I'm actually pretty stuck on a test in chapter 8. Mostly the game hasn't been too hard, but it has had it's challenges. Especially this one I'm on now, but I'm sure I'm just missing something.
[quote name='Javery']I finished single player last night. It was great from start to finish. I did encounter a game-breaking bug on the final level though. I played for about 25 minutes before I finally decided to go online and see what the deal was. Even still I thought it was excellent but they do need to patch it...[/QUOTE]

what happened and where?
[quote name='theredworm']what happened and where?[/QUOTE]

It was on the last boss. Wheatley was not throwing out bombs - he was doing the motion but nothing was coming out so I couldn't figure out how to destroy the tube with the white gel. He threw one or two every now and then but they would never hit the floor and they always hit the circle of monitors - which was up in the air and supposed to be close to the ground. If I stood underneath him I would get an instant death from something I could never see. I tried for almost a half hour because I swore I wasn't going to look up how to do anything in the game but it just got too frustrating.

It turns out this is a well known bug (on the Valve/Steam forums and there are a couple of YouTube videos) and lots of people are running into it. All I had to do to fix it was start a new game on Chapter 9 and when I got to Wheatley he was throwing bombs and I was able to finish (on my own!). I'll be surprised if Valve doesn't fix this at some point.
I didn't find co-op all that hard either, but then again I played with my brother so I feel that helped greatly. I think were just used to coordinating on games like this, we got through splosion man co-op relatively easy too which I know everyone dreaded. I think the difficulty all comes down to how easy of a co-op partner you have to work with.
[quote name='Gentlegamer']In the single player, that never really happens. After listening to the developer commentary, I think Valve deliberately decided to skew the game a bit on the easy side based on their playtester feedback.

Co-op reports seem to indicate those puzzles are way harder.[/QUOTE]

Wack. P1 had some seriously clever puzzle design and brutal platforming stages that were adept in making you feel inadequate and infuriated in seconds. My brain's been on auto-pilot since I first started playing yesterday and man... I'm still waiting for something P1 mid to late game tier. I never thought I'd miss the timing on those jumps and multiple portal placements in mid-air at break neck speeds. Sure, it was a bitch back then but oh so satisfying to conquer. I miss the sense of complete dread and despair with just a glimpse of misguided enthusiasm washing over you afterward as you approached the next test. A feeling P2 is sorely lacking right now. 19 was a cake walk and I could already tell it will probably only take one use of both portals to clear 20 soon after I stepped in. Ugh...

The intimidation factor is still present and accounted for whenever you step into a particularly spacious or filler riddled chamber, but for now I guess that's it. I hope the story and humor make up for this if I can keep up this pace. Anything that sheds light on Chell's background and the current state of the surface would be ideal. I'd just hate for blatant casual gamer/new audience pandering to unnecessarily water down the game play of yet another quality title.

Hearing that co-op is more difficult is only good news if my partner isn't a complete jackass looking for an opportunity to get me killed or screw us for the hell of it. Hopefully I can pair up with one of you guys in the future to tackle it or luck out and find a decent well spoken random. Of course it wouldn't be until after I beat the SP. I'd prefer to go in as blind as possible with another newbie.
Ebbtide is the man! He assisted me last night with a bunch of co-op achievements. Now I just need to go through the single-player again to mop up the rest of the SP achievements, and the only thing I'll be missing is Still Alive. Seems like that one could cause a lot of frustration especially if one partner (read: me) gets klutzy and keeps dying on the later chambers. I need to do some prep work and practice for that one.
[quote name='Ink.So.Well.']Wack. P1 had some seriously clever puzzle design and brutal platforming stages that were adept in making you feel inadequate and infuriated in seconds. My brain's been on auto-pilot since I first started playing yesterday and man... I'm still waiting for something P1 mid to late game tier. I never thought I'd miss the timing on those jumps and multiple portal placements in mid-air at break neck speeds. Sure, it was a bitch back then but oh so satisfying to conquer. I miss the sense of complete dread and despair with just a glimpse of misguided enthusiasm washing over you afterward as you approached the next test. A feeling P2 is sorely lacking right now. 19 was a cake walk and I could already tell it will probably only take one use of both portals to clear 20 soon after I stepped in. Ugh...

The intimidation factor is still present and accounted for whenever you step into a particularly spacious or filler riddled chamber, but for now I guess that's it. I hope the story and humor make up for this if I can keep up this pace. Anything that sheds light on Chell's background and the current state of the surface would be ideal. I'd just hate for blatant casual gamer/new audience pandering to unnecessarily water down the game play of yet another quality title.

Hearing that co-op is more difficult is only good news if my partner isn't a complete jackass looking for an opportunity to get me killed or screw us for the hell of it. Hopefully I can pair up with one of you guys in the future to tackle it or luck out and find a decent well spoken random. Of course it wouldn't be until after I beat the SP. I'd prefer to go in as blind as possible with another newbie.[/QUOTE]
Oooh, pick me! I still need the Professor Portal achievement and then a ton of other co-op achievements.
Looking for someone to help with "Professor Portal" in exchange I'll help with any other co-op achievements.

Will be online tonight around 8 PM cst
I'm trading in Portal 2 tomorrow and I still need one more hug, if someone could please add me I would greatly appreciate it.

EDIT: Got it, thanks to whoever on CAG that friended me. If anyone needs the same just friend me before I trade this in tomorrow morning. I'm usually up pretty late.
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[quote name='theredworm']
next up replay the whole game with commentary[/QUOTE]
In case you didn't already know, except for the first level of single and coop stories, there are only one or two commentary spots towards the beginning of each level. If you're just planning on listening to commentary and not fully playing through the rest of the level afterward, it'll take all of 20 minutes.
[quote name='Ryuukishi']Just mopped the last of my single player achievements, Still Alive is the only one I have left to do.[/QUOTE]

I haven't even touched the coop yet, if anybody is up for some coop for the 360 feel free to send me a message on xbox live.
[quote name='Coper3000']I'm sure this has been asked/a stupid question, but how does the save system work with co-op?[/QUOTE]
It's auto-saved after every chamber on a per-player basis, so you can be a couple chambers into course 4 and your partner only finished the very first chamber. I think you can play chambers out of order, so you can play chambers your partner can't access yet on his own.
Very nice. Thanks Firvagor. We got to level 7, and we weren't 100% sure if we did it all for nothing, or if we can pick it up again where we left off.
Ebbtide, I'll give you a Portal hug. Just friend me. I work nights, so most of my game time is in the mornings.

Anyone who hasn't played co-op willing to help me get Professor Portal? My son and I are trying to get most of the achievements together, but I'll need some outside help for that one and the hug 3 friends cheevo.
I'm quite far into P2 now and, while I like the game, I think it is over-rated.

It's too much the same. There no progression in the gameplay either. It seems flat throughout. And sort of endless similar levels. Meanwhile they pair that with a story that is progressing. It feels a bit off. LIke the story is happening independent of what I do in the game.

Yet I will finish it tonight probably. And it is still better than most games I play.
[quote name='The Ebbtide']I just need 1 hug, if anyone can help.[/QUOTE]
I'm on right now. I seriously need to get this 2-3 week old trade-in out.
[quote name='The Ebbtide']I'm on right now. I seriously need to get this 2-3 week old trade-in out.[/QUOTE]
Sorry man, I'd give you another one if I could. :p Good luck.
I have to confess that I had to look up the solution to the last (real) test in chapter 8. Of course I felt like a complete dope once I read what the solution was. :)
[quote name='crunchewy']I have to confess that I had to look up the solution to the last (real) test in chapter 8. Of course I felt like a complete dope once I read what the solution was. :)[/QUOTE]
Yeah, same here, only chamber that I had to look up a solution for. And the thing was, I actually tried
sending the gel through the convection funnel behind me, but I guess my timing was off or something because the gel kept hitting Chell and not making it over the gap.
So I convinced myself that that wouldn't work and wasted a bunch of time looking for another way to do it. Once I found out that it actually was the correct solution, I was able to do it.
I just beat the single player, what a fantastic game, and I'm looking for a co-op partner. JosephWhiteIII on Live. Message me and we can try to set something up. Even if its only a friend add and a hug in game! :)
I changed my mind. I got a hug from a random playing online, boxed up the game, and went to the UPS drop site. I walked in, but couldn't do it. I felt like a jerk, seriously, for not helping that random finish the game. I enjoy it too much. I even messaged him, telling him I'd be back on later so we could go through more chambers. This is the first 360 game I've 1000'd and am not trading in. Damn you Valve.

Plus, with the DLC coming for free in the summer, there's no point in me rebuying this when I already got it for a nice price.

If you need help in the game, or just a hug, message me online.
[quote name='crunchewy']I have to confess that I had to look up the solution to the last (real) test in chapter 8. Of course I felt like a complete dope once I read what the solution was. :)[/QUOTE]
I think the issue there was that they never really explained how the items in that chamber could interact. Like others have posted, I knew how to do it, but couldn't figure out how to do it.

Once I saw a video of how to solve it, I was disappointed. If only I had just goofed around a little longer, I would have probably come across the solution by dumb luck.
Which room was that? Was it the one where you have to
move the blue gel to get rid of the turrets behind the glass and then bounce over to the exit (Test Chamber 16)? I had a hard time figuring out how to break the monitor on that level and I think the way I ended up doing it was not what Valve had intended. It worked fine for me when I just tried getting to the exit though.
[quote name='The Ebbtide']I just need 1 hug, if anyone can help.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='The Ebbtide']I'm on right now. I seriously need to get this 2-3 week old trade-in out.[/QUOTE]

Sorry man, we just haven't been on at the same time since you added me. I'll be on tomorrow morning at 7:30 a.m. EST to go after some co-op achievements with my son before school. If you can be on then, we can do a quick hug to get you that achievement.

EDIT: Never mind, just read your later post that you got it already. Well, I'll still need hugs for that one myself, so if you're keeping it, maybe you can help me get it some time.
Stupid question, perhaps - how do you see what chamber (number) you are in? When I was looking up the solution for that one chamber, the FAQ noted chamber numbers, but I don't see them anywhere in the game.
[quote name='Javery']Which room was that? Was it the one where you have to
move the blue gel to get rid of the turrets behind the glass and then bounce over to the exit (Test Chamber 16)? I had a hard time figuring out how to break the monitor on that level and I think the way I ended up doing it was not what Valve had intended. It worked fine for me when I just tried getting to the exit though.

I'm not sure.
You did have to drop gel on turrets behind glass. There's a switch you have to press that's on their side of the glass, which is why you need to get rid of them. That switch pops up a panel that you then have to shoot out of and then bounce off the gel you dropped to get to the other side where the exit is.
[quote name='advanced']I just beat the single player, what a fantastic game, and I'm looking for a co-op partner. JosephWhiteIII on Live. Message me and we can try to set something up. Even if its only a friend add and a hug in game! :)[/QUOTE]
I still have co-op achievements to get. Sent you a friend request. Just send me an invite when you feel like playing.
[quote name='crunchewy']I'm not sure.
You did have to drop gel on turrets behind glass. There's a switch you have to press that's on their side of the glass, which is why you need to get rid of them. That switch pops up a panel that you then have to shoot out of and then bounce off the gel you dropped to get to the other side where the exit is.

That's the one I'm thinking of.
Just wondering... is it possible to get the Professor Portal achievement by playing with someone split-screen? I don't want to touch the co-op mode yet as I could help someone out online, but just wondering if anybody has tried to get it by using a non-Gold local gamertag in ss?

EDIT: never mind, I found my answer on another site... no go. So... I will hold off doing co-op at all until I get somebody the achievement, then I'll ask for one in return. Any takers for this weekend sometime?
I have done the first two chambers of co-op so anyone wanting to beat the co-op with me, send me a friend request.

Trying to finish that out so i can be with everyone else hunting for newbies to get the Professor achievement.

I may set up a session via True Achievements for Saturday and/or Sunday.
[quote name='guyjr']Just wondering... is it possible to get the Professor Portal achievement by playing with someone split-screen? I don't want to touch the co-op mode yet as I could help someone out online, but just wondering if anybody has tried to get it by using a non-Gold local gamertag in ss?

EDIT: never mind, I found my answer on another site... no go. So... I will hold off doing co-op at all until I get somebody the achievement, then I'll ask for one in return. Any takers for this weekend sometime?[/QUOTE]
I need the Professor Portal achievement and would love the help in getting it. I'll be on early tomorrow morning (like 6:00-8:00 a.m. EST) and then possibly from time to time later in the day. I'll send you a friend request.
[quote name='mike.m']I may set up a session via True Achievements for Saturday and/or Sunday.[/QUOTE]
Always nice to see another CAG on True Achievements, hope you don't mind if I friend you.
I'll be on tonight around 7pm central and available for coop hugs and achievement type stuff if anyone is still needing anything. I'm still in need of a prof portal if someone is kind enough to help out there. If 48hr xbl gold accounts work then (never used one before) I'm sure I could find a code and help someone out in return.
[quote name='handsomepete']I'll be on tonight around 7pm central and available for coop hugs and achievement type stuff if anyone is still needing anything. I'm still in need of a prof portal if someone is kind enough to help out there. If 48hr xbl gold accounts work then (never used one before) I'm sure I could find a code and help someone out in return.[/QUOTE]
Aside from Professor Portal, I can help you unlock the other achievements you need (well I can only give you one hug, but I can get you the under 60 seconds achievement and try Still Alive with you). Let me know if you'd like to try it out.

If anyone else needs a hug, let me know.
bread's done