Portal 2 (PS3) to include PC version (on Steam) FREE -- $54.99 at Amazon


5 (100%)
This is on both Kotaku and Joystiq: Valve announces that the PS3 version of Portal 2 will feature "full cross-platform compatibility: PS3 users can chat with Steam users, play multiplayer with them and even partake in cloud-based storage. The disparity between the PS3 and PC/Mac versions appears to be about non-existent now."

"If you play Portal 2 on PS3, you can play with people on a PC. Neat! And to make sure as many people as possible are doing just that, the PS3 version of the game will include the PC version.

"All players have to do once they get the game is link their PlayStation Network and Steam accounts. Once that's done, they'll have a Steam Play (so, PC and/or Mac) version of the game ready to download in their library list."

Amazon has Portal 2 :ps3: for $54.99 as I write this: http://www.amazon.com/Portal-2-Playstation-3/dp/B003O6E3C8?tag=cheapassgam08-20
To be fair, it appears that all retail purchases of the PS3 version quality -- not just simply those sold through Amazon. They just have the best pre-order price right now.

Valve's press release:

January 18, 2011 -- Valve, creators of best-selling game franchises (such as Half-Life and Counter-Strike) and leading technologies (such as Steam and Source), today announced the Steam features shipping with the PlayStation 3 (PS3) version of Portal 2.

Marking the debut of Steam functioning on any next generation console, the features shipping in the PS3 version of Portal 2 include cross platform play (PC/Mac vs. PS3) for multiplayer games, persistent cloud-based storage of PS3 saved games, and cross platform chat (PC/Mac and PS3).

In addition, those who purchase Portal 2 for the PlayStation 3 may unlock a Steam Play (PC & Mac) copy of Portal 2 at no additional cost by linking their PSN and Steam accounts.

"We made a promise to gamers at E3 that Portal 2 for the PlayStation 3 would be the best console version of the product," said Gabe Newell, co-founder and president of Valve. "Working together with Sony we have identified a set of features we believe are very compelling to gamers. We hope to expand upon the foundation being laid in Portal 2 with more Steam features and functionality in DLC and future content releases."

"We designed the Portal 2 PS3 experience to be very straightforward for gamers," said Josh Weier, project lead on Portal 2 at Valve. "PS3 gamers will be able to simply drop the Blu-Ray disc in the PS3, link to their Steam account from inside the game, and all their Steam friends (on PC and Mac) will be visible and accessible for chat and game invites."

These features are made possible thru the use of Steam, Valve's platform for the delivery and management of games and digital content.

Portal 2 is due for release on the PlayStation 3, PC, Mac and Xbox 360 this April.

For more information, please visit www.thinkingwithportals.com
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I buy and play all of Valve's games through Steam but I guess I might as well get Portal 2 for PS3 huh? I mean there's no other way to look at it I don't think. I will just buy the PS3 version and then play the Steam version on my PC, 2 copies of a game for the price of 1..... sounds good to me!!!
[quote name='psunami']
On topic, kudos to Steam for offering something like this. I have friends that will never be interested in PC gaming and will be picking this game up for the PS3. Now I can play with them on either my PC or PS3 without any issues. This is something I've been hoping to see for years... true multiplatform multiplayer gaming. I can't wait to see what Steam and Sony do after this.[/QUOTE]

I know a lot of people are excited about the "free" copy, myself included, but this is definitely an exciting feature. Yeah I know this was done with a game like Shadowrun, but M$ has sort of left the concept in the dust. It will be interesting to see what comes out of all of this, if anything :bouncy:.
finally SONY has team up with a developer/publisher that cares about its costumers, things are only gonna get better for ps3 owners :)
[quote name='supaet']then they should make all valves games mac and ps3 exclusive.

if it's Sony's doing, trying to get people to buy the ps3 version, I can understand that.
If it's anything that's technically impossible, like more content on blu-ray, I can understand that.

Cut all those steam cloud stuff if you can't do it on xbox live. But why not include a retail steam key in the box for the 360 version as well? Does Valve want to piss off MS or xbox owners with this move? I think it's the latter.[/QUOTE]
there's no point in giving xbox 360 users a PC copy if they can't take advantage of steamplay and steamcloud. that's the point of doing it on the ps3 because sony let valve use steam.
Those are some very cool features, and makes Portal 2 look like a really exciting and fresh product (even more so than it already was!). Kinda brings me back to the days when Unreal Tournament III allowed for mods on PS3.
[quote name='psunami']I think the problem that most people would have with your statements, LottaGames, is the fact that you keep referring to Steam as a virus.

They had an unsuccessful launch with it nearly 8 years ago, like a lot of products do.

You seem to want to try and convince others that your opinion is the right one, based off of information from a time in the past, that has no reflection on the current state of affairs. When people point out to you that things are different, your comeback is to state that things were really bad when you tried it then. (The statement that you had to format your drive to remove it tells us all a great deal about your prowess when working on the PC platform.) In my entire career as an IT professional, there have only been 2 times where I've had to format a system to remove a root kit.... and that was for a root kit, not a piece of software that I didn't like.

Patches are a way of life. No PC game could been able to be configured for every single video card, motherboard chipset or audio chipset right out of the box (try as they may) and when a company will continue to try and work on the game and update it to provide broader support to everyone that has the game (not just the subset of people who might have had no problems on it at launch) they should be applauded, not derided.

I guess I'm confused that a person who states that they would want to play FPS's on a PC wouldn't want patches to be introduced into those games when so many players online seem to strive to want to find exploits that break the online functionality.[/QUOTE]

It certainly qualifies. It comes mixed in with something I once wanted. Installs and operates without permission, connects online to remote servers, prevents me from doing things, updates itself, and leaves crap all over the PC system which is why I formatted for the best results. Just because it doesn't get caught by scanners doesn't mean it doesn't fit every other checkbox. Am I a little overprotective of my PC? Perhaps.

It IS right. I used it, it sucked. What else do I need to explain? If there were small problems then maybe your stories could be believed. Instead it was one flaw after another and I don't like when a product I bought is made useless by an infectious piece of software. The only way it could be made less invasive is if it's now optional and nobody has told me if this is true.

Patches are for broken games. HL2 on my machine wasn't broken, so why did I have to DL it? And when I gave in it screwed the game up. Gee, thanks you idiots, what a swell patch... Like I said I didn't intend to play online. In those cases yes it helps that players are on the same page. Not once did I connect to an online server to need the patch.

It seems you people just don't know what you're talking about and insist on ragging on my posts than trying to answer the questions I asked. It's too late for Valve and the PC, they're done and I would certainly sell the code and any necessary accounts as an instant rebate. All I need to know is that in the off chance I get this for PS3 that my console won't fall victim to Steam the same way HL2 did. If there's no way around it I'll just stay far way like many others will. Not that big a deal, sheeze.
160gb PS3 is back on Amazon with a $50 credit. I am thinking about picking one up. I know there are rumors of price drops coming this year for both consoles but I highly doubt Sony will drop the price by more than $50.

Seems like Microsoft and Sony just keep adding features and bigger hard drives to keep their $299 price as long as possible.
[quote name='LottaGames'] If there's no way around it I'll just stay far way like many others will.[/QUOTE]

Now your just makin stuff up. :)
[quote name='LottaGames']Installs and operates without permission[/quote]

Technically, you had to agree to the Terms of Service before it installed, so it does what it does with your permission.

[quote name='LottaGames']prevents me from doing things[/quote]

Yes, I can see how it prevents you from doing things. 7 years later, it's still preventing you from having a rational thought.

[quote name='LottaGames']Not once did I connect to an online server to need the patch. [/quote]

Again, you did agree to the Tos. A Steam game requires you to connect to their servers. It's a concession that you make when purchasing the game.

[quote name='LottaGames']It seems you people just don't know what you're talking about and insist on ragging on my posts than trying to answer the questions I asked.[/quote]

What's funny is that it took you 4 posts of ranting about how Steam was a virus before you did actually ask a question as to if you could disable the functionality on the PS3.

Have you played a game on the PS3 before? A game with online functionality? If you play the game on PSN, it requires you to get the most recent patch before you can play it online. By your definition Xbox Live and PSN are just as bad as Steam for automatically patching their titles.

I may not have answered your question, but have pointed out the fact that you really have no interest in finding out the solution, if you may have actually cared when you did ask it.

The line for the Xbox 360 version of the title will form to the right. Thank you. Come again.
[quote name='LottaGames']
Patches are for broken games. HL2 on my machine wasn't broken, so why did I have to DL it? And when I gave in it screwed the game up. Gee, thanks you idiots, what a swell patch... Like I said I didn't intend to play online. In those cases yes it helps that players are on the same page. Not once did I connect to an online server to need the patch.

Automatic updates are now optional too. You just right click on the game and then choose, "Do not automatically update this game."
[quote name='CreepinDeth']Automatic updates are now optional too. You just right click on the game and then choose, "Do not automatically update this game."[/QUOTE]
I am sure that is probably not good enough for him.
When I purchased HL2 I wasn't told about Steam until the disc was in my PC. And it took a couple days of use before I realized the mistake I made. How could I have known? With all the hassles it probably took me 2 months to get through the entire game, then got rid of it ASAP. Now that I'm aware each game requires Steam I've not touched a single product of theirs since HL2.

Some PS3 games can skip the patch and still load. I don't play everything online. It's a little different anyway since I've yet to find a patch that made a game worse or prevent me from playing when I wanted.

I think it was premature to ask since nobody seems to know for sure. I'll have to wait for the release and then ask again. I certainly won't buy it before asking, I was burned on the first and only game I bought.

Please, I will not be buying a 360. You can quit making that comment. If anyone knows the answer, great. If not, keep the trolling to yourself. Thanks.

[quote name='CreepinDeth']Automatic updates are now optional too. You just right click on the game and then choose, "Do not automatically update this game."[/QUOTE]
Good news for sure, but as previously told that wasn't the only thing keeping me away.
If I'm reading the article right, we can get Portal 2 on PC just by linking accounts (no redeeming of a voucher). Does that mean free Portal 2 for anyone who signs into PSN using only one game?
How much is the PC version going to cost? If it costs $50 I might as well pick it up on PS3, activate it on PC, and immediately sell the PS3 version. If the PC version is only going to be like $40, I'd probably just stick with the PC version off Steam.
[quote name='smoger']this is perfect.. i can't play first person games with a controller and my girlfriend can't play them on a keyboard... so we'll split the cost and both get the copy of the game that we want :)

..and get to play together![/QUOTE]

Can I join and play with you guys? :cool:

[quote name='frankthetank3388']how much is the pc version going to cost? If it costs $50 i might as well pick it up on ps3, activate it on pc, and immediately sell the ps3 version. If the pc version is only going to be like $40, i'd probably just stick with the pc version off steam.[/quote]

This might have been asked before in the thread, but is there some sort of serial key on the disc that prevents the pc version from being unlocked multiple times. Example, I buy the PS3 version and unlock the PC version then sell it to someone else who unlocks the PC version and the train keeps going...?
Or is it a one time use thing? I haven't read anywhere about an unlock code...
[quote name='Schizophriend']This might have been asked before in the thread, but is there some sort of serial key on the disc that prevents the pc version from being unlocked multiple times. Example, I buy the PS3 version and unlock the PC version then sell it to someone else who unlocks the PC version and the train keeps going...?
Or is it a one time use thing? I haven't read anywhere about an unlock code...[/QUOTE]

Right now we dont know as they didnt say anything. I would assume there be a code to limit it to one per person
[quote name='Schizophriend']This might have been asked before in the thread, but is there some sort of serial key on the disc that prevents the pc version from being unlocked multiple times. Example, I buy the PS3 version and unlock the PC version then sell it to someone else who unlocks the PC version and the train keeps going...?
Or is it a one time use thing? I haven't read anywhere about an unlock code...[/QUOTE]

I suspect it will be like other Steam/DLC content codes, a unique code that can only be redeemed by one account.
Most likely its a code that you would bind to your Steam account meaning only one use. Now the interesting thing here is that the article stated that you would have to link your PSN account to your steam profile to get the PC version to work.

I would say doing this may also mean that you cannot play both the PS3 version and the PC version at the same time online as both would require your steam account access for online play. I know that I cannot log into steam from two different computers at the same time unless one is offline, I would assume this will work similarly but I could be wrong.

Edit: Reading the Press release there may not even be a code: "In addition, those who purchase Portal 2 for the PlayStation 3 may unlock a Steam Play (PC & Mac) copy of Portal 2 at no additional cost by linking their PSN and Steam accounts."

It may simply show up in your PCs download list when you link your steam account. You could probably still sell the PS3 version though but I wouldn't count on having a PC code to sell or trade.
[quote name='FrankTheTank3388']How much is the PC version going to cost? If it costs $50 I might as well pick it up on PS3, activate it on PC, and immediately sell the PS3 version. If the PC version is only going to be like $40, I'd probably just stick with the PC version off Steam.[/QUOTE]

$50, however expect to the PC version to drop in price much faster than the PS3 version. If you're buying it on or around launch day then you may as well pick up the PS3 version but if you wait a while the PC version will probably be much cheaper.
[quote name='triforcer']there's no point in giving xbox 360 users a PC copy if they can't take advantage of steamplay and steamcloud. that's the point of doing it on the ps3 because sony let valve use steam.[/QUOTE]

what does getting a copy of portal 2 for PC has anything to do with taking advantage of steamplay and steamcloud on a CONSOLE?
Am I the only one that gathers from the press release that the PC version will only work when linked to your PSN account, which would nix the idea of selling the PC version? Now I suppose that you could sell the PS3 version if you preferred the PC, but I'm betting they figure out a way to make it impossible to share or sell either way. Of course I'm trying to figure out a scenario when having two copies really benefits someone. Aside from the PC guy with the console girlfriend, you are either one or the other. No PS3 gamer will ever pop in the PC version and vice versa. Whatever the case may be, I don't think they're doing that much here. Yes they're technically giving you two ways to play the same game, but if they require your accounts to be linked to potentially play either version that's been unlocked via activation key, then in the grand scheme of things I think that's a bit overrated.
This is a really smart move on Sony/Valve's part. Considering it's a co-op game it makes a ton of sense to basically let two players play the game with the purchase of one copy.
[quote name='supaet']what does getting a copy of portal 2 for PC has anything to do with taking advantage of steamplay and steamcloud on a CONSOLE?[/QUOTE]

because presumably your save file on your ps3 will be synced to your save file on your pc version, that's how steam cloud works. since MS wont allow steam on xbox live, you can't do that.
[quote name='LottaGames']When I purchased HL2 I wasn't told about Steam until the disc was in my PC. And it took a couple days of use before I realized the mistake I made. How could I have known? With all the hassles it probably took me 2 months to get through the entire game, then got rid of it ASAP. Now that I'm aware each game requires Steam I've not touched a single product of theirs since HL2.

Some PS3 games can skip the patch and still load. I don't play everything online. It's a little different anyway since I've yet to find a patch that made a game worse or prevent me from playing when I wanted.

I think it was premature to ask since nobody seems to know for sure. I'll have to wait for the release and then ask again. I certainly won't buy it before asking, I was burned on the first and only game I bought.

Please, I will not be buying a 360. You can quit making that comment. If anyone knows the answer, great. If not, keep the trolling to yourself. Thanks.

Good news for sure, but as previously told that wasn't the only thing keeping me away.[/QUOTE]

Wow man, just give it up, we get you don't like Steam, but your points are so hilarious it makes me dread the future of mankind.

Of course many of us had a few problems within the first few days of HL2's release, it was the first time Steam was used for a major release, so of course they'll be some problems. I just fail to understand how you ran into so many problems, that it took you a couple months to resolve, it sounds more like user error to me. Claiming your overprotective of your computer?.. more like you have no idea how to maintain a computer.

And stop throwing the word troll around, since you obviously lack the knowledge of what an actual troll is, every single one of your posts has been complete trolling and absolute non-sense.

[quote name='LottaGames']
It seems you people just don't know what you're talking about...[/QUOTE]

Ohhh the irony.
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Hell, I got HL2 in the first month of release and never had a single problem with it. Stuck the disk in. Went online. Downloaded the encrypted file. Played the game. I don't know what problems this guy is referring to at all. Hell, I even went online a few times and didn't have a problem there either. Starting to sound like user error to me.
My apologies to the thread. I got wrapped up in sarcasm.

It's hard to think of a way that Sony and Steam would be able to restrict people from being able to sell their PS3 copy after loading the PC version. Even if they tied it to your PSN account, they would probably have a difficult time proving you didn't still have the game disk.

Regardless, I'll be picking up the PS3 version. If only to encourage this sort of action from the two of them.
[quote name='LottaGames']When I purchased HL2 I wasn't told about Steam until the disc was in my PC. And it took a couple days of use before I realized the mistake I made. How could I have known? With all the hassles it probably took me 2 months to get through the entire game, then got rid of it ASAP. Now that I'm aware each game requires Steam I've not touched a single product of theirs since HL2.

Some PS3 games can skip the patch and still load. I don't play everything online. It's a little different anyway since I've yet to find a patch that made a game worse or prevent me from playing when I wanted.

I think it was premature to ask since nobody seems to know for sure. I'll have to wait for the release and then ask again. I certainly won't buy it before asking, I was burned on the first and only game I bought.

Please, I will not be buying a 360. You can quit making that comment. If anyone knows the answer, great. If not, keep the trolling to yourself. Thanks.

Good news for sure, but as previously told that wasn't the only thing keeping me away.[/QUOTE]

I am really sorry to hear all that.
From my experience I can only say Steam is G R E A T.
I've played: Counter Strike, Day of Defeat, Team Fortress 2, etc.
Now I play: Left 4 Dead 1&2, Company of Heroes: Tales of Valor, Alien Swarn (it's free), Half Life 2, etc.
I live outside the US and even the online is awesome.
Since years ago Steam is a very smooth gaming experience. Sure, you have to update from time to time, buy is no different than the updates for my Ps3.
As a Ps3 and PC owner this news is spectacular. I hope some other games start following Valve's example.
[quote name='psunami']My apologies to the thread. I got wrapped up in sarcasm.

It's hard to think of a way that Sony and Steam would be able to restrict people from being able to sell their PS3 copy after loading the PC version. Even if they tied it to your PSN account, they would probably have a difficult time proving you didn't still have the game disk.

Regardless, I'll be picking up the PS3 version. If only to encourage this sort of action from the two of them.[/QUOTE]

Yeah I don't see any way for them to keep you from selling the PS3 copy, however I am almost certain they will not allow the PS3 and PC version on the steam account at the same time meaning no co op play unless you bought two copies.
[quote name='Reck_Havoc']Wow man, just give it up, we get you don't like Steam, but your points are so hilarious it makes me dread the future of mankind.

Of course many of us had a few problems within the first few days of HL2's release, it was the first time Steam was used for a major release, so of course they'll be some problems. I just fail to understand how you ran into so many problems, that it took you a couple months to resolve, it sounds more like user error to me. Claiming your overprotective of your computer?.. more like you have no idea how to maintain a computer.

I'm glad you find the truth so humorous... Wacko.

I don't know either. You read my list and I'm not making anything up. Truly it was the first and only PC game I wanted nothing to do with in the future although I still have the discs in case a no-Steam patch was released. I just have to be careful if I reinstall the original HL. I think Steam, once it latches into your PC, will search for other games too.

Oh no, the first time it broke I gave up for a while hoping Steam would fix itself. Then I get by one problem to find another, and so on. But yeah instead of playing through the game there were many hurdles to slow me down. It wasn't the PC itself as I've used them for a long time. I don't use untrustworthy or suspicious software. Are you whiners done now? An answer will need to wait until closer to release.
Wow do I love Valve. I generally only buy their games from Steam to cut them the most profit, but this is to good to pass up.

To the dude trollin' on steam. Technology has hiccups, and Steam has evolved from the pile it was at launch to a wonderous platform. Your close mindedness is forcing you to lose out on tons of great games and a simple distribution system.

I thought part of me died the day won.net got shut down, but I was so wrong...
[quote name='LottaGames']I don't know either. You read my list and I'm not making anything up. Truly it was the first and only PC game I wanted nothing to do with in the future although I still have the discs in case a no-Steam patch was released. I just have to be careful if I reinstall the original HL. I think Steam, once it latches into your PC, will search for other games too.

I'm trying to figure out what you mean by that. I personally have only used Steam within the last year and a half. But if I'm reading your post correctly, then Steam currently only has games that you've either purchased through Steam or have manually registered on it. Also, other Valve games that require Steam. It doesn't touch other games that you have installed without Steam's help.

Also, I have the original HL on disc and Steam doesn't do anything with it. So not sure what you mean by that either. Did it used to require you to use Steam?
[quote name='LottaGames']Are you whiners done now? An answer will need to wait until closer to release.[/QUOTE]

Are you done yet? Your the weirdo who decided to troll a topic and bash on Steam in every single one of your posts, even calling it a virus, then backing up your statements with personal experience that you claim as facts.

Did you really think people wouldn't say something?
[quote name='chriscolbert']Am I the only one that gathers from the press release that the PC version will only work when linked to your PSN account, which would nix the idea of selling the PC version? Now I suppose that you could sell the PS3 version if you preferred the PC, but I'm betting they figure out a way to make it impossible to share or sell either way. Of course I'm trying to figure out a scenario when having two copies really benefits someone. Aside from the PC guy with the console girlfriend, you are either one or the other. No PS3 gamer will ever pop in the PC version and vice versa. Whatever the case may be, I don't think they're doing that much here. Yes they're technically giving you two ways to play the same game, but if they require your accounts to be linked to potentially play either version that's been unlocked via activation key, then in the grand scheme of things I think that's a bit overrated.[/QUOTE]

Both myself and a friend are getting the PS3 version and plan to keep both. Sometimes we are not around one machine but have access to the other. Other times we just rather use one control style over the other.

In addition, those who purchase Portal 2 for the PlayStation 3 may unlock a Steam Play (PC & Mac) copy of Portal 2 at no additional cost by linking their PSN and Steam accounts.
Where are you people getting this voucher idea from? Just because joystiq says it does not mean its true. It seems to me that once you access the game you would go to an option to log into steam thus linking the 2 accounts. I don't think a voucher is in order.

Also To those asking why PS3 and not 360: The VP of Sharpening Things said so
I'm going to try to be respectful, Lotta, because I know what it's like to be in a thread here with the one-off "perspective"...No one else here is currently a "whiner". You've made your points and your inquiry about PS3 usage hit a brick wall. Now you're the one loitering with resentment without productivity or purpose. Stop spreading FUD launched off of a 7 year old version of a PROGRAM (your virus spiel confounds the very fabric of logic).

When millions of users use (and stand by) a platform --virtually without issue-- for years on end, you're more than the odd man out. You're a bitter anomaly.

Look, Valve makes STEAM, not Skynet. Just stop. You said yourself your question can't be answered yet, just move on and take the tin foil off because your absurdity (don't dub it as "truth", you wore that schtick out) is destructive and cyclical at this point. And this is coming from someone who is notoriously labeled as paranoid...you're practically unhinged regarding STEAM.
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[quote name='CreepinDeth']I'm trying to figure out what you mean by that. I personally have only used Steam within the last year and a half. But if I'm reading your post correctly, then Steam currently only has games that you've either purchased through Steam or have manually registered on it. Also, other Valve games that require Steam. It doesn't touch other games that you have installed without Steam's help.

Also, I have the original HL on disc and Steam doesn't do anything with it. So not sure what you mean by that either. Did it used to require you to use Steam?[/QUOTE]

Because the game took so long to DL despite having the disc I was getting bored waiting to play. However I seem to recall the virus searching (without asking again) for other installed games to infect as if it was doing me a favor. I was glad I hadn't reinstalled HL1 or the expansions before then. HL2 was the first and only Steam game. I guess you can say Steam got me away from PC gaming.

[quote name='Reck_Havoc']Are you done yet? Your the weirdo who decided to troll a topic and bash on Steam in every single one of your posts, even calling it a virus, then backing up your statements with personal experience that you claim as facts.

Did you really think people wouldn't say something?[/QUOTE]

I got blasted for asking a question or two. I've just been replying to people quoting me or asking things in return. How is my experience not fact? I know what I went through my friend... Tried to put it behind me so I may not recall every tiny detail. They can say something but the confusing part is they flame me while agreeing Steam is/was a pile of crap.
[quote name='LottaGames']They can say something but the confusing part is they flame me while agreeing Steam is/was a pile of crap.[/QUOTE]

8 fucking years ago. Jesus.
[quote name='LottaGames']Because the game took so long to DL despite having the disc I was getting bored waiting to play. However I seem to recall the virus searching (without asking again) for other installed games to infect as if it was doing me a favor. I was glad I hadn't reinstalled HL1 or the expansions before then. HL2 was the first and only Steam game. I guess you can say Steam got me away from PC gaming.

Alright, fair enough. If you don't want to trust Steam regardless, then that's your choice, but I will say that I'm 100% positive it doesn't do that anymore.

I highly recommend though, if you have a spare PC that you don't care about, or a friend who has Steam, to check it out at least once more. Because let's be honest, it has been quite a LONG time since you've used the service. Even if you still decide not to use it afterwards. It just doesn't seem fair to evaluate a program that has come a long way since HL2. It has been updated many, many times.
Thanks for the heads up! I was planning on only getting the PC version through steam, but now I will get the PS3 version to get both for one price.
For people who are buying this expecting to get 2 copies of the game for one price, do you really think that you'll have 2 games for the price of one, and that you'll be able to keep one copy and sell the other, or something of that nature? I've barely ever used Steam in the past, but the way it sounds like it works, it appears as though you can have the game associated with one Steam account (linked with a PSN account) at maximum, which means that if you're logged into Steam and playing one copy of the game, you won't be able to play the other copy of the game at the same time because Valve detects that someone else is currently signed into Steam playing the same game (or perhaps even detect that your PSN account is playing the game).
[quote name='sTaTIx']For people who are buying this expecting to get 2 copies of the game for one price, do you really think that you'll have 2 games for the price of one, and that you'll be able to keep one copy and sell the other, or something of that nature? I've barely ever used Steam in the past, but the way it sounds like it works, it appears as though you can have the game associated with one Steam account (linked with a PSN account) at maximum, which means that if you're logged into Steam and playing one copy of the game, you won't be able to play the other copy of the game at the same time because Valve detects that someone else is currently signed into Steam playing the same game (or perhaps even detect that your PSN account is playing the game).[/QUOTE]
yes that would be a problem but ps3 games don't use keys, so there's nothing stopping another PSN account from playing the ps3 copy. i plan on keeping both, originally was going to get the pc version, but its nice to have a physical copy.
This is great for me.

I wanted the PC version, but still wanted to play with my PS3 friends.

Cross-platform play alone would have solved this but two copies to boot?
It might be a one-time use code that you use to enable the free PC-version Steam download. And I don't think it's been confirmed that you can play cross-platform co-op using just the PS3 version of the game; it sounds too good. More than likely, they're only including the PC Steam-version copy for your convenience, and you won't be able do something like have your friend play one version on PC and you play on PS3 (logged into Steam) at the same time, etc.

Sure, you'll probably be able to play the PC Steam version at the same time someone else is playing the PS3 version when LOGGED OFF of Steam, but that defeats the purpose or benefit of cross-platform play, because you'll probably have to be logged into Steam on the PS3 in order to play cross-platform.

Just warning people to not expect too much, or for Valve to give you so much out of the kindness of their hearts. Even if they included the PC Steam version as a convenience feature and you won't be able to play both logged into Steam at the same time, it's still a cool bonus, all said and done.
bread's done