Skylanders - Toys brought to life, Cross-platform Connectivity *Giants Out Now*

[quote name='JaylisJayP']The new 3-pack is $49 right now with shipping at it's cheapest on Amazon, where I have credit. If it gets down $10 more I'll probably bite, hopefully sell off the Cynder (already have) for $12 and only pay a 3 dollar markup on zook and lightning rod, unless I can find them at retail between now and then.[/QUOTE]
When that pack was showing up on Amazon but wouldn't let me check out, it was saying "in stock March 30th". You may want to wait and see before fueling the reseller market
[quote name='shadowkast']When that pack was showing up on Amazon but wouldn't let me check out, it was saying "in stock March 30th". You may want to wait and see before fueling the reseller market[/QUOTE]

I am going to wait, at least a few more weeks. I've given up finding them at B&M, though. And I'm not interested in camping out anywhere waiting for them.
These still aren't in stock around here, I haven't seen a display or anything, just empty shelves. Either everyone is buying them up or shipments are scarce, I am leaning towards the latter, they probably haven't restocked these in months. I shop enough so that I would have seen at least the worst figures once or twice since Xmas but nothing. My local stores are terrible for getting things in after things sell out, good thing I have online shopping, if I had to live off the stores in my area I may as well quit gaming.
[quote name='ZForce915']I've played through Skylanders on the 360, my daughter and I had a blast. I just got a 3DS today and I can get the game/portal for less than $15 but I'm wondering if I really need to play it on multiple systems. Anyone want to give a compelling reason to do that?[/QUOTE]

Ill sell this to you for 15 shipped if your looking for it. I had it on sale on ebay but i had a deadbeat buyer that didnt pay. Its just the 3ds set without the figures.
[quote name='defpally']Yes, I agree, initially. It drives excitement and interest. People stop and say, hey what's the fuss about? People say, hey maybe I'll give it a shot. That's what happened with Wii (although the whole get up bowl thing in Wii Sports really drove a lot of sales too, I know my mom that doesn't really care for video games suddenly had an interest when I showed her how it worked).

However, at a certain point the word is out, the interest peaks. I would hazard to say that is the tricky point for a company to figure out. Until recently, every store had zero figures and overflowing shelves of the starter pack. That means that interest is peaking on new players, and the demand lies with people that already know about Skylanders and have it. You want the buzz. But, there is a thin line where people will simply say "screw this". When that happens, nothing will bring them back.[/QUOTE]

Good point. Also, there is the issue of loss of interest. As kids and other players find it hard to obtain new figures and adventure packs, some may move onto other games, with the intention of returning to Skylanders once they can get other figures. The only draw back of course is, once they move on to another game, they may lose all interest in Skylanders. At some point supply and demand will hit a saturation point and there will be shelves full of figures and prices dropping. From experience, my daughter has almost all of the figures, adventure packs and accessories, but not playing at all. She has beat the game a number of times, has some figures still not used and packaged. Spyro games are her favorite but even she has lost some interest in Skylanders. This is good for me, as there is no hurry in getting any new ones. Although Skylanders Giants might spark up her interest. Like anything, the immediate craze is exciting, but it will pass and there will be plenty for all. In the end, shortages can cause a loss in customers. Potential new customers could be turned off and not purchase the starter packs, knowing that either they can't get additional figures or have to pay above retail for them.
[quote name='deantjeep']Good point. Also, there is the issue of loss of interest. As kids and other players find it hard to obtain new figures and adventure packs, some may move onto other games, with the intention of returning to Skylanders once they can get other figures. The only draw back of course is, once they move on to another game, they may lose all interest in Skylanders. At some point supply and demand will hit a saturation point and there will be shelves full of figures and prices dropping. From experience, my daughter has almost all of the figures, adventure packs and accessories, but not playing at all. She has beat the game a number of times, has some figures still not used and packaged. Spyro games are her favorite but even she has lost some interest in Skylanders. This is good for me, as there is no hurry in getting any new ones. Although Skylanders Giants might spark up her interest. Like anything, the immediate craze is exciting, but it will pass and there will be plenty for all. In the end, shortages can cause a loss in customers. Potential new customers could be turned off and not purchase the starter packs, knowing that either they can't get additional figures or have to pay above retail for them.[/QUOTE]

Yea im noticing my cousin who plays is asking me what else is there to do i beat the game 3 times already? Im very surprised there is not online play for this because that would definitely up the replay value a bit
[quote name='anthonyd46']Yea im noticing my cousin who plays is asking me what else is there to do i beat the game 3 times already? Im very surprised there is not online play for this because that would definitely up the replay value a bit[/QUOTE]

Real DLC would have been nice.
[quote name='Corvin']Real DLC would have been nice.[/QUOTE]

Skylanders Giants is their answer to DLC. A new game upgrade, but you have to buy more figures. From a collectors perspective or as a kid, figure collecting is half the fun. More fun than downloading DLC. Remember the basis for this game is to have toys that come to life...
[quote name='deantjeep']Skylanders Giants is their answer to DLC. A new game upgrade, but you have to buy more figures. From a collectors perspective or as a kid, figure collecting is half the fun. More fun than downloading DLC. Remember the basis for this game is to have toys that come to life...[/QUOTE]

true but when the toy does the same thing over and over and the only thing that unlocks new levels in the game is what 4-5 adventure packs? It gets repetitive i guess.
[quote name='anthonyd46']true but when the toy does the same thing over and over and the only thing that unlocks new levels in the game is what 4-5 adventure packs? It gets repetitive i guess.[/QUOTE]

I suppose that is why some are losing interest in the game itself, the repetitive nature of the game and sometimes minor variations between the characters. Where this game is shining right now is the collectability of the figures. How many are more collectors than players in this market? I would imagine there are a lot of figures sitting on home shelves on display, still neatly packaged. The figures are of high quality and nicely packaged, so toy collectors are feeding on them. And collectors are drawn to large series, multiple figures and collectable variants. Collectors like to amass large collections, its the nature of collecting stuff. For some it is the chase that makes it fun. Doesn't it just light up your face when you go to a store and find a bunch of figures hanging there and you see a few you need for your or your kids collection? Ah, the rush!!!
[quote name='anthonyd46']true but when the toy does the same thing over and over and the only thing that unlocks new levels in the game is what 4-5 adventure packs? It gets repetitive i guess.[/QUOTE]

I've found the console version to have a lot of replayability in the levels, at least with two players. For single player you have the challenge levels, which aren't pretty tough. For two players you also have the arenas, which is actually a great deal of fun, particularly with a group of people.

Also, even once you level up a figure, you can reset them and take the other upgrade path, which tends to significantly change the way they play.
[quote name='deantjeep']Skylanders Giants is their answer to DLC. A new game upgrade, but you have to buy more figures. From a collectors perspective or as a kid, figure collecting is half the fun. More fun than downloading DLC. Remember the basis for this game is to have toys that come to life...[/QUOTE]

The classic Guitar Hero model. New game every year & half-assed DLC until a competitor comes along and does it right and waits for Activision to run the concept in the ground. ;)
[quote name='Corvin']The classic Guitar Hero model. New game every year & half-assed DLC until a competitor comes along and does it right and waits for Activision to run the concept in the ground. ;)[/QUOTE]

Ah, but Guitar Hero did not have any collectability as the Skylanders toys. So, you had a single group, be it a huge group, into Guitar Hero (players), while Skylanders has players and another group (the collectors). And collecting seems to be a very big part of Skylanders right now. Also, Skylander figures can be moved to any platform with all upgrades intact. That is something you couldn't do with Guitar Hero. At some point it will all come to an end, and will be replaced by the next big thing. Now what could that be?
[quote name='Corvin']The classic Guitar Hero model. New game every year & half-assed DLC until a competitor comes along and does it right and waits for Activision to run the concept in the ground. ;)[/QUOTE]

I don't think it will be the games that run it into the ground, it will be the figures. Right now there is a finite set, and they will be adding some more new ones including giants in the fall. That's cool.

What they have up their sleeves, however, is not. They have already shown that they are going to release new versions of the same characters. And not the rare collectible painted ones. Blue Bash is the first. Then comes the Lightforce ones (I have to admit Prism Break with light up crystals is very cool). After that we have the same ones in new poses, they have already shown a new Zook, with him leaning against his bazooka.

I know we already have Dark Spyro and the Legendary ones (with slightly different stats), but can you imagine if they expand Legendary to ALL of them? Then new poses too? Then Lightforce too? How about Dark versions of them ALL? Then Blue, Purple, Red, etc. crystal versions too? How far will they go with this?

I have personally drawn the line at Blue Bash, I won't be lining up for one of them for our collection. The original 37 is my limit for the first game, and we already have two Bash. I'm considering getting one for the kid down the street for his birthday that is good friend with my son and his parents are good friends with us so he can have a "special" one none of the other kids have. Some of the older kids in the neighborhood give him a hard time, and also he doesn't have a whole lot of them. But only if I happen to see it on the shelf.
[quote name='defpally']and we already have two Bash. [/QUOTE]

I'm still really confused at this myself. Why do we need 3 versions of Bash? Why not pick a different character to give the blue treatment.
[quote name='Corvin']I'm still really confused at this myself. Why do we need 3 versions of Bash? Why not pick a different character to give the blue treatment.[/QUOTE]

As I understand, they had a poll on Facebook. Bash won.
Hi guys, this might have been mentioned a few pages back but I don't follow Skylanders much.

Anyways, we were told not to put out the Skylanders displays til Sunday. So if for any reason you don't see them at your Wal-Mart, wait till Sunday and go in just before lunch time. We have a rep from Mosaic (spelling?) that is paid by Wal-Mart to help with releases of new games/game inventory and they basically told us to pull them to the back and release it on a Sunday.

I haven't been drawn to this because the figures are hard to find around here, and eventually they will be everywhere and should be cheaper than retail second hand after people lose interest in the game. If I were to find a decent sized package of skylanders stuff at a yard sale for a reasonable price then I would probably be willing to get into the game. The game will still exist after the initial craze and I can get it then when the stuff is cheaper.
[quote name='defpally']As I understand, they had a poll on Facebook. Bash won.[/QUOTE]

I'd imagine the main reason Bash won is because he can do the highest amount of damage in a single hit. Lame because it's Charizard card all over again.
Anybody interested in trading their stealth elf for my legendary chop chop? I still have the sticker, card, and online code for him as well.
Got my Dragon Peak in the mail today from Toys R Us and then stopped by my walmart tonight and got Lighting Rod, Zook and Ignitor...good day lol
[quote name='defpally']As I understand, they had a poll on Facebook. Bash won.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Corvin']People are stupid. :lol:[/QUOTE]

Now I know why I don't use Facebook.
[quote name='Monsta Mack']Hi guys, this might have been mentioned a few pages back but I don't follow Skylanders much.

Anyways, we were told not to put out the Skylanders displays til Sunday. So if for any reason you don't see them at your Wal-Mart, wait till Sunday and go in just before lunch time. We have a rep from Mosaic (spelling?) that is paid by Wal-Mart to help with releases of new games/game inventory and they basically told us to pull them to the back and release it on a Sunday.


Are the stores supposed to be holding back stock for this as well? I have literally seen the exact same assortment in Corvin's pic a couple pages back at multiple Wal-Marts, minus the display and the Wave 4 figures. I just assumed that someone else got there before I did and picked out all the newer ones.
The Facebook poll simply offered the choices of Red, Blue or Green. The character was picked by whomever is running the page or Activision or such.
I have literally stopped by Target and Wal-mart everyday this week on my way home from work in an attempt to find Lightning Rod and Zook. I have seen more Skylanders this week then anytime since Thanksgiving and if I was just starting to collect these things I'd be thrilled as I have seen literally every single character released so far except Prism Break and Voodood. In fact I've seen every single triple pack and adventure pack this week except for the new one and the Prism Break/Boomer/Voodood one it has been absolutely amazing. Since I have today off and don't have a TRU super close to me I decided to go there at opening today. They were stocked! Basically everything I mentioned above in both singles and three packs. The only things missing were Legendary figures the Prism Break triple and the Zap triple. Sadly though, no fucking Lightning Rod or Zook. Thankfully I got a Blue Bash, which I have no interest in, but am hoping to use as a trade down the line, and I had the thought to check the figures for specials and found a Gold Chop Chop, so even though an entire week goes by and I make more trips through department stores then basically ever at least I didn't come up completely empty handed.

Good Luck to all of you out there it looks like the hunt is getting much easier but the newest stuff will continue to be elusive.
I swung by Wal-Mart on the way to work and found the kiosk still mostly full. They only had a specific set of figures and not a wide assortment, so I ended up just getting two: Whirlwind and Bash (yeah, I'm still pretty new to the game and these are the first individual figs I've gotten outside the starter pack). My store had them for $8.96 each. There was a tag for a $19.96 3 pack, but none were available.

I will try and stop by Target or TRU later in the afternoon to see if there's anything left there.
Went by my TRU at lunch and all they had was Legendary Trigger Happy. Piles and piles of him. Two or three on every peg on the wall and a cardboard display filled both sides with him. Given that he is one of the pack ins that everyone except the 3DS only users have, he was a strange choice for a single pack Legendary and he is definitely not limited. I actually like playing the little critter and the Legendary paint job is far better looking, but unless you are collecting them all he is redundant.
wish they made more legendary 3packs instead so the secondary market price for them will go down too! grrr!! why did i start late on these things? hehe!
[quote name='JaylisJayP']Pisses me off that there are dozens of Legendary Trigger Happy figures at every TRU but they couldn't make more Zook/Lightning Rods.[/QUOTE]

Totally feeling ya here. Went to see a movie and stopped by the Best Buy and Gamestop near the theatre afterwards. Was surprised to see both stores with supply, but of course, still no Lightning Rod or Zook. There were even some Cynders, so come on, if that's in the three pack shouldn't the singles of her be with the singles of Lightning Rod and Zook.

Anyway, after finding the Gold Chop Chop, I've decided to at least go through the shelves that are stocked looking for the rest of the Gold and Silver figures. At the very least with all this luck finding supply I may end up finding all 6 of those figures, which wasn't important to me, but after getting the first one all of the sudden now does kind of feel important.
[quote name='winterlane']Are the stores supposed to be holding back stock for this as well? I have literally seen the exact same assortment in Corvin's pic a couple pages back at multiple Wal-Marts, minus the display and the Wave 4 figures. I just assumed that someone else got there before I did and picked out all the newer ones.[/QUOTE]

All Skylander related stuff is to be held back till Sunday.

Then again this is Wal-Mart. Half the stores don't do things by the book, the other half do.
Well, I went to the same Toys R Us twice today near me. Was there dropping my daughter off at gym class in the morning, they had 50,000 Legendary Trigger Happy figures and nothing else basically. I went there again about an hour ago because in the interim during the day I decided I wanted to collect Mighty Muggs (like I need something else to spend money on). Anyway, they got a ton of 3-packs in, basically everything.

They had 4 Lightning Rod/Zook/Cynder 3-packs on one peg. They must've just gone out because there wasn't even anyone in the Skylanders section. Anyway, I didn't want to be a total dick so I left 2 on the shelf, bought one for myself, and one extra to see if I could hook someone in this thread up with a trade or my actual cost plus shipping.

I also don't need the Cynder from the first pack, so if anyone is interested in that, I'd trade it fora loose Ignitor (priority) or Dark Spyro or sell it shipped in a padded envelope for $12.

Feel free to PM me or e-mail at [email protected]

My store had maybe 50 out this morning. Plus another shipment of about 120 that we were supposed to hold for tomorrow morning. In an email though, they did say to not put a limit on these....

And for those looking to get Blue Bash but don't want to brave the crowds on Sunday. TRU will be offering rain checks for them so you can go in at anytime and go that route. It seems that quite a bit of stores didn't get that many in.
[quote name='prim4444']My store had maybe 50 out this morning. Plus another shipment of about 120 that we were supposed to hold for tomorrow morning. In an email though, they did say to not put a limit on these....

And for those looking to get Blue Bash but don't want to brave the crowds on Sunday. TRU will be offering rain checks for them so you can go in at anytime and go that route. It seems that quite a bit of stores didn't get that many in.[/QUOTE]

Thanks for the tip on Blue Bash!
[quote name='confoosious']Am I missing something? Isn't this the figure that's on all the racks today?[/QUOTE]

My local TRUs today had the entire rack covered in these guys. There had to be at least 60 of them.
I caved and went back to walmart during my lunch break and picked up Hex since it was there and I don't have her yet.

I'll try and stop by TRU later after I pick up my daughter from school. >_
Went to TRU after work tonight. Passed a lady on the way in holding a hand basket overloaded with the Zook/Lightning Rod 3-pack. It seems to be a pattern.

I waited for the lady working in electronics to wrap up some stuff and asked her if she knew if there were any more packs since that woman had cleaned them out. Her frustrated response was "how many are you looking for?" and I said that I was just looking for 1 and she perked up and pointed me to one she had hidden on the shelf. She indicated that she was sick and tired of all of the greedy people buying up full shelves of the toys for resale and was happy to see someone that wasn't greedy and actually wanted the toys. She then went in the back to see if they had any of the blue bash figures in stock- no luck though.
Available @ 9am Saturday because every store has had 40 of em since last Sunday, lol.

I'd much rather see a sign that says "Lightning Rod & Zook Available @ 9am"
Im going this morning to get some new figures, hopefully my local store has some and isnt all sold out like I heard most places around here are. Im not a fan of ordering things online and waiting a week to receive them.
[quote name='cheapassmike']Im going this morning to get some new figures, hopefully my local store has some and isnt all sold out like I heard most places around here are. Im not a fan of ordering things online and waiting a week to receive them.[/QUOTE]
My store restocked yesterday and from what I could tell, they had about 2 displays worth of figures so a lot were still in the back. When i talked to the lady, she went in the back and brought all the extras out. There should be plenty to go around if your store manager doesn't let 1 person buy them all.
Stores looked about the same as yesterday to me, I was there at about noon at a Toys R Us, Best Buy and a couple Targets. Just trying to find an Ignitor.
[quote name='nbballard']Went to TRU after work tonight. Passed a lady on the way in holding a hand basket overloaded with the Zook/Lightning Rod 3-pack. It seems to be a pattern.

I waited for the lady working in electronics to wrap up some stuff and asked her if she knew if there were any more packs since that woman had cleaned them out. Her frustrated response was "how many are you looking for?" and I said that I was just looking for 1 and she perked up and pointed me to one she had hidden on the shelf. She indicated that she was sick and tired of all of the greedy people buying up full shelves of the toys for resale and was happy to see someone that wasn't greedy and actually wanted the toys. She then went in the back to see if they had any of the blue bash figures in stock- no luck though.[/QUOTE]

Then she needs to help put a stop to it. I was under the impression from the manager at my store the 1 per figure per day was now company policy. Be sure to mention it to her next time and maybe they can help shut these greedy jerks down and get them to move on to whatever else their grubby little hands can find and stop taking advantage of young children and their parents.
bread's done