Red Faction: Guerrilla - Gen. Discussion & Info


11 (100%)
MP demo out now:
Our mother always used to tell us that "destroying something beautiful is always better if you do it with friends." She was, of course, a known anarchist and generally untrustworthy. You can imagine, then, how interested we are to test her words in the destructive Red Faction: Guerrilla MP demo, which is now available to all 360 and PS3 owners (or at least it will be available when the PSN update drops).

If our mom was on the level (it would be quite the anomaly) and you have a blast, you'll be able to pick up the full game on June 2.

Out on June 2nd:

Much like Godzilla or Oprah, our thirst for destruction can never be slaked, but it appears we'll be getting some brief respite from our compulsions a touch earlier than anticipated. THQ has announced that the destructive action of Red Faction: Guerrilla will now appear in the US on June 2nd, a week before it was originally supposed to drop.

Our friends in Europe have also had their release bumped up a week to June 5, but everyone knows they don't have quite our hunger for building-destroying carnage that we do.

Old News:
EDIT 4/8/08:
Here is a hands-on from Kotaku:
One thing the Red Faction series was known for (if you remember it that is) was its destructible environments. Aside from that though, the series was a pretty typical linear shooter with not a whole lot to make it truly memorable. The developers of the newest game in the series, Red Faction Guerrilla, have taken the game's original concept and turned it on it's ear, creating an open world environment that feels more like GTA type game than either of its predecessors. If you like plenty of explosions and running around in large environments wreaking havoc on everything you see, this is definitely the game for you.
You play a member of the Red Faction, a group of resistors who are trying to protect the planet and its earthly inhabitants from the evil Earth Defense Force. Weapon choices are wide and varied including a giant mining hammer, an assault rifle, sticky bombs and a rocket launcher. These were the weapons of choice in the portion of the game I played, but I was assured that there were plenty more to use to bring down the enemies and buildings around you. The portion I enjoyed the most in the game was the various vehicles one could pilot around. Of the few that I saw, nothing was more fun than the giant mining mech/robot that you could hop into and roam around crunching things under your colossal feet and fists.
Destructible environments are certainly nothing new, but Red Faction Guerrilla takes it to a new level. Hiting a building once with a bomb doesn't just send the building tumbling to the ground in a giant mass, oh no. These buildings must be torn apart and taken down piece by piece. It's really quite a satisfying feeling knowing that it will take more than a simple kick in the balls to bring these structures down to size.
There was certainly plenty to do in the game besides just roaming around causing trouble. There were many missions dotting my map's landscape although in the short amount of time I had to see it I didn't get to complete more than one. This seemed to be one of the games everyone wanted to try and the lines were quite long. Unfortunately, I didn't really get much of a sense of the story from what was being shown. This is something I hope will come more into play when the game is released sometime next year. As interesting and graphically pleasing and fun as Red Faction: Guerrilla was, it will need more than exploding buildings and giant destructive mechs to keep me truly captivated.

It's featured in this month's Game Informer magazine. (Which I have right now.)

Although we've known another Red Faction game has been coming since last August, a conference call held by THQ earlier today has confirmed a few more details. For the first time it's been referred to as Red Faction III, no doubt upsetting spinoff and prequel fans the world over, while it was also announced that series veterans Volition will be back on development duties. The game will be appearing any time between April and next March, and will be available on 360, PS3 and PC.
It sounds pretty cool, as it will feature the next generation of Geo-Mod. The graphics look good too.

Here is the scans:




Bigger versions are here:
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I can't fucking wait! I love Red Faction 1 & 2. Probably the only two games that had greater multiplayer than GoldenEye (at least on par) and CoD2/3/4.
[quote name='Ragekod']Man I loved the first red faction, I used to play multilayer with my brother a lot, can't wait for this one.[/quote]

The rail gun was implemented to perfection in the first game. It was still quite good in the second, but they toned it, and the camping spots, down a bit.
I cannot wait for this game, this would be at the top of my most anticipated releases for next year. I loved the first two and the thought of this being an open-world game sounds very exciting. I can't even imagine how amazing the multiplayer will be!
Has anyone tried getting the demo by pre-ordering at GS? I've tried two locations and both of them said they haven't received the demo cards yet...and the demo begins today and ends the 22nd.
What's going on with this game? I remember playing the beta version a LONG time ago. It was ok, not great. Maybe they improved it?
Well I pre-ordered at my GS and they called me like 10 minutes later to inform me that they just literally got their shipment of demo codes after I walked out the door :wall:#-o:whee:

EDIT: I picked up my demo code this afternoon and will be playing after class. I'll post my initial impressions in this forum once I've got a couple hours into it.
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So I got a chance to play the demo through twice and I'll share my thoughts...

First off, the demo itself is quite short. At maybe 5-10 minutes of game play, it feels like this should've been available for free on XBL. However, the game play itself is worth putting $5 down.

Everything is destructible, and I mean, everything. Initially you start out with an axe of sorts where you can start swinging away at people and things freely like a crazy person. My first encounter with an enemy was a one hit, one kill axe swing that sent him flying into a building, which afterward, destroyed a piece of the building.When something is destroyed, it stays like that the entire game. The physics are very well done and they feel a little over the top, but in a very enjoyable way.

The graphics are gorgeous. The surrounding atmosphere and land look and feel realistic but not overly done. Again, every piece of it is destructible and trust me, I was trying my hardest to find something that wouldn't go down and I couldn't find anything.

The controls, well, are going to be one of those things that are hit and miss with everyone. It's a third person shooter, unlike the previous Red Faction games, and it plays a lot like Lost Planet. However, the controls are VERY responsive and very smooth. There's nothing wrong with them unless you hate Lost Planet with a passion for some reason.

I don't want to give anything away, but the actual demo level and mission was VERY fun. Not like "This is a great looking game with excellent physics fun," but a laugh out loud kind of fun. Remember being a kid, playing with action figures or whatever, and you ended up blowing everything to pieces? Well it's a dream come true here. In this particular mission, you get a "vehicle" of sorts that had me saying "Hulk smash!" every 5 you get to ride on the back of a truck with enemy cars following you...and you're equipped with a rocket launcher. It's a very good time to be had by all.

I know this small review isn't professional (since I'm in a hurry) but I'm here to say that it's a hell of a fun game overall. The demo definitely sealed it for me as a day 1 purchase.
[quote name='foxdvd']5-10 minutes of gameplay? You review took longer to write then that.[/quote]

Tell me about it lol!

I guess it depends on how you play it too. If you want to just blaze through it, it will take 5 minutes or less. If you decide to explore a little bit, then it will take longer. I did both and enjoyed the experience either way. I tried killing every enemy but ended up dying haha. It's pretty fun to just tool around with for a while.
game looks good.

now, couldnt i preorder this game at GS to get the demo, then cancel/move it, if im not feeling the game or want to wait for a price drop?
i havent preordered a game in forever. do you need to pay in full, or can i just put down $5?
[quote name='Captain Freeze']game looks good.

now, couldnt i preorder this game at GS to get the demo, then cancel/move it, if im not feeling the game or want to wait for a price drop?
i havent preordered a game in forever. do you need to pay in full, or can i just put down $5?[/QUOTE]

Yep, you sure can! I only put $5 down but I could always cancel it. Personally, I won't be canceling my pre-order because it's actually a good game haha.

Also, canceling a pre-order might tick off the employee since they are rewarded for taking pre-orders and dinged for refunding one. If anything, move the pre-order to another game you were already going to get. I hate GS just as much as the next guy, but I don't usually hate the associates. It's not their fault that I changed my mind or the game turned out to be crap, so I don't get my pre-orders refunded, just changed. Hell I moved my NHL 09 pre-order to like 4 different games before I actually picked a game I wanted lol.
Watching the Giantbomb quick look of this game has me interested. Though I couldn't help but think that this engine would be perfect for an Incredible Hulk game, drop you off in a neighborhood and let you just run the hell through houses.
If anybody wants to play the demo without preordering you can create an account at and get a key for free. The site says it's region locked but it isn't. I made an account and the demo works great.

When you throw a demo charge on an enemy they go crazy trying to shake it off. The games a blast, definitely a buyer for me.
[quote name='SuperRipped']If anybody wants to play the demo without preordering you can create an account at and get a key for free. The site says it's region locked but it isn't. I made an account and the demo works great.

When you throw a demo charge on an enemy they go crazy trying to shake it off. The games a blast, definitely a buyer for me.[/quote]

THANKS! This worked!!!!
Just got done playing the demo, and I think I might preorder this game if the right preorder bonus pops up. The demo was short, but I think I am going to like this game. I have to admit destroying EVERYTHING while in the walker was amazing.
I played the demo a second time, and took it a bit slower. The enemy AI seems very smart. I caught a few hiding and trying to get me from behind.
I'm having a hard time seeing what you guys did. :/
I can't see this as a $50 game, let a lone a pre-order.

It's not bad, but nothing blew me away.
The demo was fantastic. It seemed a lot smoother and more intuitive than other sandbox games. The setting is far less cheesy than SR2 and less sterile than GTA4.

But the best part was blowing everything up and being creative with the charges. That is what really set it apart for the rest for me, and guaranteed my pre-order. I played the PS3 demo, but will order the XBox version.
This game is just ten types of HOLY FREAKIN' CRAP AWESOME.

Had fun but Capcom cleared me out this sprin/early summer. It should be a fun mark down game. Reminds me of Crackdown but minus the super human antics and boring vehicles and add total Lego like destructibility. Plus you start with a sledge hammer and the setting is Mars which brings back memories of Outpost 2.
Man, this is easily one of the funnest shortest demos I've played in awhile. Ramming a truck through buildings until it falls apart is awesome. So any news on multiplayer for this then?
I may be mistaken, but wasn't there a multiplayer beta awhile back for this? I recall playing it, it was pretty fun in a smashy smashy way.
Yup. There were some perks too, like a rhino charge. A coworker of mine would wait in a building until someone would run outside of where he was standing, and he would come charging through the wall. Multiplayer on it is awesome.
Finally played the demo tonight. Really liked it. Found it kinda hard at first, but once i figured out how the health system worked, it was a bit easier. I did find aiming a bit difficult, especially since you have to press down the right stick for precision aiming, little awkward. Overall, though, it was pretty great and I immediately put in a preorder in on Amazon to get the golden sledge hammer.
[quote name='epb']I did find aiming a bit difficult, especially since you have to press down the right stick for precision aiming, little awkward.[/QUOTE]

Really? I actually kinda found clicking the right stick for precision aiming really comfortable. When I went to play Mercenaries 2, I kept trying to press the right stick to aim because I had gotten used to it. But that's just me.
[quote name='DukeEdwardI']Really? I actually kinda found clicking the right stick for precision aiming really comfortable. When I went to play Mercenaries 2, I kept trying to press the right stick to aim because I had gotten used to it. But that's just me.[/quote]

Maybe it'll just take some getting used to. Don't think I've played any other games where I've had to do that.
I downloaded the multiplayer demo earlier, got my ass kicked but it was pretty good fun. This actually might be my first new release since World at War.
bread's done