PSP or DS Help?


12 (100%)
So, I wanted to post this and see what people had to say. I'm debating on whether to get a PSP or a DS. Now, a few things to keep in mind, I have a PS3 and an SLI PC so I get a lot of games for those so I'm looking for something that has fun games and is portable, but also games other than what comes out on PS3 and PC. God of War and Socom for the PSP would probably be two games that I would get for PSP but I've always loved Mario games and I even get some joy out of Pokemon, haha. I don't care so much about playing movies or music on them. I don't need to start another movie collection and my ipod is what I use for music. So basically, it would be just for gaming. Also, I like pretty much every type of game. I don't really travel a lot so it's just basically for fun and to have if I'm at school and bored or something like that. I guess I feel like I'm stuck in the middle of the road and I don't know which way to go. Any help or suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks fellow CAGs! :D

And I posted this in the DS board too so I get a variety of answers since I'm sure a lot of PSP fans would be on this board.
I think you would like the PSP more judging by the fact that you own a PS3 and a PC. Mario and Pokemon are only fun for so long. The PSP has more mature games for your tastes. But if you are still undecided, I would go for whatever you can get for less.
Ya, I was thinking that too. I know the PSP has a lot of adult games but I think that the biggest doubt I'm having is quite a few people I've known said that the DS is more fun and they rarely even play their PSP after a while of having it. I guess I just don't want to buy something that I'm going to get bored of but I've always enjoyed having a handheld. I had 3 different GBA's and they all got stolen :cry:
It's really up to what type of games you like/want. The PSP may not have as many games as the DS, but the number of quality games is right up there.

  • God of War
  • Crisis Core
  • Hot Shots Golf
  • Ratchet and Clank
  • Daxter
  • WipEout Pure
  • Tekken
  • Twisted Metal
  • GTA
  • Jeane D'arc
  • Metal Gear Solid
  • Syphon Filter
  • TOCA
  • MLB: The Show
  • LocoRoco
  • etc.
And the list goes on. These are all games that are exclusive to the DS (to my knowledge)...and ALL have a metacritic rating of at least 80. If you look at the list of DS games, there are more that have 80 and above, but they (in my opinion) are more 'kiddish' and a good share of them are Nintendogs, Mario, Zelda, Metroid...
I have both and I enjoy both but I used to be in the same situation as you with a PS3 and a PC. It all boils down to if you want more variety then go for the DS, if you want less variety but more mature games then go for the PSP. I can't help but feel like the PSP is dying though. The biggest and really only AAA PSP game in 2009 (so far) is Resistance Retribution. If you see what games are coming in the future for the DS you will see ALOT more DS titles but as SynGamer said, most of the are games aimed more at a younger audience.

Sorry to hear that about your gameboys btw, that sucks.
[quote name='silent h3ro']I have both and I enjoy both but I used to be in the same situation as you with a PS3 and a PC. It all boils down to if you want more variety then go for the DS, if you want less variety but more mature games then go for the PSP. I can't help but feel like the PSP is dying though. The biggest and really only AAA PSP game in 2009 (so far) is Resistance Retribution. If you see what games are coming in the future for the DS you will see ALOT more DS titles but as SynGamer said, most of the are games aimed more at a younger audience.

Sorry to hear that about your gameboys btw, that sucks.[/quote]
AAA games for the PSP in 2009 is shaping up to look like;

  • Resistance Retribution
  • Motorstorm
  • LittleBigPlanet
  • Dissidia
That doesn't include other titles coming out next year that while not AAA, will still be good.
I didn't know Motorstorm and LBP were confirmed yet for the PSP. I remember Sony saying that they were possible but they didn't know whether or not they were going to make them. Do you have a link? You are right about Dissidia though I can't believe I forgot about it. So that's three more AAA games right there so it's pretty even then. Really it's just all about what your game preference is in deciding which to buy.
[quote name='silent h3ro']I didn't know Motorstorm and LBP were confirmed yet for the PSP. I remember Sony saying that they were possible but they didn't know whether or not they were going to make them. Do you have a link? You are right about Dissidia though I can't believe I forgot about it. So that's three more AAA games right there so it's pretty even then. Really it's just all about what your game preference is in deciding which to buy.[/quote]
They haven't been confirmed officially, but they were part of Sony's recent conference and are logical steps for improving the PSP game library. And just to name a few 3rd party games for 2009...

  • Mana Khemia
  • Star Ocean: Second Evolution
  • Phantasy Star Portable
  • DJ Max Fever
  • Ape Escape (a couple games announced)
  • DiRT 2 (recently announced by Codemasters)
  • Monster Hunter Freedom Unite (2ndG)
As you can see, quite a nice line-up right there on it's own :D
[quote name='SynGamer']It's really up to what type of games you like/want. The PSP may not have as many games as the DS, but the number of quality games is right up there.

  • God of War
  • Crisis Core
  • Hot Shots Golf
  • Ratchet and Clank
  • Daxter
  • WipEout Pure
  • Tekken
  • Twisted Metal
  • GTA
  • Jeane D'arc
  • Metal Gear Solid
  • Syphon Filter
  • TOCA
  • MLB: The Show
  • LocoRoco
  • etc.
And the list goes on. These are all games that are exclusive to the DS (to my knowledge)...and ALL have a metacritic rating of at least 80. If you look at the list of DS games, there are more that have 80 and above, but they (in my opinion) are more 'kiddish' and a good share of them are Nintendogs, Mario, Zelda, Metroid...[/quote]

About a handful of these I would actually buy and that second list you posted doesn't really appeal to me at all. I think I'm actually leaning towards the DS a little more now. Since I can get a lot different games that I won't be able to experience on my PS3 or PC.

Ya, I think I'm gonna go with a DS. Now if I can only find a good deal on one...... Haha, thanks guys! The help is much appreciated! :D
It's worth owning both, CRH7386. I've seen the Japanese mint green PSP2000 for $129.99; that's also the standard price for a DS Lite. As we veer closer to the DSi's release, you're going to see better and better Lite deals.

Truthfully, I tend to play the PSP more than the DS -- the stylus, double screen and controls seem a bit fussy to use while commuting, especially if I'm carrying a few bags on the train.

But every time I think I'm finished with the DS, a new game or app appears that piques my interest. I'm glad I have both handhelds; I won't be giving up either until the end of its lifespan.
Walk into a Best buy or just browse through online and count the number of games that strike your interest for each system and go with the one that has the games most interesting to you.

To be honest, you sound like an open minded gamer who will enjoy either system. So the question isn't really what system specifically, but instead, which side of the fence is the most fun. (And that is really up to you to determine.)

If i were you, I would try to figure out which one is the most bang for the buck.
I agree that it's worth owning both. I think I'd *probably* go with a PSP if I could only have one, and obviously the hardware is much better, but they both have a ton of great games. One thing that annoys me with the DS, is to date all the DS games I've liked could have been done as well or better on the PSP, while the opposite is obviously not true at all (not that that changes anything...New Super Mario Bros. isn't going to hit the PSP anytime soon :D )
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