Pricing article for Wii

[quote name='botticus']They had blue and black controllers on display, but I doubt they'll launch with them. Have they ever had a US launch with different colors other than the DS?[/quote]

Yes, the Gamecube launched in Jet Black and Purple in the US back in Nov. 01'.
[quote name='botticus']I'm fairly certain the NES came with SMB/Duck Hunt, 2 controllers, and Zapper. Granted I was 5, so maybe my parents bought the second controller separately.[/quote]
The most popular NES bundle came with, two controllers + Super Mario Bros. + The Zapper, for $199.99 if I remember correctly, but I believe that $199.99 would be about $300 in 2006, wouldn't it?

I just don't know, it seems like A LOT of hardware for such a low price, what did the SNES launch with? One controller and Super Mario World right? And the N64? What about the Gamecube?

It's just really hard to say, it would be a lot easier if we knew how much the Wii's controller adds to the total cost of the system.
[quote name='yukine']The most popular NES bundle came with, two controllers + Super Mario Bros. + The Zapper, for $199.99 if I remember correctly, but I believe that $199.99 would be about $300 in 2006, wouldn't it?

I just don't know, it seems like A LOT of hardware for such a low price, what did the SNES launch with? One controller and Super Mario World right? And the N64? What about the Gamecube?[/QUOTE]
The difference I would state there is that the cost of producing the Wii is probably substantially less than it was to produce the NES.

And as far as the SNES, I think it had two controllers and SMW (again, I don't recall having to go to the store to get the second controller, so I'm pretty sure it was packed in), and GC came with one controller other than one bundle that was exclusive to some retailer.

I agree that it's a lot to include, but I really think they need to do that. If you can't start gaming out of the box for less than the cost of the 360, you're gonna lose any price advantage.
[quote name='botticus']The difference I would state there is that the cost of producing the Wii is probably substantially less than it was to produce the NES.

And as far as the SNES, I think it had two controllers and SMW (again, I don't recall having to go to the store to get the second controller, so I'm pretty sure it was packed in), and GC came with one controller other than one bundle that was exclusive to some retailer.

I agree that it's a lot to include, but I really think they need to do that. If you can't start gaming out of the box for less than the cost of the 360, you're gonna lose any price advantage.[/quote]

Well, we'll see what happens. I'm confident that Nintendo will give us a good value though.
[quote name='Strell']It doesn't matter. I'm going to prolly drop 500-600 on system + games + controllers, and feel like a man while I am doing so.[/quote]First time ever!
[quote name='psiufoxx2']First time ever![/QUOTE]

Obviously, you are a pro at paying for Wii, and have dulled the shame at doing so through repeated transactions.
Wii doesn't need a pack in game because of the Virtual Console, which I call Virtucon. Am I the only one who will be playing Super Metroid on launch day?
[quote name='BIG5']Wii doesn't need a pack in game because of the Virtual Console, which I call Virtucon. Am I the only one who will be playing Super Metroid on launch day?[/QUOTE]
I'll be too busy making urine and penis jokes while looking at the box to play anything that day.
[quote name='BIG5']Wii doesn't need a pack in game because of the Virtual Console, which I call Virtucon. Am I the only one who will be playing Super Metroid on launch day?[/quote]

I like the idea of the virtual console, but when I get the system, I want to play a game that utilizes the wiimote, not something I could have already played without spending $200+.
Im guessing that the system will come with the Wii-mote and the virtual console remote. If they really want to push virtual console they wont make you buy the controller seperate.

I expect to pay $350 around launch, if its $200 ill pick up 3 games and if its 250 ill just grab 2.

Zelda + Dragonquest are 2 sure buys for me though.
I just want to be sure of the prices so that I know how many kids I have to shake down for their lunch money...
I think WII will be around $250 with 1 WII classics control, WIImote +nunchuck and includes at least 5 games from NES, SNES, N64 to download. or Possible packin (1) WII game and extra WIImote +nunchuck for $300.

Then i'll drop $200 ............ then $150 ................then $130 , lolz ;)
Well, Here's how I look at it:

First, let's assume everything IGN has said about the specs is true; the Wii is basically the GameCube x 2. Now looking at those specs, it becomes clear that manufacturing such a machine today would likely cost Nintendo very little. In fact, I believe the Cube costs something like $25 to manufacture. So let's say the Wii before controller and with WiFi costs something like $75 to make. Let's also say that the controller costs Nintendo $35 (I'm pulling this out of my ass, as I don't assume the technology to be too expensive, as it is all just a refinements on tech that has been around in some form for a while. Plus, economies of scale would likely kick in). This brings the total manufacturing cost of the Wii to $110. Now, I don't really think Nintendo would put a 100% markup on their console. They'd want it to be as cheap as possible in order to gain marketshare and sell more games.

Basically, I'd put the Wii at around $150-$200, with $250 being a low possibility.
[quote name='shipwreck']Yeah, I'm really hoping for $200. Right now, with what I've seen, $250 for just the system is getting around the range where I'm questioning if I really need it or if I can just wait until it drops to the $200 that it's a definite buy for me.

I'm not sure why the $50 difference is having that big of an influence on me, but for some reason it is.[/QUOTE]

You nailed it for me too. I don't wanna hear some BS excuse about inflation either because technology supercedes it, it's not food with some set price that really can't go down by much. People just keep finding better and better ways to make technology cheaper and prices like $200 easily feasible if not on the high end scale.
Precisely, evanft.

Nintendo is, moreso than most understand, a business. They know their production costs better - and much, much longer before - than Sony or Microsoft, and they've been at it a good long time.

Microsoft is a computer-hardware production company. They're used to making megoliths of technical prowess. They've been at it a while. When they moved to manufacturing the XBox, they realized that at their current price, they could not make a profit on hardware sales. But they didn't do anything. They put out more accessories and added more functionality, but they didn't have their first price drop until well after Sony did, who in turn did so way too long after Nintendo did.

Sony is the same - they're the best at what they do. You see a Sony TV next to a Magnavox TV and you know - instantaneously - which to get. Their products are better. The best. The PS2, sadly, was not. It was - until well into its life (like, perhaps, all of last generation's consoles) - an underutilized piece of unintuitive hardware. Moreso than its competitors, however, it was flimsy and largely unreliable. But the PS2 wasn't what was on Sony's mind most of the time.

Nintendo, on the other hand, knew right up to the end what they were getting into. By their 4th generation, they were totally sure of their production costs and potential incomes. The technology was new to them - they hadn't worked in the digital disc market before - but they soon understood what was necessary to survive. Perhaps even before launch. The technology was more intuitively-designed than the XBOX, as was coyly shown off by the name "Gamecube." This meant to me, "We are 1/5 of the size of our main competitor, look comparitively impressive, and play just as well (or, perhaps, better. This was due to the overall design of the XBOX controller, especially the launch model, which had a giant XBOX symbol taking up more room than the whole of the face button layout). Perhaps, in this sense, the Gamecube was overpriced at launch, but it quickly went down, because Nintendo quickly found cheaper production methods.

The XBOX 360 may be overpriced, but it shows Microsoft's history of computer design. To me, half-seriously, it may be more impressive as a piece of computer hardware than as a videogame system, as it adds very little, in my eye, to the overall feel of its games.

Sony, on the other hand, has shown at this E3 that they have learned absolutely nothing in the way of strategic hardware implementation. They MUST have known that their intended technology wouldn't be able to be marketed towards households when they started the project, but they didn't re-organize. They didn't fix their planning. So now, they have a jaw-dropping, supreme piece of hardware... that, perhaps, no one will buy. It is a very foreseeable scenario, and if they do sell, I wonder how much profit Sony will make per console sold... if any.

Nintendo saw exactly what they had to do, far in advance. They knew that their inexpensive technology would look great when souped-up for very little extra cost. They also knew that most folks may not be content with EVEN MORE REALISTIC GRAPHICS, and that they would like to see something new. They re-invented the wheel with the NES, and brought life back into the industry. They re-invented the wheel with the N64, and introduced free-roaming, ultimate control. It worked brilliantly both times. They're doing it again. And it will work again. Nintendo hasn't been in the business 3 times as long as their oldest competitor because they Won the Fight with Sega. They've been in business 3 times as long as their oldest competitor because they invented and know their business better than all of their competitors.
[quote name='shipwreck']That looks to almost confirm $250 to me. Now what do we get for that price?[/quote]

Exactly. If it comes bundled with two controllers and a game, I'd cry for joy. But if it's for the system alone, I'll be pretty upset about it. Not PS3-upset, but upset nonetheless.

Hopefully it comes with

Duck Hunt 2/Wii Sports either or
2 Wiimotes with Nunchuck
1 Classic Virtual console controller
3-4 VC Downloads
Since no one has mentioned it yet, today Miyamoto commented on pricing. He said that he feels it is best to focus on the hardware and games first and deal with pricing later, he then said we would get more info before TGS which happans in late September.
Again, all this about the pricing, in addition to the GPU listed as "not finalized" on Nintendo's website make me wonder if they're not going to try to pop a little more power in there sometime down the road. That being said, I too claim $200-$250, even if they increase the horsepower. If it came with a game, I'd be happy, but I think I'd be willing to pay $250 for the system and 2 wii nunchucks. Of course, since this is the console I want the most, I'm probably willing to pay a bit more.
[quote name='Grave_Addiction']Exactly. If it comes bundled with two controllers and a game, I'd cry for joy. But if it's for the system alone, I'll be pretty upset about it. Not PS3-upset, but upset nonetheless.[/quote]

I nominate the phrase "PS3-upset" as the CAGism of the year. Totally great! "My damn order was cancelled. I guess they caught the pricing error. I am fucking PS3-upset here....."

[quote name='MSI Magus']Since no one has mentioned it yet, today Miyamoto commented on pricing. He said that he feels it is best to focus on the hardware and games first and deal with pricing later, he then said we would get more info before TGS which happans in late September.[/quote]

Makes ya wonder if "fall" is November of '06. Man I hope not, it would be kick ass to have this thing out in October (since I won't then have to wait for Christmas from the wife).
[quote name='Strell']Obviously, you are a pro at paying for Wii, and have dulled the shame at doing so through repeated transactions.[/quote]During dreams and interpretations of those dreams I have purchased Wii over 6.3 million times and have collated that data into the aforementioned "First time ever!" statement.

No no no. What I intended with my words was simply, "Wow! Strell is even willing to shell out $600 for this doohickity. That must be the first time he's ever spent so much on a launch, given his cheapassedgamerness prowess."

Woe is me.. how text can be misinterpreted.
I hope for $199, but I'm thinking its gonna be more like $250, but Wii Sports will be included. Now if Duckhunt is on that maybe we'll get the Zapper, but I have doubts about us getting a second controller though who knows if they're trying to promote the interactivity it might be good for some versus action to have two controllers.
[quote name='psiufoxx2']During dreams and interpretations of those dreams I have purchased Wii over 6.3 million times and have collated that data into the aforementioned "First time ever!" statement.

No no no. What I intended with my words was simply, "Wow! Strell is even willing to shell out $600 for this doohickity. That must be the first time he's ever spent so much on a launch, given his cheapassedgamerness prowess."

Woe is me.. how text can be misinterpreted.[/QUOTE]

Aye, how it can be misinterpretted.

I wouldn't pay 600 for a Nintendo console. Cuz I can't afford it.

I'm saying I'm willing to drop 600 for a system and tons of extras and games.

That's a big difference.

I think the most I've spent on any launch is the DS, and even then there weren't many games to get outside of Mario 64, so I was looking at ...what, 180 or so after taxes?
My head tells me that $250 isn't much for a new console considering what consoles usually launch at - especially non nintendo ones, but I haven't paid over $170 for a console in a long time and I'm not sure I'm willing to start paying over $200 now. At $250 the packins need to be pretty damn good. I think nintendo knows that since the next cheapest console starts at $399 they can get away with it, even though at $200 they'd still be the only company not losing money on their console.

Edit - $250 would be fine if it came with Zelda, but no way in hell that their flagship launch title is a pack in game. Never will happen.
bread's done