PSN Off-Topic - Happy Thanksgiving Chumps and Chumpettes!

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Okay, little frustrated playing Destiny this morning....

When I get into a match online, it's us vs. them in my mind. None of this "I'm gonna camp in the corner because my K/D has to be a certain number" pansy-ass bullshit. I don't claim to be the best online player in the world, but I consider myself above average and when I get in there I wreck shit to the best of my ability. I do what's necessary to put my team ahead of yours and you're damn right I'll stick my neck out there in the line of fire to get control of that point. I don't expect everyone I play with to be awesome, but just a little effort would be nice. I'm getting tired of losing a match and seeing my 8-10 points captured to the rest of the teams 1-2. Some even have zero! For fucks sake, you almost have to literally try not to get any points to have zero! Hell, sometime you're going to be standing in the right place just by accident!!!! Half the time you die you're respawned right next to a point you can take.

Sorry.... but they are pissing me the fuck off this morning...................
One of the people I play multiplayer is like that. Worst part is that he's fucking worthless, except the occasional match he gets a better kdr. I always place 1-2 consistenly on our team, with high points and kdr and this stupid motherfucker, with less kills than me and captures, brags when he gets a good kdr. Holy fuck, so unreal. The COD/Halo mentality, since he used to play those, he says.
This is a good explanation. The one part he left off that you might not infer from what he said is that your score can go down as a trophy you have becomes less "rare" and the multiplier for it goes down. For example, the first few people who played the last episode of TWAU would have likely shot up a few thousand immediately. However, as everyone else played all those points would get normalized and their score would drop way down.

The best example of this I have ever seen is on simmias score graph. In a span of 3 days he went from 148k to 156k and back down to 150k. I dont know what game that was, but I assume he was one of the first to finish it and a lot of people finished it right after him.
Thanks for the additional info. It makes sense but I never realized your score could go down. My graph for the last year and really my entire trophy "career" is just about a 45 degree line going up. The stats on TT are awesome.

Oddworld: shared list. :D

  • 37 trophies
  • 22 Bronze, 9 Silver, 5 Gold
This is a good explanation. The one part he left off that you might not infer from what he said is that your score can go down as a trophy you have becomes less "rare" and the multiplier for it goes down. For example, the first few people who played the last episode of TWAU would have likely shot up a few thousand immediately. However, as everyone else played all those points would get normalized and their score would drop way down.

The best example of this I have ever seen is on simmias score graph. In a span of 3 days he went from 148k to 156k and back down to 150k. I dont know what game that was, but I assume he was one of the first to finish it and a lot of people finished it right after him.
So I guess the moral of the story is to stick with playing old games, rack up rare trophies, and your score with rocket up the leaderboard. Rare trophies for old games will remain rare. You will become a god amongst men. Too bad Haze never got trophies.
One of the people I play multiplayer is like that. Worst part is that he's fucking worthless, except the occasional match he gets a better kdr. I always place 1-2 consistenly on our team, with high points and kdr and this stupid motherfucker, with less kills than me and captures, brags when he gets a good kdr. Holy fuck, so unreal. The COD/Halo mentality, since he used to play those, he says.
So why exactly do you play with him? Seems this would be a fairly easy problem to solve.
Well this admittedly isn't on the same level as going to an Aquabats concert, but I am going to the Richard Sherman celebrity softball game today. So I've got that going for me... which is nice.
Freezing vending machines is faster, because the hack time decreases on a frozen machine. Bums and I were getting 200-300 more Adam when we boosted machines over turrets. And if two people have Speedy Hacker instead of just one it's 400-500 more from what I hear.

With the telekinesis, you have to find the same partner every map or someone gets screwed.

Congrats again on level 50!
Hey Sim I'm gonna be on at 11:00 to get on that session. So if you can save me a spot please do.
I owned last night on CoD. 19/4, 20/3, etc. My k/ds were beastly 4.75, 3.5 etc. Great night to get back into cod clan war, ready to win another diamond division. We won every match we played with tons of people just rage quiting and forfeiting. Good times with buds. Now another 4 hours tonight and we will have another 1st place win. woot

oh n what time we boosting bioshock 2 again? how many hours do i got?

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Been in NY for a friends birthday all weekend. Holy fuck is it expensive to drink here compared to NH. But hey, I still got in on the B1G1 deal from BB this morning!
I jointed TT. The stats are interesting, although I never play games for trophies and only once have played something to full completion.

yeah idk either bout boosting. I will try to make it, but don't boot anyone yet. I'm trying to finish up RoF but Iv also got the CoD clan war later so idk. I stayed up til 4am n then had to get back up at 9am, so im kinda zoning around today. also some hippie 18 y/os hitting me up bout camming tonite. so I might have a full plate already. I need to do some memory management too cuz Im too low to dl the destiny beta but I don't wanna delete huge games like gtav im still playing. Trying to finish this RoF so I can delete it and make room.

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Oddworld: shared list. :D

  • 37 trophies
  • 22 Bronze, 9 Silver, 5 Gold
Assholes. I've got a feeling the separate lists are going to start becoming a thing of the past. The dev of Rogue Legacy says he thinks they have separate lists, but we'll see when it comes out.

But why would they not include separate lists (and go completely quiet about it after letting fans chose if the trophies were separate or shared) unless Sony made them do it shared.

Kinda kills the point off cross-buy for me, too.

Yes, I think so. Mods have founds us. So much for our 1920s version of a speakeasy. Hide the alcohol boys.
What was there to even moderate?

So I guess the moral of the story is to stick with playing old games, rack up rare trophies, and your score with rocket up the leaderboard. Rare trophies for old games will remain rare. You will become a god amongst men. Too bad Haze never got trophies.
You want games that:

1) A lot of people play but can't get a certain trophy, but you do

2) Games or DLC that a lot of people haven't played

3) Loads of higher score trophies since I dont think anything is ever worth less than its base score

For an example, my best point game is Puppeteer. A ton of people got it from plus but few have played it all the way to plat.

You can actually look up what a game and its trophies are worth by searching for it. There will be 2 numbers on the page. The number inside the DS3 shape is the TT points. The number below it in parenthesis is the PSN point total for the game.

You can even look at all the games you have played and see how many more points you can get from each game. If you click on the page for that game, you can just see the ones you do not have (or do have) and how many points each are worth. Once again, large format number is TT points, small number in parenthesis is the PSN Points.

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You want games that:

1) A lot of people play but can't get a certain trophy, but you do
2) Games or DLC that a lot of people haven't played
3) Loads of higher score trophies since I dont think anything is ever worse less than its base score

For an example, my best point game is Puppeteer. A ton of people got it from plus but few have played it all the way to plat.

You can actually look up what a game and its trophies are worth by searching for it. There will be 2 numbers on the page. The number inside the DS3 shape is the TT points. The number below it in parenthesis is the PSN point total for the game.

You can even look at all the games you have played and see how many more points you can get from each game. If you click on the page for that game, you can just see the ones you do not have (or do have) and how many points each are worth. Once again, large format number is TT points, small number in parenthesis is the PSN Points.
Thanks for that info. I'm going to play around with that a bit.

I did find it funny that you described it as such (even though I removed a few words):

You want games that:

1) A lot of people play
2) Games that a lot of people haven't played
Thanks for that info. I'm going to play around with that a bit.

I did find it funny that you described it as such (even though I removed a few words):

You want games that:

1) A lot of people play
2) Games that a lot of people haven't played
Yeah, I noticed that as I was typing. Only thing I could come up with was rare trophies to describe both and I thought that was not enough information since people would likely think of one or the other of those 2 cases :)

after hiding a bunch of 0% games and earning another trophy + syncing/updating, psnprofiles still shows the same completion percentage (although the 0% games are gone). does that mean 0% games never counted against my percentage?
after hiding a bunch of 0% games and earning another trophy + syncing/updating, psnprofiles still shows the same completion percentage (although the 0% games are gone). does that mean 0% games never counted against my percentage?

ETA: DLC you do not own, does count against you on PSNP though. It does not on TT. That is why on TT I show as over 99% completion, but yet on PSNP I am in the 95% range. I know that doesn't have a lot to do with hiding, but felt I should type more than just yes.

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[quote name="handsomepete" post="11940368" timestamp="1405877731"]after hiding a bunch of 0% games and earning another trophy + syncing/updating, psnprofiles still shows the same completion percentage (although the 0% games are gone). does that mean 0% games never counted against my percentage?[/quote]

Yep. They don't start counting until you earn the first trophy.
Thanks for that info. I'm going to play around with that a bit.

I did find it funny that you described it as such (even though I removed a few words):

You want games that:

1) A lot of people play
2) Games that a lot of people haven't played
You just want games that a lot of people have played but are unable to platinum. If a lot of people haven't played the game, then the trophies won't be worth that much, regardless of how hard they are.

Plus games are great for this because you get a lot of people who don't care about trophies playing it. Vita games also seem to have much higher TT scores.
I thought it just meant that they would always count against it, since every time I start a new game my % drops. But I also hid a few games a while back and the % didnt change. Maybe it doesn't count against you until you earn a trophy and I just never paid attention to it?
The answer was right above your post.

Yep. They don't start counting until you earn the first trophy.
Im not sure why they do it that way, but it is how they work. As mentioned earlier in this or the other thread, it is also not just how many trophies out of possible trophies. It weights them based on points it seems.

You just want games that a lot of people have played but are unable to platinum. If a lot of people haven't played the game, then the trophies won't be worth that much, regardless of how hard they are.
Plus games are great for this because you get a lot of people who don't care about trophies playing it. Vita games also seem to have much higher TT scores.
Well my FF13 plat must be gold. People bought that shit up, but didn't play much of it.

Plus your avatar is cute Jay.
So why exactly do you play with him? Seems this would be a fairly easy problem to solve.
Because he's friends with the other guys who play with me. They reason its bettter a full party of people who know each other and communicate, than taking a random. Granted, if I had the extra bud to take his place, would've boot his ass.
my best games were bulletstorm and kane n lynch 2 on true trophies cuz lots of people started them but didn't plat/100% them. I even have doggie back dlc for knl2 but i just can't get myself to turn it on/check if online is alive/even works.

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