PSN has returned. What freebie games are you getting?

[quote name='Chitown021']Well naturally the federal government, having solved all of our nation's other issues, has nothing better to do than bust Sony's balls.[/QUOTE]

id imagine theres plenty of people in govt who arent happy psn has been down this long either lol. i agree theres bigger fish to fry than this but im glad theyre getting involved as well. that will defiently put the fear of God in those who did this and maybe the stolen info can be recovered and those responsible brought to justice swiftly.
[quote name='lokizz']id imagine theres plenty of people in govt who arent happy psn has been down this long either lol. i agree theres bigger fish to fry than this but im glad theyre getting involved as well. that will defiently put the fear of God in those who did this and maybe the stolen info can be recovered and those responsible brought to justice swiftly.[/QUOTE]
You mean as swiftly as they've found and brought Osama bin Laden to justice?;)

If anything, the investigation being handled by the feds would most likely clog it up in a bureaucratic hell for YEARS.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying Sony didn't fuck up and shouldn't be held accountable. I just think in the grand scheme of things this nowhere near a top priority.

People are still struggling to find work, we're getting raped harder at the pump w/o a kiss, etc...
I feel better now. Even though nothing probably would have happened, I went and changed some passwords anyway. Actually, this benefits my security measures regardless because I was using the same password for everything. Now I have a few different.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']You mean as swiftly as they've found and brought Osama bin Laden to justice?;) [/QUOTE]

Who you think called the FBI. in a cave without psn is hard:)
Well, they used my friend's card...
so you may want to call any card you used and get it switched out...
$200+ in one transaction, but the amount has already been credited back and a new card with new account overnighted and received...

I have no card on file, so no exposure...
Edit - Delete this. IATCG struck a nerve. I can't believe he isn't on my ignore list already. His smug "I am better than everyone and can do anything better than anyone" remarks are really starting to get annoying. I can't believe he hasn't been punched in the face yet by one of his colleagues (if he has any), yet. If he has been, then I'm sure as hell surprised we haven't heard that story.
[quote name='DarkRider23']Oh Jesus Christ. You have to be the most anti-American person on this board. You're always complaining about shit like the government does this, or the government does that, but you never do anything about it. Get off the forum and go vote. Do something other than just complain. Go start a movement or something.[/QUOTE]

You overlooked the fact that he's completely right xD
reported my CC as lost/stolen just for safety reasons. PSN cards from now on, then.

other than that, this has come at an opportune time for me, as the end of the semester is always too busy for much gaming anyway. I'd like to see Sony make good as this is a PR disaster for them (to say the least). A token in the form of a game/theme/whathaveyou won't compensate for having easily accessed, complete, *unencrypted* personal information.

I'm not too emotionally involved in either side of the issue here, but I do believe Sony has a lot of work to do to regain consumer trust even after they've restored the network and given out tokens of appreciation.

The one thing I'm truly upset about is that I haven't been able to watch games on my set. Been using my Mac and ipad instead. I'd be livid if it were the only device that I could watch games on, however.
[quote name='Oaxan']You overlooked the fact that he's completely right xD[/QUOTE]

You overlooked the fact that if it wasn't for these agencies, you would be living in a shit hole that couldn't defend itself or its people. It's obvious these agencies are fucking slow, but did you ever think of the work load they have? It's like people think the FBI, CIA or w/e agency the government runs picks daisies in fields all day. I think the most annoying thing about his post is that he's complaining, yet again, about the government. It's a recurring theme in his posts. He really should just move out of the country if he really hates it so much.
[quote name='DarkRider23']You overlooked the fact that if it wasn't for these agencies, you would be living in a shit hole that couldn't defend itself or its people. It's obvious these agencies are fucking slow, but did you ever think of the work load they have? It's like people think the FBI, CIA or w/e agency the government runs picks daisies in fields all day. I think the most annoying thing about his post is that he's complaining, yet again, about the government. It's a recurring theme in his posts. He really should just move out of the country if he really hates it so much.[/QUOTE]
LOL I don't give a fuck :D
Seriously, I'm moving to Canada the first chance I get, USA is too much of a shithole. xD
[quote name='DarkRider23']You overlooked the fact that if it wasn't for these agencies, you would be living in a shit hole that couldn't defend itself or its people. It's obvious these agencies are fucking slow, but did you ever think of the work load they have? It's like people think the FBI, CIA or w/e agency the government runs picks daisies in fields all day. I think the most annoying thing about his post is that he's complaining, yet again, about the government. It's a recurring theme in his posts. He really should just move out of the country if he really hates it so much.[/QUOTE]

Wait I'm confused .... even with all of this, isn't he still right?
[quote name='Oaxan']LOL I don't give a fuck :D
Seriously, I'm moving to Canada the first chance I get, USA is too much of a shithole. xD[/QUOTE]
Free healthcare there at least. No more price gouging from the stinkin' insurance companies there.;)
Well fuck. I used my card to get a Marvel Pack for LBP and a Spider-Man costume and meant to remove my CC info, but procrastinated and now I could be fucked for it.
[quote name='j-cart']Shall we take bets on when the PSN will come back online?[/QUOTE]

I'll take a stab and say Mon. I bet multiplayer will be back, but the store wont be. I really want to test the mic out on these new Sennheisers PC360's I bought.
[quote name='GTmaster39']I'll take a stab and say Mon. I bet multiplayer will be back, but the store wont be. I really want to test the mic out on these new Sennheisers PC360's I bought.[/QUOTE]

i think online play will be the last thing that goes up. i hope it isnt but i get the feeling it will be.
A while back I remember that Sony sent out PS2 demo discs that were glitched pretty bad. I think the glitch was if you played a specific game from the demo disc, it would delete your entire memory card. As an apology for that, Sony sent everyone affected a free GH game. For something this bad, I'm expecting a damn pallet of games. Seriously, they'd better do something major to apologize for this problem, or they're going to lose a massive amount of customers.
It will be PSN cards from here on out for me as well. I've been looking at my CC activity everyday just to be sure there's been no funny business going on.
Well, ideally the PSN would be even more secure than before. Though the consumer's confidence in keeping their CC info on file is completely out the door now though.
j-cart...........I agree, the PSN security is going to be more secure than it has ever been, but with all online security, what is secure today is a joke in 24 hours. Don't give your CC info to anyone online as it will be stored, and thus vulnerable to theft. Purchase content with prepaid cards. Any CAG worth their salt wouldn't purchase content via PSN with a CC anyways as you can purchase PSN cards with loyalty programs and reduce the cost of games that way. I'm weathering the outage OK, but I'm a bit miffed that I paid for PS+ and am unable to use PSN for the time being.
Something I've been wondering if it has been asked and answered already. If you always remove the CC info after buying things, are you still under risk of getting your card being used?
Wait, so I thought that the PS3 netflix worked if you just kept trying and having it fail.

I can view my queue and movies but when I go to play anything it just keeps asking for the PSN login.

WTF sony. I hate you already, now I hate you more.
[quote name='jer7583']Wait, so I thought that the PS3 netflix worked if you just kept trying and having it fail.

I can view my queue and movies but when I go to play anything it just keeps asking for the PSN login.

WTF sony. I hate you already, now I hate you more.[/QUOTE]

Remember, Sony wasn't the group that hacked the PSN :bouncy:

Netflix was working, then they, Netflix, blocked its use.
The US government is now involved. The "Computer Emergency Readiness Team, "under the Department of Homeland Security, " is working with law enforcement, international partners and Sony to assess the situation," DHS spokesperson Chris Ortman told NextGov.

Did you know we had a Computer Emergency Readiness Team? That team's role is to work with affected companies to improve security and restore service, and share information with other security-related organizations to prevent future breaches.

Another federal agency is also looking into it, with a more punitive mindset. "The FBI is aware of the reports concerning the alleged intrusion into the Sony on line game server and we have been in contact with Sony concerning this matter," FBI Special Agent Darrell Foxworth told Kotaku. "We are presently reviewing the available information in an effort to determine the facts and circumstances concerning this alleged criminal activity."

[quote name='j-cart']Remember, Sony wasn't the group that hacked the PSN :bouncy:

Netflix was working, then they, Netflix, blocked its use.[/QUOTE]

fuck sony I dont' have to deal with this shit on xbox or wii
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']Netflix is working for me.[/QUOTE]

Liar. But really I had it working, but now even when it is fully buffered, it just tells me to sign into the PSN.

How are you getting it to work?
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']Netflix is working for me.[/QUOTE]

Same here. Watched 2 movies today and a couple episodes of Top Gear.
[quote name='j-cart']Liar. But really I had it working, but now even when it is fully buffered, it just tells me to sign into the PSN.

How are you getting it to work?[/QUOTE]
The same method that's worked for the past week.
At the buffer scene another message pops up. However it is from Netflix, not the PS3 asking me to sign into the PSN.

Would like to point out that I do have a different netflix UI than the one that is in the video.
[quote name='j-cart']At the buffer scene another message pops up. However it is from Netflix, not the PS3 asking me to sign into the PSN.

Would like to point out that I do have a different netflix UI than the one that is in the video.[/QUOTE]

My UI changed about a month ago, and I don't like it at all. BUT, it is working....and thats all the matters.

Isn't that right little guy? ::Looks down, pets his PS3::
I was under the impression that Netflix had been working this entire time as long as you cancelled the login for PSN when prompted. Did they shut it down for a while or something? Or is this reiteration just for people that didn't realize...
All my passwords are changed and I have been and will continue to watch all my card statements and credit reports like a hawk. Now i would like PSN to come back so I can get Outland dammit. The game just looks awesome and if I remember correctly Frisky said PSN+ users like myself were going to get a discounted price. Come on Sony, just open it back up to PSN+ users only for all I care! :bouncy: Yes, I am selfish. Only child after all.
bread's done