Question About XBox 360


Does anybody know if this is the latest revision of the 360:

MPN: 31400C

I don't think it is, but I wanted to check with some experienced gamers!

Thanks, I'm thinking about buying one online. Is buying one online a bad idea??
im guessing your from the bay area by your name, why not just buy one from a store? i have no idea if that is the latest revision...
so it sounds like buying online is a bad idea? so if i buy at target/best buy/etc i will get a 1-year warranty? if i buy online can i get a warranty, or no?
[quote name='Tha Xecutioner']this question (and any more you have about the 360) can all be answered here[/QUOTE]

sorry :roll: just checked there.

the only question i have (sorry if its there, i didnt see it) is:

if i buy the 360 from eBay or something, in order to get the microsoft 2-year warraty, will i be required to have a receipt (because obviously I wont have one)
The only place to buy one online IMO is
Otherwise buy at the Costco store. If you need to pay
$50 for a membership, it's well worth it.
thanks guys, i called xbox support, and they will run the serial number and can add a warranty as long as its still under the factory warranty. good to know!
bread's done