Pro Wrestling discussion topic--WWE, AEW, ROH, Impact, New Japan, indies I want to see dudes working hard, making money, being respected and growing in popularity.

I only see dudes working hard. Let's complain about Vince McMahon all we want - Dixie Carter is a fucking money mark and TNA is her personal playhouse. It's not a promotion.

15 dead chimps could manage TNA better than Dixie - and I mean that quite literally, because at the very least they wouldn't be capable of using every show to try to get themselves over above the wrestlers.

Last edited by a moderator: I want to see dudes working hard, making money, being respected and growing in popularity.

I only see dudes working hard. Let's complain about Vince McMahon all we want - Dixie Carter is a fucking money mark and TNA is her personal playhouse. It's not a promotion.

15 dead chimps could manage TNA better than Dixie - and I mean that quite literally, because at the very least they wouldn't be capable of using every show to try to get themselves over above the wrestlers.
I agree with your thoughts on TNA but frankly I do not think that WWE is run much better. I know I am in a minority but again lets just go over the undeniable facts.

WWE has


Bought out competitors and ran them into the ground

Renamed the womens divison the Divas division and in 2016 still not made women even 20% of the way to equal

Yet to have an African American champ

limited success of latino and other minority stars

Degraded their fans repeatedly under the guise of kayfabe in the reality era

Only given 2 fan favorites(Punk and Bryan)the title in recent years, both they fought tooth and nail and disrespected

Failed to allow fan favorites to headline mania

Limited their market to the family friendly

Launched a network before all its content was available

Kept most of the McMahon family on TV

Hosted multiple Wrestlemanias in a row that has lost not gained interest

Promoted less talented wrestlers because of connections, favoritism and build

Launched initiatives on political issues like bullying and equal rights for women that they are hypocritical on

Underpaid virtually all their employees given the physical and emotional pain these guys go through for a billion dollar company

This is just taking 5 mins and listing some shit off the top of my head. I could just as easily give examples like Vince saying Nigger on air and repeated fiascos on race and gender such as the whole Hugh Morris incident. The WWE is a success right now but I think you guys are nuts if you do not think its the McMahons personal playground and that their success is based on being a monopoly/old brand not because they are so well ran. I know I am in a minority here, but put aside that I do not feel they have ran their bussiness well.....I just do not think the people working at the WWE are good humans that have respect for their employees.

Guys, you gotta see the AJ Styles turn/sendoff from NJPW New Year's Dash. First, Kenny Omega is *great* in his role. His "you're fired" promo is so much better delivered than the overdone, over the top McMahon "YOOOOOR FAHHHHHRRRED" bit, and it somehow makes sense from Omega's perspective but is still delivered solidly as a heel.

People think Gallows/Gun when they think Bullet Club, but they're just hillbillies who say "fuck" a lot (not judging, as I live in that glass house a bit). Omega is so good as a wrestler and stick guy, holy cow. He's been in Japan fulltime for a few years now, so it's easy to forget how good he is.

Second, AJ Styles' depth of bowing at the end after he recovered was definitely a "goodbye" sort.

But a great segment.
Kenny Omega has been a favorite of mine for years. He honestly doesn't get the credit he deserves on the mic either, the dude is amazing and his Vince impression is spot on. I also thought AJ's goodbye to the NJPW crowd was handled a lot better than when he left TNA considering he carried that company for so long and it's still baffling to me that TNA wouldn't have offered him as much possible money as they could to keep him, but glad he left because he has given us some incredible matches since he left.

What was his TNA sendoff? A few of y'all had mentioned it.

I don't get burying guys (jobbing them to put over the dudes who stick around, yes, but not burying) on their way out - because they eventually might want to come back. Also, sending "damaged goods" to the competition doesn't help them grow, which doesn't help you grow.

What was his TNA sendoff? A few of y'all had mentioned it.

I don't get burying guys (jobbing them to put over the dudes who stick around, yes, but not burying) on their way out - because they eventually might want to come back. Also, sending "damaged goods" to the competition doesn't help them grow, which doesn't help you grow.
That's the thing, TNA never really gave him a send-off. He just sorta left after a string of uninteresting angles and matches in the company. AJ Styles IMO should have been the first guy they inducted into the TNA Hall of Fame, he was THE GUY from day one.

That TNA show on Pop TV wasn't all that bad (worst thing was the one guy saying "2006" is his year - coming soon to a Botchamania near you.)

It's nice to see the Knockouts division is still putting out good matches. 

That's the thing, TNA never really gave him a send-off. He just sorta left after a string of uninteresting angles and matches in the company. AJ Styles IMO should have been the first guy they inducted into the TNA Hall of Fame, he was THE GUY from day one.
Yep. They had him seem like he was joining Aces and Eights for no reason, join and leave in an instant and then "leave the company dissillusuoned". During that time his contract was up in the air and they tried to recreate the CM Punk angle where he was the will he or wont he sign champ. The whole freaking time Dixie was on air week after week trashing Styles. Finally he just didnt resign and she still kept trashing him.

The whole thing was just handled very badly both from a story line stand point and from the way AJ was being treated. He had a huge hand in building that company and was being vastly underpaid compared to other people in TNA. His requests were reasonable and instead of sending him off with class and respect they shit all over him and for what? So Dixie had an angle to be on TV and at an attempt to recreate a WWE plot.

Christians send off was not that much better. The basically had him say no to the Main Event Mafia, so each member took turns absolutely destroying the guy. It looked painful and the only purpose it served was as punishment since it was not putting anyone or anything over.

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That TNA show on Pop TV wasn't all that bad (worst thing was the one guy saying "2006" is his year - coming soon to a Botchamania near you.)

It's nice to see the Knockouts division is still putting out good matches.
I have not watched TNA in quite a few months. Whats this doll house thing all about? Is it any good? Kind of dug the little I have heard but it seems pointless to tune in since Tarryn Terrel just announced she is retiring.

Botchamania 197:

And Maffew also put together a Most Botched Matches in 2015 video:

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It is now Kongs stable of women wrestlers.
Was it any good though? It just looked like a different, quirky and fun crew. TNA might suck, but they have hit on gold in the past. Beautiful people in their prime were amazing and thats saying a lot given Velvet Skys mehtastic in ring skills.

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Doll house was/is basically the anti-beautiful people faction. They went after everyone in the same manner TBP did, and were pretty vicious at it. This week it was a 3v3 match with the 3 ramaining DH members against TBP. However since the one chick is 7 mos pregnant Gail Kim was the "surprise" partner. I dont remember who won the match honestly, but after it was over Kongs music hit as she came to the ring to clean house on the Dollhouse as they were attacking the other team since DH had beat her down numerous times in the past. However, Kong laid out TBP member and posed with DH victoriously instead. 

It has the potential to be a solid brutal stable of women, but as usual it all depends on booking. Also depends on Kong and her status because it was said she was retiring last year over in Japan.

Sounds really interesting. If TNA had not handled booking so badly in the past I would honestly be tempted to watch a week or two to check them out. Does not help that Matt Hardy has been a serious title contender in the company for quite awhile. THAT just does not sit well with me at all. I mean honestly it amazes me that TNA still has not learned the lesson of growing in house talent over bringing in big names that never stick around or put enough asses in seats to justify their pay day.

Was it any good though? It just looked like a different, quirky and fun crew. TNA might suck, but they have hit on gold in the past. Beautiful people in their prime were amazing and thats saying a lot given Velvet Skys mehtastic in ring skills.
She had a particularly bad spot when Kong went to clothesline her and she was already halfway down to the mat by the time Kong even reached her. She's just awful.

In regards to Matt Hardy, I was fine with him being in the title picture in order to ultimately put over EC3. The problem for me was the amount of time he was (and probably will still be) in the title scene. I did like Bennett referring to him as being washed up after their time together in The Kingdom.

Speaking of The Kingdom, I'm interested to see how ROH handles their departure.
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That's the thing, TNA never really gave him a send-off. He just sorta left after a string of uninteresting angles and matches in the company. AJ Styles IMO should have been the first guy they inducted into the TNA Hall of Fame, he was THE GUY from day one.
Wasn't his last appearance on TNA literally just him driving away from Dixie Carter?

And I thinking if WWE wanted someone to get nuclear levels of heat, they should've had someone spoil the Force Awakens less than a week after it's release. Or just do that for Episode 8 next.

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Velvet did really botch that move, but I see that same thing happen in WWE every once in a while when people take cross body blocks.

The New Day had a Raw promo where Star Wars spoilers were threatened. Big E sais he was going to spoil Episode VII, but Kofi stopped him because he had yet to see the film. Xavier was incredulous upon discovering that fact.

I'm gonna watch Impact on Pop - the premiere episode is available on their website, so why not?

EDIT: So one of y'all (I think) mentioned that Teryn Terrell left TNA due to some segment she was booked in (or how she was booked). What's the story there? A quick google search shows a Fox News interview from November where she cites becoming a recent born again Christian. If that's true (and she says it, so I have little doubt), then there's probably very little room for being a "Knockout" in her life.

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I forgot Ranallo signed with WWE.  I'm concerned what NJPW will sound like without him there.

I just watched Styles/Ibushi from the 07.26.2015 show of the G1 tournament.  That match alone was worth the monthly fee for NJPW World.

Yeah, I kinda figured that was the direction they were gonna go.

I find it hilarious (if you search TESS for Bullet Club, you'll find this as well) that Doc Gallows has a trademark for "Biz Cliz."

It hit me last night that WWE is actually in a REALLY good situation still if they want to be. Reigns seems like he is slowly not getting over but at least becoming acceptable to the base. They also set up for an AMAZING feud between him and HHH down the line. I really think if they were smart they would have HHH come out at the Rumble and just absolutely decimate Reigns so badly he is injured and out for a month or two. This makes the title picture completely open for a lot of young talent to step up and prove themselves while cementing a super hot HHH/Reigns match for Wrestlemania.

After his win over HHH(Preferably also dismantling the authority in the process) they would be in a MUCH better place to have Reigns have a good long title run. This would ensure an exciting and eventful Rumble ending, an exciting Wrestlemania feud for 2 top stars and crack the title picture wide open in a way that actually makes sense.

I was watching a random Raw from 1997 last night because I was reminded of how "edgy" it was that Marc Mero called Tom Brandi/Sal Sincere a "jobber" on tv.

Things from that Raw:

- a bajillion more crowd signs, and a generally more 'riotous' crowd. Not literally, but a crowd who was clearly at a fever pitch for the show the entire night

- Hawk no-selling a piledriver and chokeslam from Kane

- Dude Love taking a solid, unprotected chair shot from Road Dogg in a random unpromoted Raw match

- "The artist formerly known as Goldust"

- Two countout finishes where the match never officially started (NWA Jeff Jarrett over Vader, Sal Sincere over Marc Mero)

- The retrospective realization that Sable's entrance music is unintentionally HILARIOUS

Say what you will about Reigns, but this shit was unbearable. It's fascinating to watch from two perspectives: (a) the "this is what I used to think was the high bar for RAW?!?!" feeling, and (b) the "godDAMN this crowd is off the charts" feeling.

It makes me think Raw is far better now - but 3 hours is just too much. My general level of "fuck this shit" relative to y'all seems to be a lot lower, on average. But that may be because I spend 60-70 minutes a week watching Raw on Tuesday mornings via Hulu. 3 hours never ever ever leaves you "wanting more." But going back to 2 hours will reduce WWE's ad revenue 33%, so that's a huge risk.

I was watching a random Raw from 1997 last night because I was reminded of how "edgy" it was that Marc Mero called Tom Brandi/Sal Sincere a "jobber" on tv.

Things from that Raw:

- a bajillion more crowd signs, and a generally more 'riotous' crowd. Not literally, but a crowd who was clearly at a fever pitch for the show the entire night

- Hawk no-selling a piledriver and chokeslam from Kane

- Dude Love taking a solid, unprotected chair shot from Road Dogg in a random unpromoted Raw match

- "The artist formerly known as Goldust"

- Two countout finishes where the match never officially started (NWA Jeff Jarrett over Vader, Sal Sincere over Marc Mero)

- The retrospective realization that Sable's entrance music is unintentionally HILARIOUS

Say what you will about Reigns, but this shit was unbearable. It's fascinating to watch from two perspectives: (a) the "this is what I used to think was the high bar for RAW?!?!" feeling, and (b) the "godDAMN this crowd is off the charts" feeling.

It makes me think Raw is far better now - but 3 hours is just too much. My general level of "fuck this shit" relative to y'all seems to be a lot lower, on average. But that may be because I spend 60-70 minutes a week watching Raw on Tuesday mornings via Hulu. 3 hours never ever ever leaves you "wanting more." But going back to 2 hours will reduce WWE's ad revenue 33%, so that's a huge risk.
I do not know. I guess I look at old raw vs new raw this way. Yes the newer product is better filtered, edited, produced better just EVERYTHING. I can see why some people prefer it. But the issue is that all that polish is put on a turd. The wrestlers do not feel like they are being themsevles, the show generally feels scripted and you can guess weeks or even months in advance what RAWS story lines will be and who will win the matches.

Old raw may have had botches and people hitting each other with chairs and matches ending when they were not supposed to and arrogant wrestlers no selling moves. But that was part of RAWs charm. RAW was wild, wrestling was wild. From a title change, to a chair shot, to a wrestler breaking script the whole show was entertainment because it was wild and you never knew what was going to happen. RAW was raw and lets be honest its a huge reason why many of us watch it and our nostalgia still craves it.

As I said I get where people can prefer the new RAW. To me though I prefer the old less scripted RAW and I prefer not knowing what is going to happan months in advance. This is why I still think WCW needs to be looked at. WCW in its prime hit that sweat spot where they had scripted events but wrestlers were allowed to go off script and be themselves. Flair felt like Flair and Sting felt like Sting. Now they and stars who try to repeat their legacies and style generally come across as cartoon imitations of themselves or the greats.

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If they actually gave a crap about Smackdown it would be THE show to watch each week. It's a two hour show with Mauro announcing, even being taped it would easily be better than Raw each week if they cared about it at all.
If they actually gave a crap about Smackdown it would be THE show to watch each week. It's a two hour show with Mauro announcing, even being taped it would easily be better than Raw each week if they cared about it at all.
If they actually gave a crap about Smackdown it would be THE show to watch each week. It's a two hour show with Mauro announcing, even being taped it would easily be better than Raw each week if they cared about it at all.
I still think Smackdown needs to go back to being its own show. The roster is sooooooo big and NXT and recruitment from other promotions keeps fattening up that talented roster. I vastly preffered the two show format and it will solve a lot of roster issues.

I know I have also said it a million freaking times but I think one of the two shows needs to be more experimental, less scripted and more for adults. It is stupid living in an age of profiling and data(you know they are gathering data on network subscribers!) and yet their product is all just one bland grey soup. They should be targeting their shows at different demographics, their product should look like a kick ass gumbo with a little something for everyone.

Y'all like what you like. I'm simply saying, from a *wrestling* standpoint, WWE programming is far better than it was in the mid-to-late 90's.

If nothing else, it suggests that fans seem to prefer the "sizzle" over the "steak," to use Jim Ross's favorite metaphor.

Y'all like what you like. I'm simply saying, from a *wrestling* standpoint, WWE programming is far better than it was in the mid-to-late 90's.

If nothing else, it suggests that fans seem to prefer the "sizzle" over the "steak," to use Jim Ross's favorite metaphor.
But do you really think we cant have both? That we cant have the sizzle of the attitude era but the steak of the modern era? I fully believe that there is a happy middle ground between the product of the past and the product of today. Hell I dont even think we need to get rid of much from the product of today, they just need to improve their story lines, be a tad less scripted and stop shrinking the main event scene to fewer and fewer wrestlers.

You bet. It's a tough balance (b/c when you hand some wrestlers a mic and no script, bad things might happen) - but so many promos are robotic as fuck now.

Was watching a minute of NWA Chi-Town Rumble last night and my wife noted that 80's wrestlers ALL SCREAMED WHEN THEY CUT PROMOS and how that's no longer the case. Remember when Jake the Snake would stand out b/c of his promo style? It was a stark contrast, and it was magnificent.

I don't quite fully grasp the need for scripts. If someone is that incapable, then give them a manager. That is one thing, beyond creative, that WWE needs. Also to devote some time/attention to developing guys. Tyler Breeze showed up to WWE ready for prime time, but now he's deader than a doornail. Never given a real shot at all. How disappointing.

You bet. It's a tough balance (b/c when you hand some wrestlers a mic and no script, bad things might happen) - but so many promos are robotic as fuck now.

Was watching a minute of NWA Chi-Town Rumble last night and my wife noted that 80's wrestlers ALL SCREAMED WHEN THEY CUT PROMOS and how that's no longer the case. Remember when Jake the Snake would stand out b/c of his promo style? It was a stark contrast, and it was magnificent.

I don't quite fully grasp the need for scripts. If someone is that incapable, then give them a manager. That is one thing, beyond creative, that WWE needs. Also to devote some time/attention to developing guys. Tyler Breeze showed up to WWE ready for prime time, but now he's deader than a doornail. Never given a real shot at all. How disappointing.
God I would love to see a return to managers and valets. There are quite a few people in the company like Reigns and Cesaro that with the right manager could be monster talents. There is also a wealth of people like Enzo who wont make it far as a wrestler but would be amazing as a mouth piece. Xavier Woods is another guy that I can also see having limited success in the WWE as a wrestler but could be the next big thing as a manager.

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I completely agree about the lack of managers today, it is something I truly do not understand. It's like they somehow haven't noticed what Heyman has done for Lesnar's career.
Oh, I'm sure they've noticed. It may be penny wise, pound foolish.

Same reason (Bischoff, was it?) wasn't as fond of tag teams: paying two people to do what you could pay one person to do (have a match).

Same principal at play here: a manager means you're paying two dudes to get one dude over. Now, it's more complex than that (to wit: you're getting a dude over who wouldn't do so otherwise on his own, managers = meaningful factions, managers taking an ass whipping will POP a crowd like no others, managers = new stipulations in matches, and so on). But we can be fixated on Heyman all we want, while realizing that Dutch Mantell (and I like Dirty Dutch!) didn't do shit for Jack Swagger's career.

Oh, I'm sure they've noticed. It may be penny wise, pound foolish.

Same reason (Bischoff, was it?) wasn't as fond of tag teams: paying two people to do what you could pay one person to do (have a match).

Same principal at play here: a manager means you're paying two dudes to get one dude over. Now, it's more complex than that (to wit: you're getting a dude over who wouldn't do so otherwise on his own, managers = meaningful factions, managers taking an ass whipping will POP a crowd like no others, managers = new stipulations in matches, and so on). But we can be fixated on Heyman all we want, while realizing that Dutch Mantell (and I like Dirty Dutch!) didn't do shit for Jack Swagger's career.
Did Dutch not do anything for Swaggers careear or did Swaggers out of ring actions and boring story lines bury him? I get where a manager is paying 2 guys to do 1 guys job. But lets be realistic, how many people can you name in the WWE that have both mic skills and great in ring ability? Not many! Now how many have both those features and have the build the WWE wants? There really is no one.

Personally I would rather pay two people to do one job right, then cheap out on paying talent and have one person doing a shit job. Like I said I cant think of many WWE superstars that I would consider having above average mic skills and in ring talent.

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I have no idea what Swagger did out of the ring, TBH.

I'll also say we have no idea what dudes can do on the mic in WWE precisely because they're so scripted and controlled. Take away the script and let Roman Reigns go - who knows if he can produce a good promo or not? I don't. I know I don't care for his persona right now, but still can't put all that on him.

ECIII is great on the stick. Do we think he'd get the same kind of leverage in WWE that he has in TNA?

I have no idea what Swagger did out of the ring, TBH.

I'll also say we have no idea what dudes can do on the mic in WWE precisely because they're so scripted and controlled. Take away the script and let Roman Reigns go - who knows if he can produce a good promo or not? I don't. I know I don't care for his persona right now, but still can't put all that on him.

ECIII is great on the stick. Do we think he'd get the same kind of leverage in WWE that he has in TNA?
Swagger was pulled over for speeding while high and charged with a marijuana DUI. Not the biggest deal, but it happaned early in his push and he just never recovered from it.


Swagger to me is the perfect guy example of a guy that with the right manager could have been a top WWE super star. They gave him some really shitty angles and made him work to his weakness. I still think when he came back they should have made him a Goldberg type of character, no talking, he walks away from interviewers and refuses to talk for months. Whole time keep him with a haggard look like in the above photo and let his wrestling/physicality shine in the ring. 3-4 months into an undefeated run put a top guy like Heyman with him to be his mouth piece. Give him a title run as an unstoppable non coward heel like a Lesnar type. Then cement him as a top heel or babyface when he speaks for the first time firing and physically destroying his manager. He would have been amazing as someone disillusioned with the WWE but in love with the competition and physicality of the sport.

He has a monster build and a good hard edge/dark look(google Jack swagger beard) and is blessed with amazing in ring ability. He should have never been given a mic nor been such a clean cut all American heel. IMO Swagger was money if the WWE worked to his strengths vs weakness.

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I just watched the Ibushi/Shibata match from the 7.29 show of the G1 tournament.  Every show in that tournament (so far) has at least one standout match that is above and beyond.  Considering these are my two favorite Japanese wrestlers this was kind of a personal dream match and it certainly didn't disappoint.  The fee for NJPW World has been worth every penny and then some.

I got an email about the Evolve show the night before the Rumble.  They're promoting Chad Gable and Jason Jordan from NXT on the show.  I didn't realize WWE had a working agreement with Evolve.  It's particularly surprising since WWE has made moves to block indy shows anywhere in the vicinity of their events in the past.

So Nakamura's been stripped of the title (instead of dropping it to Omega like most people would have thought). Now the IC belt is going to be between Omega and an unnamed opponent most likely at next month's New Beginning event. He's also getting a small farewell tour that will conclude at Korakuen Hall on Jan 31.


So he's not going to pass the belt on


he's gonna be on their shows for another 2.5 weeks?

What's the storyline on that? How could you be so numbskulled to not take someone that fucking over and have him make a new star? Put over the dude, put over the belt?

NJPW just let Nakamura "I lost my smile" his way out of doing the job. Commme onnnnn.

EDIT: They didn't even do it on a show, they just took the belt. I guess they were afraid he wouldn't do the honors? Maybe there's more to this story, but I'd hate to think NJPW is so paranoid they think he would Ric Flair with the title. It's mid-card at best. More to the point, WWE had the AAA Mega Champion on their roster and never mentioned that fact once, let alone had him bring the title onto television. At least Del Rio was stripped of it *after* going to WWE, not before.

Nakamura and NJPW have been synonymous for 10+ years now. I'd hate for things to end so bitterly. Let that be the realm of Konami and Kojima (Hideo, not Satoshi ;))

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I see it more as them not wanting to hurt the relationship with him if (and most likely) when he'll return back in a few years. I just started following New Japan about 2 years ago, but to my knowledge I dont remember Nakamura and Okada ever having a 1v1 match before (because they're stablemates in Chaos) so that could be a main event right there at a future Wrestle Kingdom show. This seems more like (I remember reading this somewhere but cant remember the site), but it said that Nakamura wanted to try and see if he can make it in the US and that no money that New Japan could offer would sway him from leaving. So it would seem more like an experience for him instead of wanting to stay in the WWE til he retires. Plus with him not being jobbed out every single night until his eventual departure (something WWE has done a lot to their wrestlers), it still keeps him strong in the fans minds when he does come back. 

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I suppose, but the difference (and this is my opinion) is that it's appropriate to do the honors on the way out and do some jobs, put some guys over. The IWGP intercontinental title is now gonna be "the belt Nakamura never lost" (so if/when he comes back to NJPW, there's that angle preinstalled).

Besides, he's still doing shows for them, so it remains to be seen if he's doing the honors (just without the title).

How the hell is it 4:20 on tuesday afternoon and NOBODY is talking about 
Kalisto beating Del Rio CLEAN for the US Title on RAW?

I honestly did not see that coming 
considering how much Del Rio is getting paid. Please dont tell me this is a precursor to him getting the big belt at the rumble

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Kalisto also got the clean win in their match on Smackdown last week to set up the match on Raw. He could easily become as big a star as Rey Mysterio was in his prime.
I haven't paid nearly as much attention to the US title as when Cena had it last year. IMO, it had a ton more momentum then. Del Rio getting saddled on the "Foreign Legion" (or whatever the fuck the "evil foreigner" stable is called) put a halt to his momentum (even if he has been putting on killer matches).

Kallisto is kind of on the opposite trajectory (Lucha Dragons were getting the Tyler Breeze treatment for awhile until fans had to notice them and their talent at TLC), but that was going to be a tag feud (presumably) until Sin Cara's unfortunate injury.

Re: Royal Rumble: WWE needs talent for this show. Badly. I've read more than one writer opine that Daniel Bryan is doing a little too much "thou doth protest too much" on social media lately w/r/t WWE physicians giving him clearance to return to the ring. It's not impossible, but it does strike me as unlikely.

bread's done