Reduced price game guides, all stores. Thread 6

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9 (100%)
3-17-07 Here should be most of the information that anyone would need in acquiring guides. please read ALL the information below before asking questions. most question are answered below. Again thank you 6669 for all your contributions to this thread and web site.

My wifes web site - Nice jewelry good prices.

For hopefully the latestest most current up to date guide drops please refer to the

"CAG Strategy Guide WIKI page"

recent drop section

master list section

they will be filetered from the thread posts to the WIKI page as often as possible. Thank you for your contribution.

Listed in the wiki is the most up to date compiled list of all known guide deals from the posts of this thread and similar threads. I will update the wikis lists as people post new guide deals. Everything listed in this thread “should” be the price listed or lower. These prices are typically company wide price reductions and not YMMV. But just because the prices are typically universal does not mean that they are guaranteed to be sold to you. Most stores have a destroy clause with the guide companies. So whether or not you get these guides depend on many many factors from how diligent a staff is to how reasonable or friendly one is. Good luck on any you may find and good luck on acquiring them. Please dont have a fit if a store wont let you have them just move on. Causing trouble rarely gets guides and most of the time stops others from getting guides in your area. If anything is incorrect or missing please post so corrections can be made.

Now you can just cut, paste, print, and GO!!!

What is a Penny Guide:

To answer this question fully, one first has to understand the longstanding legal agreemenat which [book] publishers have with book sellers such as Borders, Barnes & Noble and other chain and Mom & Pop shops, as well as other retailers who similarly sell their books.

For several decades, publishers such as Simon & Schuster, Penguin, Random House, et cetera will send out X-number of a title to stores to be sold. After a time, when it is decided that those older titles have little chance of selling and the store shelf real-estate would be better used for newer publications, they issue a recall to the vendors to field destroy all remaining copies of titles A, B & C.

The stores then will pull those titles from their inventory to be field-destroyed, and in their systems mark the publications as 1¢. The 1¢ price is to indicate to the publisher that they are no-longer selling the pulled title, and it is also to serve as a Red Flag to any cashier who might ring up a title (on the chance that the titles were not pulled as legally they were required).

When the pull lists are sent out by the publishers, and the stores adjust the price in their inventory (and pull and field-destroy the books), the stores also are to report to the publisher the number of the books they pulled. (This is generally done at a corporate level.) The publisher then credits the stores full cost of the books.

So lets say, MegaChain orders 8000 copies of the Bread Baker strategy guide for their stores in North America for say, $4 a piece. They owe $32,000 to Publisher X. Bread Baker being a big seller and a hard game, then sells 6000 of those 8000 guides, leaving around 2000 guides on the shelves when Publisher X issues the pull demand. Publisher X then issues MegaChain an $8000 credit for the 2000 unsold copies of the guide.

According to IAmTheCheapestGamer, some retailers also have deals where each copy of pulled titles sent to their recognized Recycling Centers are additionally issued further credit for being environmentally responsible in the manner in which they field destroy each book.

How you can help: You can keep a printed copy of this list in your jacket, wallet, purse whatever and when you go to any store that carries guides look for guides for games that have been out typically around six months or more and ask for a price check or better yet use a store scanner if they are available. If they are anything less than cover price write it down for us. Also please when you post the info here if it looks like it’s a temporary sale, please post that as well otherwise it will be assumed to a be a permanent price reduction. If you scan a guide and it comes up a different price that what the master lists suggests please list the day and store that you had the guide scanned. Also please list if you physically saw a self-scanner’s price, physically saw a cash registers price or vocally heard a price from the store’s staff. This might sound like a lot and of course we will take what we can get but this will go a long way to having the best master list as well as ferreting out different store practices and policy’s. All help is appreciated and thank you.

Trading: I spoke with the post office and found out that the cheapest form of mailing to the 48 contiguous states would be to use “media mail” It will take a little longer but it will also allow the least amount of money per transaction when trying to acquire guides for your collection. For an average guide weight of about 9 oz its $1.42 cents. All you need to do is put it in an envelope and ship it media mail. He mentioned no one should have a problem if you use the same envelope several times to cut down on costs. He also mentioned that when shipping Media mail that you cannot have any personal correspondence in the envelope. Only books and an invoice are acceptable. If trading is in you interest you do whatever is most comfortable for you and your trading party this was merely a FYI and a good way to keep it cheap.

Helpful links to check for reduced priced guides or guides in general. You will likely never find one cent guides here but various discounted guides and possibly some that you have been searching for.

Best Buy

Best Buy guide search

Circuit City

Circuit City guide search

EB Games

EB Games guide search

Gamestop (babages,software etc,funcoland)

Gamestop guide search


Overstock guide search

Toys R Us (uhh best link I could find)

Toys R Us guide search (another large site of guides) guide search

bookpool (guides typically 45% off or so )

Book pool guide search

Looking for assistance: I am looking for some staff from Best Buy’s, EB’s, Gamestop’s and stores of the like. When EB Games or Gamestop has a price reduction their shelves can be empty in a day or two to even as little as just a few hours. EB and Gamestop have daily price changes so all depending on the store’s staff they could be all gone almost immediately. If I could get some staff that can either post here first thing any day that they have a price reduction on guides or that might be able to text message me with such price reductions so that I might be able to inform CAG’ers ASAP. Whether or not us the end user would actually be able to get them from a particular stores staff is very much an YMMV but if there is anyone who can help this would greatly increase the chance’s of CAG’ers being able to pick up guides from these locations. If anyone is interested and able to help please e-mail me at [email protected]. Thank you all for your consideration.

Thank you all for making CAG what it is and for all your contributions.

Disclaimer: This list is intended to help all guide hunters. Please feel free to print yourself a copy and get what you can find. Please do not post this list on another site. {e-mail me please if for some reason you would want to. [email protected]} Please just link to this thread, add to this list and help it grow. Thank you

all guides are now listed in the wiki please go there. thank you.
Went to my local bust buy today to score...none available..i can look and just tell they pulled them all. The witch manager was on duty, the one who wouldn't allow me to buy a month ago so it was expected...did score on the price reduced games though as they finally tabbed the right prices!
Sadly, I struck out today. As I was looking, I noticed big gaping holes in the racks where the guides usually are. So I asked an employee if there were any discontinued guides to be had, and she told me that they get destroyed. I'm hoping they were taken off to be retagged, as there were still several copies of other pennied guides sitting there like Dirge of Cerebus, Xenosaga III and The Godfather...but they were still marked full price. I'll try again later in the week, but I dont have a warm fuzzy feeling about this.
Same here on two BBs being a total bust that usually have a couple laying around. I was able to find the ones I wanted plus an extra of each for trade like Resistance, Bully, KH2, Red Steel, FFV, Saints Row, Dead Rising.

One of my TRU's was emptied out again by the time I got there but I managed to get Poke XD (NP), Metroid Prime Hunters, and Battlefield 2. TRU is so tought now to find a guide. Looks like BB is getting to be the same way around here.
If anybody was planning on hitting the Smyrna, Kennesaw or Acworth BB, don't bother. I tried all 3 and Smyrna and Kennesaw were already pulled. I got to Acworth and there was a cart in front of the guides with nobody around so I tried to work quckly but the guy showed up. He knew what I was doing since he could see the guides in my stack then offered to sell me the guides for $5 each. I played along and said that's pretty good (which it is, if you want the guide bad enough). He started pulling guides while I walked around. Once he was occupied I made a beeline for checkout and was able to get the guides for .01 each. I'm like a .01 guide ninja!;) If I would have gotten there 30 seconds later I would have missed everything, plus I almost didn't go to that store to begin wth. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to get extras to trade with and I also didn't see Bully which was the last one I wanted. It was definitely worth getting up early on my day off. Pooky, I tried the exact same trick you did at one of the stores but they found them.

Good luck to everybody else because it seems that BB isn't kidding around with this drop.
Got a pretty nice haul, and there were still tons left (if you are going to the Joliet Illinois BB, there are still at least 8 FFV guides and 5 Socom guides as of 10:45, and many other guides as well)

Didn't find any Oblivion or Kindom Hearts 2, but Didn't really expect to, and I have a KH2:LE already anyways.

Here's what I managed to find (with an extra for trade):
Guitar Hero 2
Red Steel
Pokemon Ranger (DS Version, Nintendo Power version)
Socom Combined Assault
Yoshi's Island (small Prima version)
Sims 2 Pets
FEAR (X360 version)
FFV Advance

Also got a Bully and Yoshi's Island (Big NP version). No KH2, Oblivion, Dead Rising, Saint's Row, or Resistance to be found.

At TRU, the lady let me have one each of FFIV Advance, Socom 3, and Metroid Prime Hunters. They had at least 12 FFIV, but the lady said they were to be destroyed. In fact, the only reason they weren't pulled already is because they hadn't recieved the new list of pulls/price changes, and so the guides wouldn't have even been on the floor if they had, but since they were, I could take one of each. That pisses me off that they are just going to destroy that many guides (they had a lot that I passed on cuz they were part of old drops, like Perfect Dark Zero).
[quote name='Number83']Sadly, I struck out today. As I was looking, I noticed big gaping holes in the racks where the guides usually are. So I asked an employee if there were any discontinued guides to be had, and she told me that they get destroyed. [/quote]

Perhaps its time to dumpster dive....
[quote name='botticus']I believe "unavailable" in the stock locator means they have less than 3 of the item. So they might have zero, but maybe not. I'm just pretty sure my store will be cleaned out unless they happened to miss one or two. Otherwise stock wouldn't have changed since yesterday.[/quote]
You, sir, are correct. BB in-stock availability can't guarantee there's one on-hand for a 3-or-less quantity, so they mark it as unavailable.
[quote name='Nemo_Hyde']Perhaps its time to dumpster dive....[/quote]

I thought about that as I was pulling off. As I had to drive around the back of the store to get out of the parking lot, I saw the huge dumpster...Couldn't bring myself to do it though. :lol:
No FFV at my store, what I was most looking for. My store has dumped almost every guide, or at least is no longer displaying them. In the entire video game section, there was Zelda GC, Sonic Wii, another Wii guide or two, and then nothing - PS2/360/XB/PSP/DS/GBA = empty. They used to have all the guides spread out on top of the shelves, but now they were inline with the specific system. With a half dozen media employees in the area, I wonder if they were reorganizing.

I'm going to see if I can hit a more distant store, that looked promising by way of the store locator, but that is debatable.
[quote name='Brian9824']Which 3 do you hit? Dadeland, Kendall, and Bird?

I'm really hoping to find KH2, Dead Rising, and FFV, others are just icing on the cake.[/quote]

Bird Rd BB was a bust as well.

all i saw there was NFS: Carbon and Madden '07. big whoop.
[quote name='vahn401']Unlike other BB guide drops, this one was well posted for media associates to get the message to pull the guides, thus it was a really good idea if you went out and hid whatever you wanted.[/quote]

It seems like this was true at my usually BB. They rarely pull guides and usually mark them at .01. It had many of the drops on Friday, including about 10 Red Steels. But they pulled everything...except the ones I stashed.

So thanks for the heads up vahn, it is much appreciated!!!
Picked up a Kingdom Hearts II guide.

Other than that, the employees had already pulled all the other guides at the Fields-Ertel location.

The only reason they didn't grab the KHII guide was because it was near the game itself and not with the rest of the guides in the PC section.
I hope a bunch of people didn't buy up the guides this time around and are going to try to price adjust later. I've asked my local BB's and all of the managers said that they wouldn't do it on guides that are marked to be destroyed. On regular items it's alright but not on the guides.

Sucks if this is what's happening then my local BB's may actually start caring about pulling guides in the future.

This is what made the local clearance game drop a bust for me at my local BBs, all the prior purchases that got adjusted later.
The Brookfield, WI Best Buy was a bust as everything had been pulled (and I scored big there in the last drop) I went to the Best Buy near Mayfair Mall and got a big haul. I got the following extras for trade

Bully (x1)
FF5 (x1)
Kingdom Hearts 2 (x2)
Resistance (x1)
Yoshi's Island DS (Nintendo version) x1
Saint's Row (x1)

I'm mainly looking for New SMB and Animal Crossing from the TRU Drop as mine had nothing, but I'll look at lists as well. I'll post my list in the Guide trade forum as well.
Well, like everyone else it seems my store was a bust. And mine is one that NEVER pulls guides. When I got there around 11:30, every guide on the list was gone (save for 2 copies of Yoshi's Island for the DS - they were on another aisle, and are still there) and the others were re-arranged to fill in the spaces. Really sucks.

So I know if everyone is having my luck there will be no extras, but I *really* wanted Bully, Guitar Hero II & Resistance - if anyone manages to get spares, cml. If you don't see anything, I'll pay $$ for those.
In regards to TRU, I've been wondering-- what do you guys think would work better... buying the guides in the "rzone" or taking them out to the regular registers? I can see advantages and disadvantages to both.
i too was very successful. they had all but Bully, Resistance, and Saints Row. I will post my findings in my TL soon.

and Pokemon Ranger rang up full price. dont know if anyone else posted it as i havent had time to read this thread yet
[quote name='Link127']i too was very successful. they had all but Bully, Resistance, and Saints Row. I will post my findings in my TL soon.

and Pokemon Ranger rang up full price. dont know if anyone else posted it as i havent had time to read this thread yet[/quote]

Prima guide was not pennied just the nintendo one
[quote name='melvoin']In regards to TRU, I've been wondering-- what do you guys think would work better... buying the guides in the "rzone" or taking them out to the regular registers? I can see advantages and disadvantages to both.[/quote]

Regular lane...
Got a good haul:
The following I have one copy for trade:
Call of Duty 3
Guitar Hero 2
Socom:Combined Assault
Red Steel
Saint's Row

Also managed to get one copy of Kingdom Heart's and Resistance. WOuld be willing to trade one of the above for Bully (which they didn't have...)
also have a few from the last BB drop...
I got to the Riverdale, Ut store right at 10 am. The guides I hid last night were still in place so I grabbed them. I went to the regular guide section and everything was still in place. I began to pick up a few extras for trade and left some for other CAGs but the employee in the section came over and asked if he could help me find something. Not wanting to tip him off I said no and stopped pulling and just looked for a little bit. He had a bunch of new tags with $0.01 on them and I was thinking he would tag them a penny so I walked away for a few minutes. When I came back all the guides and the employee were gone. I should have pulled all the guides quickly but I wanted to leave some for other CAGs so I had left some good guides. I guess moral of the story is grab all you can or everyone loses. I then bought a couple of other things to disguise my purchase including a dvd and the 300 bonus dvd. The cashier was surprised they rang up a penny but let me have them. Another employee saw them ring up and penny and was surprised and said he was going to go see if he could find some (to buy). I mumbled something about a clearance and was quickly on my way. I got to my car and noticed the 300 bonus dvd rang up $10 instead of free but I did not want to push my luck and try to do a return and alert even more people to my penny guide purchase. Here is what I picked up for trade:

Yoshi's Island
Dead Rising
Final Fantasy V
Kingdom Hearts 2 (going need a high want guide or will sell for $10)
Call of Duty 3
Resistance Fall of Man
Socom Combined Assault

check my guide trade list for what I am looking for.
I made out well for once. They actually had the guides marked as a penny, first time ever for my Best Buy. Only let me have one of each though so no extras for trade of some things. Pretty much everything BUT Kingdom Hearts II even though the site said they had some.

Got: Yoshi's Island(both styles), Dead Rising, Pokemon Ranger, SOCOM, Bully, Final Fantasy V, Red Steel, Resistance, FEAR, Call of Duty 3, Guitar Hero, Saints Row and Sims 2 Pets.

I arrived at 10 am this morning with a handful of other customers, and sure enough there was an employee in the games section pulling guides right as I came in. Luckily, I had stashed a couple of guides that I really wanted on Saturday (and had no problem purchasing these), so it wasn't a total bust.

Best Buy used to always be cool about penny guides, but I guess they've got some new dipsticks in the corporate office that want to cut off any remaining charity to the consumer masses. I'm going to miss their penny guides once they're gone for good. :(
I was only looking for PC game guides and was able to get half life 2 episode one. Luckily I purchased it with some clearance games. The cashier said .01 cent thats not right and then rang up a game for 1.99 and called her manager over to point out the game price. The manager just told her she would be seeing a lot more of these the next few weeks as its a clearance. I guess she just assumed the guide was part of the clearance, I have no problem with that at all :)
[quote name='melvoin']In regards to TRU, I've been wondering-- what do you guys think would work better... buying the guides in the "rzone" or taking them out to the regular registers? I can see advantages and disadvantages to both.[/QUOTE]

Truly depends on the store. Of the four TRUs I've hit for penny guides before, only one was a stickler and forced me to go through the regular line the next time. Otherwise, I've had luck buying the available guides through the RZone register. Though the one store that is close to work pulls them in the opening minutes and gives them ALL away to someone else. So, no luck for me today... and I wanted that DBZ:BT2 guide in a bad way... though not full-price.
well, this kind of sucks, i got a couple of guides which makes me wonder if BB pulled them or someone just hoarded. but i think it's the latter because KH2 was still on the shelves which i know any guide hunter wouldn't just leave behind like that. ah well, time to stash stuff next time!.......kinda sucks that it has to come to that though.
Went to 2 BBs and it looked as though everything had been pulled. :( I did manage to get one guide for Bully, and I'm pretty sure the only reason I got that was because it was in a different location than it should've been. I was really hoping to grab FFV and KHII and a few others, if possible. Oh well!
At TRU they pulled the guides already, but at Best Buy they tag everything as .01. Got at least 1 of everything
what up guys. checked out my best buy and scored the only dead rising. thanks for the advice on stashing. without you guys it wouldn't have been possible. they pulled the rest of the guides hella early. could only score dead rising.

thanks again.
At the third Best Buy I went to today, just as I was walking towards the guides, an employee was pulling the little paper price tags for the shelves that said, "$.01".

As I'm picking up the guides, he said, "You know we can't sell those."

I said, "of course you can" and smiled as I walked to the counter. $.18 later, it turns out he was wrong. :lol:

Anyway, picked an extra of the following for others who want to trade (see the guide trading thread, or CML for more info):


Kingdom Hearts II (PS2)
Sims 2, The: Pets (Multi)
Guitar Hero II (PS2)
Final Fantasy V Advance (GBA)
Yoshi's Island (DS)
Red Steel (Wii)

Good luck folks - they're still out there!
Guides I stashed at Kendall store where still there. Looks like every other guide was pulled off the shelves so i'm glad i did it. Makes me wish i stashed more since it looks like they disposed of quite a few dead risings 7+. KH2 , FFV, and others.

Will be posting what i have available once i see what my friends need first. Only had about 6 guides for trading as it is.
For anyone that picked up the Sims 2 Pets guides, I know there's 2 BB SKU's for it, though I can only seem to find one version when I Google for it.

The Yoshi's Island DS guide, there's two versions between Nintendo Power & Prima, that's easy enough to see.
My local bestbuy had a full stock of everything but the oblivion guide which really bummed me. However I was really surprised at my local toysrus. The guy actually pulled this time! So a total no go there.

While I was being rung up the guy behind me made a couple smart ass comments about how I must be a big reader. Thanks again, OP
The Toy's R Us didn't let me purchase the four guides I found, Need for Speed, Socom 3, FFIV, and Animal Crossing DS.

Surprisingly, I was able to find a few at two BBs though. Only one of each guide though: FFV, Call of Duty 3, Pokemon Ranger, and Yoshi's Island. They had a few more Pokemon Rangers but bleh...
Just a recommendation for those looking at TRU... I've never been denied a TRU penny guide when buying the game with. Obviously not a great plan if you're trying to get a dozen guides, but if you're just going for one or two, it's easy enough to make it appear that the guides are a penny with the purchase of the game, then return the game on your way out the door, or anytime within 45 days.
Hit the jackpot today, got:


Yoshi's Island x4
Call of Duty 3
Sims 2 Pets
Socom Combined Assault
FF5 x2
Saints Row x3
Red Steel x2
KH2 x3



Keeping a Yoshi's Island, FF5, KH2 (probably 2), but the rest are up for trade or sale.

I would have gotten more from TRU, but the guy there was really bitchy. He didn't pull the guides, I should have gotten what I wanted, which was only the PD0 and 3 FF4 guides.
[quote name='shrike4242']For anyone that picked up the Sims 2 Pets guides, I know there's 2 BB SKU's for it, though I can only seem to find one version when I Google for it.

The Yoshi's Island DS guide, there's two versions between Nintendo Power & Prima, that's easy enough to see.[/QUOTE]

The SKU# 8142716
It's the one with the blue cover, not the red cover.

Also there is 3 different Pokemon Ranger guides BB carries. I know the Nintendo Power guide is a penny, the normal Prima guide is not a penny, and there is also a mini guide, I think made by Prima and its probably hard to find. I didn't check to see if it was a penny or not, probably should have mini guides are cool :)

edit: ...just remembered I scanned an Elder Scrolls IV guide (I think it was the normal one) at regular price
Well my Bestbuys were pretty cleaned out. I assume they did a pretty thorough job of cleaning house. However I did manage to score:

Kingdom hearts II x1
Bully x2

Unfortunately, I've beaten both of those game a long time ago, so the guides aren't of much use to me. But if anyone missed out locally or is dying to get their hands on them, go ahead and send me a pm, and we'll see what we can set up. I'll check lists of course.

I should probably go ahead and post this in the clearinghouse thread too...
this drop has been posted on SD...hope you guys already got the guides. I managed to get most of the stuff on the list, including some FFV guides.
[quote name='caedeskhan']this drop has been posted on SD...hope you guys already got the guides. I managed to get most of the stuff on the list, including some FFV guides.[/QUOTE]

We should really find out who leaks crap to SD and FW and give them a good dong-thumping.
I have extras of the following:

Red Steel
Sims 2 Pet
Final Fantasy V

Looking for:

Dead Rising
Saints Row
Call of Duty 3
and others from previous drops

PM if interested.
[quote name='caedeskhan']this drop has been posted on SD...hope you guys already got the guides. I managed to get most of the stuff on the list, including some FFV guides.[/QUOTE]

I wouldn't worry about it too much. This type of stuff is actually somewhat good to be leaked. SD/FWs will see this huge list, not believe it, go to the stores, find nothing, and discount CAG in the future.
no way that everyone cleared these out by themselves. i know most cags share. i saw like 10 copies of final fantasy and about four call of dutys on sunday (yesterday). went there today and they were pulled. guys at the counter looked stunned but i only had dead rising so i was happy.

some bb tag them for .01 and thats cool. i would stock up like nothing. but there are some bb that just pull them straight off the shelf and don't even give you a fighting chance.

my suggestion. scout your area before you go guide hunting. find out if they mark their .01 guides or pull them off the shelf. it can save you some gas and give you a battle plan on how to get them.

i don't know about you, but i love the thrill of the hunt. just make sure you stay strong. remember, you are the customer, once you make it to the cash register your home free. they can't stop you from making the purchase that late in the game.
I am happy for trash collector/buyer. They are making benefit from this since BB denied the guide from their customer!!!! YES I bought these guide at swapmeet for $1 each...
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bread's done