Red Dead Redemption - Undead Nightmare out now!

[quote name='Sinistar']We should set up a CAG night for this. :)[/QUOTE]
Actually, CAG night for this is tonight at 10pm, though we had virtually no one show up already last week.

Then again, I guess that's cuz no one wanted to 'pick flowers' or do the same repetitive gang hideouts over and over.

But I'm definitely not one for structured game modes, since most of the ones on RDR are just clones of the GTA IV ones with different names.:roll:
Oh well add me to your list.. I'll prolly hop in an an hour or so, not sure what time zone you're in.
Just got this got game and enjoying it so far. Unfortunately I bought it used and the seller did include the map, just the manual.

Anyone know where I get an a copy of the map? Or can I order it from Rockstar? The collector inside me is killing me that I didn't get the map! Damn seller.
Wow i didnt think i played the game that much but i am in the top 10 leaderboard for grab the bag hardcore. And the last game i played before my shoulder surgery some asshole on my team killed me inches before capturing another bag.
It was funny killing the guy ranked 3rd most in kills in hardcore gang matches with a volcanic pistol shot to the dome a couple of times when all he would do is run around with a machine pistol. I had to put my headset on cause he was all crying when i killed him with 1 shot. The asshole had the audacity to run away from the shootout and go straight for the machine pistol. I told him he was pathetic cause he probably had half his kills with semiautomatic pistols.
So any updates on when these coop missions are coming.
[quote name='DarkNessBear']This is how Afrika's environment should have been...[/QUOTE]
You do realize we have a CAG night set up already(Sunday), right? Our first week had a decent showing, but since then it's been dwindling off.

We were mainly playing around in Free Roam, just doing gang hideouts and hunting animals.

A few of us get together on PSN every so many nights and just goof around in free roam, though I've been a bit busy as of late and by the time I get on no one else is on there.:cry:
I've been busy with work but have been playing sp on and off. I'm not crazy about the mp from what I've played but I'd def. be down once the the co-op mission come out. That stuff sounds more up my ally.
Well the coop and freemode suck when people play with autoaim. I did a gang hideout in under a minute the other day cause turds were using autoaim and machine pistols. I love sniping people using autoaim. If im in the zone i can have my horse in full cruise control sprint and pick off guys real quick with the sniper, so much fun. I wanna play with the rockstar devs so i can badmouth them for having casual aim in there games.
I tend to prefer the more unstructured modes, where I can just have my own fun and do what I want in the big open world. I haven't even tried any of the modes outside of free roam as of yet and I'm not even sure if I will.

I'll get the co-op missions if they're free, but hopefully they'll also have an offline component, so I can take the game to a friends house and play some co-op there.

There's far too many games that just have either online multiplayer or no multiplayer at all. Game developers seem to forget that back in the day people actually played games together in the same room.
What does everyone think of the patch that came out yesterday? They nerfed the hideouts majorly. There goes my chance of getting all the items. I'm not really a hardcore player so the amount of time it will take to get to the level cap now is out of my range. Unless they increased exp somewhere else?
[quote name='saad77']What does everyone think of the patch that came out yesterday? They nerfed the hideouts majorly. There goes my chance of getting all the items. I'm not really a hardcore player so the amount of time it will take to get to the level cap now is out of my range. Unless they increased exp somewhere else?[/QUOTE]
I knew this was coming, because Solomon's Folly was just insane power-leveling. Everyone got 1k exp just for shooting a few guys and a full crew could clear it in 45 seconds flat. You could go afk and get 700 exp for doing nothing, too.

I got legendary +2, so I'm happy and pretty much done with the game anyways. Unless I can get a few people to help with trophy boosting, don't think I'll touch it again.
[quote name='saad77']What does everyone think of the patch that came out yesterday? They nerfed the hideouts majorly. There goes my chance of getting all the items. I'm not really a hardcore player so the amount of time it will take to get to the level cap now is out of my range. Unless they increased exp somewhere else?[/QUOTE]

Are you sure they nerfed the hideouts on the patch? I didnt see anything mentioned on the list:

An automatic title update (version 1.02) is now available for Red Dead Redemption on the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. You will be prompted to download the title update as soon as you sign into PSN or Xbox LIVE.​
The main issues fixed by the title update are as follows:​

  • Resolved various NAT incompatibility issues (Click here for tips on how to optimize your firewall settings)
  • Improved connectivity to multiplayer for users with slower connections
  • Improved reporting for Shootout and Gang Shootout games
  • Fixed instance where Mo Van Barr would not appear as a bounty
  • Fixed multiplayer titles not appearing for some users in the outfitter
  • Fixed instance where lawmen stopped responding even though the player was wanted
  • Fixed Issue with hogtied victims disappearing when ragdolled
  • Fixed crash in Free Mode when cooking dynamite and going into the water
  • Fixed audible glitch at the end of some cutscenes
  • Fixed Solomon's Folly Action Area not ending after posse leader teleports in late
  • Corrected Social Club 100% Tracker so stats update properly
  • Various multiplayer issues addressed including load screen hang-ups and UI glitches
  • Eliminated miscellaneous game crashes
Additionally, this update includes support for a new playlist by popular demand, Hardcore Free Roam supporting only expert aim. This playlist will be released once this title update has time to propagate on both consoles. We will update this post with the word as soon as that playlist is confirmed as functional.
If you are experiencing any other problems, please visit Rockstar Support. If you need help or would like to bring an issue to our attention please don't hesitate to send an email to [email protected] or tweet them to @rockstarsupport.
Improved connectivity for players with slower connections is music to my ears. Now if they would just stop the damned kicked glitch on their older games(GTA especially).
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']You do realize we have a CAG night set up already(Sunday), right? Our first week had a decent showing, but since then it's been dwindling off.

We were mainly playing around in Free Roam, just doing gang hideouts and hunting animals.

A few of us get together on PSN every so many nights and just goof around in free roam, though I've been a bit busy as of late and by the time I get on no one else is on there.:cry:[/QUOTE]

I don't think many were on last Sunday due to the Finals. Same will be true for this Sunday least for me.
:razz: It's ok. That's given me time to try finishing the single player game AND maybe start trying to finish Just Cause 2 before Transformers comes out on the 22nd.
F u c Yeah a hardcore freemode is coming. Now i don't have to worry about losers thinking they are good anymore. Too bad that 75% of the morons playing will be playing in casual and i won't have the ability to ever kill there pathetic asses again. Finally i don't have to worry about some turd with autoaim stealing my kills and killing 20 guys in less than a minute. woot woot
And i never say woot woot!
[quote name='Mr. 420']F u c Yeah a hardcore freemode is coming. Now i don't have to worry about losers thinking they are good anymore. Too bad that 75% of the morons playing will be playing in casual and i won't have the ability to ever kill there pathetic asses again. Finally i don't have to worry about some turd with autoaim stealing my kills and killing 20 guys in less than a minute. woot woot
And i never say woot woot![/QUOTE]

So I guess you won't be joining one of my casual free roams anymore?:razz:
[quote name='lokizz']so is the solomons follys hideout the best one to do to gain exp in free roam?[/QUOTE]

It is 'before' the patch - I usually get 2200-2500 every roughly 1:45 a playthrough.
Now, I barely make 800xp

However, there is a way to get around the patch if you're just looking to get xp (but you wont be able to play with anyone else).

Delete the game data from your PS3 (your save files will stay the same) & when you load RDR cancel the update. Instead go to single player and load up LAN MP.

You'll get the free roam xp before the patch.
[quote name='guynextshore']It is 'before' the patch - I usually get 2200-2500 every roughly 1:45 a playthrough.
Now, I barely make 800xp

However, there is a way to get around the patch if you're just looking to get xp (but you wont be able to play with anyone else).

Delete the game data from your PS3 (your save files will stay the same) & when you load RDR cancel the update. Instead go to single player and load up LAN MP.

You'll get the free roam xp before the patch.[/QUOTE]
And that will save to the online servers? Lol, do they even test this shit?
[quote name='Jodou']And that will save to the online servers? Lol, do they even test this shit?[/QUOTE]

Yes, since I did this to get the last 5 levels to legend. Your multiplay character is saved on a seperate file (from the game data, settings, and solo level). If you browse your saved utility in XMB you can see for yourself.

[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']People always seem to find a glitch or workaround to get around some 'unfair' rebalancing of games, don't they?[/QUOTE]
It's not really a glitch, as the individual can choose whether or not to install the patch correct? This is just an option to those that did not want the patch to be implemented but did so regardless. It's like picking yes before you understood what 'yes' was. And now you want to go back as if you just picked 'no'.
[quote name='guynextshore']Yes, since I did this to get the last 5 levels to legend. Your multiplay character is saved on a seperate file (from the game data, settings, and solo level). If you browse your saved utility in XMB you can see for yourself.[/QUOTE]
Wooooooooooooooooooow, they save your online character locally? Why even bother to level legit then. Save yourself the trouble and just modify the file to be legend +5 lol.
[quote name='Jodou']Wooooooooooooooooooow, they save your online character locally? Why even bother to level legit then. Save yourself the trouble and just modify the file to be legend +5 lol.[/QUOTE]

Well then sir, that is taken it to a whole 'new' level lol.
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This is a great game, lots of fun but there are a some oddities like:

Shouldn't a guy be able to switch outfits in his own house?
In Single Player once you get John Marston back home, you can save a game in his bedroom but can't change his outfits, that is so weird.

And Who was the Brain Child who decided Rufus his dog should be White, he blends in almost as if he's camouflaged when you go hunting in Tall Trees where there's snow.. just brilliant
Play a little more and you'll understand why you can't switch outfits. No spoilers but you're close to the end.

Btw, anyone do the extra mission at the very end called
For My fuckin gratifying!
Just finished the game and
the last mission was very gratifying indeed. Very smart by Rockstar to end the story missions with a duel. I put a couple more rounds to Ross' head and trampled him with my horse after killing him lol. And the mission is called Remember My Family.
I haven't played this game at all in a while(a week at least), but I want to finish the story before I move onto Transformers: War For Cybertron next week. Speaking of which, I found that the one local Sears had it out for sale as of yesterday already.

Instead of buying it I informed the clerks working electronics that it's not released until next week.

What really sucks is that I still have Just Cause 2 to finish. I got stuck on the one stronghold that I'm trying to take over and I saved right at the beginning of it, which means that anytime I load the game I now immediately go into trying to do that stronghold.:bomb:
Anyone up for some Free Roam trophy boosting? :)
I kinda sorta beat the game except for the last mission.. Going to take a while for me to finish all the side missions first.
Looks like co-op finally hits tomorrow (nice silent delay R*):


Release date: June 22, 2010
Price: FREE to download

‘Outlaws To The End’ is the first of several upcoming DLC packs for Red Dead Redemption and will be completely free to download via Xbox LIVE and Playstation Network. The ‘Outlaws To The End’ pack allows up to 4 friends to tackle new missions together, complete player challenges and earn new achievements/trophies. A total of six missions will be available when the DLC launches on June 22, but only 3 were on display during your hands-on time.

New Features

  • Revival/Bleed out: In co-op, if a player is mortally wounded, he will not instantly die. Instead, teammates have an opportunity to revive fallen comrades for a limited period of time. Once a player falls, a timer will appear over their avatar and slowly deplete. Once the timer is up, the character is permanently dead unless a fellow teammate reaches a checkpoint. Which leads us to…
  • Checkpoints: These work a little differently in co-op than what players are accustomed to in the single player campaign. Checkpoints in co-op act as a respawn point for any fallen teammates. For example, if 3 players are killed in a firefight, but the last standing teammate finishes off the remaining foes and reaches a checkpoint, all his comrades will respawn. If all 4 players are killed the mission must be started from the beginning.
  • Medals: Completing co-op mission earns players medals for performance as well as XP bonuses. Earning a silver medal or better unlocks new playlists with advances weapon load-outs for each class.
  • Advanced Co-op: Once all co-op missions have been completed at least one time the Advanced Co-Op Missions playlist unlocks. This playlist contains all the same missions, but with harder AI and expert targeting forced on. These really ratchet up the difficultly and are a much tougher challenge.
Character Classes
For the first time, players will have the option to select a character class prior to the start of each mission. Each class begins with a distinct load out – a set of weapons and equipment unique to that particular class. Generally it is considered wise to bring a diverse group of classes into each mission, as players will encounter shifts in scenery that will call for new strategies and tactics.

Marskman —
Expert in long-rage combat.
Starting load out: Rolling Block sniper rifle; Cattleman revolver; throwing knives

— Close-quarters powerhouse.
Starting load out: Pump Action Shotgun; Schofield Revolver; Dynamite

Gunslinger –
Specialist in mid-range combat.
Starting load out: Double Action Pistol; Carbine Rifle; Fire Bottles

Soldier –
Well-rounded, jack-of-all trades class that performs adequately in most situations.
Starting load out: Winchester Repeater; Volcanic Pistol


Ammunition – The Mexican Army has the town of Tesero Azul under siege. You and your comrades are pinned down, caught under heavy artillery fire and enemy reinforcements. Your first goal is to clear the town of all hostiles while avoiding enemy artillery blasts from the ridge. Once completed, the next phase of the mission shifts to clearing out the Eastern and Western fortifications surrounding the town. These areas are rife with snipers, riflemen, and gunners on mounted Gatling guns. Once the flanks are secured the final phase of the mission begins, prompting one of your team members to grab explosives from inside the town and plant them on the high ridge amidst the opposing artillery encampment. The mission concludes once the camp is secure and the explosives detonated.

Walton’s Gold
– Walton’s gang has taken control of a small mining camp rich with gold. Fight through the camp while avoiding sniper fire from the ridge and mounted Gatling guns near the entrance to the mine. Once inside, pile as many bags of gold as you can into a mine cart while fighting off waves of Walton’s cronies. Be quick, the mine is rigged to explode! Once safely outside the mine, defend your newly acquired riches from Walton’s reinforcements.

The Escape
Interrupt an arms deal and steal a coach full of gold, with the option of using a second, Gatling gun-equipped wagon for protection. Turn the gold in to the American Army and clear out remaining resistance in the town of Tumbleweed. The battle at Tumbleweed involves cannons and Gatling guns. After a classic double-cross that ends in a stand-off, escape with the Gold Coach to Mexico, battling Army soldiers the entire way.

The Herd
Cattle rustlers have taken control of Box Canyon. Fight your way in and wipe out the rustlers, then use teamwork to protect the herd as you lead them home to Armadillo under heavy fire – watch for snipers on the ridge, and reinforcements on horseback.

The Kidnapped Girl
Another gang has taken over Fort Mercer, and they’re holding a farmer’s daughter hostage. Charge the fort and eliminate the gang’s inner stronghold, then fend off reinforcements as you transport the girl by stagecoach to her home at Ridgewood Farm.

The River

Use a raft to head downriver, taking out rebel encampments along the way until you reach the rebel stronghold of Nosalida and a final epic battle for the town’s massive weapons caches. Watch out for Gatling gun-equipped enemy rafts.
Just got to
and definitely enjoy the more sedate pace of the game and the characters. Loading times are frequent and long, sadly.
New trophies for co-op mode:

Well done
Complete a Co-Op mission.

Have posse, will travel
Complete all Co-Op missions.

2 guys, 1 Coop
Complete a Co-Op mission with just 2 people.

Have Gun Will Travel
Gold medal any Co-Op mission.

Struck gold
Gold medal all Co-Op missions.

Friends indeed
Complete a Co-Op mission without anyone dying.

You rule!
Complete all Advanced Co-Op mission.

The mother lode
Gold medal all Advanced Co-Op missions.

Dodge this
Achieve a kill chain of 10 or more in any Advanced Co-Op mission.

Complete a Co-Op mission without dying.

Has anyone tried this mode yet? With the new 'classes' and gun loadout, I'm curious as to how ranks play a role. Since I'm legendary +1 rank 50, does that mean I have all guns available still regardless of class/kit? I might prestige to legendary +2 if it doesn't matter and get these trophies. Let me know if anyone is planning boosting this week. . .
I think the different classes only come with 2-4 guns each but you can probably pick up different guns from fallen enemies. I'm going to be playing a bunch this week even though i am still in a sling. I think trophies are a complete waste of time though and i could care less. I really don't want to play with people using autoaim either.
This happen to anyone else? Posted it in the GGT, but it applies here too. I started playing multiplayer today and went to do all of the hideouts in one public free roam - went to Solomon's Folly and there's no enemies, but it says that I finished it. I hit replay and it does the same thing over again and gives me 400 exp each time.
[quote name='diddy310']This happen to anyone else? Posted it in the GGT, but it applies here too. I started playing multiplayer today and went to do all of the hideouts in one public free roam - went to Solomon's Folly and there's no enemies, but it says that I finished it. I hit replay and it does the same thing over again and gives me 400 exp each time.[/QUOTE]

damn ive got to try that. did you keep going until you were completly leveled up?
[quote name='diddy310']This happen to anyone else? Posted it in the GGT, but it applies here too. I started playing multiplayer today and went to do all of the hideouts in one public free roam - went to Solomon's Folly and there's no enemies, but it says that I finished it. I hit replay and it does the same thing over again and gives me 400 exp each time.[/QUOTE]
Holy shit that's an awesome glitch. Hopefully it's a global issue with the new patch, because I'm going to hit prestige 5 tonight if so!
Lol its happening at every hideout for me. Though I don't think I can finish Gaptooth Breach, it tells me to go into the mine, and then nothing happens.

Also I can't go into the Outfitter, it just stays at the loading screen forever.
[quote name='diddy310']Lol its happening at every hideout for me. Though I don't think I can finish Gaptooth Breach, it tells me to go into the mine, and then nothing happens.

Also I can't go into the Outfitter, it just stays at the loading screen forever.[/QUOTE]
Hmmm, are any other players running around in your game? Did your net hiccup at all that you know of? I have a feeling you found a way to bypass being booted from the session after a d/c.
[quote name='diddy310']Nope, people have been coming and going regularly, and I've restarted my PS3 a few times and it still happens.[/QUOTE]
Ok, so this is happening for every session you go to? I'll bet they missed something with this patch that's tied to hideout spawns lol. Gotta love R* bugs!

Yep, HUGE glitch! Everyone is talking about it on the reddead forums. Did you install the DLC, diddy?
Yeah, Nosalida worked fine - then I went to Tesoro Azul and there was only 1 guy. Then I ran (because horses just keep disappearing on me) to Solomon's Folly and it started happening where there were no enemies at all.

There were 4 enemies in Pike's Basin, and the "Destroy all weapon crates" mission worked fine.
Some people are reporting invisible players now, too. Some people can't even connect to MP. Shit, I hope this is still going tonight because I'd love to hit replay a few million times. ;)
Yeah, now i'm seeing invisible players, and other people using the glitch as well. If only there were a turbo button for the d-pad.
[quote name='diddy310']Yeah, now i'm seeing invisible players, and other people using the glitch as well. If only there were a turbo button for the d-pad.[/QUOTE]
Lol, for real! Can't wait to try this out when I get home.
bread's done