Pope Decries Gay Marriage in Portugal Visit

[quote name='myl0r']Ok, I'm Christian, but seriously? People are "persecuting" Christians here(another laughable statement) and the best you can come up with is "Jokes on you, I'll be chillin with Jesus drinking YooHoo!"?[/QUOTE]
God damn you, CK. I thought your trolling was lazy before.

You weren't even attempting to troll that time, and you still managed it. We could build a perpetual motion machine fueled entirely by people who misinterpret what you say.
wait, I've never seen that guy post before, but apparently I missed out. Was he being sarcastic? I'll be pretty dang relieved if he was.
[quote name='myl0r']wait, I've never seen that guy post before, but apparently I missed out. Was he being sarcastic? I'll be pretty dang relieved if he was.[/QUOTE]

He's the guy who made a picture of Charles Darwin as a giant animated penis for my avatar two Cocksmases ago.
[quote name='Strell']If I were smarter, I'd ask that you discuss the subject of this topic - the Pope covering up child molestation and deflecting its practice by priests by blaming homosexuality - because then there'd be an even exchange. Instead, I'm breaking my rule and offering up examples of what you claim I made up.




Here's a fun one: a church expels members for not hating gays enough AND hates on Obama, which is funny because it ties together A) the topic of this thread and B) your pathetic attempt to derail it:

I welcome you to point out BUT THEY AREN'T CATHOLIC, when it really doesn't matter since we're now discussing a topic YOU brought up, a topic YOU changed to, and thus it makes no sense for me to bend to every last stupid whim you can come up with since you can chance the goal posts at any second you want. These are Christian institutions asking for the death of Obama. That's highly Christian of them, even going as far as using the Bible - the same text Catholics use - to prove their hatred.

Further, you can't point to where we: A) asked for Limbaugh's death, since we were saying that if he didn't recover from his hearth attack, none of us would care, B) prayed for Limbaugh's death, since that assumes asking a higher power to divinely smote someone, nor C) compared Limbaugh - a fat drug addled divorced bag of hypocrisy radio shock jock who received socialized health care in Hawaii and yet couldn't figure out the irony there - to our president, the guy charged with running the country on a worldwide scale. I'm sorry your reading comprehension and poor religious zealotry allows you to do that. It's also funny that you hated on the deaths of various Kennedys, who were widely known as Catholic as something of a trademark. So good show there.

But even when you ask me to provide proof for this new subject YOU bring up, not two sentences later you then proceed to change it AGAIN. So why should I have to bother dealing with your bullshit?

If there were moderation in this board - and I sadly say there HAS been lately, despite being completely one sided - then we'd kick out people like you who have absolutely no interest in speaking to the subject at hand, and instead just tantrum around derailing every thread to suit your own shallow needs. We'd remove you, IATCG, Knoell, and perditiontroy, because none of you add a single thing to any discussion beyond childish pestering.

I'm done here with you. You're not going to respond in any way that shows mature, logical response. It's going to be nothing but your hate filled propogandic anti-Liberal "Christianity."[/QUOTE]

Two of your links don't work and the one that does is for Baptists, now let's get the Catholic bashing on topic and show me where a Catholic church said any of the things you said otherwise you are full of shit. I like the remove me BS, you constantly mention this as if your opinion matters, I don't think there is an ope mind left here, it's 90% liberal and the other 10% try to point out their illogical reasoning, it's very Obama of you to suppress people with different views, we do still live in a free country so for the time being, let's see some working links or STFU, I'm not one of your fans here but I'm sure your fans are just your other accounts.
I clicked it, Crotch. Nothing bad yet.

JP, Strell's links are working at 7:42AM EST. I used my left mouse button to open them. Also, what was that trouble you had with Paypal and bootleg games again? I forgot. I want to read your posts with some conviction, but I keep thinking you're a crook. I just want some clarification.
Who the free falling fuck is trying to suppress you? Like i said before, fucking Christians always acting like the victims. You're the majority, if anything I'm the suppressed one. I'm the one who has "in god we trust" forced upon my currency, I'm the one who has to put up with "under god" in the pledge of allegiance. Yet try to get any of that changed or removed and you run into a big old Christian roadblock.

This BS is no different than when white people complain about how they're being oppressed.
[quote name='IRHari']Hey let's not forget the 'War on Christmas.'[/QUOTE]

If only people had listened to O'Reilly. I miss Christmas!
[quote name='fatherofcaitlyn']I clicked it, Crotch. Nothing bad yet.

JP, Strell's links are working at 7:42AM EST. I used my left mouse button to open them. Also, what was that trouble you had with Paypal and bootleg games again? I forgot. I want to read your posts with some conviction, but I keep thinking you're a crook. I just want some clarification.[/QUOTE]

Links work and they make no mention of Catholic churches taking up arms, I'm not Baptist or from the South, I think it's clear that when Strell was playing with his Joes (that's what he calls his GI JOES) he came up with a storyline of Catholic Churches out to get Obama and he and Duke had to save the day, all in a days work for our favorite race car bed flying, Nintendo loving Strell.

And yes, everytime I start making sense we bring up the time I had an issue with paypal, please check out my ebay account, same name as my CAG name, and marvel at my 100% feedback and 1400+ score search hard for the one customer 4 years ago who left a negative, next week I will marvel you with the time I left the toliet seat up and my girlfriend almost fell in.

And yes I had a friend burn some games, it's not the subject of this thread but whatever distracts right, I mean you never did anything stupid either right? We Catholics have a thing called confession, I'm sure you have something similiar for the rare time you fart in public or do some faux pas. Get off your high horse and stop bring up the past, I don't even own the disc anymore and I can pull thread after thread on CAG with people exploiting price mistakes with stores, buying items with gifts and trying to return them and keep the gift, and worst of all, people telling Strell he is funny, even if it's just Strell on another screen name.

Now come on Strell bring up the trade that I got offended by but that you have no proof (a theme with your accusations) ever took place.
So if you're Catholic puta, do you agree with the pope and/or others protecting priests who have molested children? Or do you think those priests should be fired and arrested like anybody else?
[quote name='SpazX']So if you're Catholic puta, do you agree with the pope and/or others protecting priests who have molested children? Or do you think those priests should be fired and arrested like anybody else?[/QUOTE]

Of course, they should be treated no differently than any other sexual offender and given the max sentence possible by law. I am not defending them at all, what they did was wrong and I hope they burn in hell for it. I think the bishops who didn't try to stop it or covered it up as well. I think the Pope tried to address it but didn't do a good job, unfortunately he won't step down because of it but I hope that this is resolved and those guilty have what's coming to them, if not in this life than the next.

But I will defend my beliefs and so will all the good priests and Catholics who practice, or the Catholic relief charities, nuns and people who devote money and time to helping the poor. That is fact, yes you can point to dark spots in our past but Islam has it's radicals but they don't represent the rest of Islam anymore than some fucked up priests represent our religion. I don't care what some snarky kids on here think they know, that's why I have the signature nobody dies an athesist because people don't always believe but if they belong to any good religion it's ok in my book and if not I don't care either, as long as people follow the law and do good they are fine with me. I just don't understand the insults which is fine, doesn't mean I don't call people out once in awhile for the stupidity of it.
[quote name='jputahraptor'] I'm sure your fans are just your other accounts.[/QUOTE]

Once again, you fucking shitkicking troglodytic dickdonkey applecunt goatraper, ask a mod to look up my other accounts. Here's a hint: I have no other accounts.

Without. Fail. you suggest this EVERY. TIME. I say something to you, exposing you for the full of shit cocksucker you are. And I welcome you to contact the mods. And you don't do it.

You are legit retarded. You've run scams on people on here and never got punished, you doubletalk out of your swollen stretched anus, and you continually come on here and do nothing but insult, derail, and cloud up every thread. You are an idiot and if there were justice in the world and on this thread, you'd have been banned ages ago from being such a fuckup.

Have a wonderful day, preferably inside a fire.
[quote name='jputahraptor']that's why I have the signature nobody dies an athesist because people don't always believe but if they belong to any good religion it's ok in my book[/QUOTE]

[quote name='jputahraptor']And yes, everytime I start making sense we bring up the time I had an issue with paypal[/QUOTE]

Whoa now, hold on, this is hardly a fair statement. You've never made sense. Your middle-school-level rambling essays on this page alone are enough proof of that.
[quote name='Strell']Once again, you fucking shitkicking troglodytic dickdonkey applecunt goatraper, ask a mod to look up my other accounts. Here's a hint: I have no other accounts.

Without. Fail. you suggest this EVERY. TIME. I say something to you, exposing you for the full of shit cocksucker you are. And I welcome you to contact the mods. And you don't do it.

You are legit retarded. You've run scams on people on here and never got punished, you doubletalk out of your swollen stretched anus, and you continually come on here and do nothing but insult, derail, and cloud up every thread. You are an idiot and if there were justice in the world and on this thread, you'd have been banned ages ago from being such a fuckup.

Have a wonderful day, preferably inside a fire.[/QUOTE]

I have a lot to add to this thread. This is not my way of attempting to preserve this post.

I agree with other posters that priests molesting kids is horrible.
[quote name='Strell']Once again, you fucking shitkicking troglodytic dickdonkey applecunt goatraper, ask a mod to look up my other accounts. Here's a hint: I have no other accounts.

Without. Fail. you suggest this EVERY. TIME. I say something to you, exposing you for the full of shit cocksucker you are. And I welcome you to contact the mods. And you don't do it.

You are legit retarded. You've run scams on people on here and never got punished, you doubletalk out of your swollen stretched anus, and you continually come on here and do nothing but insult, derail, and cloud up every thread. You are an idiot and if there were justice in the world and on this thread, you'd have been banned ages ago from being such a fuckup.

Have a wonderful day, preferably inside a fire.[/QUOTE]

Wow man way to take yourself to seriously, still waiting for those links when you find the time because making up shit from your playtime and passing them off as truth exposes you for the BS artist you are. Maybe one of your other personalities can sign in and back you up, there's no need for that classy liberal name calling, I wouldn't want to show this to your mother, you might get grounded and they'll be no ice cream for you.

And to the guy from Japan, you can't possibly take advantage of any of the deals B&M at least, and you provide nothing of substance, (at least I get reactions), I just don't get you. A bunch of one sentence posts and a little to into Anime makes me wonder what your appeal is.

Here is an example of your scams.


So here's something fun. For kicks I wanted to see what would happen if I put in an order for a copy on each system on the same ticket, and then only use one code. Both showed up in the cart, but it only said that shipping for the 360 version was included in the price, making the total $5. Still, seeing the coupon work on both copies was amusing, and I figured they'd just send one or the other.

But both copies showed up today. Huzzah. So that's keen.

Always be exploring, kids.

You mean exploiting, not exploring jimbo?

Originally Posted by Strell
So here's something fun. For kicks I wanted to see what would happen if I put in an order for a copy on each system on the same ticket, and then only use one code. Both showed up in the cart, but it only said that shipping for the 360 version was included in the price, making the total $5. Still, seeing the coupon work on both copies was amusing, and I figured they'd just send one or the other.

But both copies showed up today. Huzzah. So that's keen.

Always be exploring, kids.

I did that too but everyone started rolling their eyes saying I was abusing the system yada yada so I canceled my order and just ordered one

Thanks GUNNM, page 50 of the thread! It's not wrong when Strell does it, we can all exploit the world around us from time to time. I'm sure there are more but he has 23,657 posts, my God! I'm sure there is crazier things but just skimming the last 20 pages of his posts I got some winners.
[quote name='jputahraptor']I'm sure there is crazier things but just skimming the last 20 pages of his posts I got some winners.[/QUOTE]


[quote name='Kirin Lemon']Whoa now, hold on, this is hardly a fair statement. You've never made sense. Your middle-school-level rambling essays on this page alone are enough proof of that.[/QUOTE]

Yeah he had an "issue" with paypal the way he had an "issue" when trying to sell bootleg games.

The only issue he has is with being honest or not being annoying.
[quote name='DarkSageRK']I was considering making this a new thread, but it's related enough, so...

150,000 people rally in support of rape and pedophilia

Truly inspiring stuff.[/QUOTE]

Euphemisms like this
"We are here to show both to other people and to ourselves our solidarity with the church in this difficult time," said Simone Pleticos, a 24-year-old student who traveled from Milan for the occasion.

make me think that these people truly don't believe what the Pope and his minions did/will continue to do was/is wrong. But then I read
"We want to show our solidarity to the pope and transmit the message that single individuals make mistakes but institutions, faith and religion cannot be questioned," Alemanno told Associated Press Television News. "We will not allow this."
and am reminded that they know too well.
[quote name='Msut77']Yeah he had an "issue" with paypal the way he had an "issue" when trying to sell bootleg games.

The only issue he has is with being honest or not being annoying.[/QUOTE]

It's the same way Strell has an issue with exploiting retailers in order to double dip in coupons, or should I call you Strell? After all, Strell comes into contact wth so many computers he could easily beat the mods attempts to track that we is the same person, see below.

And FOC, Strell regulary checks my posts for dirty laundry or should I call you Strell to?


"Voted. I generally come into contact with 4-5 different computers a day, so I'll try to rack 'em when I can."

Good luck!
I think the best way to help your case would be to quit posting, because you're basically digger a deeper hole with every post.
[quote name='jputahraptor']And FOC, Strell regulary checks my posts for dirty laundry or should I call you Strell to?[/QUOTE]

Thinking Msut, Strell and I are the same person. That's ... uh ... sad and lazy.

Just checking. Are you persecuted a lot?
Thinking someone was willing to create multiple accounts some with several thousands posts going back half a decade as well as crafting a backstory and idiosyncratic posting style for each one is just fucking lunacy.
[quote name='Strell']I know the perfect reaction image for this, but I can't find it right now. Hopefully soon.[/QUOTE]

What are you looking for? Perhaps I can find it for you.
It's Hank Hill, and he has his head on his hand, and has this "You mad?" smile. There are no words in said image.

Also, perhaps you can find it for me. Which is yourself. Myself. Ourself. All of us. Together. TOGETHER AS ONE.

While the Catholic Church is still stuck last century (maybe even earlier? BC perhaps?), other churches are getting with the times.

Seven years after the Episcopal Church caused an uproar by consecrating its first openly gay bishop, it has done the same thing again — only this time with a woman.

The Rev. Canon Mary Glasspool, of Baltimore, was ordained and consecrated on Saturday, making her the second openly gay bishop in church history and one of the first two female bishops in the Diocese of Los Angeles' 114-year history.

She was installed at Long Beach Arena before 3,000 people, who burst into applause at the end, church spokesman Bob Williams said.
bread's done