Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare $19.99 @ Amazon (Xbox 360 ONLY)

I don't have RDR but have been very curious about it. Would any of you recommend playing through this DLC without having played through the original story first?
[quote name='DoubleJG']I don't have RDR but have been very curious about it. Would any of you recommend playing through this DLC without having played through the original story first?[/QUOTE]

From what I've heard, Undead Nightmare has no ties to the main story. It's a "What If" scenario that takes place in RDR's world. There are characters from the main game that come out in it, but you don't really need any prior knowledge.
[quote name='DoubleJG']I don't have RDR but have been very curious about it. Would any of you recommend playing through this DLC without having played through the original story first?[/QUOTE]

You can play it as it is it's own separate game, just some of the characters you won't recognize, or they won't mean much to you.

It's basically a whole different story that has nothing to do with RDR, only with the setting and characters.
[quote name='DoubleJG']And since I love games involving zombies, you'd both recommend biting on this one?[/QUOTE]

You shouldn't regret buying it, I haven't played it yet, but from everything I've heard it sounds really fun.

it's had great reviews, so I don't think you can go wrong with it, and since you love zombie games... Why not? :lol:

I'm also "biting" on this one too with this deal! If anything and you really don't like it, you could still trade it in since it's not locked to your account from your hard drive which is another plus.

If you want a really good look at the game, I recommend watching the quick look on giant bomb as it shows and explains a lot of what's going on. keep in mind the video is from Halloween when it was first released.
Bit and bought PS3 version for myself at BB. Brother is getting 360 from Amazon for 24.99 since Amazon won't reimburse me the diff and BB is all out.
I got a new question for someone that has the dlc disc along with the full game version. I bought all the dlc but the undead one. Can i just buy this disc and install the undead to my hard drive then give the stand alone dlc disc to my friend so we can both play with each other? If i can not install dlc from the disc to the hard drive i will have to pass and buy the dlc for 800 points. LMK thanks
Wait, so can you play online since it includes the two dlc, meaning you can only play online with those to game modes? or is the whole multiplayer open?
People have been saying it's the whole multiplayer to date. Including all available DLC.

I went ahead and got the :ps3: version from best buy
[quote name='Donutkid2222']Wait, so can you play online since it includes the two dlc, meaning you can only play online with those to game modes? or is the whole multiplayer open?[/QUOTE]

The entire multiplayer is open, according to several previous posters.
[quote name='Azul_KoolAid']So basically people should buy the disc if they want the DLC vs downloading it from Xbox live.


60 posts in, I think absolutely any question anyone has about this release has already been answered in this least 3 times.

(I don't mean to single out your post specifically, Azul, at least 25% of the posts here are asking the same things over and over and over, yours just happens to be the most recent one.)
There are two threads on this game about the two stores this sale is at and people keep asking the same question.

Back to the point, this seems like a great deal for those that want to play an undead western. Pretty smart of Rockstar, too. Ride the wave of zombie-mania.
I just watched a video of free roam and that just looks absolutely sick. I have RDR original coming in from amazon tomorrow from their BF sale, but damn I think I just might pick up the undead nightmare for $20 play a little bit of zombie campaign and just go online, and just sell off the original RDR as sealed.
[quote name='Nelo Ice']pretty sure its intentional.
Additionally, the deadly Tomahawk and the Explosive Rifle make a triumphant comeback and will be available exclusively for those who downloaded the Legends and Killers Pack and the Liars and Cheats Pack.
Then I'll wait for more of a price drop... or even better find it used.
Just my opinion, but for those of you thinking about picking this up as a standalone item (i.e., you do not already have RDR), I would suggest you think about picking up the original RDR instead. To me the single player/story mode of RDR was by far and away the best thing about this franchise, and you'd be really missing out if your only RDR experience was the zombified version and/or the DLC multiplayer.

Is the disc standalo.....just kidding:lol:

I'm just wondering is if anything else on the disc beside the UN campaign single player? I've read the description off of live but it's a little hard to tell since I haven't played it yet. Since I picked up the original on BF, I'm just debating whether to pick this up or just get the campaign off of Live since MS finally credit me those 800pts I've been waiting for.
The Undead Nightmare DLC is 800 I think, but the standalone disc version comes with Undead Nightmare and every bit of multiplayer DLC that's been released 'til now. It's like a GOTY edition of sorts when combined with the main game.
But does it have the original RDR's multiplayer modes? I'm seeing it has the DLC multi but not hearing anything about multiplayer content from the RDR disc being on it.
[quote name='specialist']The Undead Nightmare DLC is 800 I think, but the standalone disc version comes with Undead Nightmare and every bit of multiplayer DLC that's been released 'til now. It's like a GOTY edition of sorts when combined with the main game.[/QUOTE]

Yeah I know that, what I was asking was is if anything beside the UN campaign itself have to do with single player and not multiplayer. I really have no use for the multiplayer aspect since I refuse to pay for gold, but some of the descriptions on the packs on live talk about free roam and I'm just wondering if it has to do with single player or if it's all multiplayer and it's confusing the hell out of me, which is easily done I'm told.
[quote name='solidus_00']Yeah I know that, what I was asking was is if anything beside the UN campaign itself have to do with single player and not multiplayer. I really have no use for the multiplayer aspect since I refuse to pay for gold, but some of the descriptions on the packs on live talk about free roam and I'm just wondering if it has to do with single player or if it's all multiplayer and it's confusing the hell out of me, which is easily done I'm told.[/QUOTE]

I'm pretty sure free roam = multiplayer
[quote name='solidus_00']Yeah I know that, what I was asking was is if anything beside the UN campaign itself have to do with single player and not multiplayer. I really have no use for the multiplayer aspect since I refuse to pay for gold, but some of the descriptions on the packs on live talk about free roam and I'm just wondering if it has to do with single player or if it's all multiplayer and it's confusing the hell out of me, which is easily done I'm told.[/QUOTE]

The only SP content is the zombie stuff; so you'd only be playing about half of what's on the disc. For your purposes, it'd be better to have an RDR original disc and just download the zombie campaign.
Is their anyone here that wants the PS3 version of this? I picked up the PS3 version earlier with some credit from gamestop, and would much rather have the 360 version now. Game is still in great shape. Could possibly work something out in exchange my ps3 for having 360 directly shipped to me?
But you get a nice purdy case/disc and can resell it later. I just bought RDR at walmart but might jump on this right away to go with it... hmm...
Welp, ended up Buying Undead Colelction for a Christmas gift for my GF's brother. He's more of a MP type guy that doesn't play a whole lot of campaign, so I figure this is perfect for him. I originally wanted to get him RDR but I felt this was the better choice, both in cost and selection. I just received my RDR from amazon and decided I would just download the 1600pt DLC rather than buy the game disc since I got my points for very cheap through flipping etc. Beats paying out more cash for the disc.
[quote name='aznguyen316']I just watched a video of free roam and that just looks absolutely sick. I have RDR original coming in from amazon tomorrow from their BF sale, but damn I think I just might pick up the undead nightmare for $20 play a little bit of zombie campaign and just go online, and just sell off the original RDR as sealed.[/QUOTE]

You are sure missing out on one hell of a western story if you sell the original game. The ending of the game rocks! I know some people did not like it cause they seem to not watch many westerns and if they did then did not like the endings as well i bet.

Anyways the single player campaign rocks! Hog tying a nun and placing here on the train tracks to get run over is so worth the original price alone. :)

The game is long for single player as well and many cool things you get to do you can not in free roam. If you beat single player you will wish they added so much to free roam...

I recommend playing single player before you play online so you keep the story fresh and keep playing it. I for one always sway off a story game and once i go back even if it owns i lose that care to play feel.
[quote name='solidus_00']Yeah I know that, what I was asking was is if anything beside the UN campaign itself have to do with single player and not multiplayer. I really have no use for the multiplayer aspect since I refuse to pay for gold, but some of the descriptions on the packs on live talk about free roam and I'm just wondering if it has to do with single player or if it's all multiplayer and it's confusing the hell out of me, which is easily done I'm told.[/QUOTE]

Well actually free roam is and is not multiplayer. You can either do 3 things.

1. Play free roam online
2. Play free roam system link
3. Play free roam by yourself

This will be the new in thing free roam in games = multiplayer. It has multiplayer free roam but also single.

It is fun to mess around by yourself if you do not have gold. It is nice to play with friends more but if you can not then free roam single is ok. The multiplayer matches of course will not start unless you system link or go online through. The rest is there to explore and do.
don't worry FNL, post above ya, I ended up keeping the campaign disc I got so I'll be going through the story mode. Good stuff so far, and I did some free roam as well. Going to be a lot of gameplay hours for the low cost I paid for it!
[quote name='foreinter']If you think this game is free, you should remember you paid $60 (retail price) for Black Ops.[/QUOTE]

I know I'm a little late on the reply... But no I didn't. I pre-ordered this way back during the ECA fiasco. I paid $38 and received the $20 pre-order.
Can you play all modes of multiplayer with this stand alone disc, or just the DLC modes of multiplayer?

edit: wow, thanks for reviving a month old thread...
[quote name='iHN Jury']So is this DEAD? It says $27.99 on Amazon now.

EDIT: Just saw the date. 11.28.10. nvm.[/QUOTE]Yeah its dead, has been for a while.
bread's done