PS Vita Deals & Discussions Thread


292 (100%)
Since I thought the cheap 3DS games thread was a good idea. I thought I would start one for the PS Vita. I will maintain this site a few times a day going forward. Post links up to new deals and I will add them to the OP. Anyhow, here we go:

Updated 2/5/2014


Hot Shots Golf: World Invitational $15.50

Lumines- Electronic Symphony $18.49

MLB 12 The Show- $5.88

Silent Hill: Book of Memories- $11.68

Spy Hunter- $14.89

Gravity Rush- $18.53

Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time- $19.12

Need for Speed: Most Wanted- $15.99

Persona 4 Golden - $19.99

Best Buy:


Call of Duty Black Ops: Declassified $19..99 New/ $17.99 Used

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It will be interesting to see what Sony does from this point. The Japanese favor portables so I cant see them giving up that segment of the market. I imagine a PS4 parred down to the Switch design will pop up sometime.
Sony gave up on supporting the vita shows they don't mind losing the Japanese handheld market. The real money make for Sony with the portable is through cellphone games like Fate
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I still say that they doomed the Vita themselves from the beginning without actually realizing it.
Making the proprietary memory cards that were designed to help prevent piracy.
Making them essentially a necessity to buy.
And making the cost of a decent sized one the same as around 3 full cartridge games.

I loved my Vita. I still do. And it did last around 7 years. Which is not too shabby.
But it could have been SOOOO much more.
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Yeah, I agree the memory cards did them no favors, but the Vita had many issues that led to it's early demise, least of which was Sony complete lack of interest shortly after launch. It was at the wrong place, at the wrong time within the company, and where they could have used the PS4 to help promote the Vita. They instead used the PS4 to help bury it, and did all they could to make sure the buying public knew one, and not the other.

There's just no way I see them offering another portable, as it serves no purpose in their current climate. It made perfect sense for "N" to offer a hybrid, as their home consoles where always hit & miss. While their handhelds where their bread & butter, so having a portable, that doubles as a console was perfect for them(or at least better than just a console). Sony has always fell short in the arena, and unless they just have tons of resources ready to give 110% to a new portable, there's no logical reason to do so, as it will end in probably the same way.

They also missed the mark by using touch inputs to replicate Dualshock inputs. Add clickable thumbsticks and a second set of bumpers/triggers and suddenly remote play looks a lot more enticing. I mean, they don't even give you full control to remap controls when using remote play. Some games are unplayable because critical functions are assigned to tapping the screen.

I still say that they doomed the Vita themselves from the beginning without actually realizing it.
Making the proprietary memory cards that were designed to help prevent piracy.
Yeah, Sony didn't even try.

I've never seen such an excellently realized product marketed and supported so poorly. It was like the system was considered DOA when it didn't sell a bazillion units in the first month.

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I'm mixed about them supposedly not pursuing a next gen handheld.  I love my vita and always carry it.  I definitely favor it over my 3DS which I severely neglect.  Then again I'm biased since I trophy whore.  This will allow me to work on my huge backlog.  But I would definitely love to see a future iteration.

I keep thinking about buying a japanese 2000 model but I take care of my current model so I don't want to waste money on something I might need.  Then again, I've always gone through two PS consoles a generation.  I probably should get one before the productions stop.  Don't want to get screwed with a price hike afterwards like the PSTV endured.

I'm mixed about them supposedly not pursuing a next gen handheld. I love my vita and always carry it. I definitely favor it over my 3DS which I severely neglect. Then again I'm biased since I trophy whore. This will allow me to work on my huge backlog. But I would definitely love to see a future iteration.

I keep thinking about buying a japanese 2000 model but I take care of my current model so I don't want to waste money on something I might need. Then again, I've always gone through two PS consoles a generation. I probably should get one before the productions stop. Don't want to get screwed with a price hike afterwards like the PSTV endured.
I completely agree!
I have thought about getting a new 2000 Vita, and even stressed out about my 1000 dying on me. Not being able to play some of my favorite games, as well as my backlog, for some reason makes me feel all wonky.
I have taken very good care of my 1000 and even have not gotten a 3rd party version of that horrible proprietary power cord, in fear of it frying it.
I have a Switch, and admittedly have given it more love than my Vita recently, and with the glut of jrpgs coming down the pipe...
Yea it definatly has eased the pain of the end of what little support they gave the Vita.
But, I still love my Vita and can't help but think of what could have been.
I feel like I am reminiscing about "the one that got away". LOL
I really, really love the switch and Nintendo games. I just don't think I'll ever have faith in Nintendo being capable of doing online properly. So I want someone else to make another handheld. Heck, if Sony won't do it, I wouldn't mind an xbox portable. MS has been so good with backwards compatibility, letting me play and keep my old purchases.
I haven't cared that much about online with my portables.  I don't think I even played a single vita or 3DS game online.  With the Switch all I've played online was ARMS.   PSP, I did enjoy Outrun 2006 CtC and I might have played a few DS games online... but that was so hit and miss with quality of experience that I'm just more interested in offline games where I don't need a connection to have fun.  The multiplayer I've enjoyed the most has been with the Switch since it's same screen multiplayer and everyone can have their own account setup.

I haven't cared that much about online with my portables. I don't think I even played a single vita or 3DS game online. With the Switch all I've played online was ARMS. PSP, I did enjoy Outrun 2006 CtC and I might have played a few DS games online... but that was so hit and miss with quality of experience that I'm just more interested in offline games where I don't need a connection to have fun. The multiplayer I've enjoyed the most has been with the Switch since it's same screen multiplayer and everyone can have their own account setup.
I don't actually go online with my portable gaming. I just want the digital purchase I made last generation to carry over. Bonus if my saves carry over, I don't need to make a new account and they don't shutdown the online service that I made my purchases from. But I do agree that multiple user support is something Sony should have addressed with the Vita, among other things.
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Oh yeah, BC with older gen purchases... that's something that I really loved about the Vita.  All those PSP and most of the PS1 stuff just worked.  It was disappointing there were no user accounts with the Vita like they had with the PS3.  This seemed like even more of an oversite with the PSTV since it was capable of being for more than one person in a household.

Oh yeah, BC with older gen purchases... that's something that I really loved about the Vita. All those PSP and most of the PS1 stuff just worked. It was disappointing there were no user accounts with the Vita like they had with the PS3. This seemed like even more of an oversite with the PSTV since it was capable of being for more than one person in a household.
Sadly, it seemed like effort was not on the top of Sony's list when it came to that console. A real shame though, I love my PSTV.

I really, really love the switch and Nintendo games. I just don't think I'll ever have faith in Nintendo being capable of doing online properly. So I want someone else to make another handheld. Heck, if Sony won't do it, I wouldn't mind an xbox portable. MS has been so good with backwards compatibility, letting me play and keep my old purchases.
Sadly, it was rumored ages ago that MS wanted to step in to the arena, but that was also when mobile was clearly starting to cut in to most gaming, especially the portable market. I think they just saw where things where headed, and knew it wouldn't end well, so they didn't bother. Hell, they have no clue with the ONE currently, so I don't think a mobile device may have done any better. The best you can do now is something like the GPD Win 2, that allows for pretty much PC level gaming on the go. The cost of that is thru the roof, so really not a cheap option, but a pretty cool one if you have the extra funds.

As for another dedicated portable from anyplace, that will have to fall to "N" sadly, as they have been successful in this arena since the start, and have sent each competitor crying to their graves. LOL There was always a better handheld along side "N" offerings(hardware wise), but the combination of price, kid friendliness, battery life, etc always gave them the clear win. The DS was the tops of those efforts before mobile totally eroded the market, as the 3DS sold maybe half of the DS numbers give or take(I'm not exact on figures). This most certainly led to the NS, as "N" had no hopes of competing in an heads up console battle, so they did what they do best, and added their portable successes with their often failing consoles, and know the rest.

After the 2DS/3DS have stopped bringing in the budget friendly dollars, I'm certain they will offer a more budget friendly NS(switchless, mini, NS Lite,etc). By then the tech in the NS will be dirt cheap, and they should also have a much better library by then, which would make a sub $200 device for them key to long term success. But outside of something like that, I don't see anyone else coming out with anything that could even come close to what the Vita or the 3DS has been. I would love to be proven wrong, as portable gaming is 90% of my gaming, but like all good things, stuff comes to an end(and we have to live with it).

Remember when 7-10 years ago everyone said dedicated handheld gaming was going to go bye-bye because of smartphones? hahaha

Remember when the Switch was about to launch and several people insisted that the 3DS was going to die and have no new games?

Remember when the Vita died back in 2013 and then new games continued to get developed and released by third parties through 2018?

Sadly, it was rumored ages ago that MS wanted to step in to the arena, but that was also when mobile was clearly starting to cut in to most gaming, especially the portable market. I think they just saw where things where headed, and knew it wouldn't end well, so they didn't bother. Hell, they have no clue with the ONE currently, so I don't think a mobile device may have done any better. The best you can do now is something like the GPD Win 2, that allows for pretty much PC level gaming on the go. The cost of that is thru the roof, so really not a cheap option, but a pretty cool one if you have the extra funds.
I had never heard of the GPD Win 2 before. I'll have to research it a bit for pros/cons. Can it really keep up with current gen PC games?

I had never heard of the GPD Win 2 before. I'll have to research it a bit for pros/cons. Can it really keep up with current gen PC games?
Maybe not at the highest settings, but it's damn impressive, so give some video's a go, you won't be disappointed. Emulation is insane, and I would get one just for that alone, but at $700(I believe is the current cost), I'll wait for sub $500 or better.

64 GB card feedback update:

Ok, so an update on my card since feedback was sort of requested. I had one hiccup with my card so far (previously noted in this thread) where something corrupted and icons started disappearing. There was an issue with PSN at the time where it was connecting too often and for some people it affected their battery life. I didn't have issues from that but just setting the timeframe. I did try to recover it but in the end I opted to just format and start over since most of my saves were in the PSN cloud anyway. I do leave my vita in sleep mode all the time and I understand that might put me at more risk but I've had only the one issue. I have had my 64gb card since early July 2016 and it hasn't left my vita (2000 model) since I got it. So over 2 years and only the one issue which could have been because of Sony and the bad errors in the updates at the time.

Before I bought my card I did a lot of research due to the the people with issues with their 64gb cards. My research turned up that the Asia version of the card (which I confirmed in my Amazon purchase history as I typed this post) has far fewer issues and that most of the complaints surrounded the japanese version. So if you want the best chance at a good 64gb card, look for PCH-Z641G when shopping.

PlayStation Vita Memory Card 64GB (PCH-Z641G)
The weird thing is that the card that ends with a J (Japanese version) is like $2 more. Go figure.

I live my Vita and want another card hut i don't know if I want to drop $100 on it. That's like half the cost of the system. I have a 16gb and a 32gb now.

I might have to bite the bullet though because Gamestop charges $30 MORE for a used one. What a joke.
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Look what Rice Digital has available again, and on sale as a part of their presently running "Summer Sale"!

$74.99 - Muv-Luv Complete Set Collector's Edition (Rice Exclusive Box Set) + Art Cards (US Version) - PlayStation Vita


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Where is the best place to find some cheap Vita games? I just got back into the Vita after finding a cheap one on letgo
Ebay, Gamestop, maybe Amazon?

I got most of my best prices on some local closeouts, but those are long gone. GS always has some pretty good used prices, especially if you can catch a promotoion(and if said store still carries Vita), but those are hit & miss in regards to being "complete". If you don't care for the case and or sleeve, then GS is for sure the way to go. Ebay can often have some better prices, but that greatly depends on demand, and how complete any game actually is.

I have bought many new games from Amazon for $20 or less, so that's an option as well, but since there aren't many news games in the release stream, those deals are getting less and less. But there are still good deals on new games, you just have to be on the look out, as this thread is the best place to check on a regular basis. Good Luck!

The weird thing is that the card that ends with a J (Japanese version) is like $2 more. Go figure.

I live my Vita and want another card hut i don't know if I want to drop $100 on it. That's like half the cost of the system. I have a 16gb and a 32gb now.

I might have to bite the bullet though because Gamestop charges $30 MORE for a used one. What a joke.
Even when I bought my card 2 years ago, the JP version was more expensive.

I was managing with an 8gb card in my PSTV and an 8gb card in my Vita. So the upgrade was so I could take more advantage of great sales on digital games. It made no sense for me to get a 16gb card and the 32gb card at the time was maybe $20 less than the $98.99 I ended up paying for my 64gb card. A 16gb card and a 32gb card, IMO, is plenty of space. Just manage it well. I was surviving just fine on an 8gb card, but it meant leaning more towards having 1 digital retail vita game on there and then a bunch of indies and classics that aren't space hogs. If you plan to keep gaming on the vita for a very long time, having a backup card is a pretty good idea. I'd lean towards new simply because like all of these type memory cards they only get so many writes before they start to go bad and you might as well give yourself every chance to get as much as possible out of the system.

Where is the best place to find some cheap Vita games? I just got back into the Vita after finding a cheap one on letgo
Gamestop has buy 2 get 1 deals from time to time (or something similar). There are Vita groups on Facebook, where group members sell games for relatively cheap. Some games can be found for a good price on Ebay or Amazon. Also, worth noting is that the Vita is region free. Some games are cheaper in other regions.

Look what Rice Digital has available again, and on sale as a part of their presently running "Summer Sale"!

$74.99 - Muv-Luv Complete Set Collector's Edition (Rice Exclusive Box Set) + Art Cards (US Version) - PlayStation Vita

Is Rice Digital still charging $30+ for shipping, with the added bonus of damaged box/art cards upon arrival?

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A friend of mine is selling me danganronpa v3 ps vita for $23. Is a good price? I have the other ones but never play them.
If you do intend to play them that is a great deal. The Vita version has become quite rare and expensive lately. The cheapest used copy on eBay right now is $50 and that’s for the cartridge only.

I highly recommend you give the series a go. They actually turned out being my favorite games on the Vita.
Where is the best place to find some cheap Vita games? I just got back into the Vita after finding a cheap one on letgo
If you're patient and not picky, I'd wait for the inevitable GameStop "buy four used games for X dollar amount" sales that they have every now and again. In the past few months, they did a buy four for $20 and a buy four for $25. I was able to get a few of the more common games that way and didn't feel as guilty that they would just end up backlogged because I didn't spend too much on them. Right now, they're doing a buy four for $10 sale, but the only qualifying Vita game that I could find was Lego Legend of Chima. Still added it to the collection though.
If you do intend to play them that is a great deal. The Vita version has become quite rare and expensive lately. The cheapest used copy on eBay right now is $50 and that’s for the cartridge only.

I highly recommend you give the series a go. They actually turned out being my favorite games on the Vita.
For what it's worth, VGP still has them in stock brand new for less than that:

Just make sure you use PayPal if you buy from them, their credit card processing is suspected to have vulnerabilities.

What a day!

Yeah, I had tried to link to three tweets in that post, but seems doing that is glitchy now, so have four images to convey the rest of the greatness instead.:




This last one has a rather gorey cover art, hence the spoiler tagging.:


Oh Snap, that Binding Of Isaac cover is noice, I haven't seen a cool cover like that for awhile, glad to see the Vita is still getting such love near the end, but the Vita is life after all. LOL

That Fast Striker font is awful. The 'T' in Fast looks like a 'Y'. It also looks nothing like the 'T' in Striker. I wouldn't know what the game is called if it weren't for the rest of the banner.

I've had 'Fast Striker' on Dreamcast since release, but NG:Dev always makes solid shooters, so I'm happy to re-purchase this on Vita. 'Ice Cream Surfer' is definitely an interesting choice.

Still haven't received the extra Velocity 2X materials. Not sure if I should expect to. It seems Badland games might be involved in a lawsuit with Limited Run Games at the moment.
Still haven't received the extra Velocity 2X materials. Not sure if I should expect to. It seems Badland games might be involved in a lawsuit with Limited Run Games at the moment.
They've been shipped; I've seen people post pictures of them. None seem to have made it to the US yet, though.

First I've heard of the Badland/LRG thing, but I was under the impression that Badland was in a pretty bad place financially. IIRC they had to cancel a release as a result and LRG distributed it instead, but I didn't follow it closely.

They can't name anyone due to the pending lawsuit, but speculation is on BadLand Games.
I thought LRG had washed their hands of Axiom Verge after talks fell through and Badlands came on the scene? LRG said they wanted to go with a smaller run, and the creator didn't, and that was that. Badlands also release all physical versions of AV, so how or why would LRG do one version, while Badlands offered the rest? This would contradict what Josh said in the past about why they weren't doing AV in the first place, so unless something else came in to play after the fact........who knows?

EDIT: Josh also states it was canceled in NA title, which to my knowledge, AV was released digital on the Wii U, and Badlands maybe 6 months ago said they where still planning to release AV for the U physical, so I'm not seeing this being the title unless some untruths have been stated on all sides.

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I thought LRG had washed their hands of Axiom Verge after talks fell through and Badlands came on the scene? LRG said they wanted to go with a smaller run, and the creator didn't, and that was that. Badlands also release all physical versions of AV, so how or why would LRG do one version, while Badlands offered the rest? This would contradict what Josh said in the past about why they weren't doing AV in the first place, so unless something else came in to play after the fact........who knows?
It's definitely not a small run. 6k copies, apparently that wasn't LRG's decision either, so it lines up.
It's definitely not a small run. 6k copies, apparently that wasn't LRG's decision either, so it lines up.
Smallest Wii U title run. Also better if you had linked to this tweet instead:

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He didn't divulge specifics so it won't hurt anything.

Source: used to work and deal with a ton of law firms and legal practices
Pretty sure its Axiom Verge.  Badland was originally going to publish a North American physical version for WiiU but they couldn't find a retail partner to sell it.  I think that's when LRG stepped in as I remember them talking about it a year or so ago.

Of course Badland has all kinds of financial trouble now I believe (also why Everspace went to LRG instead of Badland).

bread's done