Price Drop - Nintendo DS Lite $99.99 on 6/5

My 6 year old Niece wants a DS for Xmas. I had gotten her some GBA games for her last bday but I think she's set on this system. I'm thinking I'll grab one for her if the Lite really is being discontinued. I'm honestly not that familiar with all the additions in the DSi. Would the Lite be the way to go, or hold out and expect a Black Friday sale on the DSi?
[quote name='imacgod']I'm not liking your tone. But I'll try to be rational with you.

The current Xbox, Wii, and DS cases have really awkward gigantic circles or recycle symbols. You don't need an engineering degree to know that lack of material in such large spaces is going compromise the durability. I have had these things come to me shattered completely, and I've had to do exchanges with Amazon as well as Best Buy because of how weak these cases are. And I've seen plenty of cover art in-stores at least punctured or ripped because of these cases. There isn't much win-win if my game comes damaged or scratched because they decide to use flimsier cases, now is there? Cases exist to protect things inside of them. These are doing a horrendous job.

Another thing that bugs me is the costs that the companies save on production costs and transportation costs, but the savings don't get passed on to the consumer. All we're supposed to get out of it is a warm feeling of saving the Earth. But that quickly goes away when you receive your game jacked up. Fantastic. Really the 3DS' game cases seem to be the only one that balances that out right minus saving the consumer some money. I'm sure you can design a better case without compromising durability.

In conclusion, I will probably hate these red cases too assuming they go with the DS eco-friendly case design and not the 3DS case design.[/QUOTE]

speaking as someone whos totally with you on the disc based crap-tastic 'eco' cases. I wll say that the DS cases aren't as terrible as those. They still suck a bit but theyre not nearly as terrible. You seem to agree with that too.

Honestly when everyone tries to pass these off as good for the environemnt it just irks me. All its good for is the companies pocketbooks. If they REALLY cared about the environment they would look into bio-degradable plastics, but that would actually cost them money. So instead they just cut giant holes into our $60 games to save them a few pennies. fuck that. Seriously, just fuck it. Im seriously worried about picking up some of these games down the road. Can you imagine now many 'sealed' and new games will be just totally wrecked sitting in warehouses for 5 or 10 years? As a collector i shudder thinking of this.

anyway, sorry for the side rant, but i really REALLY hate that were still paying 60 bucks for new games and theyre giving us garbage containers that dont even protect the games properly. Christ, id honestly rather have some cardboard thing like they used in the later days of genesis than these flimsy POS's

back to on topic. I really am wondering if i should get the replacement DS lite now or wait a bit for a sale. I may jump on the TRU 89.99 sale like some of you are thinking if that materialized. I still need to find a good screen protector though
If I can manage to still find a crimson red/black unit, I think I could be convinced to add that to my GBA/DS collection (sitting in the garage).

As a side note, the higher price of the 3DS makes it highly unlikely that I would buy (m)any "collector's/limited editions." I'm sure I'm not the only collector who's had that thought pass through their mind.
I traded my DS in towards the 3DS and I miss almost tempted by this. 3DS is kind of cool, but the graphics are still the same level - which, yeah, I did expect - but it's still disappointing. I also knew it would scale down the regular DS games but didn't think I'd care, but I do. Also, the 3DS is extremely prone to scratching - put a screen protector on it the second after you take it out of the box!
[quote name='Javery']If this is true I'm going to be all over it. I was planning to buy my son a DSi for his birthday in July but if I can get a new DS Lite for $90 I might just go for that. He does love the camera feature on his sister's DSi but he wouldn't use any of the other features... if the DSi drops to like $120 I'd consider it though...[/QUOTE]

Black DSis are currently on clearance at Radioshack for $105 if you can find one.
DS Lites are 89.99 at Target right now. I am worried about them being discontinued and not being to able to find one very readily at a decent price. Is this still too high or is there a chance maybe they will go lower around black friday? I want to pick one up because I want to play all the backwards compatible games. I already have a DSI XL
[quote name='hwmusic']DS Lites are 89.99 at Target right now. I am worried about them being discontinued and not being to able to find one very readily at a decent price. Is this still too high or is there a chance maybe they will go lower around black friday? I want to pick one up because I want to play all the backwards compatible games. I already have a DSI XL[/QUOTE]

im in the same boat. I have a dsi XL and a DS lite, but the lite is scratched. I kinda wanted a new one. Plus if it breaks down the road i want a backup since i use it for my GBA games too. Id love to buy one now but i'll be pissed if they drop to like 69.99 on black friday or something which isn't that far off

wait or dont? hmmm
[quote name='Kenshindono']im in the same boat. I have a dsi XL and a DS lite, but the lite is scratched. I kinda wanted a new one. Plus if it breaks down the road i want a backup since i use it for my GBA games too. Id love to buy one now but i'll be pissed if they drop to like 69.99 on black friday or something which isn't that far off

wait or dont? hmmm[/QUOTE]

yeah i was just at the store. they have the blue, red, and the weird looking rose. my girlfriend talked me out of it but i am so torn! ack! i have like a 70 game backlog but I don't want to snooze and miss out on the lite
[quote name='Kenshindono']im in the same boat. I have a dsi XL and a DS lite, but the lite is scratched. I kinda wanted a new one. Plus if it breaks down the road i want a backup since i use it for my GBA games too. Id love to buy one now but i'll be pissed if they drop to like 69.99 on black friday or something which isn't that far off

wait or dont? hmmm[/QUOTE]

Seeing how amazon doesnt have any DS Lite model in stock should be a sign. I don't see how it will be a black friday deal when so few places are carrying new DS Lite
My launch ls lite white left trigger is semi busted, i alos got gba game. Am I better off getting another ds lite or just pay 70 extra for 3ds?
I wouldn't say I see plenty of them, but I do see reasonable amount of DS Lites at places like Target and Toys R' Us still. I'm just not in a hurry. My opinion of course based on my observations. I'm not too concerned about Amazon getting out of the DS Lite business.

The only reason the 3DS might be a higher priority is if you're trying to get in on the ambassador's program and get your free games. I probably could've waited until the holiday for the 3DS (at the earliest) if it wasn't for the games. I don't have many of the free games listed so far, so it works as a nice deal for me and why I find the 3DS worth getting now.
for some reason i really want a dsi xl, over any of them, even the 3ds, im hoping with the 3ds dropping to the same price as the xl the xl might drop eventually.
well i went and bought the crimson red. i probably wont even get around to opening it until the lite drops in price again or something lol
I am in the same boat as you although I did buy a 3DS at launch and just sold it recently as the poor battery and lack of games was killing me. I am going to wait until a new version of the 3DS comes out before I pick one up again. That being said I really want a DSi XL as the screen size feels right to me and the better battery life appeals to me a lot.

I would think that they have to lower the price of the XL now that they are at the same price don't they? I keep hoping to read some news on a price drop (30+%) on here but who knows when that will happen.
Yeah I haven't bought the 3ds because of those same factors you listed. I hope it doesn't take that long for an improved model to come out (after the original ds, it took around 1.5 years for the ds lite to be released).

May be hard to wait for an improved 3ds version if a lot of quality titles get released in the interim (especially if the system price continues to see significant reductions)
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I lost my DS Lite in the move and would like to play rumble pack games, as well as arkanoid and play GBA games, so I might spring for another one somewhere down the line.
by the way to those buying another copy.. did you have to get multiple copies to get a good one? I know when i bought mine i had to return it like 2 or 3 times because i kept having problems. First one had a messed up hinge, and then the next 2 had a fucked up tinted screen. Everything had a kinda redish yellow tint to it. I know it was wrong because the first one i had looked right plus i had the XL to compare side by side. Finally got one that worked well, and then my niece scratched the damn screen >_<

it was a blue one btw. Maybe i'll have better luck with a red one
[quote name='cRodz']sexiness redefined
mine looks mint[/QUOTE]

Mine is minttakao :)I freaking love that colbalt color :) and now I also have the blue 3DS.
bread's done