Really bad idea - Teachers stage fake gun attack on sixth graders


77 (100%)
I cant believe any one teacher could have such a terrible lapse of judgement let alone a whole group of teachers!

[quote name='']
MURFREESBORO, Tennessee (AP) -- Staff members of an elementary school staged a fictitious gun attack on students during a class trip, telling them it was not a drill as the children cried and hid under tables.
The mock attack Thursday night was intended as a learning experience and lasted five minutes during the weeklong trip to a state park, said Scales Elementary School Assistant Principal Don Bartch, who led the trip.
"We got together and discussed what we would have done in a real situation," he said.
But parents of the sixth-grade students were outraged. (Watch student recount incident, mother react )
"The children were in that room in the dark, begging for their lives, because they thought there was someone with a gun after them," said Brandy Cole, whose son went on the trip.
Some parents said they were upset by the staff's poor judgment in light of the April 16 shootings at Virginia Tech that left 33 students and professors dead, including the gunman.
During the last night of the trip, staff members convinced the 69 students that there was a gunman on the loose. They were told to lie on the floor or hide underneath tables and stay quiet. A teacher, disguised in a hooded sweat shirt, even pulled on a locked door.
After the lights went out, about 20 kids started to cry, 11-year-old Shay Naylor said.
"I was like, 'Oh My God,' " she said. "At first I thought I was going to die. We flipped out."
Principal Catherine Stephens declined to say whether the staff members involved would face disciplinary action, but said the situation "involved poor judgment."[/quote]
[quote name='dallow']:D[/QUOTE]

Today... we are going to convince everyone... that there is... a gunman... on the loose... and that he is going to kill everyone.
what a bunch of dumb fucks. I work at an elementary school and this is just plain retarded. Bet you all those teachers are going to be fired for this all because of all the pressure from the media and parents. I am surprised that a dozen teachers went along with this plan. They must be from the stupid batch of teachers being rolled out of college and into the classroom.
I saw the principal being interviewed and when asked about teachers being fired, she said something to the affect of .."hope we can all just learn from this." OMG, learn what exactly? All the teachers involved should be fired immediately. The principal should be fired, as well. The only way to learn is through consequences.
[quote name='dragonreborn23']I saw the principal being interviewed and when asked about teachers being fired, she said something to the affect of .."hope we can all just learn from this." OMG, learn what exactly? All the teachers involved should be fired immediately. The principal should be fired, as well. The only way to learn is through consequences.[/QUOTE]
QFT. Obviously these people are not qualified to be teachers, and it's been shown through their actions.
I don't get it. I don't see why this is a bad thing to drill students. It is obvious that if a school district even wanted to do this kind of drill, they couldn't say it is a drill. Of course, doing this on 6th graders is a bit extreme, and the results were digusting, but with the dozens of school shootings in recent years, I wouldn't be surprised if this became standard. It has to be done. People have to see how prepared they are for this kind of circumstance. Sure, they should have tried it on high schoolers first, but truely, I think that this will become as standard as your normal fire drills.

Telling a kid that your school is on fire and you need to get out quickly isn't scary? Give me a break. I highly doubt that the teachers said "This is NOT a drill!"... If they did, I would have been suspicious because no teachers would say that if I drill like that wasn't preformed before.
The more I think about this, the more it reminds me of that one Treehouse of Horror where Groundskeeper Willie started killing children in their dreams.

If the teachers had told the kids it was a drill, I kind of doubt the kids would have been on the floor crying and begging for their lives.

If it's a drill, say it's a drill. If you don't, then you're subjecting yourselves to the "Cry Wolf" effect.
[quote name='NeoFrank1']If the teachers had told the kids it was a drill, I kind of doubt the kids would have been on the floor crying and begging for their lives.

If it's a drill, say it's a drill. If you don't, then you're subjecting yourselves to the "Cry Wolf" effect.[/quote]
Yeah, but fire and tornado drills already create the, "Cry Wolf," effect. You have so many drills and people just assume that the one that's happening is another drill. Eventually people just see them as an inconvenience whether it's real or not. That's not necessarily a bad thing all the time for the kids, though. It would keep the students much calmer than if they knew it was serious. They'd all still be screwing around though. Damn kids, always screwing around.

If the teachers intended it as a learning experience or as a drill, they should have prepared them. You have specific actions you teach kids when doing a fire or tornado drill to prepare them for real life. (For the nuclear attack drill you just have to hide under your desk) If they were going to make a psycho student drill, they needed to have a course of action they want the students to take and teach it to them before they have a drill on it.

I can see it now. In the future all desktops will be bulletproof. And the psycho stucent drill will consist of students getting out of their desks, facing the door, turning the desks over with the desktops facing the door and huddling up into little fear balls behind the desktops.

:twoguns: :wall: Notice how the special education student is free to beat his head against his bulletproof desk in a carefree manner as the psycho student goes on a rampage. Sorry, psycho student, today's classrooms have the top-notch Securi-Desk, now with the hinged-top option for those times when you don't have the luxury of turning the desk over.
The funny thing is that if students had pulled the prank I can guarantee they would be expelled. You just can't go around, scaring people half to death, SAYING IT IS NOT A DRILL, then come back and say it WAS a drill.

If anyone did that to my kids the next sounds the teachers would utter will be muffled by their own asses.
wow, how to put a black mark on your career and teaching record for the rest of your life. If they get fired, they should consider going back to school and learning a new profession.
[quote name='MrBadExample']Those kids should have been armed so they could have fired back.[/QUOTE]

That's the beauty of the whole incident. No shots were fired.
Is this really that new?

When I was in second grade, late in the afternoon once we had a "Gun Drill," or whatever it was. We all thought it was a fire drill, but a lot of people saw a man running around waving his arms with a fake gun in hand, myself included. They told us over the PA System later it was just a drill and not to be worried, etc.

I don't recall any scandal or anything after it, and we just kind of thought it was funny the guy was acting so silly. And there wasn't really any difference to a regular old plain jane fire drill.
[quote name='NeoFrank1']If the teachers had told the kids it was a drill, I kind of doubt the kids would have been on the floor crying and begging for their lives.

If it's a drill, say it's a drill. If you don't, then you're subjecting yourselves to the "Cry Wolf" effect.[/quote]

Exactly. I work in an office where our building gets a fire drill once every two months. You should see the snails pace at which some people meander out of the building at. Not only that but some people stay inside and continue their work. The reason is because everyone just assumes its a drill and a big waste of time. If the fire alarms only went off in a case of emergency, you better believe people will jet for the doors like they're supposed to.
[quote name='GuyWithGun'] (For the nuclear attack drill you just have to hide under your desk)


Not in NYC. You actually stand in the hallways with your face against the wall. It's probably just easier to clean bodies in a line lol. I see no effectiveness to it.
[quote name='ITDEFX']what a bunch of dumb fucks. I work at an elementary school and this is just plain retarded. Bet you all those teachers are going to be fired for this all because of all the pressure from the media and parents. I am surprised that a dozen teachers went along with this plan. They must be from the stupid batch of teachers being rolled out of college and into the classroom.[/quote]

Isn't that where you just rolled out of? Seriously... I'd place my money on tenured teachers that think they can get away with anything without being fired.
[quote name='Zenithian Legend']Isn't that where you just rolled out of? Seriously... I'd place my money on tenured teachers that think they can get away with anything without being fired.[/QUOTE]

No...... I didn't graduate with a degree in education :p
[quote name='ITDEFX']No...... I didn't graduate with a degree in education :p[/quote]

Ah, so you just work in ze office of ze school? Yes. No. Scabies. Circle one!
[quote name='Zenithian Legend']Ah, so you just work in ze office of ze school? Yes. No. Scabies. Circle one![/QUOTE]

instructional assistant :( I just witness oh the usually shit every week....... child abuse, teachers who come in half drunk, teachers who have phantasy's about having sex with there students and so on.
[quote name='ITDEFX']instructional assistant :( I just witness oh the usually shit every week....... child abuse, teachers who come in half drunk, teachers who have phantasy's about having sex with there students and so on.[/quote]

Sounds to me like you circled "scabies"

Well if you can't beat 'em... join 'em? Do you work in the Detroit public school district? I'm pretty sure all of that is common practice there. Although, you made no mention of drugs.
bread's done