Sony In Trouble?

It's easy enough to just not click on the threads. But I do admit there are too many of these Sony threads lately.

This thread, the "PS3 in danger of dying" the PSP dying thread and the Xbox 360 vs. PS3 sales thread from week or two ago are a bit much and really should have been merged into one thread discussing Sony's sales.
[quote name='dmaul1114']It's easy enough to just not click on the threads. But I do admit there are too many of these Sony threads lately.

This thread, the "PS3 in danger of dying" the PSP dying thread and the Xbox 360 vs. PS3 sales thread from week or two ago are a bit much and really should have been merged into one thread discussing Sony's sales.[/quote]

Yes, it's not that I think these threads shouldn't exist completely. It's just I feel too much attention is given to them, and as a result other neat threads drift into the abyss.
I'm not going to quote Myke's wall of text, but just going to say that was a strong and well reasoned response.

This is a thread about Sony not doing well this generation. What else are we going to discuss? I think you've missed the several times I've admitted that non-gaming factors could contribute to someone wanting a PS3 over 360. There are a few things that were nice about PS3. Free online gaming would be nice if my community was there. Wipeout HD was cool. The D-Pad is slightly better. The system is more reliable. I still don't think RROD should be a deciding factor anymore - It's drug out in these arguments by people like Paco in the same way the DRE error was brought out with PS2 last gen - Not because of genuine concern, but just because it's a talking point against the competition.

Exclusives for me matter, because I've never enjoyed a Ratchet and Clank game much, Uncharted was good, but not great, and Resistance was a dull CoD2/Half-Life mix to me. I've documented my disappointment in LBP as well. I did enjoy Ninja Gaiden Sigma, Motorstorm, and parts of MGS4.

360 is where the games I want to play are and where the friends I play games with are. That's what matters to me. Not some "emotional attachment" that you're looking for.

Also my attempt at making the argument factual was just giving both systems an equal starting point - an HD gaming machine. From that standpoint, 360 is a better system. PS3 may specialize better and offer features a minority of the market may want - but as the sales show, 360 does the bread and butter gaming applications better. Just like the Wii does it's casual gaming focus better than the other two.

If that's not as important to you as having a blu ray drive or being able to say your system runs linux or HOME or something, then the PS3 becomes a better choice.
[quote name='jer7583']
If that's not as important to you as having a blu ray drive or being able to say your system runs linux or HOME or something, then the PS3 becomes a better choice.[/QUOTE]

Or if you like the PS3 exclusives more. Some people love Ratchet, MGS4, LBP etc. and don't care for Halo, Gears of War etc.

I'm 360 all the way as well, but you go to far. The PS3 has some damn good games, they just happened to not be your (or my) cup of tea.
Well even taking the games they have in common, they run better or the same on 360 99% of the time, and the system costs less. Even removing exclusives from the argument, it doesn't help PS3.
[quote name='jer7583']Well even taking the games they have in common, they run better or the same on 360 99% of the time, and the system costs less.[/QUOTE]

That's true. Resident Evil 5 has more dust particles. And smoke. Holy fucking shit.
[quote name='jer7583']I still don't think RROD should be a deciding factor anymore - It's drug out in these arguments by people like Paco in the same way the DRE error was brought out with PS2 last gen - Not because of genuine concern, but just because it's a talking point against the competition.[/quote]

I think it's absurd to compare it to the DRE on the PS2. We'll never know what the approximate % likelihood of a console DRE/RROD'ing was - but if you think that it's even *remotely* close, you're wholly lying to yourself.

I'm not yet convinced it's a thing of the past. That's why I buy few multiplatform titles on the 360. Not out of some semblance of protest. That's foolish. But because I don't feel like my 360 is a reliable console. It's like that crazy girl you dated in high school: yeah, you keep going back out of the fun you had. But you knew she was going to try to roundhouse kick your sideview mirrors off of your car again at some point. So you had to be careful.

Also my attempt at making the argument factual was just giving both systems an equal starting point - an HD gaming machine. From that standpoint, 360 is a better system. PS3 may specialize better and offer features a minority of the market may want - but as the sales show, 360 does the bread and butter gaming applications better. Just like the Wii does it's casual gaming focus better than the other two.

What does any of this mean? "bread and butter"? By using sales to show how gaming is "done better," you're using the logical fallacy of affirming the consequent.

If that's not as important to you as having a blu ray drive or being able to say your system runs linux or HOME or something, then the PS3 becomes a better choice.

Home is a trillion kinds of awful so far. I've been on the beta since very, very early on. I tried to warn them. They wouldn't listen. Now they know: they got excited for a program that's like Second Life meets an AOL Chat Room. Fools. I've got no faith in it at all. Thankfully it's optional.

Blu-Ray is quite important to me. I've never owned a set-top DVD player; always used consoles. The options/upscaling for DVD video is also noticeably better on my PS3 than 360. Not a huge thing, but one I notice and like to use.

But that's all a big bunch of whatever.
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I think it's completely accurate to compare DRE incident to the RRoD incident. Find a launch PS2 that reads blue bottom discs or Dual Layer DVDs.

The DVD drives in those launch units were just as bad as the GPU or whatever it is that caused most launch 360s to die.

Note the use of "better or the same". When you get the same quality experience on a system that costs less, that matters. PS3 offers nothing over 360 from a gaming standpoint. They are virtually the same in their ability to create HD gaming experiences, right? One costs $400 minimum at retail. One costs $200 minimum at retail. Joe Shmoe playing GTA4, Madden, and Call of Duty will have no difference in experience between those two consoles, but that extra $200 in his pocket sure feels nice.
[quote name='jer7583']I think it's completely accurate to compare DRE incident to the RRoD incident. Find a launch PS2 that reads blue bottom discs or Dual Layer DVDs.

The DVD drives in those launch units were just as bad as the GPU or whatever it is that caused most launch 360s to die.

Note the use of "better or the same". When you get the same quality experience on a system that costs less, that matters. PS3 offers nothing over 360 from a gaming standpoint. They are virtually the same in their ability to create HD gaming experiences, right? One costs $400 minimum at retail. One costs $200 minimum at retail. Joe Shmoe playing GTA4, Madden, and Call of Duty will have no difference in experience between those two consoles, but that extra $200 in his pocket sure feels nice.[/quote]

That's bullshit and YOU KNOW IT. There is no way in hell you could compare a DRE to the RRoD. The DRE is FIXABLE by regular people as all it encompasses is opening it up and tweaking a cog. The RRoD however is a system failure where the Motherboard is warped, the soldier is fucked, the GPU is fried or the CPU is dead. THAT is NOT fixable by regular people. I'll grant you that the DRE haunted a lot of PS2s, but the RRoD destroyed far more 360s in the space of three years then the PS2's DRE killed in eight years. Even less if you consider a lot of people fixed their own DRE issues. I'll grant you that most PS2s have trouble or won't read blue backed discs at all, but to compare the DRE to RRoD is pure bullshit because only 1% of games are blue backed discs. What's more deadly, a DRE that won't let you read blue discs, or a RRoD which destroys the console?

And no they aren't the same in replicating HD at least in the consumers eyes. Most people for some odd reason have this weird habit of hooking the 360 to a god damn composite connection which baffles me. The PS3 is more often then not hooked up to a HDMI connection. Then you have to factor in that the 2005-2006 models didn't have HDMI for the 360 and even then for a good while only the ELITE models had HDMI. That's fixed now, but that's still millions of 360s without the ability to display HD.

And talking about dvd drives? The 360 has WORSE dvd drives then the PS2 surprisingly enough. The newer drives are good, but the drives for 360s betewen 2005-2007 are pure shit. I've played GTA4 on a 2006 model and the popup was so bad that I crashed in GTA4 and it looked like an empty space. A second later a building showed up. Granted the PS2 also did this with old systems that had trouble playing dual layer games, but the 360 isn't even old enough to have that problem with dvd drives yet.
[quote name='jer7583']I think it's completely accurate to compare DRE incident to the RRoD incident. Find a launch PS2 that reads blue bottom discs or Dual Layer DVDs.[/QUOTE]

Mine does, and I've never opened it and it's never been cleaned other than the exterior dusted. Sorry, troll, you fail.
I don't troll. I think people just forgot how bad, and how common that DRE problem was.

Also, the 360 fucks soldiers.
[quote name='jer7583']I don't troll. I think people just forgot how bad, and how common that DRE problem was.

Also, the 360 fucks soldiers.[/quote]

People remember the DRE. It's just that it's fixable unlike the 360 RRoD. And you don't remember that 2005-2006 Microsoft only gave a 90 day warranty too which meant most buyers were fucked when it came to getting any restitution when the thing broke.
[quote name='jer7583'] I think people just forgot how bad, and how common that DRE problem was.[/QUOTE]

Except it wasn't nearly as common as the RROD. Find me a launch 360 in 2013 that still works without any RRODs or any other problems and had been played regularly for the entire 8 years and then get back to me.

On an interesting note, my launch Xbox 1 had trouble reading discs right out of the box while people constantly bitch about the PS2's DRE problem.
[quote name='jer7583']I don't troll. I think people just forgot how bad, and how common that DRE problem was.

Also, the 360 fucks soldiers.[/quote]

I was going to stay out of this,but people complain about the ps2. Yet I had a launch ps2, and I never had a problem with it. I sold it this past year before I got a ps3. I played the crap out of my ps2, and it may have froze 2-3 times. I can't say the same about the regular xbox or the xbox360. My regular xbox froze all the time, and well I'm on my 4th 360. I'm not a fanboy. I don't care what system a game is for If I want it I'll get it, and If I don't I won't. I can find good, and bad things about consoles. I hate the d-pad for the 360. That's why I use the ps3 for fighters. I also trust the ps3 more than the 360 since I've had the rrod 3 times now. Although PSN isn't as good as xbox live, and some games that are on 360, and ps3 end up sucking on the ps3 like it has frame rate issues or something wrong with it. Only thing I like better about psn is most people don't have mics, and aren't completely retarded or childish.
[quote name='Dead of Knight']Mine does, and I've never opened it and it's never been cleaned other than the exterior dusted. Sorry, troll, you fail.[/quote]

My launch unit still works too. I'm surprised it still reads CD/blue disks too, but I do get DRE once a while when I replays ICO or Gradius V every year, but a cd cleaner fixes my problem though.

I can't say the same for my 360 though, on my 4th 360 so far.
I hate to actually contribute, but it's really despicable how Microsoft is managing their 360s. They knowingly sell flawed products. Sure, the ps2 was never perfect, and I do remember some friends having problems...but even then I do have some friends that have working ps2s still. But when it comes to the 360, they've all had to send theirs back.

Not saying 360 is a worse console, but it really sucks for those that prefer it. I think mine is only working so well because I play my Wii and ps3 so much more.

BTW my launch ps2 still works awesomely and I've probably played it the most out of any of my consoles.
[quote name='Temporaryscars']You lost all credibility when you said you played your Wii more.[/quote]

Well excuse me for having different tastes. :D

Are you trying to say there's something wrong with liking Super Mario Galaxy? Well then I don't wanna be right, buddy!
[quote name='leveskikesko']I hate to actually contribute, but it's really despicable how Microsoft is managing their 360s. They knowingly sell flawed products. Sure, the ps2 was never perfect, and I do remember some friends having problems...but even then I do have some friends that have working ps2s still. But when it comes to the 360, they've all had to send theirs back.

Not saying 360 is a worse console, but it really sucks for those that prefer it. I think mine is only working so well because I play my Wii and ps3 so much more.[/QUOTE]


And for those who have DRE problems on the phatty PS2 but don't want to open it up: place the console upside down before you turn it on, then turn it on, make sure the disc loads, and then either leave it upside down or put it back rightside up. Serially. It works.
PS2 DRE problems can be fixed easily with Lithium Grease, apply on the metal rod that the laser slides up and down; that was my fix, worked well... still works
[quote name='mykevermin']The options/upscaling for DVD video is also noticeably better on my PS3 than 360. Not a huge thing, but one I notice and like to use.[/quote]

You probably already know this, but the 360 doesn't upscale through anything other than HDMI and VGA. Everything else will only net you 480p.
[quote name='leveskikesko']Not to derail this thread or anything (like that would be possible, lol), but am I the only one a bit disgusted at the fact that these console war threads are generally more popular than threads about games?

These threads feel pointless to me, same tune played again and again....except it's no enjoyable tune. If someone wants your console, they'll go get it. In the meantime you should be satisfied enough with knowing that you're getting enjoyment from your console(s). I'd think people would be convinced to get that particular console if they see genuine enjoyment, rather than elitist views on why their tastes suck.[/quote]

Yes. Yes. Yes.

Whether it's Microsoft and Apple, Marvel and DC, there's no way to avoid it. These threads will always pop up no matter what.

But enough is enough. Three doom and gloom Sony threads? We do not suddenly have new info that is relevant to this discussion so what's the point? I hope this thread does get derailed.

On a somewhat related note, did any of guys read the news story about overused phrases that people voted should be left in 2008? I definitely think the term "console war" should definitely make the list.
What fun would message boards be if people just agreed all the time?

What am I supposed to say? I love the PS3, I wish I still had mine, I'm crying tears over selling it and miss all the friends I had on there to play games with?

Because those things aren't true.

And the fact that a common fix has come up 7 years later for a problem that was equal to the 360 RRoD problem doesn't really matter. The problem was there. Sony did not offer free replacements and a 3 year warranty. But it's okay. They're Sony. We love them. They're the BEST.
Did you hear? After Sony saw that RE5 looked better on a cheaper and less powerful console, they decided to quit the gaming industry. They've decided to only make toasters now.
After which Microsoft announced their ToastBox which toasts toast for half the price of the Sony ToastStation.

This is a joke. Do not get upset about this. Thank you.
But...I'm not fat :cry:

Four sounds convenient though, in case someone else wants some too.

And by someone else I mean not me
I like the ToastBox better because I can chat with up to 10 friends at once, even if they're toasting different kinds of bread.

The other night I was totally cooking up some raisin bread, and my friend a few hours away was making wheat, but we were talking about WEREHOGS. It was awesome.
Plus with the ToastBox, you can install your loaf of bread right in the toaster so you don't have to toast bread off the loaf!
[quote name='jer7583']Plus with the ToastBox, you can install your loaf of bread right in the toaster so you don't have to toast bread off the loaf![/quote]

The DRM on whole loafs is retarded.
yeah if you go a few weeks or more without using your loaf up, it gets all green and moldy :(

Then they make you buy a new one! rediculous!
The guy with the sonic avatar is criticizing me for misspelling ridiculous.
[quote name='mykevermin']I've never owned a set-top DVD player; always used consoles.[/QUOTE]

Seriiously? And I thought we had something in common. :D

I could never use a consoel as my main movie watching machine. Jack of all trades and master of none. Even as a non-video phile I've never seen a console that played movies as well as even a moderately priced stand alone dvd player. That said, the PS3 is a fine Blu Ray player, remote issues aside.
bread's done