PSO Ep. 3 or Skies of Arcadia?


30 (100%)
Hey fellow CAGs, I have a bit of a problem right now. I am going down to my local EBgames tonight with one of my buddies, and plan to pick up a GameCube game there. I want to get either Phantasy Star Online Episode III: Card Revolution or Skies of Arcadia Legends. They are both the same price, so that does not matter. I am a big Phantasy Star Online fan, having put many hours into the Dreamcast games. I have played Skies of Arcadia for the Dreamcast, but only the first hour or so, and thought it was pretty good. I just need your opinion on which one to get. If you have played either of these games, please give me your opinion. Thanks!
I too would think skies. If either two of those titles become harder to find later on it will be skies and besides that PSO 3 is card based so it isnt exactly how the dreamcast version was at all
agghhhhh... skies of arcadia..

I envy you for not completing that game yet, its my favorite gamecube game too. The beginning is a little slow but i really picks up.
The GCN release SOA: Legends is mildly expanded upon from the DC release. Of course having not completed the DC build, you probably won't even notice the differences.
Both are incredible. Pick up PSO:III later, but like everyone else has said Skies is the harder of the two to find so get it first.
What did they change in Skies of Arcadia: Legends from the Dreamcast version? I played it on the DC, and liked the story and exploration, but the battles got to be really monotonous. Later in the game, it felt like there was a ridiculous number of battles, and eventually every battle could be beaten with a single command with an incredibly long and tedious animation. Did they make the battles more interesting in the GC version, or at least cut down on the number of encounters?
[quote name='_heretic']What did they change in Skies of Arcadia: Legends from the Dreamcast version? I played it on the DC, and liked the story and exploration, but the battles got to be really monotonous. Later in the game, it felt like there was a ridiculous number of battles, and eventually every battle could be beaten with a single command with an incredibly long and tedious animation. Did they make the battles more interesting in the GC version, or at least cut down on the number of encounters?[/quote]
According to this article:
The GameCube version of this critically-acclaimed Dreamcast RPG is basically a “Director’s Cut”, a more complete game incorporating many elements that developer Overworks was not able to include the first time. The graphic improvements are focused on the main characters, who have all been packed with significantly more polygons than before. For instance, they have individual fingers now, and Aika has been given a more “curvaceous” figure. The characters’ faces have also been given more detail.

In response to feedback from gamers who bought the Dreamcast version, Overworks has tweaked the battle system quite a bit. There are now fewer random encounters, and each one awards more experience points than before. Within the battles, the pacing has been bumped up, and both heroes and enemies have better movement routes, so that they no longer get stuck in corners or approach in circular paths. Overall, battles are faster, smoother, and less annoying than before.

There are no new playable characters; however, there is a new female bounty hunter, named Piastol, who is hunting down Vyse and his friends. Players will have the opportunity to confront her at several points in the game, and the encounters are optional for the most part. The reward for defeating Piastol is new background information on Vyse, such as how he received the scar on his face.

Moonfish are another new element. These magical items are scattered all over the game’s world, and when you find enough of them, you can give them to a sick child to nurse her back to health. In turn, the child’s doctor will give you vital story information about the game’s final boss.

There are also new discoveries – local rumors and legends that you can prove or disprove through exploration. As you make these discoveries, the information you uncover becomes part of the local dialogue. Finally, there are eight new gangs of evil pirates, each with a successively larger bounty on its head. These “wanted battles” are totally optional and quite challenging, but victory will result in huge cash rewards.

Most of the new content is clearly designed for hardcore fans of the original game. Sega says that while the game’s overall difficulty level has not really changed (other than battles being less frustrating), some of the new bits, especially the wanted battles, are quite difficult.
wait until EBgames has the B2G1 free deal next month and pick them up used along with something else.
Skies was an amazing experience. You really feel as if you are advancing in an adventure. It was my frist RPG ever (turn-based) and I pray every night of a sequel. I can dream...
As a former PSO player, I say skip Episode III and go for Skies of Arcadia.

PSO Ep III was the worst piece of godawful crap that I ever bought. You MIGHT enjoy it if you like card games.

At least in Skies you feel like you are having some kind of adventure...all I felt for Ep III was terminal boredom.
Went to EB last night, but the copy of Skies of Arcadia that they had was a display copy. I ended up just buying myself an gift card and ordering it off their website. Thanks for all your input on the games, fellow CAGs.
Good purchase. Really though, stick with it. The beggining just sets up a great game after a few hours.

And fyi, PSO 3 is a card battle game, a good one, but isnt really an RPG. It is neat as a PSO fa to see close ups of all the weapons and get extra details in strength and whatnot. When it gets to $10 or when you beat Skies i wholeheartedly suggest PSO 3
Man, remember the good ol' days when skies was $50+ on ebay? Ah, memories. If we found a bunch of them back then for 19.99 we woulda been fucking estatic. Oh well, I sold My Skies guide for $80, so I'm none too upset.
bread's done