PS2 dropping to $99 around April 5

[quote name='Covnam']While I know it would never happen because of cost, I wish Sony would put the cost savings from the PS2 into adding BC back into PS3s. Then drop the price of the non-BC model(s). Then at least the high cost would look more reasonable.[/quote]
PS2 cost to make is probably very close to the same as it was in late 2006. Once they get down to a certain level its hard to reduce its production costs any further.
Nice job J7 pulling up the numbers!
Of course there is no way to tell, if there is a sales spike, what causes it.
The numbers are all over the place, I'm guessing due to game releases, at least last year.

I don't think there is any evidence to support the idea that ps2's aren't selling because of cost.

old news anyway
The $30 price drop can make a difference for someone who was on the fence on buying it.

The great thing about the PS2 is it's huge game library with lots of great titles one can pick up on the cheap. The $30 saved can get you 2-3 games. Too bad memory cards are still expensive.

Glad to see the price drop finally happen even though it should have happened during the holiday season.
[quote name='unclenebber']Nice job J7 pulling up the numbers!
Of course there is no way to tell, if there is a sales spike, what causes it.
The numbers are all over the place, I'm guessing due to game releases, at least last year.

I don't think there is any evidence to support the idea that ps2's aren't selling because of cost.

old news anyway[/quote]
Thanks. It may be hard to tell, but I think if sales keep steady or increase at all from last year month on month then the price cut was a good idea and we could say it probably is responsible. Further analysis of game releases would make our claims even more legit either way. They really look at this stuff closer than we do so they definitely have reason to drop it.

Ya that is from game releases, as well as a few months out of the year being either 4 or 5 weeks measured for sales in a month, also the holidays, slow spring/summer months.

Well I disagree a bit with drawing conclusions from that article, I'm not sure exactly what you wanted to draw from it. For one thing that was in PS2's prime so there was no reason to drop then. And as far as GC it was another case entirely. I think costs play a role and we will see lower cost help keep PS2 alive longer and garner more sales than if they kept it at $129.
What I was drawing from the article was just a joke about how it took six years for it to happen.

The only thing I could think of is that Sony has decided to focus their attention on the ps3 which involves a liquidation of their u.s. ps2 supply.
[quote name='unclenebber']I'm convinced the people running Sony right now really have no idea what the hell they're doing. Maybe they've been having a bunch of 'bring your child to work' days and getting advice from them.

And for the person who thought this was really smart business, consumers who weren't willing to pay 130 for the old console, won't pay 100.[/QUOTE]

I really don't understand the hate going on in this thread? I guess it's assuming this is their big announcement, but we don't really know if that is true.

Trust me sale of the Ps2 will increase. $99 is a really good price point for consumers.

If I was Sony I would start pushing devs to port more Wii games to PS2 so it can compete with that. $99 PS2 or $250 Wii? Try to get games like 'Mad World' and 'No more heroes' and you'd probably increase sales there too.
[quote name='unclenebber']What I was drawing from the article was just a joke about how it took six years for it to happen.

The only thing I could think of is that Sony has decided to focus their attention on the ps3 which involves a liquidation of their u.s. ps2 supply.[/quote]
Haha I see. I think they'll keep selling PS2 as long as possible, meaning as long as retailers will be willing to give it and some of its games shelf space. They'll milk it till it dies. I just would like to pick up a slim one day for under $80.
I don't hate Sony for this.

I'm one of those people who thinks the only reason Sony got rid of BC was because the ps2's were still selling so well.
I don't understand the concept of dropping the price on their own console....that will in turn be in direct competition to their other one. And yes, I say that knowing it isnt considered as "competition" being SD vs HD and all, but still the PS2 sales directly impacted PS3 sales for many a week. I recall many, many weeks where the PS2 was outselling the PS3 in the sales charts. They just got out of that hole, so why fall back into it again?
The PS3 was selling poorly, because there were few, quality exclusives for the PS3, and no one wanted to pay $500 or $600 for it. People simply weren't buying PS3s. It had little to do with the PS2. The majority of the markets for the two consoles are drastically different.
Hope it's true because I still haven't picked up a PS2 yet. But frankly, I smell an April Fools joke in this rumor.

God I hate April Fools day.
[quote name='The End']Hope it's true because I still haven't picked up a PS2 yet. But frankly, I smell an April Fools joke in this rumor.

God I hate April Fools day.[/QUOTE]
That would be a terrible April Fools joke.
I think this will happen.
At first I figured they were doing it to compete with the dsi release, but then I thought that they really aren't the same market.

But actually they are.

When parents go to the store with their kids, and see the dsi there for 170, and the ps2 there for 99, how many do you think will choose the latter?

That doesn't include having to get more than one dsi to appease multiple offspring.
Yeah, it will cause a spike in PS2 sales for sure. I wonder how much life the PS2 has left in it. Could they really be selling this thing Xmas of 2010? Hell it might be possible.

I hope one ray of light that comes out of this for the rest of us is that the PS2 tech gets so cheap Sony will have to integrate it back into the PS3.
[quote name='The End']Hope it's true because I still haven't picked up a PS2 yet. But frankly, I smell an April Fools joke in this rumor.

God I hate April Fools day.[/quote]

I don't see how someone would joke about something like a price drop on a 9 year old system.
[quote name='rickonker']That would be a terrible April Fools joke.[/QUOTE]

I agree completely. But how many April Fools day jokes aren’t terrible? Almost all of them suck.

[quote name='Vitality X']I don't think its an april fools joke. There's been a number of confirmations.[/QUOTE]

I hope you're right because I wanna pick up a PS2. I'm just gonna wait and see before getting my hopes up. The timing is a little bit suspicious.
[quote name='KingDox']Yeah, it will cause a spike in PS2 sales for sure. I wonder how much life the PS2 has left in it. Could they really be selling this thing Xmas of 2010? Hell it might be possible.

I hope one ray of light that comes out of this for the rest of us is that the PS2 tech gets so cheap Sony will have to integrate it back into the PS3.[/QUOTE]

At this point, some company should just go through the backlog of PS2 games from Japan and just port them over. Like they say, as long as it is selling keep putting games out for it. i have purchased more PS2 games than PS3 games in the past year anyway.
Time to add to Sony's last generation dominance of 120 million plus PS2's sold. :lol: Does it come with a Dual Shock 2 and pack in game. HMMMMMMMMMM :whistle2:k
It'll happen April 1st.

We got a memo at work telling us that the "PS2 Price Drop Window Cling" is NOT supposed to go up until April 1st.
To those that are buying -- why? THe demand is still there and I'm wondering if it is because the PS3 is no longer BC.
I bought a PS2 through Dell for about the same price.

but it's about time for a price drop.

But the library for PS2 isn't growing as fast as nearly any other system... Madden 2010 doesn't count.

Plus the existing games at retails are slimming down too.
I was thinking what if they stopped production of the PS2 and instead released the PS3 with backwards compatibility, upscale PS2 games all for 100 dollars more. Would that be acceptable?

Just wondering.
[quote name='unclenebber']I'm convinced the people running Sony right now really have no idea what the hell they're doing. Maybe they've been having a bunch of 'bring your child to work' days and getting advice from them.

And for the person who thought this was really smart business, consumers who weren't willing to pay 130 for the old console, won't pay 100.[/quote]

Says who? This is my price point for a PS2. My sibling and I plan on passing these out as birthday gifts to the 9 and under set in our family. I refuse to buy a 7/8 y.o. a $300 xbox 360 or $400 PS3. Add to that one can pick up tons of games for under $9 new.

If this is true watch the sales PS2 will shoot up for the remainder of the year. Sony is smart probably costs them ~$35 to manufacture, ship and package each one.
[quote name='Purkeynator']At this point in the PS1's life I was buying the consoles for $10 new at Sears on clearance. I bought 2 and I am not kidding.[/quote]
The thing is, at this stage of the PS1's life there were little to none worthwhile new releases. The PS2 still gets SD versions of some PS3/360 releases, some exclusives and standard controller versions of Wii games. And it has a catalog that might not ever be matched by the Wii/PS3/360. So it still is a viable option in today's market.

How did price drops happen last generation? Both the GameCube and the Xbox had quick price drops after six months (from $200 to $150 and $300 to $200 respectively) and the PlayStation 2 lasted 19 months before it dropped from $300 to $200. You might recall that all three of those price drops came in the same month: May 2002. It is also worth noting that by the end of 3.5 years on the market all three consoles had settled in at 50% of their launch prices.

A PlayStation 3 or Wii price drop in the near term would align nicely with the pricing of the Xbox and GameCube in 2002. However, should Sony opt to reduce the price of the PlayStation 3, it will be likely be in the 16-20% range, not the 25-33% range that Microsoft and Nintendo chose for their last generation consoles.

However, the available NPD data from the last generation actually suggests that most consumers purchased their new consoles at or well below $200. That is, to the extent that a console's mass-market appeal is tied to price, the magic price is far below the $300 mark, closer to $200.

Only 24% of all PlayStation 2 systems in North America sold at $300. The remaining 76% sold for $200 or less with $150 being the most popular price by a small margin. Certainly time plays a factor there -- the $150 system price was in place for longer than any other -- but Sony would likely not have kept that price if it weren't selling systems as a rate they found acceptable.

A mere 13% of all Xboxes were sold at the highest price, $300, while over 42% went for $150. A closer look at the data shows that the drop from $300 to $200 did spur sales, but the drop to $180 hardly changed the number of systems bought per month. By comparison, the drop to $150 pushed Xbox sales above 200,000 systems per month and kept them there until May 2005, the month that the Xbox 360 was announced.

The GameCube is a bit of an odd man out, since it started at $200 and only went down from there. It also sold the fewest systems, which demonstrates that being below $200 isn't the sole determining factor to average consumers. While most GameCubes were sold at the $100 level, it is important to note that the rate at which the system sold each month was not significantly improved in the long term by that price drop. The GameCube stayed at that price for over 3.5 years, which essentially explains why 60% of those systems were sold at that price.

Certainly we can use history as a guide, but there are limits to its use for prognostication. The price drops this generation may happen in ways entirely different from what has been suggested above.

Maybe the $300 console this generation will be what the $200 console was last generation. Maybe Microsoft will forge ahead with its current price structure until after Halo 3 has come and gone. Maybe Sony will bless the PlayStation 3 with a 33% price drop sometime this year. And maybe Nintendo will give the Wii a small price drop by removing Wii Sports from the package.

Those could happen, but don't bet on it.

Another place for reference
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[quote name='The End']Hope it's true because I still haven't picked up a PS2 yet. But frankly, I smell an April Fools joke in this rumor.

God I hate April Fools day.[/quote]

Something this unsurprising would be a terrible joke. If you're going to do an april fools joke, it's got to be something huge, like "SONY TO STOP MAKING PLAYSTATION 3." Don't quote me on that, Kotaku.
ps2 is the poor mans ticket to video games ;) with thousands of titles available at GS for dirt cheap prices, and the sheer amount of great games put out makes it all worthwhile

ymmv but radio shack has been selling ps2 for $96 for a while now and almost every one i go in still has them on the shelf.
[quote name='Shimrra']I was thinking what if they stopped production of the PS2 and instead released the PS3 with backwards compatibility, upscale PS2 games all for 100 dollars more. Would that be acceptable?

Just wondering.[/quote]

Very well, I accept your offer. Make it so.
This is good. I just hope they drop the overall prices of the games as well. I don't understand how they can still sell some of the new releases at $40 ish dollars. (Persona 4, etc).
[quote name='Rouzhokuu']Figures.

Drop the price on the one console that doesn't need the price drop.


[quote name='Gentlegamer']Awesome! My PS2 has stopped booting discs after I mistakenly put an Xbox game in it a year ago. I need a new one.[/quote]
Are you serious? Hmm...that's interesting. I wonder what it could have done to it...
I don't understand Sony's logic.

Drop the price on a system that makes them a profit, yet keep the PS3 price the same?
In essence you would think keeping the PS2 price the same and dropping the PS3 price would be just as equal, yet more people would buy PS3s and in return give them the same amount of profit after they buy a few Sony games, and in turn get more market share.

Sonys marketing baffles me.

With that said I am more interested in replacing my fat PS2 now.
Is newer PS2 quite? My old fatty is too loud to use under PC monitor. Might get this slim if it's quite (to play Valkyrie Profile 2 and Yakuza 2 causally)
What's the price after you add a game and a memory card? $130? $140? The 360 Arcade comes with both for $199. Sony should include those at the $99 price.
Anyone who says this is a stupid decision has no idea how business works.

It makes perfect sense. Lower the price of the profitable system to drive up sales and bring in enough cash to make up for shortcomings with the PS3. As the PS2 starts to not sell, the PS3 will be cheaper to produce, and then they can drop the price on that. If Sony were to lower the price of PS3 now, they'd lose even more money per system sold.

Sony's plan is for the PS3 to start thriving in like 2 years.
[quote name='Monsta Mack']I don't understand Sony's logic.

Read pages 2 and 3 of this thread and you will probably see why it's better to do this for PS2 instead of PS3 at this date in time.
[quote name='Samus']Anyone who says this is a stupid decision has no idea how business works.

It makes perfect sense. Lower the price of the profitable system to drive up sales and bring in enough cash to make up for shortcomings with the PS3. As the PS2 starts to not sell, the PS3 will be cheaper to produce, and then they can drop the price on that. If Sony were to lower the price of PS3 now, they'd lose even more money per system sold.

Sony's plan is for the PS3 to start thriving in like 2 years.[/quote]

They said that 2 years ago. Let's face it, they're never really going to dominate this gen. It's virtually a tie sales wise, nintendo's wii counts as much as toasters do
[quote name='Scorch']It WILL cause a HUGE jump in sales. We've had so many people coming through lately trying to buy used PS2's, but since they only give $20/$25 for the old/slim models, no one's trading them in.[/QUOTE]

This is what pisses me off about these trade in prices, shouldn't the price be based on demand of the used item?
If the item in question has a high demand and is fetching close to 100 used, why not offer 50, to only offer 20-25 and charge close to 100 is borderline robbery...
bread's done