Rumor: PS3 price drop to $199?

[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']I have an HD PC monitor for my PS3 and I could care less about some silly(and expensive) Blu-Ray versions of movies, since I've seen exactly ZERO movies that have come out in recent years(going back about 3-5 years or so).

Any movies I've wanted to grab once they came out, I bought them on DVD since I could get them for $2-5 from the local shop. If a movie costs more than $5, then I don't need to see it till it's broadcast on free tv.

Games are supposed to be FUN. If people think the games on the Wii are fun without being HD, then that's why it sells. The latest and greatest tech isn't always the best, it's the tech you have the most fun with that gives you the biggest bang for your buck imo.[/QUOTE]

And because you are the sole target market, this makes you the authority on the subject. I seriously just hope you quoted me for more than just that.
[quote name='Mad39er']And because you are the sole target market, this makes you the authority on the subject. I seriously just hope you quoted me for more than just that.[/QUOTE]
Just saying that new tech and all the bells n whistles aren't needed if games are fun. But if the only thing a game has to go on is 'oooooo purty' and it's a chore to play it, then I'd rather have ONLY games from prior gens since that's what many games this gen have become(a chore to play and clones of each other).
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']Just saying that new tech and all the bells n whistles aren't needed if games are fun. But if the only thing a game has to go on is 'oooooo purty' and it's a chore to play it, then I'd rather have ONLY games from prior gens since that's what many games this gen have become(a chore to play and clones of each other).[/QUOTE]

dude the point hes making is where they lose as a console they win in bluray being the new it movie format. we all know youre cheap but there are alot of people all over the world who arent and they want the newest latest asap.

bluray is it and because of that theyre making alot of money on it. and as far as i can tell there arent any new disk formats coming out anytime soon and with the push to digital dls bluray could be the last physical medium ever.

they took a big loss for a huge win later.
[quote name='lokizz']dude the point hes making is where they lose as a console they win in bluray being the new it movie format. we all know youre cheap but there are alot of people all over the world who arent and they want the newest latest asap.

bluray is it and because of that theyre making alot of money on it. and as far as i can tell there arent any new disk formats coming out anytime soon and with the push to digital dls bluray could be the last physical medium ever.

they took a big loss for a huge win later.[/QUOTE]
As long as DVD sticks around, I'll be fine, since that's the only way I buy movies. That is, unless Blu-Rays come down to $5 each anytime soon.;)
[quote name='Paco']One thing though. People wanted a PS3, but couldn't afford it. The 360 was always affordable. The 360 is what the poor people got while secretly wanting a PS3. I believe this is called HOMIE ENVY.

Also keep in mind that Natal's rumored price is 150. You think they're going to sell it bundled with an arcade for 200? That's more Roffles then the waffles.[/QUOTE]

Bahhhhhhhh hah hah hah!
[quote name='Paco']One thing though. People wanted a PS3, but couldn't afford it. The 360 was always affordable. The 360 is what the poor people got while secretly wanting a PS3. I believe this is called HOMIE ENVY.

Also keep in mind that Natal's rumored price is 150. You think they're going to sell it bundled with an arcade for 200? That's more Roffles then the waffles.[/QUOTE]

I tried to convince my friend to buy a PS3 over 360,but he bought a 360 since it was cheaper at the time. That and Halo was the only reason he chose the 360. The thing about the Wii kind of bothers me to be honest. I know Superphillip talks about it like its the best since its selling the best. Well the reason its selling the best is where its the cheapest and it appeals to everyone even non gamers. That doesn't make it the best system in my book.
[quote name='jman619']I tried to convince my friend to buy a PS3 over 360,but he bought a 360 since it was cheaper at the time. That and Halo was the only reason he chose the 360. The thing about the Wii kind of bothers me to be honest. I know Superphillip talks about it like its the best since its selling the best. Well the reason its selling the best is where its the cheapest and it appeals to everyone even non gamers. That doesn't make it the best system in my book.[/QUOTE]

true that homie. but i will give them this nintendo does have the best handheld games. man i do want a psp so i can play the ps1 games ive bought on it but they still cost too much imo and i keep hoping they will come out with one with 2 thumb sticks.
[quote name='Brak']Please, please, please slit your own throat and leave a print-off of this post showing that I told you to do it.

I want that fucking blood on my hands.[/QUOTE]

You're from Michigan so your opinion means nothing. I like how you get so flustered over a post that's totally done for SheDanigans though.
[quote name='wwe101']keep dreaming..........[/QUOTE]

That's just my for fun prediction, if this actually happened that's my scenario. I already said this only happens if 360 drops to $100 or possibly if it drops to $150.

[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']Only problem with a possible slimmer than slim model is that the system may go into total meltdown mode if the case becomes any smaller. I keep my slim on a wooden table out in the open and after about 30-40 minutes of playtime the top of the case is very, very warm to the touch everywhere except by where the BR drive is.

The old fat model 40gb model I used to have was set up in the same way(on top of the same table) and it used to get hot on the bottom of the case.

So any slimmer of a case and I have a feeling that after a particularly intense gaming session you may be trying to mop up the case as it becomes molten.:cry:[/QUOTE]
Maybe they would design it a little better and if they get 32 nm CPU ready for fall, it will be even less hot. Remember they got the CPU down to 45 nm almost a year ago. The GPU didn't reach 40 nm until this past March so that's why I see that 9-10 months off.

[quote name='Paco']
Also keep in mind that Natal's rumored price is 150. You think they're going to sell it bundled with an arcade for 200? That's more Roffles then the waffles.[/QUOTE]

Natal's rumored price has been all over the place from 50-150. I see the lowest it being at $100. Thus I said low end 360 SKU with Natal bundled $200-$300. If both are $150 we get $300. If 360 is $100 & Natal is $150 we get $250. If 360 $150 & Natal $100 we get $250. Roffles is assuming Natal is $150 instead of using a range. If both $100 we get $200. Edit: Pachter's predictions they just posted today...

[quote name='elwood731']Nintendo was doubly smart. Not only did it price its system more reasonably, but it also sold it for a profit right from the start. Nintendo has never lost a dime on the Wii (except R&D). Meanwhile, Sony and MS have bled money.

That's the reason we're seeing this console cycle likely last longer, as both MS and Sony desperately need to recoup some of their lossses. I'm not sure what they'll do next gen, though taking longer this gen likely means they won't need to launch with bleeding edge tech next gen, thus reducing their costs. By the time they get around to launching, most anything will be more powerful than the 360 and PS3.[/QUOTE]

Nintendo was smart but they also took a gamble (with motion controls and low specs to get that low price) as big as Sony's gamble this gen imo. What is highly amusing is that Nintendo took a huge gamble and it paid off, Sony took a huge gamble and it paid off, and MS did not gamble and it paid off. Yes PS3 did not do very well, but it certainly did what they needed it to do. I definitely see PS4 being $299-$399. I think they'll use Bluray again or go DD. No inflated price due to new medium. And not too expensive since they won't be releasing until 2012 at the earliest.
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I would wait to see if this year goes for Black Friday and it would be sure to drop 100 bucks on the PS3's price as 99 bucks on the day.
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Either way, the previous slim models are going to be discounted, so still good news. The $100 reduction is not a mistake, the older models will be all reduced to $199 :)

Cheapestgamer, you're missing out the big point... The PS3 might not be profitable to Sony in terms of hardware cost, but the whole campaign of pushing Blu-ray out of the door has been a successful one. With that along, it's already more profitable than Nintendo's Wii console sales. DVDs are not going away anytime soon, that's because BD players can play them, so there's no need to phase them out. Unlike VHS tapes and DVDs when DVDs first introduced... The DVD players can't play the tapes (the dual VHS and dvd players were short lived).

When people realize that the BD discs are actually not much different from the DVD discs, they probably going for the higher end (provided that they have a BD player). Besides, the next gig is 3D TVs... BD is ready, PS3 is ready...
DVDs won't need to be phased out since they don't have HD content on them. As more people get HDTVs they're going to want Blu-ray players too (unless HD streaming takes over). I still am convinced that BD movies look better than the HD streaming. I can't imagine that 3D is really going to become the norm--unless you have awesome movies that people just have to watch them in 3D, and you have TV shows that play 3D or something, there is not going to be a rush to 3D. I know Sony's playing it up, but I hope they're hedging their bets, because I don't think 3D is going to be that big (even though I think it's awesome and I will buy a 3D TV when they become affordable).
[quote name='jh6269']I still am convinced that BD movies look better than the HD streaming.[/QUOTE]

I'll agree with you here. Actually, unconverted DVDs look better than HD streaming on Netflix. Blu-rays blow it out of the water.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']Thanks for explaining why the Wii still sells like hotcakes. While MS and Sony went the 'omg super ultra high def can't be beat' route this gen, Nintendo was actually smart and knew that people wouldn't wanna pay out the wazoo for a frickin' console.

Hopefully now that Sony(and MS) have seen this error this gen, they'll price their consoles next gen somewhere in the more reasonable range.:roll:[/QUOTE]

Error? I don't think so... The only issue that the PS3 had was that it wasn't developer friendly... and devs took along time to get the best out of the system. 600 dollars was high, but the price drops came as expected and the system started to sell. It wasn't the price that hurt them...imo. it was the lack of system selling software...(initially).
[quote name='Thomas96']Error? I don't think so... The only issue that the PS3 had was that it wasn't developer friendly... and devs took along time to get the best out of the system. 600 dollars was high, but the price drops came as expected and the system started to sell. It wasn't the price that hurt them...imo. it was the lack of system selling software...(initially).[/QUOTE]

No, the price definitely hurt them. If it would have been $400 (and like $250 or less for the base model) max for the top of the line one, they would have sold like mad. There are still tons of PS2 people that have not upgraded to PS3 (especially now that PS2 BC is gone), or got a 360 instead.

But you're right about the lack of games, however I think Sony was pacing themselves. They waited until the loss they took for selling each system was at a minimum to start rolling out all these awesome games. The last 2 years Sony has just been releasing awesome game right after awesome game.

Just in my game collection alone, there's only 1 or 2 games that I have that I don't really care for (and it's not that they're bad games, but just my personal opinion).
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