PSNOT 3.0 - Let's Talk About University of Kentucky, Baby!


I guess Enter the Gungeon is fun as I stayed up too late playing. Some of you would not like the reloading, though. Different enough from Nuclear Throne that it's a good complement. I'm happy with the purchase so far.
I like the art style, but first person and touch controls for combat turn me off. Plus, I'm disappointed it's not Guacamelee 2.

Hows the Teddy game?
Not bad. Some subtle puzzles, reminds me a bit of fez. There is an in game language you have to communicate with. It's not as obscure as fez but definitely some head scratchers.

I don't know why I played stupid Square Heroes all night instead. That final boss is awful.

That game was unreal, so happy with that finish man. Holy fuck, to be a Tar Heel fan would be like hell right now haha. May have been the best finish I've ever seen in such a huge game. 

And my $10 SFV came in today, I'll get to it one day. 

I just did a connection speed test on my phone and compared it to the speed my PS4 says it's getting. Phone was quite a bit faster, but PS4 is plugged in via Ethernet cord. That's not normal/good, right?
I just did a connection speed test on my phone and compared it to the speed my PS4 says it's getting. Phone was quite a bit faster, but PS4 is plugged in via Ethernet cord. That's not normal/good, right?
Hard to tell--you left out an important detail. Were you using wifi or LTE for the phone speedtest?

Would that really matter if the phone is faster? But I figured it'd be obvious it was wifi, but I guess not.

Yeah, it would. If you were on LTE then it could indicate your LTE connection is faster than your home cable speed. The phone being on wifi means the speed difference comes from your interior network versus the phone's wifi speed. Knowing both speeds are going through your cable modem brings up two questions:

  1. What kind of wireless connection do you have? G, N, or AC? Figure out the connection type to determine what your maximum wifi speed (from the modem) could be.
  2. How is the PS4 connected to your cable modem? Are there routers or hubs between the two? Do you know what kind of ethernet cable you're using (yes there's a speed difference between cable types.) The speed here will be determined by the slowest component; using cable that can only handle 10Mb/s will cap you at that point.

Speedtest also has some variance so you can't just rely on a single test. I'd run it a few times from each device if the above two questions don't show an obvious reason for the difference.

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That game was unreal, so happy with that finish man. Holy fuck, to be a Tar Heel fan would be like hell right now haha. May have been the best finish I've ever seen in such a huge game.
I have never loved our cell-phone-video-happy society more than today. There are so many delicious videos where you can actually pinpoint the exact moment when their hearts rip in half.

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Congrats on winning the PSNOT bracket pool, Pancakes.

I'd say, 'Yeah, I finished third', but third place is just the second loser. No participation trophy in the real world, right Tarholes fans.

My son won our family bracket pool; he picked Nova to win it all. I didn't think he had a chance because he picked them to beat Wisconsin in the finals, but it all worked out for him. When I asked him why he picked Nova he said, 'Dad, you know I've always liked them.' I just looked at him like, no, I didn't even know you knew who they were. Kids!
I just did a connection speed test on my phone and compared it to the speed my PS4 says it's getting. Phone was quite a bit faster, but PS4 is plugged in via Ethernet cord. That's not normal/good, right?
I assume you are doing the built in Speed test on the PS4? It is likely doing a speedtest between your PS4 and some server on the PSN network.

From your phone on wifi if you are using the application it is picking a different server that is likely much closer (both physically and number of hops). On top of that using two different applications. Hops are basically how many other routers/devices it has to send your data through before it gets to it's destination. Less is typically better.

I seem to recall getting substantially less then 25 down (and more recently 50) when doing the speedtest on my PS4 then I would get on my work or personal laptop but have good experiences on both PSN and Live most of the time.

TLDR; Too many variables between running a speedtest on a PS4 vs a phone.

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Yeah I was using the speeds you get when you do 'Test Connection' in the PS4 settings.  For the phone speeds I was using whatever app someone in here linked yesterday called Speedtest.

PS4 is connected by long-ass ethernet cord (like 50+ feet) from a wireless router to a 1gb ethernet switch, to the PS4.  I supposed a true test would just be to just unplug the PS4 and see what the speeds are on WiFi.  

Just for comparison's sake, I got 46 down and 12 up on my phone and I believe 35 down and 5 up on the PS4.

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Enter the Gungeon reviews:

Destructoid (9.5/10):

With tons to find, unlock and kill, Enter the Gungeon is easily recommendable to those that don't mind a bit of repetition and difficulty, and especially to fans of Nuclear Throne and Binding of Isaac. While it doesn't totally reinvent the twin-stick shooter, it has all but perfected it and is worth every penny.
IGN (8.5/10):

Enter the Gungeon’s design is quite sophisticated for a game about shooting bullets at anthropomorphized bullets with guns; it uses elements of one genre in the context of another, enhancing its most enjoyable elements. Despite there being so many more moving parts than in a typical arcade shooter, it somehow feels more immediate and focused on getting you into the action and keeping you there. And where other similar games can run out of novelty within a few hours, Enter the Gungeon is still surprising me with new implements of destruction after 50 hours of play.
I wish it was on Vita or that it wasn't releasing a week before Dark Souls III, as it looks and sounds like a really fun time.

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Anyone gonna be playing Dead Star tonight?  And if so wanna get a group together?  Can you play in a group?  I don't really know how it works besides space.

I'll play Dead Star tonight. Sure.

Enter the Gungeon is indeed fun, though I do have to say that it slightly trips nausea with some of its camera movement. It's not terrible as I was able to play for quite a while, but that is there.

Also it is possible to lose sight of your character if you are in a room and venture toward a lower door. I mean, I guess don't do that, but it happens in the heat of battle occasionally.
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I would be willing to try out Dead Star though.  I love space and shooters and it looks pretty from the screens and short video I watched.  The online will probably be broken though and we will all hate on it due to that.  And since it really isnt anything other than online it will be dead to us.

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Strangely when I search for Dead Star on the Playstation Store on my phone nothing comes up...
That's not all that strange considering it was never up for preorder like Enter the Gungeon was and it releases today; the store just hasn't updated yet.

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Stickbold!?  Anyone looked at this at all?  Its a 70s themed dodgeball game.  Sounds like fun if we could get people to play together and it played well online....not sure if its online, but if not thats stupid. 

Super dodgeball on NES was probably one of the most fun games for the system.

That's not all that strange considering it was never up for preorder like Enter the Gungeon was and it releases today; the store just hasn't updated yet.
Okay, I guess I am just used to them putting things up for pre order. Not sure why they wouldnt do that for every game anyway.

Stickbold!? Anyone looked at this at all? Its a 70s themed dodgeball game. Sounds like fun if we could get people to play together and it played well online....not sure if its online, but if not thats stupid.

Super dodgeball on NES was probably one of the most fun games for the system.
local co-op only

Enter the Gungeon reviews:

I wish it was on Vita or that it wasn't releasing a week before Dark Souls III, as it looks and sounds like a really fun time.
Pretty sure you're just looking for a way to not spend money but, Gungeon is fun and Dark Souls III releasing a week later really wouldn't effect playtime. It's not really a marathon for a week straight type of game. More like play an hour or so here and there or have ready to boot up when you rage quit DSIII type of game.

Pretty sure you're just looking for a way to not spend money but, Gungeon is fun and Dark Souls III releasing a week later really wouldn't effect playtime. It's not really a marathon for a week straight type of game. More like play an hour or so here and there or have ready to boot up when you rage quit DSIII type of game.
Right, but I'm currently playing Dark Souls II on PS4, and based on my progress, I might not get that plat by the time Dark Souls III releases like I planned. I don't really need to add yet another PS4 game to the backlog right now when I won't play it right away.

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Okay, I guess I am just used to them putting things up for pre order. Not sure why they wouldnt do that for every game anyway.
They dont put ps plus launch games up for preorder so people dont buy it. They had preorders up for dead star and took them down when they decided to add it to plus
They dont put ps plus launch games up for preorder so people dont buy it. They had preorders up for dead star and took them down when they decided to add it to plus
God dammit you and Vig with too much logic today. I cant handle it while at work!

PS fuck work

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bread's done