SNES Classic Discussion Thread

In other news, wife and I just bought a house, and I need to sell off my boxed copy of Steel Battalion for the XBOX. Anyone interested? Lol
Is that the one with the unique controllers? Honestly you should wait and see if it is announced for backwards compatibility. Price might go up even more.
All the flipping I'm going to do is going to help me pay off my student loan!!! And buy a house!!
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People seem really impressed with the size of this thread with virtually no US preorders up yet, but I'm more impressed with the amount of views. 320K views in two days for something unreleased and not yet available for preorder at MSRP? CheapyD must love the SNES Classic. 

With so many of you not even sleeping, I doubt I'll be able to snag one. I managed to get a couple NES Classics and trade them here on CAG for MSRP and like a $10 finders fee. My best chance might be good karma catching up to me.

I'd like to add to this bullshit thread & contribute absolutely nothing to keep this thread's long standing tradition going.

With that being said, watch out for bugs. Yes, bugs!! They're everywhere. Literally. Everywhere!!!

Also, I think I'm loosing my mind from fear of going insane.
If both my UK orders are fulfilled, I am hoping to flip one of them to buy stuff for the house or for our new baby as well.  I do want a PS PRO but family first.

People seem really impressed with the size of this thread with virtually no US preorders up yet, but I'm more impressed with the amount of views. 320K views in two days for something unreleased and not yet available for preorder at MSRP? CheapyD must love the SNES Classic.

With so many of you not even sleeping, I doubt I'll be able to snag one. I managed to get a couple NES Classics and trade them here on CAG for MSRP and like a $10 finders fee. My best chance might be good karma catching up to me.
It's possible. I managed to get a pre-order for the NES classic last year when they went up on Target and after just having it in my closet for a couple of weeks, a co-worker of mine was telling me how she had tried to to get one for her boyfriend (who also works with me) for X-Mas but wasn't able to. I ended up giving them the one I bought for myself as a X-Mas present.

It took 2 months of checking at work as well as other stores, and finally one morning my job got a shipment of about 5 and I was able to get 1 for myself when I went to lunch 30 minutes after the store opened. Karma at it's finest I suppose.

It's possible. I managed to get a pre-order for the NES classic last year when they went up on Target and after just having it in my closet for a couple of weeks, a co-worker of mine was telling me how she had tried to to get one for her boyfriend (who also works with me) for X-Mas but wasn't able to. I ended up giving them the one I bought for myself as a X-Mas present.

It took 2 months of checking at work as well as other stores, and finally one morning my job got a shipment of about 5 and I was able to get 1 for myself when I went to lunch 30 minutes after the store opened. Karma at it's finest I suppose.
I had a similar story; my friend's girlfriend wanted to get one for a family member and was all bummed that she didn't get one / jealous that I did. Long story short, I did not give it to her to give to her family, because I knew I'd never see one again. I just hope that karma you speak of doesn't come back to bite me on the ass this time around.
I love being able to help friends and family out with hookups because of the amount of time I spend on here.   But I hate it when people I know are like "I wasn't able to get one of the NES classics."  Well did you go to the store on supply dates and try?  "nope."   They couldn't find one because they didn't even attempt to find one.  Now they're asking you if you have any extras.  The people I know don't even care about this stuff until the day they decide they HAVE to have one.  Then they come calling.  It's like dude, why didn't you ask me this earlier?  We have discussed this item before and you didn't care.  Why haven't you even tried to get one?

People go to Target once, it's not on the shelf staring at them, and then it's "Omg I've been trying so hard to get an NES Classic and it's impossible!!1!"  That's not how any of this works. 

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I love being able to help friends and family out with hookups because of the amount of time I spend on here. But I hate it when people I know are like "I wasn't able to get one of the NES classics." Well did you go to the store on supply dates and try? "nope." They couldn't find one because they didn't even attempt to find one. Now they're asking you if you have any extras. The people I know don't even care about this stuff until the day they decide they HAVE to have one. Then they come calling. It's like dude, why didn't you ask me this earlier? Why haven't you even tried to get one?

People go to Target once, it's not on the shelf staring at them, and then it's "Omg I've been trying so hard to get an NES Classic and it's impossible!!1!" That's not how any of this works.
Psh, filthy casuals.
I love being able to help friends and family out with hookups because of the amount of time I spend on here. But I hate it when people I know are like "I wasn't able to get one of the NES classics." Well did you go to the store on supply dates and try? "nope." They couldn't find one because they didn't even attempt to find one. Now they're asking you if you have any extras. The people I know don't even care about this stuff until the day they decide they HAVE to have one. Then they come calling. It's like dude, why didn't you ask me this earlier? Why haven't you even tried to get one?

People go to Target once, it's not on the shelf staring at them, and then it's "Omg I've been trying so hard to get an NES Classic and it's impossible!!1!" That's not how any of this works.
Exactly; I don't even think she knew until later that day; which of course was far too late.

I woke my ass up and got to Target around 7 something. Hell; even I thought I was too late.

It's funny, because I remember talking to people in line, saying "Man; I hope this sells well enough for Nintendo to make a SNES Classic and a N64 Classic!"

I think I'm one of the rare cases that was able to get an NES Classic AND an extra controller on release day. Two separate stores, mind you, but still.
Is that the one with the unique controllers? Honestly you should wait and see if it is announced for backwards compatibility. Price might go up even more.
I can't imagine they would go to the trouble. SB was a beast and only had 2 games, the latter of which is useless since the OG XBL is dead. Would be worth getting it out of the closet for though.

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I love being able to help friends and family out with hookups because of the amount of time I spend on here. But I hate it when people I know are like "I wasn't able to get one of the NES classics." Well did you go to the store on supply dates and try? "nope." They couldn't find one because they didn't even attempt to find one. Now they're asking you if you have any extras. The people I know don't even care about this stuff until the day they decide they HAVE to have one. Then they come calling. It's like dude, why didn't you ask me this earlier? Why haven't you even tried to get one?

People go to Target once, it's not on the shelf staring at them, and then it's "Omg I've been trying so hard to get an NES Classic and it's impossible!!1!" That's not how any of this works.
I got tired of people making jokes like "I'll never be able to see one in real life" when the SNES Classic was announced. I never went out of my way to get one, until the very end when Best Buy announced they were releasing their final shipments. I lined up an hour or two early, and that was enough to secure one. Before that, I'd get alerts through twitter and managed to get 5 others while at work. I put them up at ebay 99 cents, and let the market decide what they wanted to pay. Same thing with the Switch, they're not easy to find if you just plan on walking into a store on a Thursday afternoon, but retailers give plenty of notice when they're having weekend releases.

Yeah, it's scummy to flip, but if you put some effort into it, you wouldn't have to resort to buying from a third party.

Maybe I am too righteous or an a-hole, but I hope we don't have scalpers here. Because if we are, this forum enables them, in a way, to continue the very practice many of us here are dreading.

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Good. They are interested in having me work at least two weeks to see how I do. I'll decide tomorrow if I want to do that after I have an interview with a second place tomorrow. This first place is only offering $10/hr but will increase pay after the first two weeks. That new amount is based on how well I perform. Not exactly great for a graphic design job. It's a tiny screen print business. They said I can work either part time or full time. I am already working part time as a designer elsewhere so I might try out 2 design jobs at once. I actually work 3 part time jobs right now (only 1 is design related) and I really want to replace one of the non-design jobs with something else.

The place I'm interviewing at tomorrow is also for a part time design job, and will pay $15-$22/hr. I really hope that goes well. This will be my second interview with them.
Do you show prospective employers these threads as a part of your portfolio?

How are you gonna say this and not include a link to the episode?
They don't have episodes online. If you click "follow me on twitter" from my signature you'll see me profile pic, which is me on the show.

Steve Harvey has very large teeth.

Also interesting fact: When we were on "deck" to go up next, the producers said we would only be up next if the black family currently on the show won. If the white family competing against them won, then the black family that was on "deck" with us would go. They said ratings aren't as good when it's "black vs black" or "white vs white" etc.

Watching Bravo save 3 PKs today almost makes up for having to keep looking at my phone every 5 minutes. :whistle2:
That reminds me, I need to grab my charger. My phone hasn't made it to the end of the day since Monday lol.

Pretty much refreshing the big three stores any chance I get.
I got tired of people making jokes like "I'll never be able to see one in real life" when the SNES Classic was announced. I never went out of my way to get one, until the very end when Best Buy announced they were releasing their final shipments. I lined up an hour or two early, and that was enough to secure one. Before that, I'd get alerts through twitter and managed to get 5 others while at work. I put them up at ebay 99 cents, and let the market decide what they wanted to pay. Same thing with the Switch, they're not easy to find if you just plan on walking into a store on a Thursday afternoon, but retailers give plenty of notice when they're having weekend releases.

Yeah, it's scummy to flip, but if you put some effort into it, you wouldn't have to resort to buying from a third party.
At least you started them at 99 cents and not some bullshit Buy It Now price. It's like you said; you let the market decide. You're one of the good dudes for doing that.
Steve Harvey seems pretty chill.
Steve Harvey is a dick and is predictable on Family Feud but it's still entertaining to watch.


I got tired of people making jokes like "I'll never be able to see one in real life" when the SNES Classic was announced. I never went out of my way to get one, until the very end when Best Buy announced they were releasing their final shipments. I lined up an hour or two early, and that was enough to secure one. Before that, I'd get alerts through twitter and managed to get 5 others while at work. I put them up at ebay 99 cents, and let the market decide what they wanted to pay. Same thing with the Switch, they're not easy to find if you just plan on walking into a store on a Thursday afternoon, but retailers give plenty of notice when they're having weekend releases.

Yeah, it's scummy to flip, but if you put some effort into it, you wouldn't have to resort to buying from a third party.
Yeah exactly mywhitenoise. It's like yeah, I have one because I got up and waited in line at Target for 1-2 hours at the break of dawn. Could I get one for you? Sure, I bet I could. But why would I do that when you have no appreciation for effort involved? I'm not asking for money, but how about some consideration. Act like you care at least.

you're right its just like the Switch. I saw them at three different stores within the last few days but you decide you want one NOW. ??? That just happened to me again on Sunday actually.

Steve Harvey was pretty cool when we met him; pretty much the same person he is on TV. He would talk to us between breaks, show, etc. Was pretty funny. I'm a fan. 

Regarding the crazy answers you see on show, they told us it's actually bad to think smart. They poll 200 people and many of them are not smart.  

I didn't know rape accusations were the same as saying the wrong pageant winner
Bill Cosby - much, much worse than Steve Harvey but there is a little more to hate about him than just messing up a beauty pageant.

Watch the video that was posted a couple replies up

He is incredibly close minded, thinks he has it all figured out and is a gigantic asshole to anyone who thinks otherwise.

....what was this thread about again? :bouncy:

I enjoyed that Steve Harvey video.  He doesn't bother me.  It doesn't bug me when people are being themselves and being honest.  At least you're getting them at face value.  Especially when it comes to Hollywood personalities.  It's more refreshing to hear what they actually think.  He's real. 

bread's done