PS3 FAQ's: PSN, Gaming, Hardware, Accessories, Gen. Discussions...etc.

[quote name='javeryh']My TV does 1080i only but that should be good enough for blu-ray, right? I didn't get a new TV but I have a strong feeling that my mother bought me a PS3 for Christmas for some weird reason... Lots of very odd questions out of the blue. Anyway, it wouldn't be the worst thing in the world as long as I could watch movies in 1080i because I'm planning on a new TV eventually (late 2009 or 2010).[/QUOTE]

maybe she got u a 150in 1080p lcd hdtv with ur ps3
So, something really stupid is happening with my PS3.

I just upgraded the hard drive from 20GB to a 320GB, and everything went fine and the system is fully restored. Now, though, the USB keyboard I've been using isn't working with it any more, the caps lock button just blinks off and on when it's plugged in.

The keyboard wasn't moved or touched during the entire installation short of being unplugged from the PS3, and all the USB ports are working fine. Any idea whats wrong? Are there any settings to install a keyboard for the PS3?
Hey guys,

I have a problem where I want to crank the games up but don't want to bother the wife. Does anybody know if you can hook up the wireless headphones with the USB transmittor? Is there a better way?


Only headset audio can come through the USB port. Otherwise, you'll have to either use your TV or receiver's headphone port, or split off a headphone signal from the red and white stereo cables.
Argh! It looks like Youtube has bollocksed things up again with the PS3. Ever since their switch to the widescreen video player, the thing freaks out the PS3. Seriously. It works the first few times, but then it freaks out. First it says the javascript is turned off. Then images on all websites don't show up. DNS errors happen. Images in the PS3 web manual fail to work. Even the PSN Store isn't spared. Images there fail to show up. It's a quick fix to turn off the system, turn it back on again, and find that everything except Youtube works consistently, but it's a pain in the ass that Youtube no longer works!

Is there some way to turn off the widescreen player? It's a load of garbage.
So I'm looking to finally make the jump to the PS3, mainly because I want a Blu-Ray player, and also because the games are finally enticing enough to me for me to justify the expense. I'm a dedicated PS2 gamer, although now I own a Wii and I get most of my gaming on that these days.

Here is my dilemma:

One of biggest interests is in gaming as "art." I got my degree in Media Arts, and I wrote a dissertation on connections between games and cinema as art forms, so I like to have stuff around to study. I'm seriously considering following similar studies into graduate school. I also believe that collecting old games is similar to collecting books, paintings, comics, etc. It is one of the types of artwork I like to collect. Also, like comics, I love the nostalgic feeling I get when I pop in an old game. It takes me back the same way olds 90s issues of comics take me back.

Most of my favorite games of all time are on the PS2; stuff like Ico, Shadow of the Colossus, the original Katamari. I love these games, and I don't want to part with them.

However, my PS2 is a big old fat model, and while it has never given me any problems I am concerned that someday it will break. This leads to my problem. I would prefer to have a PS3 that is PS2 backwards compatible, but since you can't really buy those new anymore, the only option for that is the used console market.

I've seen some refurbished backwards compatible models at Gamestop, but I'm hesitant to buy a refurbished or used PS3, especially if my main concern is that it be able to play PS2 games well into the future.

Do you think it is worth it to get a backwards compatible PS3, or should I just buy a PS2 slim and get a new model PS3? What is my best option considering what I want it to be able to do?
Why not buy a new PS3, then wait and buy a PS2 IF the first one breaks? The PS2 is only going to get cheaper over time. It's not like there is a shortage of PS2's anywhere...

You may also be able to find a partially BC PS3 in the wild if you look hard enough.
If you need to do it now, go for the MGS 80 GB at Sears or the PSTwo/PS3 combo you mentioned.

I'm waiting for the PS3 with restored backward compatibility... I don't know if it will ever become a reality though.

PS2's are dirt cheap now, so if you're really worried you can buy 2.
Does the CECHE01 have the 65nm or 90nm chip? I've done a lot of research and from the little information I've found it hasn't been too consistant.
I'm in the camp of buying a 20 or 60 gig console and then spending the $150 to have Sony fix/replace it if need be because those consoles kick cosmic amounts of butt. It's totally worth it, and it's the ultimate video game console. Imagine if the DS had full Game Boy compatibility. That's what the best PS3 consoles are nearly equivalent to. There are odd games that have quirks, mostly games like Guitar Hero that use peripherals that aren't compatible with the PS3, but 99% of the time the 20 and 60 gig consoles are kickass PS2 replacements that are awesome.
[quote name='mtxbass1']Why not buy a new PS3, then wait and buy a PS2 IF the first one breaks? The PS2 is only going to get cheaper over time. It's not like there is a shortage of PS2's anywhere...

You may also be able to find a partially BC PS3 in the wild if you look hard enough.[/QUOTE]

I'd go with this... just keep your PS2 and buy a new PS3...
Other than running a bit quieter and cooler are there any other benefits? Less breaking? ect? I was thinking of getting a E01 with a 320gb HD in it for $232 with the 30% cash back and 15% saving when you sign up for an ebay card, but if the newer chips are that much better I might sacrifice BC for it.
Yea just buy a new ps3 now, then when your old ps2 farts out get a slim ps2. By then they should be under $100. Plus the slim ones are built better than the fatties anyway.
Hey all, Im finally getting a ps3 for my b-day in about 2 weeks, and want to jump into a multiplayer game from the get-go (I hope to make some new friends online from this site as well!) -->> limelight1979 is my psn name.

So...What are some good online games? And by that Im talking about something that a lot of people play often that wont dry out in a month. I was huge into CoD:MW on the 360, and World at War looks interesting but i dont know about diving into yet another WWII game.

Im into downloadable titles as well, not just retail. Mostly action/adventure, racing, fps, rpg, and groundbreaking odd titles that break from the norm are cool as well. So yea, pretty much everything except sports titles.

Thanks all. See you on PSN soon! :)
Both Warhawk and Socom are Online MP only games and can be had for super cheap used at Gamestop or whatever. Especially if you find a buy 2 get 1 free Burnout Paradise would be worth picking up if you like arcade racing.

Grounbreaking/odd title would have to be LittleBigPlanet, which I am sure you have heard all about by now. So yeah my reccomendations for shooter are Warhawk and Socom, and for an arcade racer Burnout Paradise. All three of those have online communities that are still strong to this day, and all 3 can be had for the price of one new release.
[quote name='ispy']Other than running a bit quieter and cooler are there any other benefits? Less breaking? ect? I was thinking of getting a E01 with a 320gb HD in it for $232 with the 30% cash back and 15% saving when you sign up for an ebay card, but if the newer chips are that much better I might sacrifice BC for it.[/QUOTE]That 80GB SKU for most people actually runs louder than any other SKU, but doesn't get AS hot as the 20GB/60GB (but not by much). It does seem to be more reliable than the 60GB, but not by a big margin.

The 80GB PS3 without PS2 BC (but plays PS1 games, which has a K instead of an H), that has 65nm Cell and RSX (We believe), since it uses the least power and runs the coolest. Personally, I recommend sacrificing the PS2 BC to get it (Early on I used the PS2 BC, but once I got many PS3 games and an HDTV, it's too hard to go back).
i got the 80gb mgs4 bundle and even though bc is emulation software it works great. so far the only games ive had trouble with on it are ssx on tour ( it freezes up)and some other game i cant recall. i still have an old ps2 but i never use it and its easier to just play games on the ps3. i dunno if you can find the mgs4 bundles anymore (80gb versions) but id suggest going with it or another bundle with the same make ps3.
I'm in the get a new 80GB and get a Slim PS2 if your current one dies.

I'll be honest. I had a 60GB BC for like 14 months before it died. You see a lot of refurbs because they are the most unreliable of all PS3s IMO. I had to pay Sony the 150 to get it repaired but I bought a new 80 to replace it as my main gaming unit as I just don't trust it to last forever under the semi-heavy gaming conditions I put it under. Hell I'd consider trading it if I could get a new 80 in return.

EDIT: ^ Yes that's a BC MGS4 80GB Unit. Plays around 85-90% of PS2 games.
[quote name='StrandedBrit']I'm in the get a new 80GB and get a Slim PS2 if your current one dies.

I'll be honest. I had a 60GB BC for like 14 months before it died. You see a lot of refurbs because they are the most unreliable of all PS3s IMO. I had to pay Sony the 150 to get it repaired but I bought a new 80 to replace it as my main gaming unit as I just don't trust it to last forever under the semi-heavy gaming conditions I put it under. Hell I'd consider trading it if I could get a new 80 in return.

EDIT: ^ Yes that's a BC MGS4 80GB Unit. Plays around 85-90% of PS2 games.[/QUOTE]

Had? You got rid of it? WTF? So you spent $400-500 on a new system when you could have spent $150 for a kickass system?

I'll never understand people.
I'd sacrife the BC. I've got a new 80 and an old 60. My 60 runs loud and hot. The 80 is whisper quiet and cool to the touch. I'm hoping it's more reliable (and you think it would be with all the improvements) too because my 60 barely lasted a year before it died.
At Target they have Warhawk WITH HEADSET for only $30 on clearance. Go get it. Steep learning curve but very fun. I also highly recommend Burnout for it's multiplayer. Excellent. LBP and Socom are also great (though they could use a patch) for multiplayer. Both Warhawk, Burnout and Socom are also downloadable if you have already have a good headset. I also highly suggest Wipeout HD (download only).
[quote name='freakyzeeky']^ I second those recommendations as well.[/quote]

[quote name='StrandedBrit']I third this motion.[/quote]

[quote name='QiG']I'll fourth it and say that Burnout Paradise is more than racing only. LBP is AAA if you at all like platforming[/quote]

Looks like I struck a chord here. Now go get those games! If you pick up Socom feel free to add me.
[quote name='smiggity']Looks like I struck a chord here. Now go get those games! If you pick up Socom feel free to add me.[/quote]

Not a coincidence ;)
Get the SOCOM that comes with the headset. It is the best headset available. Multiplayer Resistance 2 (co-op) is also very fun, plus the offline campaign is great.
My 60 GB PS3 not only has BC, but it upscales! Very important when you have a HDTV.

That said, I cannot remember the last time I put in a PS2 game - there are so many great new games being released on the PS3 and Xbox 360 for me to revisit games I have played in the past.
[quote name='jonnyflash']Is this one backwards compatible? Is this what you are talking about?[/quote]

yeah thats the bundle i got and at the time it was and still is a great baragin because of what came with it. before that bundle 499 would get you a standard 80gb ps3 with a sixaxis controller but that mgs bundle came with a ds3 controller and mgs4 which is a good deal.

and now that they have taken out bc ( chip or software emulation) and some other stuff if you want a ps3 with all the bells and whistles its the way to go. i think with the newer ones you on get 2 usb ports and they took out the card reader slots. someone im sure will correct me if im wrong or if theres something missing that i didnt add.

i was like alot of people wanting a 60gb ps3 because of all the rumors of how itd play ps2 games beter than an 80gb with software emulation but as far as im concered its all good. im in the minority of people when it comes to playing ps2 games equally with as much as i play ps3 games.

its a solid unit it does crank out some heat though but that aside its worth owning. also check the black friday deals on the front page somewhere they were selling news ds3 controllers for 30 bucks if you need an extra one.
To the OP, I would not even attempt this because chances are you will fuck this up. When(not if) you do, you will be even more upset that you will have to spend double to get a new machine... Just send it in.
Don't do it. 60 gig consoles are more precious than diamonds. Just spend the $150 to get it fixed/replaced. If you fail, you're just going to end up spending well over $150 on a console that isn't fully BC.
[quote name='reveh']lol. I agree.
But I would swallow my words if he actually fix it by himself.[/QUOTE]

So would I, but even he said that he does not even know if the parts on the link he posted are even the ones he needs. I was just being harsh so, he gets the point that he really should not do it.

Especially, if they don't know what they are doing. I've done things like that in the past and messed it up more and I really regretted doing it.
[quote name='js1']So would I, but even he said that he does not even know if the parts on the link he posted are even the ones he needs. I was just being harsh so, he gets the point that he really should not do it.

Especially, if they don't know what they are doing. I've done things like that in the past and messed it up more and I really regretted doing it.[/quote]

yes. I totally agree.
If you can find a used PS3 60gb then that's a good purchase, if you're going to get an 80gb or 40gb then get that new. You still want BC so that's why I say get the 60gb used (because that what you want). keeping the PS2 is a good idea, however I like the upscaling tha the PS3 does to the games, and that's the advantage that it has over the PS2 console... plus you NEVER have to worry about a PS2 memory card again.
I was in the same area when I picked up my PS3 - I went for the MGS4 software emulation BC model. With the exception of MGS2, I'd noticed some problem on every PS2 game I've played on it. They range from the slight graphical corruption to some major problems (i.e., left and right channel being out of sync in Space Channel 5 - and Sony compatibility DB says there's no major problems with that game!) Thankfully, my PS2 still works, so I just use that.

I've never seen the 60 GB in action, but I'd say just pick up a new PS2 when yours dies or when they get really cheap. It's what I'm planning on doing.
I was having a similar problem ( but I still had the receipt and everything. If you still have the box and talk to them they can acctually look up and see if the system is still under warranty (if it is) and if you purchased it with anything besides cash your bank or credit card company can give you proof of that. Going through the hassle of that is much better than messing up your system. And like I said in my last post it took about 7 business days to have my system back good as new so Id do what you can to try and get Sony to fix it. Even if you spend 150.00 (which I'm with you is b/s the system hasn't even been out long enough to warrant spending any money on to fix it and sony should just fix it) but w/e it's worth it. Better than buying a whole new system. Plus the cost of the parts you plan to buy.
I'll have to put in something for UT3, since we're always looking for new players for UT3 night. It can be had for cheap, and is great if you want dm style FPS action that isn't camping slow. The community has been picking up the last few months and custom content is boundless and no other game can really top it for extra content not on the disc in quantity and quality really.
[quote name='Chuplayer']Had? You got rid of it? WTF? So you spent $400-500 on a new system when you could have spent $150 for a kickass system?

I'll never understand people.[/quote]

Yes, I had. It died. They replaced with a new/refurb model. I now have both a 60 BC and new 80 Non BC. I was looking at getting another for my home anyway, but the 60 is no longer my main unit. You just here too many stories of them dieing. Also, the reason(s) I would gladly trade this in for a new 80 is because I don't play any PS2 games anymore, so why wouldn't I want a newer more reliable unit that draws less power.
[quote name='StrandedBrit']Yes, I had. It died. They replaced with a new/refurb model. I now have both a 60 BC and new 80 Non BC. I was looking at getting another for my home anyway, but the 60 is no longer my main unit. You just here too many stories of them dieing. Also, the reason(s) I would gladly trade this in for a new 80 is because I don't play any PS2 games anymore, so why wouldn't I want a newer more reliable unit that draws less power.[/QUOTE]

Oh, well, that's not so bad.

But you're going to be glad you have the 60gigger around when you get that itching to play that particular PS2 game!
bread's done