[ShinyLoot] 101 Days of Summer Daily Deals


Official Representative
Today our 101 Days of Summer Daily Deals has begun. For those interested in the mechanics of the sale:

  • Every day at midnight (CST) we will launch a new round of deals, up to 6 on Mon - Thu and up to 12 on Fri - Sun.
  • Prices will all be at, around, or below previous lows
  • This sale will run until September 7
  • Participating games will sometimes be repeated and sometimes not
I'll try to post updates here on which games are on sale, but I know I won't make it every day. With 24 hours to act it might be too late by the time you see it anyway, so I would suggest keeping an eye on the deal page.

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If anyone got Rogue's Tale from Shiny Loot in the past the Steam keys for it should be there now in your account. I got mine.

Check the top right of the thread. It'll say "Follow this topic", then click it.

But yes, if you post, generally it'll be enabled by default.
I've done that before but it never seems to work, neither does unfollowing.

I think you just like to randomly insert things.

I like you ShinyLoot rep, you acknowledge sunasun's madness and you're upfront about your own strangeness. PR-free reps are the best reps. :bouncy:

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Today, ShinyLoot has made some changes to how we approach Steamworks DRM. Traditionally a DRM-free and DRM-lite only store with occasional Steam/Desura keys, we are modifying that stance to allow Steamworks DRM. Unfortunately, limiting ourselves to DRM-free and DRM-lite only titles diminished our ability to meet our mission of helping gamers find new games. Our primary focus moving forward will be on continuing to enhance those game discovery and exploration tools. 

For most of you, all that probably matters is what we have on sale which is Europa Universalis IV, Crusader Kings 2, Supreme Commander, and Alan Wake for 75% off. You will find the full sales list here.

If you would like to discuss and read more of our thoughts behind this move, please see the relevant forum topic.

Think you could reach out to the Cognition dev and try to have a decent sale on the Cognition episodes? I'm only missing episode 4, so it'd be nice to complete the collection.. and I think you guys are the only site with steam keys for the separate episodes rather than season pass.

GamersGate has a 50% off sale on them but they're drm-free. 75% off would be nice.. but at this point I'd accept 50% off or better.

Think you could reach out to the Cognition dev and try to have a decent sale on the Cognition episodes? I'm only missing episode 4, so it'd be nice to complete the collection.. and I think you guys are the only site with steam keys for the separate episodes rather than season pass.

GamersGate has a 50% off sale on them but they're drm-free. 75% off would be nice.. but at this point I'd accept 50% off or better.

Think you could reach out to the Cognition dev and try to have a decent sale on the Cognition episodes? I'm only missing episode 4, so it'd be nice to complete the collection.. and I think you guys are the only site with steam keys for the separate episodes rather than season pass.

GamersGate has a 50% off sale on them but they're drm-free. 75% off would be nice.. but at this point I'd accept 50% off or better.
I can't guarantee anything, but I am in the process of planning out summer specials...

Through May 11, we are running the Patrick Scott Patterson Indie Bundle for $3.99. Separately priced at over $54, this bundle includes Dwarf Quest, Ring Runner, SpaceChem, 3 Stars of Destiny, Survivor Squad, and Residue altogether for 93% off. All titles are DRM-free/lite, 4 include a Steam key, and the other 2 will include a Steam key soon (they have already been Greenlit).

Through May 11, we are running the Patrick Scott Patterson Indie Bundle for $3.99. Separately priced at over $54, this bundle includes Dwarf Quest, Ring Runner, SpaceChem, 3 Stars of Destiny, Survivor Squad, and Residue altogether for 93% off. All titles are DRM-free/lite, 4 include a Steam key, and the other 2 will include a Steam key soon (they have already been Greenlit).
I still kinda regret skipping out on this bundle.

But anyways, ShinyLoot rep, Dark Scavenger released today, where's my Steam key (Groupees Shinyloot 2)? :p

y u no do Dollar Days promo for the Shiny Loot 4 bundle? It's selling rather poorly without it.
There's only 3 games in the higher tier and only one of them even gives a Steam key. Plus I think they're all repeats.

Eh, if the $1 lineup + bonuses doesn't sell it I don't think a Doorways Steam key, an Obludia Desura key and no key at all for Jack Keane is going to do it.

There's only 3 games in the higher tier and only one of them even gives a Steam key. Plus I think they're all repeats.

Eh, if the $1 lineup + bonuses doesn't sell it I don't think a Doorways Steam key, an Obludia Desura key and no key at all for Jack Keane is going to do it.
I'd buy it all for a dollar (if the tiers were merged), that's for sure. Obludia would get me to buy it (Steam keys if greenlit). I don't really care for Jack Keane, bought that during the recent Steam sale.

I agree that the tiers are kind of crappy, but I think they should've all been combined into the $1 tier to begin with.

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We appreciate the feedback on the Groupees bundle and will keep all of this in mind for future bundles.

Today our 101 Days of Summer Daily Deals has begun. For those interested in the mechanics of the sale:

  • Every day at midnight (CST) we will launch a new round of deals, up to 6 on Mon - Thu and up to 12 on Fri - Sun.
  • Prices will all be at, around, or below previous lows
  • This sale will run until September 7
  • Participating games will sometimes be repeated and sometimes not
I'll try to post updates here on which games are on sale, but I know I won't make it every day. With 24 hours to act it might be too late by the time you see it anyway, so I would suggest keeping an eye on the deal page.

Our 5/30 offerings include:

Alan Wake - 80% off

Alan Wake's Collectors Edition - 80% off

The Raven - 75% off

The Raven Deluxe - 75% off

Zigfrak - 75% off

Hinterland - 75% off

Grotesque Tactics - 80% off

Elliot Quest (beta) - 70% off

Really Big Sky - 75% off

Anodyne - 66% off

Nosferatu: The Wrath of Malachi - 64% off

Subject 9 - 75% off

The list for day 2:

Gothic Complete - 75% off

Heroes of a Broken Land - 66% off

FootLOL: Epic Fail League - 50% off

Power-Up - 67% off

The Lunar Pack: Lunnye Devitsy and Wake - 75% off

Way to Go! - 75% off

Beware Planet Earth! - 70% off

Realms of the Haunting - 64% off

DROD RPG: Tendry's Tale - 80% off

Knights & Merchants Complete - 75% off

Septerra Core - 75% off

OddPlanet - 75% off

101 Days of Summer Sale - Day 3

Dungeonland - 80% off

Desperados 2: Cooper's Revenge - 75% off

MX vs ATV Reflex - 75% off

Undead Legions - 70% off

Doom & Destiny - 70% off

Rooks Keep - 80% off

Stick It To The Man! - 67% off

Oknytt - 80% off

DROD: Journey to Rooted Hold - 80% off

Millennium - A New Hope - 80% off

The Book of Legends - 80% off

East India Company Gold - 75% off

Day 4.  97 to go.  Oh boy.

Major Mayhem - $1

X-Blades - $1.25

EU II - $2.50

Millennium 2 - $3

Dreamscape - $3

Spellforce 2 Gold - $3.75

All non-Steam. 

Day 6.  Thought I saw someone else here yesterday, but I may have been hallucinating.  Probably should stop eating these mushrooms.

Spectraball EXTENDED edition - $1.25 (steam)

Cargo: The Quest for Gravity - $1.75 (steam)

Pahelika: Secret Legends - $2.25

City: Sandbox - $2.50

Red Faction Armageddon - $5.00 (steam)

Spectromancer Complete - $9.98

Day 7.  My alarm clock may not be functioning properly.  Guess i'll have to find some new coconuts.

Hacker Evolution - $1.00 (steam)

Heli Heroes - $1.25

Laxius Force - $2.50

Ethan: Meteor Hunter - $2.50

Deadfall Adventures - $20.00 (steam)

Deadfall Adventures Digital Deluxe - $25.00 (steam)

Day 8.  The Quest for Coconuts was a marginal success.  I gained +2 constitution for collecting them but took a -4 hit to dexterity when I fell out of the tree.

Verlies - $0.70

Hacker Evolution Untold - $1.00 (steam)

Jagged Alliance 2: Wildfire - $1.25

Stonerid - $1.25

Painkiller Overdose - $1.25

Hostile Waters: Antaeus Rising - $1.50

Hacker Evolution Duality - $2.00 (steam)

Enclave Gold - $2.00

Painkiller Black - $2.50

Neighbours from Hell Compilation 0 $2.50

Eleusis - $3.75 (steam / desura)

Salvation Prophecy - $5.00

All games are DRM free except for occasions where I forget to mention what DRM they have.

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Day 9.  That rock has been giving me funny looks.  I think it is plotting against me, but i'm not worried.  Erosion will have the last laugh!

Little Trus Man - $1.00 (desura)

Flatspace - $1.50

GT Legends - $1.74 (steam)

Where Angles Cry - $1.74

Survivor Squad - $1.80 (steam / desura)

Grotesque Tactics 2 - $2.00 (steam / desura)

Ubinota - $2.00

Kaptain Brawe - $2.00 (steam)

1953 KGB Unleashed - $3.00

Goscurry - $3.00 (desura)

Supreme Commander - $3.75 (steam)

Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance - $3.75 (steam)

Goscurry looks nice, was greenlit a couple months ago.  Might bite on that one and spam the dev for a key when it gets steam'd.

Keep up the good work I doubt i'll buy anything any of these days but thanks for pointing out Goscurry. I wont specifically buy games on Shinyloot even if they're greenlit unless it specifically says the developer promises Steam Keys such as Caveman Craig 2.

Day 10.  Spent the evening whittling a chess set out of driftwood.  Won 3 games and lost 2, but i'm pretty sure I was cheating on those losses.  Too busy plotting my revenge to sleep.

Railroad Pioneer - $1.25

KnightShift - $1.25

Zombie Shooter - $1.25 (steam)

Hotel - $1.40

Hotel - Collector's Edition! $2.00

Wimp Who Stole My Pants - $1.50 (desura

Tales from the Dragon Mountain: The Strix! - $1.74

King Arthur II - $2.50 (steam)

SuperPower 2 - $2.50

Brink of Consciousness: The Lonely Hearts Murders: Collector's Edition - $4.00

Day 11.  Ate too many grapes.  Pretty sure I read somewhere that doing so was a bad idea, but I like to learn from my own mistakes.  I should be out of mistakes soon.

Plazma Being - $0.90 (desura)

Chaser - $1.24

GearGrinder - $1.25

Pahelika: Revelations - $2.25

NyxQuest - $2.50

Supreme Commander Gold - $5.00 (steam)

NyxQuest - $2.50
Why doesn't any store sell Steam keys for this? Everyone has DRM-free or DRM-lite versions of this. Bleh.

Not even friggin' Topware sells keys. And they sell keys for games they're not even legally allowed to sell!

Day 12.  Raining.  Being stuck on a deserted island without the stuff you always wanted to be stuck on a deserted island with really sucks.

Beach Volley Hot Sports - $1.40

Finding Teddy - $1.75

Gothic 2 Gold - $2.50

Farm For Your Life - $2.50

Darksiders II - $7.50 (steam)

Darksiders II Season Pass - $5.00 (steam)

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Day 13.   Built a shelter out of some sticks and grass.  Nice to be out of the sun and rain, but now i'm worried about wolf attacks.

Judge Dee: The City God Case - $1.75

Memento Mori - $1.75

The Omega Stone - $2.50

Silent Storm Gold - $2.50

Rooks Keep - $3.00 (already greenlit)

Flatspace II - $4.80

Day 14.  Found a volleyball floating near shore this morning.  I ignored it.  Those things make people go crazy.
Kilgazar - $1.00 (desura)
Bernie Needs Love - $1.00 (desura)
Krypton Egg - $1.25
Reversion Chapter 2: The Meeting - $1.50 (desura) ((chapter 1 is free))
Hotel Giant - $2.00
Dungeon Lords MMXII - $3.75

Day 15.  All work and no play make Jack a dull boy all work and no play make jack a dull boy all work and no play make jack a dull boy all work and no play make jack a dull boy all Work and no play make Jack an dull boy Al l work and no play make jAck a dull boy all work and no play make Jacke a dull buy all work and no play make Jack a dull boy All work and no play make Jack a dull boy all work and no play make Jack a dull boy all worj akd no play make Jack a dull boy all work and nop aly make Jack a dull boy all work and no play make Jack a dull boy all work and no play make Jack a dull boy all work and no play make jack a dull boy All work and no play Makc jakc a dull boy all work and no play make jack a dull boy All work and no play make Jack a dull boy All work and no play make Jack a dull boy All worka nd no play make Jack a dull boy All work snd no play make Gack a dull boy all work and no play make Jack a dull boy All work and no plas make jack a dull boy all work and no play make jack a dull boy all work and no play Make jack a dull boy all work and no play make Jack a d ull boy All bwork and no play make Jack a dull boy all work and no play make Jack a dull boy All work and no play make Jack a dull boy All work and no play make jack a dull buy.

Oh look!  It's Jack Keane 2 - $7.50

Knights & Merchants Complete - $1.25

Snake Blocks - $1.25

Gun Metal - $1.50

Space Salvager - $1.60

So Blonde - $1.75

Soul Bringer - $1.80

The Cat Lady - $2.00 (steam / desura)

City Sandbox - $2.50

Tales from the Dragon Mountain 2: The Lair - $5.00

Crusader Kings 2 - $9.99 (steam)

FaeVerse Alchemy - $15.00 (steam early acces)

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bread's done