I power it off and back on again and it works...

I think it's toying with me...just waiting for the best time to RROD.
Mine is still working but I don't get to play it as much as I would like. Maybe that is a factor?

I know that my franchise is actively working on a fix for the RRoD problem. While Microsoft does replace the console (or cleans them), this process takes a very long time. So they are going through some testing to have a better solution.

I really think the best thing they could do is just do a redesign and fix the problem. It has been a few years and the 360 needs a kick in the ass for sales. Having a new slim design could really help with sales and they can fix the problem.

I mean Apple has a new ipod every year or so, and even the DS got it right with their DS lite. Would be the best option I feel.
I take better care of my 360 than most people do their kids, and yet I've still gone through FOUR brand new ones. First one died after 4 months, used a PRP. 2nd one died after a few months, used a PRP. 3rd one died after 2 days, got a free return. Thankfully the one I'm on now has lasted a good 7 months or so, but I'm still scared. I hate the fact that having a 360 is like taking care of a sick grandpa =/ I want my 360 to be young and spry, not old and feeble :( Darn their awesome software :)
bread's done