Sins of a Solar Empire - $19.99 at Target (B&M only, Temporary Price Cut)


8 (100%)
I know a lot of people have been waiting for it to hit the under $20 barrier, as I have. Was in there this week and noticed that they had a temporary price cut for the game, unfortunately I don't know how long the price cut will last but I'm guessing till Saturday like normal ad sale prices.
Great game. I highly recommend anyone who thought about getting it, to buy it at that price.
I thought the $40 I paid for it was well worth it. My only gripe is there is no story/campaign mode. It's really only skirmish. But still an amazing game.
It's been $19.88 at my Walmart for a couple weeks now, but I guess that would be YMMV since they want $40 online.
[quote name='Alkaline']It's been $19.88 at my Walmart for a couple weeks now, but I guess that would be YMMV since they want $40 online.[/quote]
I picked this up at Target this week, but was coming here to say the same thing.

Just an hour after buying it at Target, I saw it for about the same price at Walmart, and it appears to be their everyday price.
Hmm, I used a $30 GC at BB on this game a few days ago, is it worth the $5 in gas to get $10 back?

Probably not.
[quote name='Alkaline']It's been $19.88 at my Walmart for a couple weeks now, but I guess that would be YMMV since they want $40 online.[/quote]

my Walmart has the same price.
Sins of a Solar Empire is the best 4x strategy game imo
well worth the full price i paid for it
then again, i'm a space rts junkie
y'all should definitely pick it up for 20 bucks if you been waiting
[quote name='ITDEFX']how are the graphics on this thing? DirectX 10?[/quote]Stardock games are typically scaled so that anyone who wants to play can do so without needing a bruiser rig. (Think WoW vs. Crysis.)

From the FAQ:

Q. What are the hardware requirements?
A. The Iron Engine takes advantage of the latest machines and scales to support older hardware as well.
Minimum Requirements:

  • Windows XP SP2 / Windows Vista
  • 1.8 GHz Single-Core Processor
  • 512 MB RAM (1 GB for Windows Vista)
  • 128 MB DirectX 9 3D Video Card (Radeon 9600 / GeForce FX 6600 and above)
  • DirectX 9.0c Compatible Sound Card
  • DVD-ROM Drive
  • 3 GB Hard Drive Space
  • Keyboard and Mouse
  • DirectX 9.0c
Recommended Requirements:
  • 2.2 GHz Dual- or Quad-Core Processor
  • 1 GB RAM (2 GB for Windows Vista)
  • 256 MB DirectX 9 3D Video Card (Radeon X1600 / GeForce 7600 and above)
Basically, a 4-5 year old PC should be able to run it and a 3-years-or-newer rig will run it very well.

I "obtained" a copy of this when it came out and couldn't get my head around the gameplay. (RTSes aren't my bag.) A friend bought it and thought it was cool. If you're down with these sorts of games, this is a good deal.
FANTASTIC game and very addicting. you'll be up all night just trying to colonize "one more planet." graphics are awesome, especially when you zoom into a battle of epic proportions including 3 capital ships, 50 frigates, 25 cruisers and over 100 strike craft. BUY THIS NOW.
I've always been hesitant on purchasing this because I thought it would be kinda complicated and time consuming when trying to learn and pick up the game. I know it sounds bad, but these type of games I kind of dread starting. I just want to be able to jump in and not have to invest hours to get to where the going gets good. That and I've still got Baldur's Gate I/II, Galactic Civ and Alpha Centauri on the backlog list.

But even though I haven't played a Stardock game yet, I like their philosophy toward gaming and Sins seems pretty cool so I decided to try it out (it's also nice to support a company like this).
You shouldn't have to feel like you "dread" playing this game. It's best to play it when you are in the mood to, just like any other game. I feel like some people here on CAG make a job out of playing games...
[quote name='silent h3ro']


Holy CRAP, that "7 Deadly Sins" mod sounds AWESOME!--

7 DEADLY SINS is the ultimate original content and combo mod for the award winning PC game Sins of a Solar Empire. With over 30,000 downloads, it is also once of the most popular and most supported. Developed by DANMAN (DANMAN3712) and the 7DS Mod Team, 7 Deadly Sins is all about offering more for your gaming buck. With 7DS, you get new planets, 11 races, new weapon effects, new planet and galaxy textures, new stars, a black hole, and a space graveyard. Each race is unique, with its own stlye of play, including new weapons, ships, research, and a brand new ship class, the TITAN. Races feature the original 3, plus 3 variants, the Rogue who are a class of playable pirates, the Arilou, green UFO guys from the Star Control series, the Kor-Ah, a race bent on exterminating all likfe in the universe, also from the Star Control series, plus the Empire, from Star Wars, and the Atlantians, the race of ancestors. You are urged to download and try out 7 DEADLY SINS, you will be glad you did.

Anyone try it?

So this game is even better than Civ 4? If so I've got to get it, and less than $20 is, well, stellar!....
'Dread' is maybe too strong of a word. But I get like that when I start RPGs and SRPGs. I know I'll enjoy the game, it's just investing the time into learning a new system/characters/etc. can be a little slow moving at first.
[quote name='rperez1025']'Dread' is maybe too strong of a word. But I get like that when I start RPGs and SRPGs. I know I'll enjoy the game, it's just investing the time into learning a new system/characters/etc. can be a little slow moving at first.[/QUOTE]

I think I know how you feel.

I'll probably miss out on this, but I so need this and Galactic Civilizations 2. Soooo many critics were raving about this for so long this past year.
I wonder if this game will play on my laptop with integrated graphics, Intel X3100? I'm looking for a PC game for my laptop to pass time every now and then....
Picked up the last copy at the Kent, Washington Target since I was in the area- got it for a B-day present for my bro so we could play multi.
Thanks for the info OP. I've been wanting to pick this game up for a bit since it has so much positive buzz around it. I'll try to pick it up next week when I go to target
[quote name='zionoverfire']I picked one up, the strategy is solid but the total lack of a campaign mode is a bit disappointing. Still excellent game for $20, thanks OP![/quote] I read on Stardock that the developers are going to add a campaign in their upcoming mini expansion.
Yeah, I've heard that too. And it sounds like it's actually a really strong single player game too. Which sounds weird, given that it doesn't have a story per se (without the upcoming expansion) but it sounds like it's really good single or multiplayer anyway, as I understand it.

(Personally I don't care about multiplayer, and will PROBABLY never get a chance to play this multiplayer.)
I picked this up today. It was marked 39.99 on the price tag but when I scanned it at the price checker it was 29.99 reg, on sale for 19.99. Got the last copy in my store.
Is there co-op for this game? Like, could I play a game with a couple friends? Of course, I'm dreading this game too... heh, it's too easy to spend hours and hours on a civilization style game! Will do some research...
[quote name='GAMERMASTERMAN']Great game... My only gripe is there is no story/campaign mode. It's really only skirmish. But still an amazing game.[/QUOTE]

That's a shame. I am not a PC gamer, but the name of this game has always intrigued me. With such a cool title, I have always imagined it having an epic story.
[quote name='Shinjiru']That's a shame. I am not a PC gamer, but the name of this game has always intrigued me. With such a cool title, I have always imagined it having an epic story.[/QUOTE]
Even though it doesn't have a detailed story, it still feels very epic to me. It has a good 'space is fucking huge' atmosphere to it. I also like the music a lot.

And yes I recommend this game to anybody who is interested. Although there is no campaign, the games can last a REALLY long time if you play on large maps (maybe 3 hours for tiny maps to maybe 30-40 for huge maps), so it sort of reminds me of the Total War series in that way.
I forgot to say-I actually managed to snag a copy! I *never* get any deals at Target. This might be my first. I think there was one other copy left (and the price was mislabeled of course). In a way it's probably good for us that it was mislabeled :D
The price went back to $30 at the Colma Target. It was at $20 couple days ago, but it doesn't really matter, since the Target didn't have them in anyway.
This is absolutely fantastic to play with friends or by yourself, but the online multiplayer community is small because online games take 1-2 hours to finish.
bread's done