Road to Wrestlemania that points at the Wrestlemania sign Wrestlemania XXVIII thread

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Not a great PPV, which is disappointing given the card.

Sheamus/DB being a squash was by far the biggest disappointment. Jericho/Punk was good, Taker/HHH was terrible, Rock/Cena was boring but has a good finish, Funkasaurus was..

2/5, canceled my order for the blu ray.
I have much respect for John Cena. Triple H, The Rock, Shawn Michaels, Steve Austin, Hulk Hogan, etc. wouldn't have jobbed to someone who is only active for one PPV a year.

Triple H-Undertaker stole the show, so far as I'm concerned. Jericho-Punk had a good finish but I found it a bit underwhelming after Triple H-Undertaker.

Everything else on the show felt throwaway. I missed a big chunk of the PPV, but anyone with a brain can deduce that Danielson jobbing in under a minute is ridiculous.
[quote name='Chase']I have much respect for John Cena. Triple H, The Rock, Steve Austin, Hulk Hogan, etc. wouldn't have jobbed to someone who is only active for one PPV a year.[/QUOTE]

I get that you mean at their peak, but Trips has done it the last two years in a row.

I also enjoyed Taker/HHH. It was overbooked, but an enjoyable match.
So for some reason we had to eat the shit sandwich of an 18 second D. Brine/ Sheamus match to be forced to endure the god awful fuckyouwweuniverseSaurus skit? Who thinks this shit up?

Wait, did I misspell his name? Damn guess I should have looked it up.....
[quote name='pitfallharry219']I get that you mean at their peak, but Trips has done it the last two years in a row.[/QUOTE]

I understand what you're saying—but Triple H jobbing to the Undertaker in the twilight of their careers doesn't count.

In my experience, Triple H made WWE unwatchable for many years.

Feels sorta odd to defend John Cena, but, at least he seems to be less selfish.

Triple H and Rock can go away now.
So how beat up/crippled did Undertaker look out there? As bad as last year against Triple H?

I don't expect him to return to anywhere near full-time but I'd love to see him get one final run with one of the titles and carry it for several months, defending it on maybe every other RAW and at PPVs. Dude has earned it and I'm pretty sure he still draws enough money to make it a profitable venture.
Sounds like I made a good decision to not go watch WM (not that I had much doubt). I may seek out a match or two out of curiosity's sake.
It was booked like TNA used to do things. fuck everyone who is out there busting their ass all year, because we need the one-timers or special attractions to get wins so we can get people talking about us.

The women's match was useless but having a low rate celeb be involved? I would have much preferred a Stacy/Torrie return, especially if the special attraction is gonna win.

HHH/Taker was booked worthy of rolling your eyes. HHH essentially threw the match at the end after Shawn begged him to stop beating up the defenseless old man.

Not a terrible card by any means but it was SummerSlam caliber at best.
[quote name='davo1224']
HHH/Taker was booked worthy of rolling your eyes. HHH essentially threw the match at the end after Shawn begged him to stop beating up the defenseless old man.[/QUOTE]
So you're essentially saying that the only way it could've been worse would be if they did the Fingerpoke Of Doom 2.0?
[quote name='Scorch']


Mania didn't deliver for me. Maybe it was the crowd being dead for a good majority of it. I didn't like the stories they told for the most part. I give Punk/Jericho the match of the night honors. I didn't believe the Rock and Cena were both running on fumes at the end like I did with Punk and Jericho. The 12 man tag was a boring cluster, with the exception of Ziggler selling the shit out of a monkey flip. Saw the finish coming as soon as Eve came to the ring with Ryder. The DB/Sheamus match made DB look exactly like a fluke champion for the past 3 1/2 months, maybe to reiterate it's how he won the WHC to begin with. Show/Rhodes was anticlimatic. Kane/Orton was surprisingly decent; the lack of a backstory killed it though; who cared if Kane won. No one got injured during the divas match, which should be applauded. The HITC didn't do much for me because it was basically a weapons match inside of a cage, with too much of HBK wanting someone to stop beating up the opponent and took away from the match. Not enough use of the Cell either. The skits were fairly lame, Brodus's dance show was "kill the character" worthy, and live music acts never work.
Cena proving the only thing he sells is merch glad the rock won so that feud can fuck off.

Punk/Jericho worked their ass off to provide a great match for the fans. And what does wwe do with that buzz? Mama clay for the show killer. and Dbd im not gonna even bother with that.
If I had a cable box, I would not regret paying $65 for Wrestlemania annually. It's WWE version of the Super Bowl/Daytona 500. Then again, 18 seconds could been at least 10 minutes if they took off Brodus Clay, the live music performances, and cut some backstage segments short.

Loved Triple H/Undertaker, John Cena/Rock. I wished they showed the tag team title match though. It ended up as a dark match.
Cena/Rock was eh. Didn't like the ending and everything seemed a little off. Crowd helped it a bit.

Punk and Jericho took a while to get going but the last few minutes were fantastic and Jericho's taunts were fun.

Undertaker-HHH was great, but it wasn't really a "match" so much as an event, similar to the Foley/Undertaker HIAC match. Told a good story but I honestly doubt I'll watch it again as it's not really something that you go back and see and get the same effect from since you know how it ends. The bar I was at was flipping out for this one by the end. The superkick to Pedigree spot got me, actually thought it was over at that point.

Holy shit Kane won a match. Cleanly. Against a top tier guy.

Sheamus/Bryan made me want to fucking leave immediately. What was a lackluster show could have been brought up a notch by even just 10 minutes for these guys.

Not much else worth mentioning.
[quote name='mitch079']uncanny.

Mania didn't deliver for me. Maybe it was the crowd being dead for a good majority of it. I didn't like the stories they told for the most part. I give Punk/Jericho the match of the night honors. I didn't believe the Rock and Cena were both running on fumes at the end like I did with Punk and Jericho. The 12 man tag was a boring cluster, with the exception of Ziggler selling the shit out of a monkey flip. Saw the finish coming as soon as Eve came to the ring with Ryder. The DB/Sheamus match made DB look exactly like a fluke champion for the past 3 1/2 months, maybe to reiterate it's how he won the WHC to begin with. Show/Rhodes was anticlimatic. Kane/Orton was surprisingly decent; the lack of a backstory killed it though; who cared if Kane won. No one got injured during the divas match, which should be applauded. The HITC didn't do much for me because it was basically a weapons match inside of a cage, with too much of HBK wanting someone to stop beating up the opponent and took away from the match. Not enough use of the Cell either. The skits were fairly lame, Brodus's dance show was "kill the character" worthy, and live music acts never work.[/QUOTE]
I agree, almost exactly.
HATED the WHC match. Wanted to give up right then and there.

Cena/Rock was allright, but I felt a lack of Sportsman ship/professionalism when Cena simply rolled out of the ring and sat there like he didn't just lose a match. If you're gonna lose do it right, don't look like an asshole.
Or they decided to take the "indie darling" and use him as Barry Horowitz to elevate their homegrown talent. Danielson was a sacrificial lamb from the start of his WHC run.
[quote name='renique46']Bryan had to violate a policy or something or is injured. It has to be[/QUOTE]

The story going around is that WWE wanted to have a title match beat the time of Kane/Chavo from a few years back. This one didn't beat it. Apparently this has been the plan for a while, too. They couldn't do that with Show/Rhodes?
[quote name='vlv723']If I had a cable box, I would not regret paying $65 for Wrestlemania annually. It's WWE version of the Super Bowl/Daytona 500. Then again, 18 seconds could been at least 10 minutes if they took off Brodus Clay, the live music performances, and cut some backstage segments short.

Loved Triple H/Undertaker, John Cena/Rock. I wished they showed the tag team title match though. It ended up as a dark match.[/QUOTE]

$65 is insane. Period.

I pay $55 for UFCs all the time, but for WrestleMania and WWE booked shows as they stand, $20 or less is the price point for most of their shows. $45-50 in HD is safe for Mania. They have no problem selling the shows 3 weeks later for under $20 as well. At least with a real sport the RESULT matters just as much or more as the quality of the show.

In the end, I am glad I learned my lesson live with WrestleMania 24... then again with 26 and then again live with 27. It's like the best plated meal you've ever had... then you eat it and it's a giant shit sandwich. But damn, it was pretty.

Also --- your comment about the tag titles is hilarious since the match was never mentioned on ANY of the 12912849124194 hours of WWE TV leading to the show. You know, WWE is a TV company and not a PPV company. Yet they spent hours of TV these last few weeks trying to get you to spend $65 on PPV. Yup, a TV company... [eye roll]
Well the record for a major title change is 8 seconds. The ECW title didn't really meant anything since ECW wasn't really extreme during its WWE inception. The Bob Backlund/Diesel match was also 8 seconds but was at a house show. The WHC had some prestige back in the NWA/WCW days. As I stated, 18 seconds for the Big Gold Belt title change probably made Ric Flair pissed off backstage.

[quote name='MrNEWZ']$65 is insane. Period.
Also --- your comment about the tag titles is hilarious since the match was never mentioned on ANY of the 12912849124194 hours of WWE TV leading to the show. You know, WWE is a TV company and not a PPV company. Yet they spent hours of TV these last few weeks trying to get you to spend $65 on PPV. Yup, a TV company... [eye roll][/QUOTE]

Unless friends pitch in, then I would buy it. Last time I did that was back in 2009.

Lately, WWE spent more time hyping up NON-title matches then Title matches. Usually the Royal Rumble winner goes against their champion of choice in the main event of Wrestlemania. Now it's Undertaker, The Rock, or John Cena main events. For a title or no title. Royal Rumble winner or not.
I only watched the main event, I used to love the rock when he had the flat top and I was like 8, and then when I was a little older and right before my love of wrestling died off I liked Cena a little bit. That was a nice little trip down memory lane.

I loved it, but mostly for nostalgia's sake. I feel like I was exactly the person that they were aiming for with that, so I can see why you guys might be a little disappointed. Might be interested in wrestling again, but we'll see.
I think I'm the only one here that got excited as soon as I heard The Funkasaurus' theme start up ... hoping for a "time killer" match, but instead Brodus shared the shit sandwich he's been snacking on with all of us.

Gee, thanks.

Anyone that thought Taker/HHH was a show stealing 5-star match clearly needs to go back to watching TNA. Holy. fuck. The "story" being told in the match was BELOW average at best, but the bullshit they fed us and called it a wrestling match ... just, wow. Excessive use of chairshots, and lots of BS outside of the ring made for a boring ass "match", if you can call it that.

Rock/Cena was what I thought it would be, and I honestly have no complaints about it. However, I did expect it to go slightly longer and mimic Austin/Rock where he needed 3 Rock Bottoms to put down Captain Merchandise Sales.

I could really overanalyze everything about the PPV like everyone else is doing, but it was a night where I just tried to sit back and enjoy it as a fan of the product ... and they shit in my face with Bryan/Sheamus. :wall:
I liked Sheamus winning with one move - I wasn't going to be happy with Bryan losing no matter what, so at least they did it in a memorable match, and it'll lead to at least a couple of rematches. Bryan's robe was tremendous. One due to the instant rematch clause, probably tying into him demanding it since now he and not Show had the shortest world title match in history, and probably another with AJ's honor on the line. Orton-Kane was perfectly fine stuff - nothing wrong with it, and doing a chokeslam off the top was easily the best finish they could do that involved Orton losing. Kane probably had to win this if they want to ever portray him as a top guy again since he clearly lost to Cena at EC, and this was a great way to make him seem like a threat again. Could've done without the stupid comedy stuff, especially with A WORLD TITLE MATCH LASTING LESS THAN A MINUTE, probably to make time for stupid shit like this and WWE congratulating themselves for being so awesome. Cody white and red Chono-style long vest dealie looked great. The red and white gear looked slightly less like him wearing briefs in a match, but only slightly - his gear is too Meat-esque to take him too seriously. Show coming out really made the set look so massive - it was so horizontally-focused that it stood out from the usual super-tall ones. They had a fine big man vs. little man match...then Show speared him off the kick RIGHT IN THE BALLS. Goddamn that sucked. I hope Cody gets double pay for that. Match ended as it always should've with the build-up - with Show winning decisively with the KO punch. Show crying helped make this seem like a big deal, as did Cole saying that this was the first time Show could ever call himself IC Champ.

Beth's headgear looked like something you'd give a create a wrestler as a joke. Not sure why the heels used Eve's theme since Beth's the champ. Maria looked so hot. Can't believe there are two super-hot Marias in wrestling at one time. The double stinkface spot was something new, as was Eve getting her ass literally kicked by Maria during the booty-popping moonsault spot. Maria did way more than I thought she would given the two broken ribs. It says quite a lot that she basically carried the match despite having fewer matches with this as a side gig than Kelly has had in probably a week. Loved J.R. not only getting a chance to announce, but get a full intro and get to call the Cell match that was shockingly low on the card.

J.R. made this seem so much more epic during HHH's intro, which was way better than last year's - instead of cheap cardboard shields, he just had a massive smoking skull and mountain setup. Really could've done without Cole talking about how much HBK said over the last few days without saying ANYTHING about what was said or where it was said. Taker's spiked robe ruled and the close-up overhead view of the arena with pyro going up as he raised his hands was epic. Loved the shaved head reveal getting its own music sting. Taker staring down HHH, then looking at the cell going "see that motherfucker, YOU'RE TRAPPED IN HIT WITH ME!" was a great moment. I wish HBK had tucked in his ref shirt, because he looked like a schmo. 'Taker definitely looked a bit heavier, but can still have a great, carefully-paced match. I can't believe he took a spinebuster on the steps and then took the Rampage powerbomb counter from the Hell's Gate on the steps, which was a nice way to play off of last year's match. Having HBK get involved to prevent HHH from completely destroying 'Taker with the chair was great, as was having 'Taker shove HBK away after doing it earlier. Really like HBK grasping 'Taker's hand after counting the 2 - it showed he cared about 'Taker, making HHH's "END IT OR I WILL" demand that much harder when 'Taker is barking at him to not stop it. The closeup of HHH's split open eyelid after the hammer shot was surprising.

Having 'Taker choke HBK out to prevent him from stopping it, only to get hammered in the head again was tremendous. 'Taker locking the Gate in yet again , leading to HHH once again grabbing for the hammer, only to fall to the move once again...but without a ref there to call it. Robinson coming out was good, but the chokeslam as the HOLY SHIT I CAN'T BELIEVE HE KICKED OUT OF THAT spot didn't work as well as the tomstone at either WM 25 or last year when HHH did it. Taker chokeslamming Robinson was a great move to show how pissed he was. However, following it with the superkick>Pedigree leading to a kickout did lead to that moment. HBK losing his shit after that ruled - it showed that he realized the err of his ways and now, since he didn't put down 'Taker, he would at some point have to face the consequences for his actions. HHH throwing HBK out was built up well, but wasn't such a blow that it didn't make sense for him to be able to get back in to count the tombstone. This was another great holy shit moment. Loved the fighting on their knees spot. Loved having each man go for a weapon, then have 'Taker stand on the hammer, leading to 'Taker wearing out HHH with the chair like HHH did to him earlier. And with every blow, HBK looked like he just wanted to end it, but knew he couldn't. He thought he wanted to be there, then realized he didn't when it dawned on him what he'd be forced to see. Taker's back looked so welted up - he's going to be hurting for weeks just with the chair shots to the back. Loved 'Taker hitting HHH with the hammer, getting revenge for yet another thing done to him earlier. Taker won with one last tombstone and it felt just a bit anti-climatic given what they'd done earlier as a tease, but was a fine poetic end to the match. The commentary here was tremendous, and was Cole's best work in many years. I still have no real idea as to what " the end of an era" meant, although J.R. tried to say it was due to us knowing HBK would never wrestle again and that we may never see HHH or 'Taker do it again. Outstanding post-match pyro and lighting job. They nail that every year and it never ceases to amaze. I really hope this wasn't 'Taker's last match, because I think that should only happen with Paul Bearer being involved. Without him, I don't think 'Taker's character would've been able to get through some early rough patches, and Kane should be involved too - if only to do a Brothers of Destruction spot with him after the match. Loved having both HBK and 'Taker carry HHH out. This set up them being able to easily do DX vs. BoD next year, or maybe even have HHH and 'Taker team up, maybe against Kane and HBK.

WWE DONATED HALF A MILLION DOLLARS WORTH OF SLIM JIMS TO THE TROOPS. Kinda odd to not reshoot this to cut Eve out of it, since she was all decked out in American flag gear. HoF vid looked good, and I loved all the WOOOs leading to Flair actually being on-stage on WWE's biggest show of the year...while working for TNA. Wow. The Horsemen got a graphic and they didn't even use that for an Impact one alongside it. WWE really made out like bandits here. Edge tearing up during his theme was bittersweet, but I'd rather see him cry due to his career ending early than have him cry due to being in a wheelchair. Fink was so great at announcing them too. Loved Stlater calling Flo Rida "Florida". Hawkins' cane and...I think that was Trent Baretta's wacky getup was great. Having all of the GM match guys come out to the generic show themes really made them all look like jobbers - and the shirts didn't help. At least Otunga got a his giant maroon jacket, super-cut up shirt to show off his muscles AND thermos for mid-match hydration. Whichever Bella did the intros couldn't pronounce interim, bearer, or privilege. Loved Teddy's giant peanut head on the tron. Loved Hornswoggle being used as a decoy so Truth and Kofi could do a dive. Dolph took his greatest full flip bump off a monkey flip yet. Otherwise, the match was just a match. Ace's super bright-white suit with the red tie was hilarious. WWE LUVS READING. Unless it involves researching actual attendance figures - then they don't.

Adding a "DQ equals title loss stop" at the last possible second really seemed needless. Jerichoat 2.0 ruled. Not sure why they aired the video package after Jericho's intro - really made things seem a bit disjointed. Then they did a massive fireworks display and it made sense - I guess they needed more time to set that up. Punk's ugly '70s green and red gear needs to never be used again. Jericho's new gear looks great. I loved "the best in the world" match starting off with technical wrestling. The DQ stip played into the match nicely, but they should've set it up before since the match's story wound up revolving around it and the insults Jericho used towards Punk's family. The knees to the rib spot during the flying elbow didn't quite work. Loved the Walls out of the top rope rana spot, but the GTS leading to the Liontamer felt a lot newer. The small packages leading to the Vise was great. Very surprised to see Punk win, but I'm happy with the result. The match itself had some really great stuff, largely involving them doing matwork and hold exchanges, but a lot of stuff looked clunky, which surprises me given that Jericho was involved. Punk's usually not super-crisp, but he had an off night in that regard here and it hurt the match. The DQ addition hurt it the most though since it seems like they had a great technical match planned and then had to shoehorn in stuff to fit a new part of the story. Brodus's tron ruled. I like the new part of his act where he tells the crowd to pull out their phones and call their mommas! Didn't so much dig Momma Clay. She looked like a black version of Mama from Mama's Family. Then her clones came out. This started off fun and then got stupid. Real stupid.

Loved MGK's intro until he talked about Cena being an underdog - an instant groaner, and then Rock having THE biggest ego. Really? Because nothing they said building this match up backs up that claim in the slightest. They showed him visiting his grandfather's grave, talked about the rich history of his tattoo work, but didn't say anything even in the pro-Cena portion of things to cite Rock having a huge ego. If he was still doing his Hollywood heel act from '03, it would make sense, but it didn't work here. They tried to give Cena street cred, but just made MGK seem like a pussy. If they did it to build up boos for Cena, it worked though. Between that and him coming dressed up like a giant Starbucks logo, I can't imagine being there and actually cheering him. I was fine hearing Flo Rida's stuff in the video packages - the mini concert in the main event segment didn't do much for me. Rock's intro lacked the pop it seemingly should've had - I think having it in an open air building hurt it because the boos came out clear as a bell no matter what, while cheers really didn't with all the music going. The staredown leading to a giant Rocky chant was great. Rock looked more like Rock and less like super-ripped Rock here - not sure if it was a good or bad thing. Loved having Cena get the edge on a shove, while Rock got the better of him with his new headlock into a kip up and la mahistrol cradle combo. They did a lot of very well-executed stuff, mostly simple moves and attacks, then had a clumsy-looking double clothesline spot. They did their usual exchange of big moves, including kickouts of the FU and Rock bottom. Rock did the sharpshooter well the first time, but did a really shitty version the second time. I liked Rock throwing more realistic punches up close than his usual really broad ones. I liked the STF out of a sunset flip - that was something new and made for a very credible ending for things. I loved that they played it up as Rock passing out from it for the hand raising spot, only to get up at the last second. Loved the People's Elbow getting a giant YES! sign in the crowd. The flying crossbody into the FU spot was tremendous - I thought for sure it was over there after the first FU was kicked out of, but nope. Loved Rock winning with the Rock Bottom after Cena tried to use the People's Elbow. So glad Rock won this - he HAD to win in Miami and did. Cena came off fine here and wasn't hurt by the loss because of the super-close nearfall right before.

I doubt Flair gave a shit about the title match being so short - he's seen the title and its holder treated far worse when HE WAS THE GUY HOLDING THE TITLE. I'm sure Jim Herd wanting him to shave his head and become Spartacus while champ was more insulting than that. They didn't really build that match up at all before the show, so I'm kinda glad they just got it out of the way so they could do a better build for a real match. At least it wasn't like the ECW Title at two Summerslams in a row where they built up a real match for months on the PPV, then delivered a few seconds and gave you the real match on free TV two days later.
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[quote name='Spyder187']Father and son pictures are always a wonderful thing.[/QUOTE]

Glad it's not just me who thinks that Ziggler looks like Gunn.
If I had Photoshop skills, I would swap their faces in the photo to see if anyone can tell the difference. :D
I thought Wrestlemania was very solid this year, with a few exceptions like always of course, mainly the World Title match. Definitely enjoyed it more than last year. Some surprises in outcomes, some expected. All in all, it was a ton of fun to be there, the crowd was awesome, and the matches were all entertaining (some more than others, of course). I guess I'm in the minority here for liking this show, but I had a great time seeing some of my favorite superstars live in some good matches, so that puts it in the positive column for me!
I can't even begin to find the words to illustrate how underwhelmed I was with the entire event. On the bright side, it's not like we can claim WWE didn't pretty much tell us what we were in for with that 18 second opening match. I had nothing else to do last night, yet I still sat there thinking that I really had better things I could've used that 4 hours on.

Anyway, like I said... that Bryan/Sheamus 'match' was a huge middle finger to Smackdown fans, IWC smarks, and anyone who viewed the Big Gold Belt as pretigious. Period. I don't care what the booking intention was, but it managed to hurt both men and set a negative tone for the entire event. I couldn't ever really escape the mindset of "we're spending time on (Rhodes/Show, Kane/Orton, Clay's momma) instead of the Smackdown title?". That sounds petty, but honestly... they had to know that wouldn't go over well, right?

Holy shit, Kane won. Talk about a shocker. Again, who did Orton piss off? Still, this continued the trend of the night, which was the wrong person winning.

Right, let me talk about HHH/Taker for a while...

Hydro already brought it up, but my biggest shock this morning was waking up and finding every wrestling site every absolutely jerking off over HHH/Taker 3. That match was... well, honestly, I wasn't impressed. I felt like they were trying to tell a story, but I just could never quite grasp what it was. The cell added nothing to the match, which was disappointing. I've seen numerous reviews calling it a 'brutal' match, but I just didn't see it. It was slowly paced, and beating a guy in the back with a chair 15 times just isn't the 'oomph' I needed. I don't know, but when I see reviews calling it match of the decade, I really wonder what fucking PPV I watched.

First things first, Taker looked terrible. If you had told me that he only remembered last week that WM was seven days away, I'd believe it. For the first time in a long time, I felt like Taker was just collecting a paycheck. He had a Kane-esque gut, a sunken chest, and the single worst haircut decision in a very long time. Honestly, he looked like my grandfather. I've said it before, but I'll say it again... it's over. Taker needs to stop. I truly have no desire to see him in the ring again. The slow pace of the match didn't help me feel energized, either.

The plotting was... well, strange. I'm still not entirely sure why HBK was there. He was a non-factor for 95% of it, and the other 5% made no sense. Did Taker intentionally put the submission on him? Was he confused? Shouldn't the announcers have, I don't know, made some effort to comment on that? In regards to HHH, I'm not sure what the point was. So, the guy who wants to 'be the best' simply kept asking his buddy to call the match? So, it wasn't about beating Taker, it was just about making the streak end in the least impressive way possible? It seemed totally counter to the build. The references to past matches, too, wasn't doing anything for me. Maybe they thought it was fitting to have it end the same way as HBK/Taker 2, but I couldn't shake the feeling that they just didn't know how to end it.

Speaking of the build, can we fucking stop calling it the 'End of an Era'? WHAT ERA? What does that MEAN? Look, if Taker or HHH comes out and announces their in-ring retirement tonight, that's fine. As of now, though, I just know I've been beaten over the head with a marketing phrase that isn't totally clear. Like I said, if they retire, fine. But... what era? If we take HHH into account, his era includes such contemporaries as Chris Jericho, Booker T, Paul Wight, Kane, and The Rock. It's amazing to think that HHH is the only one still.... oh, wait. For being the, ahem, 'last two dogs in the yard', that's a pretty decent list of people that (if memory serves) began their careers within 5 years of HHH, some before, some after. Again, can someone explain what era was ending? Anyone?

As a sidenote, let's also realize that the only match last night that contained strictly newer wrestlers was the one that went 18 seconds. WWE, always building the future!

Will cover some other stuff later... sigh.
The Rock should go ahead and change his name to The Rust.

I would love to give my synopsis of this incredibly underwhelming event, but I believe most of you have already covered most of my bullet points.

Ah... what the Hell. The opening match murdered the crowd. Unless you're a huge Sheamus fan (are there any?), this 18 second romp pissed all over the champion, the championship, and Wrestlemania. They have Danielson win in the Elimination Chamber, but immediately job him out in the opening match at Mania. Sheamus must give excellent head... too bad Danielson isn't a meat eater.

Kane/Orton = zzzzz
Rhodes/Big Show = zzzzz

The only good thing about the divas match was cracking jokes about Maria's skidmark. Yes... it was only makeup, but it at least added a much needed extra dimension to an otherwise dreadful match.

The GM 12-man brawl for it all was as expected. Made the upcoming stars (Ziggler) forgettable, and after everything, attempted to further a feud I could give a half-a-shit for. I honestly fell asleep after the first ten minutes of the Punk/Jericho match... which was unfortunate, as they apparently picked things up toward the end of the match. Of what I saw, it seemed like a TV match. I also loathe the new Chris Jericho. What happened to the character he was playing before he went on his most recent sabbatical? You know, the one that he received critical acclaim for... the one that he maintained while competing in some of the best matches we've seen in over 15 years?

Woke up to what was either a nightmare or a bad acid flashback from my teens. I don't think that "segment" should ever be mentioned. It's the new Voldemort. Don't speak of it... no matter what!

How do you follow up the worst possible segment of Wrestlemania history? Crappy performances by hardcore pop stars. These two performances seemed way out of place, and truthfully took a lot of air out of the main event. The entraces for the Rock and Cena seemed completely disjointed due to this. So the entrances/musical performances ate balls, and then we witnessed a match between two guys that only have five moves in each of their arsenals. So we were treated with plethora of rest holds, and punch overselling. Then The Rust decided to break out a sixth move... and we were all witness to possibly the worst flying cross body in the history of Wrestlemania.

EDIT: Look at that, I already forgot what was possibly the best match of the night. Taker vs H. Excellent storytelling, terrible in-ring action. If Michaels wasn't involved, this would have been a two-star classic re-run of their previous confrontations.

Also, what happened to
? Are we still spoiler-tagging this?!
How stupid and reckless was it for The Undertaker to throw the sledgehammer like he did? It could've easily hit a weak spot in the cage, went through the cage and killed a fan.

That's actually the only purpose the cage had last night. It helped save a fan's life.
I haven't followed wrestling for a while, but used to be a huge undertaker fan. So it just so happened to be in Miami, I had to go. Undertaker match was awesome, which was vocalized when the crowd started chanting "this is awesome."

This was a wrestlemania for a fan like me. Rock came back, Chris Jericho even came back (though I knew he was going to lose once I found out he was trashing cm punks family), the big show, Kane, and of course undertaker.

I was so lost. People kept chanting yes and I had no idea why. There was this kid behind me. He looked so pissed when everybody was cheering the rock won. I laughed.
The Rock has been away for 9 years and held his own in a 30 minute match. Calling him "The Rust" for the first 10 minutes of the match is understandable, but he put on a hell of a show for the next 20. And Cena certainly has been in a lot of memorable matches for a guy who can't work. Maybe it is time to drop the "bad worker" card and give the guy some credit.
[quote name='lombarvm']The Rock has been away for 9 years and held his own in a 30 minute match. Calling him "The Rust" for the first 10 minutes of the match is understandable, but he put on a hell of a show for the next 20. And Cena certainly has been in a lot of memorable matches for a guy who can't work. Maybe it is time to drop the "bad worker" card and give the guy some credit.[/QUOTE]

Cena makes money. He's this era's Hulk Hogan. Hogan was a terrible worker, but he made money. The company has invested in the character, and engineered it so that it appeals to a mass audience. I personally don't like the John Cena character or brand, but I can see how it appeals to other members of the audience. Children, teens, early adopters, blue collar Americans, military personnel, the media. He has a marketable good look, ripped to the gills. Comes across as the guy next-door, but is borderline superhero. He is the classic definition of a "good guy" in professional wrestling.

Of course he's had memorable matches, as he consistently faces the company's top heels (with the exception of Kane). He puts asses in seats, so they're of course going to feature him in main events. But I think we can all agree that he's just not that good in the ring. Can you honestly give a close comparison of Cena to any professional wrestler that is considered exceptionally talented based on in-ring skills?
I'm not sure what some of you expected or wanted from HHH Taker. It was a HIAC match, of course weapons were going to be the focal point of the match. It was slow paced because Taker can't work like he used to, but it still had all of the big spots you would expect, and it told a story, something that only a couple other matches did last night. If there wasn't chairshots there would have been nothing but rest holds and punching and kicking... is that what you guys wanted?
Cena may compare to Hogan in the way he is pushed and marketed, but he is a much better in ring performer than Hogan.
Speaking of Taker, what's next for him? I understand the entire "end of an era" theme, but they didn't exactly send Taker off. So I'm assuming that his 20th consecutive Wrestlemania win won't be his final match?
Ok, I don't do this often, but I guess it's my turn:

Danielson/Sheamus - I actually missed this match because I was playing a game and was looking for a save point before I focused on the show, but I heard the audio and let out and rather large 'What the fuck?!" What does it say about how WWE feels about the WHC that not nly does it open the match 2 years in a row, but that it can fit in an animated .gif?

Orton/Kane - I really could not give any less of a shit abut this match. As we've discussed before, it was Orton being handed Cena's sloppy seconds in a boring-ass match. I was, however, surpised that Kane went over. Even then, not a single fuck was given.

Big Show/Rhodes - This was an okay match, but you could see who was going over from space. Big Show finally got is WM moment I guess. I will say it was nice for the IC title to finally be defended at the event again after however long it's been.

Diva's match - Who the fuck cares?

Taker/HHH - Despite the slowness at some points, I actually enjoyed this. I do wish they'd ramped the brutality up what with it being in the cage and HHH's talk of "I know what I have to do to beat him" talk. 5-10 minutes of chairshots to the back don't constitute as brutal in my book. I didn like the post-match moment of the three of them huggung at the top of the ramp. it was a nice nod to the Curtain Call.

Team Johnny/Team Teddy - Couldn't give less of a shit.

Punk/Jericho - The only really good match of the night. Great performance by both guys. While it started off slow, they really kicked into high gear near the end. If I were to nitpick however, it'd be about the last minute stipulation added to the match, it reminded me of that HHH/Orton WM stinker from a few years ago and why it made no sense from logic standpoint. If a guy said all this horrible did about your family, the very last thing on your mind is losing your title, kayfabe be damned. You'd be ready to cave his skull in with the nearest blunt object. However, that was a very minor ntpick.

Brodus's segment - I'll admit, I laughed, but at the same time I was VERY embarrassed watchign that. Oh well, I got to see Naomi's ass at WM, so no complaints there.

Rock/Cena - those two "performances" really let the air out of the start of this match (who the fuck was that meth addict they let out on the stage?). For a "Once in a Lifetime" event, this was a VERY boring match. Just a bunch of punches and the usual Five Moves bullshit, not to mention Rocky pulling out the worst crossbody I've ever seen. Rock got the win and that was that. It was a slap in the face to the year-long buildup to the match, a loyal company man and the work he's put in, and an ode to the usual shortsightedness of WWE.

They let a guy who hasn't had a real match in 8 years (fuck Survivor Series) go over your #1 guy at the biggest show of the year. What does he gain from this win other than free publicity for his upcoming movies and an easy paycheck? NOTHING. Hogan passed the torch onto Rocky as the guy who was gonna carry the business into the future, and Rocky promptly took that torch and blew it out in Cena's face. All it does is make your guys look bad when a guy with 8 years's worth of ring rust chumps out your top guy. Dumbass booking decision that's gonna hurt in the long run.

That's all.
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