PSN has returned. What freebie games are you getting?

[quote name='dgwillia006']I'd assume XBLA games would count. And there are QUITE a few awesome ones. I personally have almost a hundred on my HD xD. Then again, buying tons of XBLA games could get pretty expensive, and doesnt seem like a reason for a console swap.

Personally, i got a 360 first (Mainly for Halo 3), then built my collection from there. A year later after MGS4 and Disgaea 3 came out, i ended up getting a PS3.[/QUOTE]

I spared XBLA games because he said he'd need something to show his parents, and parents who are out of touch might not understand downloadable only games. ;) There are so many good XBLA games, they're almost all I ever play on my 360.

And shit.. I thought Alan Wake was M, but it came with my 360 so I don't remember ratings since I don't see the box. :p That game is very good and I need to go back to it.
I have been thinking. So with all the things that "should" have come out and we missed out on this passed month I am wondering how insane the store update will be looking at all the crap that should have come out in the past month there are atleast 10 new PSN games I would say and probably 20 add-ons. I am betting the store will be slow as anything and it will probably crash the first day.
[quote name='Oaxan']Can you honestly name 5 good games that aren't M rated, aren't Multiplat and aren't for little kids?
If I were to get one, I'd need enough games to justify such a purchase.[/QUOTE]

Well, if you're too young and impressionable for M-rated games, and you only want exclusives (of which the 360 only has like 4), maybe a PS3 is what you need. Check that other guy's list for a laundry list of E - T PS3 exclusives.
Didnt we miss Might and Magic too? And im pretty sure there was some Street Fighter DLC Costumes coming out too.

And i think he already has a PS3, judging from his sig.

Either way, i agree. No point of buying a system when you cant even play most of the games. (Then again, there seems to be plenty of "Squeekers" on Live, judging by how many people i have muted). Just stick to your PS3 and wait it out, enjoy the games when you get old enough.
my family has a 360 and i enjoy using it occasionally when something like Alan Wake comes out, but as a PC gamer it's really irrelevant to me this gen. consoles in general are pretty obsolete if they didn't have console exclusives.

sadly i had to get a ps3 for mgs, ff, street fighter, and ICO games.
[quote name='dgwillia006']Didnt we miss Might and Magic too? And im pretty sure there was some Street Fighter DLC Costumes coming out too.

And i think he already has a PS3, judging from his sig.

Either way, i agree. No point of buying a system when you cant even play most of the games. (Then again, there seems to be plenty of "Squeekers" on Live, judging by how many people i have muted). Just stick to your PS3 and wait it out, enjoy the games when you get old enough.[/QUOTE]

No, the Ultimate Costume Pack (All Ultimate Costumes) already came out on PSN.

Sony needs to get this stuff up by Tuesday.
[quote name='dgwillia006']A few= 1-5
A few more= A shitload[/QUOTE]

This seems like legit Sony time, so whenever they talk about anything from now on we shall use this scale of time. If game comes out in a few more might never come out :cold:
Do you guys think when the psn gets back on are the games themselves going to be updated or anything to support the new psn software? just wondering
[quote name='Organization_XIII']"Sony said yesterday that a PSN relaunch is still "at least a few more days" away."

Now I know Sony is full of shit. I'm sorry, but it's 5/12 now... 5/31 is over 2 weeks away, and they claim "...a few more days"...[/QUOTE]

It's 7:20am on Friday. No updates on their blog.

Per on May 10th
"I know you all want to know exactly when the services will be restored. At this time, I can’t give you an exact date, as it will likely be at least a few more days. We’re terribly sorry for the inconvenience and appreciate your patience as we work through this process."

I'm awaiting for an update today on their blog before the end of the business week. Hopefully any update at least.
[quote name='200STM']Do you guys think when the psn gets back on are the games themselves going to be updated or anything to support the new psn software? just wondering[/QUOTE]

Yeah, that will be the next heartbreak is when PSN is back online but games are not compatible with it.
I've been watching Cowboy Bebop in the time I would have been gaming, and I gotta say, it was time well spent. Nice change of pace and just an awesome show.
[quote name='dannyox718']I've been watching Cowboy Bebop in the time I would have been gaming, and I gotta say, it was time well spent. Nice change of pace and just an awesome show.[/QUOTE]
Amazing show. It is one of the few shows that I would gladly pay for again if they redid it in 1080p. Touch up the colors, put it in proper widescreen, and I'll drop $50 on it :)
I see it going back up closer to Memorial Day weekend. Any later will be too close to E3 and Sony simply can't afford to not have services up before then. If there is no PSN for E3, Sony mine as well not show up to it.
[quote name='dannyox718']I've been watching Cowboy Bebop in the time I would have been gaming, and I gotta say, it was time well spent. Nice change of pace and just an awesome show.[/QUOTE]

I never got into Cowboy Bebop... I dunno why, but I just never really liked it.
Friday the 13th, not sure if it is a great day to have the PSN back. Would have been an awesome day for Demon's Souls.

Zipper better be making some patch updates during this rumored dev PSN.
Its getting closer from all of the reports. I doubt it goes up today. I bet they give us a update today and say it will be a few more days one more time. Then its finally up sometime next week. It would be awesome if it was up today, but I really doubt it now.
[quote name='Oaxan']I never got into Cowboy Bebop... I dunno why, but I just never really liked it.[/QUOTE]

Die, monster! You don't belong in this world!

But seriously, Cowboy Bebop is pretty much a masterpiece.
[quote name='Buuhan1']Die, monster! You don't belong in this world!

But seriously, Cowboy Bebop is pretty much a masterpiece.[/QUOTE]
If everyone liked the same things, the world would be a pretty boring place. For instance, I don't understand all the praise for the original Neon Genesis Evangelion, especially after its abysmal final episode (and the re-do movie finale wasn't much better).
[quote name='guardian_owl']If everyone liked the same things, the world would be a pretty boring place. For instance, I don't understand all the praise for the original Neon Genesis Evangelion, especially after its abysmal final episode (and the re-do movie finale wasn't much better).[/QUOTE]

Speaking of... I didn't like Neon Gen either.
The only Mecha I liked was Code Geass.
[quote name='guardian_owl']If everyone liked the same things, the world would be a pretty boring place. For instance, I don't understand all the praise for the original Neon Genesis Evangelion, especially after its abysmal final episode (and the re-do movie finale wasn't much better).[/QUOTE]

I didn't mind Neon for the most part. There is a point at about the halfway mark that there's a clear change in how the show feels and after that I lost interest.
Never seen NGE and I've actually avoided it. I have trouble watching/playing something that has been hyped as "THE BEST SHIT EVAR" for years upon years. I'm only JUST now after all this time easing my way into playing Final Fantasy 7 due to that.
[quote name='Buuhan1']Die, monster! You don't belong in this world!

But seriously, Cowboy Bebop is pretty much a masterpiece.[/QUOTE]

I'm in agreement. I don't watch much anime at all (Deathnote, Full Metal Alchemist, and Cowboy Bebop) and I love Cowboy Bebop. It's a very entertaining series. I wish it was on Netflix so I could catch up on the ones I missed!
[quote name='4thHorseman']I didn't mind Neon for the most part. There is a point at about the halfway mark that there's a clear change in how the show feels and after that I lost interest.[/QUOTE]
If I remember correctly Neon had a budget cut about halfway or so through which lead to the change. Or something to that effect.
The PSN being down has really sucked. I bought a couple of PSN cards the day it went down and I haven't even been able to add them to my account. They're just sitting there. :cry:

I sort of doubt it will be back by Tuesday, which would really suck since I'm pretty sure that's when the Duke Nukem Forever "First Access Club" demo is coming out. I'm even thinking about changing my preferred platform from PS3 to Xbox 360. :cry:
PSN will be down for another week, it will be down till E3 they will announce it at E3 and turn on the service at it, in addition they will tell us what we will be getting at E3. I am tired of hearing this badger mess of its coming back soon and here it comes, I honestly don't care anymore for online stuff. I have been doing well through this and I only disappoint myself when I hear this or that.
[quote name='KillerRamen']The PSN being down has really sucked. I bought a couple of PSN cards the day it went down and I haven't even been able to add them to my account. They're just sitting there. :cry:

I sort of doubt it will be back by Tuesday, which would really suck since I'm pretty sure that's when the Duke Nukem Forever "First Access Club" demo is coming out. I'm even thinking about changing my preferred platform from PS3 to Xbox 360. :cry:[/QUOTE]
It better come on tuesday. Otherwise I am going to have to drag a 50 foot ethernet cable to my dad's x-box to download it (we both have first access club memberships, but his x-box is not hooked online unless we drag a long ass cable to it which he only used to buy games off the arcade).
There are two kinds of people: Those who love Cowboy Bebop and GODLESS HEATHENS!!!

That said, if they try and make a live-action film version with Keanu Reeves as Spike, I'm gonna give him something to look sad about!
bread's done