Red Tails: Out now....Also the black actor discussion thread

[quote name='pitfallharry219']Tyler Perry's Top Gun[/QUOTE]

Madea Joins the Airforce. Then Tyler Perry could play her JAG layer who defends her after she gets in a cra-zy situation.
tyler perry movies are complete shit. from the top to the bottom its all garbage and i dont understand why they do so well. and i get tired of the whole evil black man cliche in his films. i get it already he got molested as a kid so now he hates men but lets be real theres alot of women out there who ruin relationships too.

i also hate when hollywood likes to ethnic up old shows or movies like they honeymooners or that chevy chase family trip series. its just too much.
[quote name='DestroVega']Boogie Nights is great, don't know if Whalberg was.[/QUOTE]

I agree with that. Praising Wahlberg for Boogie Nights is like giving Tom Hanks an Oscar for acting like a retard, sure he did a good job but it's one of the easiest roles to play.
Since when is Mark Wahlberg black? Get back on topic. This thread needs moar Tyler Perry!!!!

Mr. Brown goes to Bootcamp... coming to a theater this summer.
Tyler Perry's Madea Goes to the Planet of the Apes.
[quote name='seanr1221']I've heard Samuel rarely turns down a script.[/QUOTE]

That's why he's the highest grossing actor of all time.
[quote name='lokizz']that fucker is the worst offender he always does the same damn shit in his films his performances pretty much all feel the same.[/QUOTE]

Well, he is no Denzel... :p
[quote name='xxDOYLExx']he went full retard..[/QUOTE]

lol loved that movie and yeah he definelty went full retard on that one.
[quote name='RedRingOfDeath']Well, he is no Denzel... :p[/QUOTE]

denzel is great cant really hate him in anything even virtuosity ( which i liked alot ) but imo the best black male actor is delroy lindo. he never gets the props or recognition he deserves and he always stands out in his roles no matter what he does the same way joaquim phoenix or daniel day leiws do.
[quote name='lokizz']denzel is great cant really hate him in anything even virtuosity ( which i liked alot ) but imo the best black male actor is delroy lindo. he never gets the props or recognition he deserves and he always stands out in his roles no matter what he does the same way joaquim phoenix or daniel day leiws do.[/QUOTE]

Delroy is a good actor. Enjoyed him in Get Shorty and numerous other supporting roles he has played over the years.

Sadly he seems relegated to supporting roles though whereas Denzel is a great actor in a leading role. Not to diminish Delroy, but in my mind he doesnt compare to Denzel. Denzel is by far the best black actor of our generation. He has done quite a few movies and unlike Samuel Jackson has managed to stay relevant, and keep away from garbage scripts for the most part. Denzel's acting rarely disappoints.

Will Smith is kind of a joke. He is good for cheap laughs...and every once in a great while he will surprise you with a little talent...but it is very hard for me to take anything he does seriously.

I think in my mind the top 3 black actors are Denzel Washington, Delroy Lindo, and Cuba Gooding Jr. (he has a good range of acting talent and can play a leading role despite being somewhat relegated to supporting roles). Delroy and Gooding would be closely tied for 2nd, giving the edge to Delroy because Gooding has been in some dumb-ass garbage movies (Snow Dogs? FTW??). Will Smith would be somewhere in the latter half of a top 10 list... IMHO anyway... Samuel Jackson would probably be 4th because he is a good actor, he has just been in more than a few steaming piles of poo over the years (Snakes on a Plane, The Man, etc.).
Personally I think Terrence Howard is one of the most underrated actors in all of Hollywood right now.

However I have heard he's a real PITA on set so that may explain it...
Yeah, I liked him in Iron Man. I like don Cheadle too, but I wish they could have gotten Howard back in Iron Man 2. But with him reportedly wanting a much higher salary, that may be true about him being hard to work with.
[quote name='Clak']Yeah, I liked him in Iron Man. I like don Cheadle too, but I wish they could have gotten Howard back in Iron Man 2. But with him reportedly wanting a much higher salary, that may be true about him being hard to work with.[/QUOTE]
Rumor also has it as Cheadle being able to fit in the suit better than Howard, but I take that with a huge bucket of salt.

[quote name='kill3r7']I'm not sure is anyone has mentioned him yet but Forest Whitaker is great as well.[/QUOTE]
I loves me some Whitaker.
I always remember him as the guy who hosted that last Twilight Zone reboot. Haven't seen Last King of Scotland yet.
[quote name='kill3r7']I'm not sure is anyone has mentioned him yet but Forest Whitaker is great as well.[/QUOTE]

yeah hes damn good but his lazy eye is fucking distracting. that movie he did ghost dog was pretty cool.
Yay, this is my kinda topic.

I think what really stands out for black actors is if they can make a impact doing non "black" movies. There are a decent amount of good black actors that might be great if they could break the cycle of doing Tyler Perry type movies constantly.

If I made a list it would be,

Denzel, the guy has true impact on our culture. The range that he can play is fantastic and when you see his name you can almost tell it wont be hollywood slop. American Gangster, Book of Eli (say what you will but he was GREAT in that) the taking of pelham 1 2 3, Inside Man (this is one of the best movies ever if you havent seen it watch it!)

Its a damn shame he hasnt won WAY more awards than he has. The guy is consistently above average to FANTASTIC in every role he plays. Anyway.

Morgan Freeman
Sam L Jack
Don Cheadle
Forest Whitaker
and maybe Mr. Fishburne should go somewhere in there...he has done some GREAT roles of the years.
Danny Glover would also be in here somewhere.
Mr Howard
Snipes for his time was great but he fell off a cliff hard, just like Eddie Murphy and Martin Lawrence. Eddie has the bees knees when he was on fire but kinda snuff himself out for a long time.
Jamie Foxx has done some really good roles that shows off his range also.
[quote name='Clak']Yeah, I liked him in Iron Man. I like don Cheadle too, but I wish they could have gotten Howard back in Iron Man 2. But with him reportedly wanting a much higher salary, that may be true about him being hard to work with.[/QUOTE]

I heard its because he was the first actor signed to Iron Man, even before RDJ. So he had a really expensive contract because he was the first "name" they landed for the movie. I don't know if they wanted to renegotiate or just not pay him for the 2nd movie, but they opted to move on from him.

Ed Norton was the one who was hard to work with on Hulk because of creative differences.
[quote name='kodave']Ed Norton was the one who was hard to work with on Hulk because of creative differences.[/QUOTE]

Ed Norton is difficult on every project.

That movie with him and Marlon Brando must have been a complete PITA to direct.
[quote name='lokizz']yeah hes damn good but his lazy eye is fucking distracting. that movie he did ghost dog was pretty cool.[/QUOTE]

I was so depressed to find out he was a scientologist.

I guess even when you're an awesome actor, if your face is messed up you need an angle to crack Hollywood.
[quote name='camoor']I was so depressed to find out he was a scientologist.

I guess even when you're an awesome actor, if your face is messed up you need an angle to crack Hollywood.[/QUOTE]

ugh scientology freakin hell. yeah like like owen wilson and his fucked up nose. surprised nobody mentioned sidney poitier hes pretty much denzel washington 1.0.

danny glover is awesome havent seen him in anything in a while and no matter what i see him in all i see is mr from the color purple. the lethal weapon series is the best buddy cop series of all time ( except for the 4th one that one was crap).

overall though morgan freeman stands out as one of the top 3 black actors ever. he owns every role hes in and hes been in alot of amazing movies ( shawshank redemption being my favorite) and he was in electric company.

ice t is a good actor too one of the few rappers turned actor who got really good over time without selling out or becoming family friendly.

oh yeah gotta give props to charles s dutton best damn character actor in the community. loved him in roc and rudy and alot of the other stuff hes been in.
bread's done