PSN Off-Topic - Happy Thanksgiving Chumps and Chumpettes!

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Thanks for the tips. I forgot about the evade maneuver keeping the combo alive. Excited to try that tonight.

Part of my trouble with combos in Blackgate is the Pete mentioned running out of dudes to hot because they're all lying on the ground after my first go round. But if I jump jive and wail they should be more spaced out and not go down as fast. I remember there was a crazy rhythm to it, but I could never find it.

I have I hopes though because a wise woman once told me the rhythm is gonna get me.
As far as running out of dudes, if I remember right, you can upgrade Batman in that game. If you do a certain upgrade type too far, you will beat all the guys in that one spot where it is possible to get a 100 combo before reaching 100. I am pretty sure there is only that one spot where you can even get a 100x combo.

What batman trophy glitch are you guys talking about?

and Prof I still havnt touched Ys, Im too busy doing nothing, Im gonna send it back to gamefly even tho it is highest ranked gamefly game on my queue. lol
I have a bad feeling that by the time I'm up to playing my copy of Ys, it'll be on PS+. :???:

I think AO also has an upgrade to make combo count double for every hit?
I think every Batman game since Asylum has had an upgrade like that (Critical Strikes, IIRC).

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[quote name="rpg" post="11974035" timestamp="1406904146"]
Yeah I saw that video in the trophies guide but haven't watched it yet because I'm not on the Full Joker level yet. Finished Penguin and midway through Black Mask. Just the idea of a 100 hit combo seems inconceivable when I can barely get up to 8 regularly.
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Darn it, now rpg has me thinking about picking up Alpha Protocol and trying to get farther than I did in the 360 version years ago. Anyone want to talk me out of it before I pick up a (hopefully complete) copy from Gamestop later today for
Darn it, now rpg has me thinking about picking up Alpha Protocol and trying to get farther than I did in the 360 version years ago. Anyone want to talk me out of it before I pick up a (hopefully complete) copy from Gamestop later today for <$5 with two other games around the same price so one is free with the B2G1 code I have?
It is only 2230 points on TrueTrophies. So if you are thinking the rarity of it would help out there, it really isn't that many points.

Darn it, now rpg has me thinking about picking up Alpha Protocol and trying to get farther than I did in the 360 version years ago. Anyone want to talk me out of it before I pick up a (hopefully complete) copy from Gamestop later today for <$5 with two other games around the same price so one is free with the B2G1 code I have?
I have it, and decided not to sell it off. I know it's not great, but it just seems like something I'd enjoy based on what I've read.

I have a bad feeling that by the time I'm up to playing my copy of Ys, it'll be on PS+. :???:
Part of me just wants to sell it and finish it when it goes to Plus. But then with my luck that would be never. The other option is to just hope it goes on a crazy cheap sale some day. And then when it's Plus/cheap I can pick it up again and play on my Vita TV that I just preordered instead of my PS4 because Vita rules bitches!
on AA for me the secret was to download that free dlc that had the infinite combat challenge map, get a few guys on the screen and then just attack leaping across the screen (L + square, R + square). throw in takedowns when you can and eventually a rhythm presents itself. you might have to counter sometimes or if you go too fast you might not have anything to hit, but you can always leap over someone to give yourself time. I think on 360 I got up to something like 130 before I lost it.

don't mean to imply that it's easy at all, but definitely doable.
oops, didn't realize you were talking about blackgate. yeah, there's just that one spot to do it, and only if yo aren't overpowered. that game's plat might qualify as one of the dumber ones I've gotten.
I voted for everything but Crisis 3. I'm looking forward to Proteus because no way I was going to pay for that. Now I can try it for free. If it does suck it doesn't matter. No problem.

Also, nice job losing 2 out of 3, Angels!

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oops, didn't realize you were talking about blackgate. yeah, there's just that one spot to do it, and only if yo aren't overpowered. that game's plat might qualify as one of the dumber ones I've gotten.
I was actually talking about both AO and Blackgate. Your tips will be helpful for when I get back into AO tonight. Though it is weird playing both at the same time, and probably a mistake.
Boy, I'm getting progressively more relieved that I skipped Blackgate based on how annoyed you all sound. :lol:
Any of you played the PS3 version? I thought about getting it, just because I like Batman. If the changes that were made didn't help much though, I probably won't bother.

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I think we only got around to Castle Crashers. Wasn't MrNinjaSquirrel there and ooga or someone?
Yeah, though I think something was wrong with my mic (or I was just talking too quietly as usual), because you could seem to hear anything I was saying. I think MrZombieChicken was the 4th player, and he also seemed to have mic issues =/
Any of you played the PS3 version? I thought about getting it, just because I like Batman. If the changes that made didn't help much though, I probably won't bother.
I have not played it, but any improvement to the map had to be a huge help. You really can not understand how absolutely terrible it is unless you have played that version.

Based on what RPG said, the PS3 one also respawns enemies when you backtrack. That might help with the boredom from the Vita version, but it will also make it take longer.

I heard murder soul survivor was an easy plat but I didn't want to put 5 minutes into it, all my 11 y/o daughter. woot. no plat but good girl.

It may sound like I'm not enjoying Blackgate, but I am.  It's awesome to be able to get my Batman on while riding the train to & from work.  Yeah the map is a masterclass in "what the actual fuck?!?" but the game is still fun Batman doing Batman shit.  I just suck at combos and want all the extra XP that they bring, regardless of trophies (though I do want those too).

Which is why I used actress.

Pfft, women, amirite?
Hell I don't even understand us.

It's why all my friends were guys growing up (with the exception of my two best friends). Although I guess it sort of backfired considering they all left when I got with my husband
Which is why I used actress.

Pfft, women, amirite?
Actually you are. Shit like that is retarded. In no way is the word actress demeaning in any way. I'm not sure why some people consider terms that identify a person as female demeaning. Like with host/hostess and waiter/waitress. There's nothing demeaning about the female version, it just identifies a person as female.

This isn't BradyManningTebowSPN so we don't have the corporate restrictions to only mention those QBs. I know it can be hard to change though, so I won't treat you like the silly silly man you sounded like just now.
Fine I'll do it for him, I believe you meant to link to this man instead

Actually you are. Shit like that is retarded. In no way is the word actress demeaning in any way. I'm not sure why some people consider terms that identify a person as female demeaning. Like with host/hostess and waiter/waitress. There's nothing demeaning about the female version, it just identifies a person as female.
Take your misogynistic thinking out of here.

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