Sikh temple attacked in Wisconsin

You guys are absolutely ****ing amazing. Seriously.

One thing to touch upon...

[quote name='IRHari']Ignore the racial history of 'black people = monkeys' but pay attention to the racial history of 'white knight'?[/QUOTE]

Not at all. But there's two sides to that.

With the "black people = monkeys" thing, the focus was 100% on that. It completely disregarded anything regarding the "politicians = monkeys" part of the equation AND, in general, makes no effort to take into account the history of the individual involved.

Meanwhile, with the "white knight = KKK leader", we're supposed to throw that out the window without even considering the history of the individual doing it (someone who turns just about every other thread into something race related, in particular, how whitey keeps everyone down) or the context in which it's used (in reply to someone saying "Hey, maybe you should wait to find out something about this guy before you go on a rant about racism because the he's white.")

And, of course, we've got folks - who like to pretend they're experts on racism and the history of Civil Rights - acting like the term "white knight" doesn't even have a significant meaning w/r/t the history of race relations. I mean, it's not like they weren't largest and most well known group of KKK members in history.

Maybe I just know about them because I'm white and all white people are racist. We subconsciously share our racist heritage whenever we look upon the white skin of one of our people.
[quote name='KtMack23']This definetily didn't occur in a vaccume, shit went down about 30 minutes from my house. I bought my 3DS at the GameStop in Oak Creek. Ive probably driven past this place. Scary stuff indeed.[/QUOTE]

We must live close to each other. I go to that GS all the time. I know exactly where that Temple is. My parents live in an apartment complex with many people who attend. It is really really sad.
[quote name='nasum']it all boils down to this; if you're from WI and you use all three names, you're gonna be causing trouble at some point in life.[/QUOTE]

Not sure if this is a joke but the shooter was not from WI. He is from CO and was living in NC before moving to WI to follow his white supremacist bitch who then broke up with him. He barely lived in WI before doing this.
[quote name='UncleBob']You guys are absolutely ****ing amazing. Seriously.

One thing to touch upon...

Not at all. But there's two sides to that.

With the "black people = monkeys" thing, the focus was 100% on that. It completely disregarded anything regarding the "politicians = monkeys" part of the equation AND, in general, makes no effort to take into account the history of the individual involved.

Meanwhile, with the "white knight = KKK leader", we're supposed to throw that out the window without even considering the history of the individual doing it (someone who turns just about every other thread into something race related, in particular, how whitey keeps everyone down) or the context in which it's used (in reply to someone saying "Hey, maybe you should wait to find out something about this guy before you go on a rant about racism because the he's white.")

And, of course, we've got folks - who like to pretend they're experts on racism and the history of Civil Rights - acting like the term "white knight" doesn't even have a significant meaning w/r/t the history of race relations. I mean, it's not like they weren't largest and most well known group of KKK members in history.

Maybe I just know about them because I'm white and all white people are racist. We subconsciously share our racist heritage whenever we look upon the white skin of one of our people.[/QUOTE]

Did you notice that DD used the word 'white knight' AND the word 'white knighting'? I don't know the racial history of the word 'white knighting', perhaps you could enlighten me.

You might have had a point if he had only used 'white knight'.
[quote name='UncleBob']You guys are absolutely ****ing amazing. Seriously.

One thing to touch upon...

Not at all. But there's two sides to that.

With the "black people = monkeys" thing, the focus was 100% on that. It completely disregarded anything regarding the "politicians = monkeys" part of the equation AND, in general, makes no effort to take into account the history of the individual involved.

Meanwhile, with the "white knight = KKK leader", we're supposed to throw that out the window without even considering the history of the individual doing it (someone who turns just about every other thread into something race related, in particular, how whitey keeps everyone down) or the context in which it's used (in reply to someone saying "Hey, maybe you should wait to find out something about this guy before you go on a rant about racism because the he's white.")

And, of course, we've got folks - who like to pretend they're experts on racism and the history of Civil Rights - acting like the term "white knight" doesn't even have a significant meaning w/r/t the history of race relations. I mean, it's not like they weren't largest and most well known group of KKK members in history.

Maybe I just know about them because I'm white and all white people are racist. We subconsciously share our racist heritage whenever we look upon the white skin of one of our people.[/QUOTE]

1) what do you mean when you use the term "dog whistle?"

2) please explain the historical context of the term "white knight" in race relatiions.
[quote name='Soodmeg']Every single thread starts out on topic then right after bob post it become about the use of language......Bob what do you do for a living....if you are not already a lawyer you should try it.[/QUOTE]

He works at Wal-Mart.
[quote name='mykevermin']1) what do you mean when you use the term "dog whistle?" [/quote]

I want everyone to pretend for a minute that the roles were reversed here and I kept asking Myke not to define a term that I use often, but, instead, describe what that term means to me.

2) please explain the historical context of the term "white knight" in race relatiions.
bob is a riddle, wrapped in an enigma, contained within a crossword puzzle, published in the back of The American Conservative.
so anyone heard this dudes music? I want to check it out. just for the fuck of it you know. would go to the bands myspace page but myspace is blocked here at work. only site still blocked.
[quote name='DurbanBrown']so anyone heard this dudes music? I want to check it out. just for the fuck of it you know. would go to the bands myspace page but myspace is blocked here at work. only site still blocked.[/QUOTE]
Judging from your posts in Vs, I highly doubt that it's "just for the fuck of it."
[quote name='UncleBob']I want everyone to pretend for a minute that the roles were reversed here and I kept asking Myke not to define a term that I use often, but, instead, describe what that term means to me.[/QUOTE]

I would have answered the question by now. I would have even used my own words, like a big boy wearing my big boy pants.

On that note:

[quote name='mykevermin']1) what do you mean when you use the term "dog whistle?"

2) please explain the historical context of the term "white knight" in race relatiions.[/QUOTE]

You've not even begun to answer the questions. Hem and haw all you must, I'm not dropping the matter until you answer it or leave the thread. Come on, I know you can do it! Use your words, Bob!

[quote name='DurbanBrown']so anyone heard this dudes music? I want to check it out. just for the fuck of it you know. would go to the bands myspace page but myspace is blocked here at work. only site still blocked.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I'll second DD on calling you out on the "just for the fuck of it" note - you're a Texas hee-haw who has made numerous questionably racial posts in the past, has an avatar featuring Diamond Darrell playing a confederate battle flag (heritage, not hate, amirite? derp.) guitar - so, yeah. Your "just for the fuck of it" is about as convincing as 13 year olds who grab the Playboys at bookstores to "read the articles."

But I digress. I'll listen to RAC/white power music from time to time. Every now and then I'll dredge up some Skrewdriver or Midtown Bootboys or something of that ilk. I like Oi! and its derivatives, I'm not going to get into any of that "oh, I only like non-racist Skrewdriver" drivel, because nobody ever really believes that anyway. But, point being, I haven't heard End Apathy, but I'm sure it's paint by numbers, three chord, four line, chorus, repeat, wanking guitar solo nonsense. There really aren't any unique or groundbreaking RAC/White Power bands or songs. If you're heard any of that stuff before (and I know you have), it's all the same.

Which reminds me (spoilered for bigness):

Why is it that White Power dudes always look like the people who I'd be least proud to be ethnically associated with? Buncha chik-fil-a eatin' motherfuckers is what they look like.
I can't stop laughing at that picture, dude looks so out of place between the other two. Two skinheads with tattoos, and one fat guy in a t-shirt and hat. Like he just ran up to get in the picture.
holy shit, now IM a racist. WTF

edit: BTW yea I put "for the fuck of it" cause its not like i expect it to be good. and its not like im a fan of the "white power" music scene. just wanted to hear it. and def not because im from texas and obv a racist? yall need to get high and relax a bit man.... seriously
[quote name='cancerman1120']We must live close to each other. I go to that GS all the time. I know exactly where that Temple is. My parents live in an apartment complex with many people who attend. It is really really sad.[/QUOTE]

I'm from Racine, where you at?
[quote name='KtMack23']I'm from Racine, where you at?[/QUOTE]

I live in Caledonia. Near that crap Kmart on 32. We must both frequent the Regency Mall GameStops and Best Buy.
[quote name='mykevermin']I would have answered the question by now.[/quote]


Like the many, many times you've accused me of saying something, I've asked you where I said such a thing, then you never, ever give an answer and, instead, throw insults around and crown yourself king of the thread?

You've not even begun to answer the questions. Hem and haw all you must, I'm not dropping the matter until you answer it or leave the thread. Come on, I know you can do it! Use your words, Bob!

You can keep asking.

Dog whistle politics: If we're talking about poverty and poverty stricken-inner cities and someone says "Man, They're just being ghetto thugs and welfare queens like usual.", I assume you'd be okay with that, right?

White knight and racism: Myke - are you seriously trying to say that you honestly don't understand the connection between someone who is a "white knight" and the Ku Klux Klan? I honestly don't think you're that stupid. Prove me wrong.
I want you to show some evidence that there is a racial historical context at all to the use of the term "white knight." You haven't done that because you can't do that. You're committing the fallacy of begging the question, my friend.

You're also not answering the question about "dog whistles" by merely citing an example. I still want you to actually answer that question, too.

You're at bat, and you're on at least strike 5. I'm going to keep pitching, but I want you to at least *swing* at something for a change.
I get the distinct feeling that if I ever spoke to bob in person I'd end up driving my head through the nearest wall.
[quote name='mykevermin']I want you to show some evidence that there is a racial historical context at all to the use of the term "white knight." You haven't done that because you can't do that. You're committing the fallacy of begging the question, my friend.

You're also not answering the question about "dog whistles" by merely citing an example. I still want you to actually answer that question, too.

You're at bat, and you're on at least strike 5. I'm going to keep pitching, but I want you to at least *swing* at something for a change.[/QUOTE]

Again, keep asking. You only get to continue showing how two-faced you are when it comes to issues that you don't agree with. It's fine with me.

[quote name='Clak']I get the distinct feeling that if I ever spoke to bob in person I'd end up driving my head through the nearest wall.[/QUOTE]

Please, don't let the distance between us stop you. Just find a stud first.
[quote name='UncleBob']Again, keep asking. You only get to continue showing how two-faced you are when it comes to issues that you don't agree with. It's fine with me.[/QUOTE]

1) what do you mean when you use the term "dog whistle?"

2) please explain the historical context of the term "white knight" in race relatiions.

3) how is your refusal to answer very simple questions exposing anything about me?
You do realize that they called themselves White Knights because, at least in their minds, they were noble heroes trying to stand up for the white race? Which is what "white knight" historically means, as we've already covered.
[quote name='UncleBob'].[/QUOTE]

Use your words, Bob.

And I mean that in precisely the way a parent asks their three year old to use their words.


Well, at least I have solace in the fact that I can think for myself, and don't let google answer all my questions for me.
Curious - the original of the word "thug" - a word some folks often consider to be a anti-black racist code word - originates from an Indian (not Native American) word for a cult who would pretend to befriend travelers and kill/rob them. As such, using the logic in this thread, we can throw out any "recent" historical context for the word "thug" and henceforth only refer back to the original meaning of the term.

[quote name='Clak']You do realize that they called themselves White Knights because, at least in their minds, they were noble heroes trying to stand up for the white race? Which is what "white knight" historically means, as we've already covered.[/QUOTE]
A "white knight", historically, means someone standing up for the white race?

[quote name='mykevermin']Well, at least I have solace in the fact that I can think for myself, and don't let google answer all my questions for me.[/QUOTE]

No, instead you demand that others answer your questions for you. Which is sad when you know **** good and well that you already know the answers and you're just playing stupid because the answers don't fit with your narrow view of the world.
[quote name='UncleBob']No, instead you demand that others answer your questions for you. Which is sad when you know **** good and well that you already know the answers and you're just playing stupid because the answers don't fit with your narrow view of the world.[/QUOTE]

When someone doesn't use a term properly, I don't know the answer. You claim "white knight" is a dog whistle, when the very concept of a dog whistle is that it must be able to be heard by a select few, and remain silent to others (or at least plausibly deniable). That's why people say "thug" when they mean "ni**er" in this day and age. You know what they are really saying, I know what they are really saying, and they know what they are really saying. It has a shared meaning.

A term lacking in shared meaning can not meet the definition of a "dog whistle." I can't say "Dr. Thunder" is a dog whistle term for a Wal-Mart dumbfuck, because it's (aside from being not very subtle in its allusion) no common meaning. I'd have to overtly explain what I meant too many times for it to be effective - therefore, it can not be a dog whistle.

Which brings me to "white knight." It is not a dog whistle because it has no common shared history, as a term standing on its own, in American race relations. It has a shared meaning elsewhere (referring to someone who nobly, and perhaps pretentiously, defends others against 'attackers' of some sort) - a far more common meaning that has no bearing on race relations.

Secondly, you didn't actually see what your google results for "white knight racism" displayed. There's nothing in those results that do anything to support the claim that there is any historical context to the use of the term "white knight" as a racially loaded term - not a single, fucking, thing. Quite a few contrary examples, someone names "White Knight" who was a member of the Klan in the 19th century, and a forum thread about racism in online players of the game White Knight Chronicles (hey!) - but not a bloody thing to support your point.

Lacking in support there, and needing to explain how it is a dog whistle - that refutes the very idea that it's a dog whistle. It shows you to be a petulant brat who insists that their claims be taken at face value. Shoot first, provide evidence of wrongdoing later (also, find evidence later, then maybe provide it). But most importantly, shoot first.

That's why I asked. Because your use of the term "dog whistle" bears little similarity to how the world uses that term, other than to imply a subtle meaning. Your claim that the term "white knight" has historical context falls flat on the surface.

That's why I asked you to answer those questions - and likely why you went the cunty route of simply posting google search pages as "answers" to be accepted at face value and with no further inspection or critique - because I knew that you had nothing to back those claims up with.

You've shown yourself, again, to be nothing less than a complete and utter charlatan and a fraud.

But you have managed to get us well off track by acting the role of shithead, so perhaps you've accomplished your troll goal there. Good show, prat.
[quote name='mykevermin'][...]when the very concept of a dog whistle is that it must be able to be heard by a select few, and remain silent to others (or at least plausibly deniable). That's why people say "thug" when they mean "ni**er" in this day and age. You know what they are really saying, I know what they are really saying, and they know what they are really saying. It has a shared meaning.[/quote]

Wait, wait, wait. First, the "dog whistle" has to be silent to others. Then, you go on to talk about the word "thug" and explain how we all know what they mean when they say it.

And the "plausibly deniable" part? Interesting. Is that something like trying to deny the more recent use of the word or phrase and trying to pretend that you meant it in the more historical context?

Secondly, you didn't actually see what your google results for "white knight racism" displayed. There's nothing in those results that do anything to support the claim that there is any historical context to the use of the term "white knight" as a racially loaded term - not a single, fucking, thing. Quite a few contrary examples, someone names "White Knight" who was a member of the Klan in the 19th century, and a forum thread about racism in online players of the game White Knight Chronicles (hey!) - but not a bloody thing to support your point.

Dunno what Google results you're getting:



By the way - I clicked into the Wikipedia article because I initially gave you and DD the benefit of the doubt that you were honestly unaware of the use of the term in relation to the KKK and I was literally astounded by the idea. I figured, maybe, the whole thing had been over exaggerated in my mind - so I wanted to get a quick check to see that it did fit my understanding of the group.
Only on CAG where the term white knight is considered racist. Also like how instead of searching just "white knight" on Google which would have yielded different results had he tried it (and thus showing the definition of what DD meant in the first place), he decided to throw in racism along with it which would of course give him the results he was looking for :roll:.
I never claimed "white knight" is racist. Please make sure you're reading the thread before commenting.

Also, yes, when discussing a term in reference to a concept, it's not uncommon to search for them both at once. Thus, when discussing the history of the term "white knight" in relation to racism, (which, again, is what DD immediately make this thread about*), doing a search for "white knight racism" is pretty reasonable.

*Funny - certain folks on here give me a hard time about going off topic, yet, supposedly, DD's use of the term was completely unrelated to the topic he brought up in the first place and I'm just supposed to accept that.

But to your claim - if I Google "Calling a spade a spade", nothing on the first page comes up regarding race. But when anyone says "calling a spade a spade" in reference to something Obama has done, said or suggested, the cries of racism start almost immediately.

Likewise, Googling "Drawing politicians as monkeys" brings nothing up about racism either.

Per your test (having to add "racism" in order to make a point), I guess both of these things have nothing to do with race and those who cry about it shouldn't do so?

As DD himself would say "Context is important". In a thread that was immediately turned into a topic about racism, coming from a man who constantly makes backhanded attacks and aimed at someone he claims is racist, the context says a lot.

You know what the most amazing part about all this is? I ignored the comment when DD made it. Didn't even mention it for awhile to see if anyone to call him out on it. I finally mentioned it - as a side note... not even a full sentence of its own.

Then, the same clowns as usual came in and harped on this one partial sentence I made. For multiple posts. Repeatedly. Demanding that I defend myself.

Then the clowns get mad because I do. They complain about how I'm thrown another thread off course.
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I call people "racists fucks" ALL THE TIME and you think that this one time, I'm using a dog whistle about it? Hell, I even go out of my way to call people that. I guess you got that "victim mentality" thing going on for you huh?:rofl:
[quote name='mykevermin']:rofl:

You're out of your goddamned mind.[/QUOTE]

Quote, please?

To make negative remarks about the KKK isn't being racist. Trying to tie someone to the KKK (directly or backhandedly) isn't being racist.

The KKK isn't a race. It's a hate group. You can hate on a hate group all you want and it's not racism.
[quote name='mykevermin']:rofl:

You're out of your goddamned mind.[/QUOTE]

Is pathological lying a sign of a mental disorder?
[quote name='Msut77']Is pathological lying a sign of a mental disorder?[/QUOTE]
Antisocial/Narcissistic personality disorder. I've been saying APD for a while.
I just wish you dipshits would put this Wal-mart working, mentally ill head case on ignore and stop jacking him off by indulging his attention whoring and helping him pull threads off topic in these kind of pointless arguments.
[quote name='mykevermin'].[/QUOTE]

So much for your supposed "big boy pants", eh?

[quote name='dmaul1114'][...]helping him pull threads off topic in these kind of pointless arguments.[/QUOTE]


[quote name='UncleBob']
You know what the most amazing part about all this is? I ignored the comment when DD made it. Didn't even mention it for awhile to see if anyone to call him out on it. I finally mentioned it - as a side note... not even a full sentence of its own.

Then, the same clowns as usual came in and harped on this one partial sentence I made. For multiple posts. Repeatedly. Demanding that I defend myself.

Then the clowns get mad because I do. They complain about how I'm thrown another thread off course.[/QUOTE]
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[quote name='dmaul1114']I just wish you dipshits would put this Wal-mart working, mentally ill head case on ignore and stop jacking him off by indulging his attention whoring and helping him pull threads off topic in these kind of pointless arguments.[/QUOTE]

does he really work at walmart?
[quote name='UncleBob']So much for your supposed "big boy pants", eh?


I figured you'd end up crying if you had your own tactics used on you.

Just not so quickly.
lol. I assure you, I'm not crying. It's laughingly pathetic though... but not quite funny enough to make me laugh until I cry.
[quote name='cancerman1120']I live in Caledonia. Near that crap Kmart on 32. We must both frequent the Regency Mall GameStops and Best Buy.[/QUOTE]

Yes I am in both those locations on an almost daily basis lol. I know most of the employees at those stores (plus the other GameStop in town) on a first name basis
bread's done