Rock Band now 199.99


5 (100%)
Well it seems that Canadians are getting screwed on the price of Rock Band. Both Futureshop and Best Buy have jacked up their prices to 199.99, I've also heard EB Games has done the same. I'm hoping Wal-Mart sticks to their guns and offers American prices, if not I guess I'm waiting out.
EB just called with my preorder in stock. no idea how many they got in.

Edit: EB's price was $169.99; i'm impressed it wasn't set higher like FS or BB
i've had a few local video stores tell me they expected to get a few copies in by friday. i'm somewhat skeptical, but i'm going to give them a call.
[quote name='magiic']I've decided to hold off on it for now due to some of the hardware issues.[/QUOTE]
This is what I'm doing too. I've just heard about too many problems to make me want to spend that kind of money. Also EA's behavior hasn't helped much.
we haven't had any problems with our Rock Band equipment (from FS), and we've been using it rather extensively for the past week. the three big things we've noticed are:
1. the bass pedal for the drum is designed poorly,
2. the drum pads make a LOT of noise when hit, and
3. the Stratocaster guitar works fine, but the strum bar is weak sauce

here's a few things we've done for each:

1. the issue with the drum's bass pedal is that there aren't enough pads on the bottom part, so the weight of the foot isn't distributed evenly and it will bend and eventually break when used enough. we installed a few extra pads with some screws and our pedal no longer shows signs of bending when pressed from any angle. (i can take a few pictures if anyone really needs them)

2. the drum pads are noisy, so we recommend making some noise-dampening pads like some folks have been doing with foam rubber and felt. they do cut down on the noise quite a bit, and they're quite cheap to make (8 bucks, if you don't get the pricey Circle Cutter). these can also be bought from a few sites and eBay sellers, but i honestly believe they're easy enough for anyone to make at home for much less. the instructions are here:

3. the Strat is a decent enough controller and i haven't had any issues with the strum bar as many folks seem to, but the lack of a "click" when strumming throws me off. this weekend, i'm going to crack it open and modify the innards as Mr. Ben Heck did on his site. this probably will void your warranty, although there's no "VOID" sticker on the back like GH3's Les Paul:

so, there you go, a few things we've done to extend the life of our fake instruments and have some more fun with them.

Edit: spelling mistakes, haha
microplay in burlington got a few 360 copies in (apparently not enough for the preorders, but it's worth checking out anyways). they said the ps3 should be in next wed, although w/ the tuesday being a holiday, that may get pushed back. rogers video in waterdown has a ps2 copy on display.
I might have a copy available in Calgary if anyone's interested. It would be $211 (what I paid at Future Shop) so I can avoid the horror of trying to force them to pricematch.

Not 100% sure if I've locked it down (or that no one in my immediate family wants it), but PM me if you're interested.
My Rogers got in three 360 version and two PS3 version. Three staff members have had bought them (two 360 and one PS3 version) and all have thus far had stuff crap out. Apparently the RMA process is far from pleasant aswell :(
ive had it for 3 days and my stum bar is already broken.

good thing i have my gh3 guitar to use until my replacement comes...
[quote name='Mike23']Anyone find one in the Hamilton-esque area?[/QUOTE]

Yesterday the Blockbuster on Barton in Hamilton had 360 and PS2 bundles. Probably sold them by now?
I need PS3 =\
Picked one up at the blockbuster in ancaster yesterday.

They had 1 more 360 version left. Only other place in hamilton was the rymal blockbuster that had ps2 versions, and the bestbuy burlington had ps2 versions as well.

So far things are working great.
[quote name='nhpts']Yesterday the Blockbuster on Barton in Hamilton had 360 and PS2 bundles. Probably sold them by now?
I need PS3 =\[/QUOTE]

waterdown rogers has a ps2 version.

burlington microplay on brant had the 360 version yesterday but probably gone by now. should have ps3 version on wed. give them a call because they're super helpful and friendly.
[quote name='Tenren']Are these all $200? Or are some sticking to $169?[/quote]
Think only Future Shop and Best Buy are selling it for $200.
I saw 4x rockband special edition for 199.99$ at best buy at the Marche Central in montreal. Man I didnt expect the boxes to be so huges.
there was 2x xbox360 versions at the rogers centre rogers video store as of 5pm on the 31st, i didnt ask how much they were, i wanted the ps3 version but i'm patient, i'll wait till i see one around.
you might be able to price match at Futureshop or Best Buy to get the price down to the $169 that EB and some other places are selling it for. of course, they might try to call a place to make sure it's in stock, so maybe it would work to have a receipt from a place like EB, if you know someone that's picked it up there already.

our Fender was among the first bundles that Futureshop got on the 21st (likely a more recent version of the guitar), and i'm confident in saying that the mechanics of the strum bar are much more reliable than the first shipments that U.S. stores received. still, i'm a stickler for the clicking strum bar, so we modded our Fender as per's instructions. works VERY nicely!

no issues with our drum set or mic yet. anyone who is interested in wailing on the drums, PLEASE consider putting in a couple extra pads on the underside of the pedal! (that is, unless you really want to contact EA about their ESA)
If anyone finds a store (other then Future Shop or Best Buy) that has the 360 bundle in stock in the Burlington/Hamilton/Oakville area can they please PM me? I don't want to buy it, I just need a store with stock so those cheap bastages at FS will let me pricematch so I can get my 30 bucks back.
I just scored the PS3 version of Rock Band last night (only one they had) at my local Blockbuster (Brampton)!
This game is sweet...they were selling it for $169.99, I was short on cash so I traded in some games :)
My guitar upstrum seems to be going, gonna try some mods before calling EA, Don't want to wait the 2-3 week wait (express).
[quote name='arnoldrimmer']How is the quality of the instruments of the Canadian versions?[/quote]

I assume its the same as the US versions. You just have to get lucky to get a good package. Ive had mine 2 days with no problems. Which makes me think they might have been made after they fixed some problems. The only thing that throws a wrench in this theory is my box has the street date sticker on the bottom. Meaning it was made before they released it.

Which leads to the next thing, why couldn't they just bring it out in November if they where already made?
FS stores in Calgary all seem to have received 12 SE boxes per platform today. I nabbed the 360 version. It is just as fun as the hype claims.
[quote name='ikariwarriors']you might be able to price match at Futureshop or Best Buy to get the price down to the $169 that EB and some other places are selling it for. of course, they might try to call a place to make sure it's in stock, so maybe it would work to have a receipt from a place like EB, if you know someone that's picked it up there already.

our Fender was among the first bundles that Futureshop got on the 21st (likely a more recent version of the guitar), and i'm confident in saying that the mechanics of the strum bar are much more reliable than the first shipments that U.S. stores received. still, i'm a stickler for the clicking strum bar, so we modded our Fender as per's instructions. works VERY nicely!

no issues with our drum set or mic yet. anyone who is interested in wailing on the drums, PLEASE consider putting in a couple extra pads on the underside of the pedal! (that is, unless you really want to contact EA about their ESA)[/quote]

30 day price protection means we are safe. There will be lots of copies soon.

I actually like the Fender better than teh Explorer. But I suck.
I got an extra copy. I'm willing to sell it at cost ($225)

I'm in Coquitlam (near Coquitlam Centre) tomorrow or at UBC after that.
Wow, my mom went to pick up a gift card and return my copy of Rock Band (for 360, the game by itself) at EB today. She said to the guy "You wouldn't happen to have any of the bundles in, would you?" .... "Yeah, we do." Reached up on the shelf and grabbed a copy for her. She said there was another copy of it for 360 as well, and about 4 PS3 bundles too. This was the EB at Kanata Centrum.

I also went to Bayshore tonight (Ottawa) and saw a guy walk out of EB with a 360 bundle.
[quote name='Kekumba']Wow, my mom went to pick up a gift card and return my copy of Rock Band (for 360, the game by itself) at EB today. She said to the guy "You wouldn't happen to have any of the bundles in, would you?" .... "Yeah, we do." Reached up on the shelf and grabbed a copy for her. She said there was another copy of it for 360 as well, and about 4 PS3 bundles too. This was the EB at Kanata Centrum.

I also went to Bayshore tonight (Ottawa) and saw a guy walk out of EB with a 360 bundle.[/QUOTE]

lol it's nice having someone who goes to the same places as me. after playing wii guitar hero at my sisters I've been thinking about getting rock band for the 360. I'll probably check those stores soon.
Haha, yeah, I was surprised she was able to get it like that seeing as they told me they wouldn't have copies in for those who didn't pre-order until mid-February. Baah, liars. :p: Either way, the guys at the EB in Centrum have always been good to me, so I have no complaints.

Anyway, nice to see someone else in Kanata (?).. it seems like all the other Ottawans here are over in the Nepean area.
[quote name='Kekumba']Haha, yeah, I was surprised she was able to get it like that seeing as they told me they wouldn't have copies in for those who didn't pre-order until mid-February. Baah, liars. :p: Either way, the guys at the EB in Centrum have always been good to me, so I have no complaints.

Anyway, nice to see someone else in Kanata (?).. it seems like all the other Ottawans here are over in the Nepean area.[/QUOTE]

well I am from nepean (at least for the last 6 months or so, gloucester originally) but I work in kanata so I go by bayshore every day
for those of you interested - best buy/future shop staff members get this for 136.00 plus ten percent on their discount - if you don't already have some friends on the inside - make some ... and then mooch ;-)
We Got Games up in Brampton Shoppers world had some when I was in there tonight. They had 3 or 4 left on the 360 and I think one on the PS3 but they are $199.99. Also had Guitar Hero 3 in stock for the 360 with the wireless guitar which I prefer that guitar over the one that comes with Rock Band. Either way Rock Band lives up to the hype.
It seems futureshop will have these things available this Sunday. The one I work at just got ours in today (roughly 30 xbox 360 and 15 ps3). But they will not be sold until Sunday.
Got a call from EB a few days ago and I picked it up. $169.99. When they opened the door to the back room I saw a stack piled pretty high. Hauling that thing through the mall and on the bus was fun... I have an iffy guitar and drum set too. Time to call support I guess.
well I called the closest eb on saturday to see if they had any, which they did so I picked up the last one in 10 minutes later. while I was paying for it someone asked if they had 360 rock band, but I had the last one lol. anyways it seems that I suck at this game lol.. I'm about halfway through the guitar songs on medium and its starting to get ugly. same for my wife, but she's on drums.
bread's done