Sony Playstation Home - Gen. Discussion & Info - Open Beta Available Now

[quote name='The Mana Knight']I tested home with some people from other regions. Friends from whatever region can join your Home, but you cannot go to places with them (I can understand that for now due to license restriction, such as some movies/music being owned by different companies in different regions).

I played pool earlier this morning with a friend and liked it. Funny thing is I see myself using Home now instead of the regular internet (like in forums). :lol:[/quote]
Oh, so like if a Euro buddy is playing in their version of the bowling alley, I can go there?

Hmm. That's interesting.
I wonder when the US home will get the games like Darts availible in Japan.
downloaded it this morning. tried it for a hr. its not bad. idk i expected alot more of the basic content. like the lack of facial hairs,shirts,etc was like damn. lol everyone runs around lookin the same. and the stores could have alil more content. but its the 1st day, i may leave it alone for like a week and then come back. got to add some more content to the theater besides the Twilight trailer/music video. i do find it cool tho to see so many pplz online @ once doin random things and having convos. lol i see the chix get hawked on there. haha i remember one guy screamed "thats a dude dressed as a chick!!" i need a chatpad or mic tho
[quote name='The Mana Knight']Funny thing is I see myself using Home now instead of the regular internet (like in forums). :lol:[/quote]

Which is kind of what they were shooting for right?

Anyone else remember....I think way back when they mentioned you could use HTML to link websites. So you might see the latest cag posts/news items displayed in a wall frame one day.
Can somebody explain to me exactly how the Japanese Home Beta integrates with the US one? I created a Japanese PSN account, but since I already had Home downloaded on my PS3 (from my US account), do I need to redownload it?

If so, how the hell can I figure out where it is? (I don't speaka Japanese, haha) I found something with a big "N" logo that said BETA, but it appears to be just the Namco games themselves. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
[quote name='dallow']Home should be in the same place, where the store icon is for all your accounts.[/quote]

Ok, it's not like something additional I need to download to be "turning Japanese" then? I just loaded it up now, and it said it needed to download an update (about 100mb). Just wanted to make sure.
Do the Japanese items from Home transfer over to the US one? Just wondering really. Any Pic's of the differences without me actually downloading it?
[quote name='dallow']Oh, so like if a Euro buddy is playing in their version of the bowling alley, I can go there?

Hmm. That's interesting.
I wonder when the US home will get the games like Darts availible in Japan.[/QUOTE]Nope, I was saying they would be able to join you in your apartment, and you can join their apartment. When it comes to bowling alley, mall, etc., that is region divided (because of licensing, advertisements, etc.).
Anyone know if a "global" area will be made that is ad/region-free? Seems like reasonable idea since even Japanese know some english.
[quote name='gunm']Anyone know if a "global" area will be made that is ad/region-free? Seems like reasonable idea since even Japanese know some english.[/quote]That'd be a smart idea.

Call it the airport, or train station or something.
Just spent some time in Home - enjoyed it! Me and my nephew went around dancing in our echochrome suits. Played all the games and stuff - was a lot of fun!
I just tried it out. This thing feels like it needed another year of work. Almost all the guys look the same wherever you go. There needs to be a lot more options than what is on there now. I was disappointed to see the mall already charging people if you want to have new items. That and the club memberships which will turn to pay later... For now, I really do not see myself playing or buying anything.

It's funny... After starting Home, I felt like actually playing a game rather than all that mumbo jumbo that is on there. It seems the only thing it is good for is listening in on other people's conversations! Was really funny seeing all the girls get hit on by dozens of guys.

I probably will not be giving it another go until many more options are there. Must we really wait around to play an arcade game in a virtual world? Come on! That's the craziest part. Everyone should be able to play whatever they want as soon as they walk to an arcade or bowling alley or anything. In the real world you wait, but why would we want to wait forever in the virtual world if the other people don't ever leave? Or someone runs over and steals your spot?

To sum it up, it isn't what I thought it was going to be.
[quote name='Vulcan2422']Do the Japanese items from Home transfer over to the US one? Just wondering really. Any Pic's of the differences without me actually downloading it?[/QUOTE]

I dont think so, since you use a JP account to accumulate JP items, and a US account to amass US items. Though if you play the JP beta of the namco museum on your US account to unlock items, then your US account gets the items even though you downloaded it with your JP account. (that probably made less sense than it should have)
Penny Arcade nailed it in their article Friday.

This piece of software is fucking clown shoes. The digital equivalent of drinking a cancer smoothie.

Scrap it and go back to (preferably Microsoft's) drawing board, Sony.
It's disappointing that they don't have a lot of content and I hope it doesn't take too long for gamespaces. That's probably the only thing I will ever enjoy out of this product. I sort of like unlocking clothing and furniture but I will NEVER buy anything from home. Waiting in line for activities is really stupid and the arcade games are going to require a bit of time if I want everything...not sure if I do. Not to mention the general community is pretty terrible (no worse than xbox's of course)
[quote name='vanilla_shakin_it']It's disappointing that they don't have a lot of content and I hope it doesn't take too long for gamespaces. That's probably the only thing I will ever enjoy out of this product. I sort of like unlocking clothing and furniture but I will NEVER buy anything from home. Waiting in line for activities is really stupid and the arcade games are going to require a bit of time if I want everything...not sure if I do. Not to mention the general community is pretty terrible (no worse than xbox's of course)[/quote]
This is a good opinion.
It's negative, but you have real reasons as to why.

I agree, not nearly enough content. Gamespaces are the main reason I was interested in Home.
I hope it gets fleshed out in the coming year.
Also, if more games have unlockables, that'll keep me interested.
OMG pooka hat and shirt. My fake life is now complete.

It's seriously a stylin' pooka shirt, though. I would like to buy one of these to actually wear, Namco. I would pay real money.

Off to be the biggest dork in the central plaza!
I would like to try out the chess and bowling but the fact that only a few people can play at a time is fucking ridiculous. Its a VIRTUAL world, they could let everyone play at once. Who in the hell would sit in a virtual line to play a virtual game of bowling or chess? fucking stupid.
[quote name='The Mana Knight'] Funny thing is I see myself using Home now instead of the regular internet (like in forums).[/QUOTE]

That'd be awesome if you stopped posting.

There are a few things i wish that home did, or hopefully will do soon.

I would like game launching for ALL multiplayer games, as far as i can tell, i have 0 games that support game launching, which ones do?
This is one of the greatest ideas that i can see home doing well, the ability to set up multiplayer sessions from within a virtual lobby that could get decorated or something while people are incoming.

I would love an instanced bowling alley, or perhaps the ability to get your own personal bowling lane at home. repeat that with working arcade cabinets in your home.

If a friend in my home wants to play a round of one of my arcade games like pac man for example, they should be able to just walk up to an arcade cabinet, and select play, without the need to have the game installed at all. Really, how large of a file can those games possibly be, there is no way that a system as powerful as the ps3 could have problems with loading the entire game into memory, i am sure that a typical shirt texture is much larger than those old school arcade games.

I would appreciate being able to launch whatever game disk/movie disk from within home, I believe it would be a great thing if you could synchronize movie start times and watch a movie and talk with your friends during it, perhaps like the theatre, only with any movie i choose, provided my friends also have the same disk in their system.

multiplayer arcade games, like golden axe or something like that, perhaps make it an incentive for getting a platinum trophy from the golden axe beast rider game. Or any other games like that. *that may not sell on their own merits*
Go ahead and allow for a 'plays in home' mode or something similiar to psp remote play where certain games could be played within the home interface.

I want my trophy case so that my friends can oooh, and aaah at my virtual ps3 exploits.

I want the ability to see who in your current room is talking, perhaps give people with voice a mic icon attached to their name. allow me to figure out who around me is making noise, so that i can get closer or farther from them depending on what they are saying. Perhaps getting a complete list of people in the zone as well as in general what they were doing would be good.

I was trying to find a friend in the mall, tried to meet them, and then couldnt find their avatar at all. I would love perhaps getting a homing arrow towards them once you joined their area.

At least the text chat route they took is much better than LBP, which allows you to just start typing in order to type something, allowing you to keep your hands on your keyboard when in a discussion, unlike LBP's square, down down, then switch your hands onto the keyboard and start typing.

One thing i wish is that when i was changing clothes, i could continue to hear what people were saying.
Also with clothing, I would love the ability to customize or create my own.

Sorry, this turned into a bit larger a rant than i was expecting to go into tonight.
I can see many of these things getting ironed out once home goes 1.0 and not just beta.
I am enjoying it pretty well so far, just wish there were more things to do.

I did see how much furniture i could stack up and that was pretty fun.
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I'm glad I have no Sony stock, but am worried for Sony since I'm a PS3-only owner. They've started this Home project in 2005 and a beta in 2008 is what PS3 users get for an application that's a walking chat room with looped advertisements. Where's the "Star Wars" trophy room Sony? No "Facebook" or similar application that seems like a no-brainer when it comes to something like this. Load times 30 seconds. Forced downloads. No radio or TV to see other people's HDD stash. Virtual lines for the mini-games. Can only launch Warhawk and MotorStorm. Ughh... feels like wasted resources, at least put a foosball table in there.
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They desperately need a sports playground with Tennis, Basketball (21), Home Run Derby, Soccer and a Par 3 course all using home avatars.
Watching people maneuvering their camera around your female avatar trying to get a good look at her always makes me laugh. By the crowds gathering around me, I think I made a pretty attractive one. Got 5 around me right now just by sitting on a bench in the middle of nowhere.

That's right, megaman47. Lap this shit up.

Wow, virginkiller13? Who picks that kind of name? In any case, choosing a shade of pink for your pop-ups works well.
[quote name='smiggity']They desperately need a sports playground with Tennis, Basketball (21), Home Run Derby, Soccer and a Par 3 course all using home avatars.[/QUOTE]

NBA 09 uses home avatar models... or at least the look like HOME avatar Models.
I find it to be about what I expected and that's a good thing. It's just the beginning guys so be patient. I, for one, can't wait for TV's and radios to hit the app as I can show people what I have on my HDD. I hope they use the theatre to showcase things like E3 and CES which will be something cool. The ads I find to be cool as well. It almost had me wanting to buy an (over expensive) keypad. All in all, I see a very very bright future for HOME. It's an ambitious project guys so don't expect everything to be done at launch.
[quote name='vanilla_shakin_it']It's disappointing that they don't have a lot of content and I hope it doesn't take too long for gamespaces. That's probably the only thing I will ever enjoy out of this product. I sort of like unlocking clothing and furniture but I will NEVER buy anything from home. Waiting in line for activities is really stupid and the arcade games are going to require a bit of time if I want everything...not sure if I do. Not to mention the general community is pretty terrible (no worse than xbox's of course)[/quote]

I really don't understand the whole waiting in line thing. I could see if there was some server session or bw limitation to explain this, though.

I can't say I'd never buy anything from Home, because there is a lot of unexplored and unimplemented territory here, but I do appreciate that the overall experience is free (such that it is).
[quote name='ChiefsFan21']I've had alot of fun dancing with random people...[/QUOTE]

so basically, home is like the first 10 minutes of an MMO on repeat?
Played or should I say experienced HOME.

Total disappointment, though I'm not sure what I expected. There's just not a lot to do, and the things there are to do aren't very fun. It's almost like I'm playing an advertisement or something. Maybe it's because I don't have a headset or keyboard....that's probably an essential piece....but even then I'd prefer skype or an old fashion chatroom.

As I see it now, I don't know how this could ever sell the ps3 to people when there are countless virtual space programs on the web that are free.

It would be cool if more games used virtual spaces like HOME as a waiting space, when taking turns in an online game. But I don't think that's its purpose.

Oh and the avatar face and clothes options really are the epitome of bland..
Oh I know, however, even for a beta it's lacking.. I just don't see how this concept can go much further.

This type of thing might be cool with a virtual reality headset or something though.
I'm messing around with it now. It's ok. By the time this gets any good it won't even matter because the next round of systems will be out. Too little too late IMO. It has potential, but potential is just a word. They need to actually make it happen. The fact that you have to WAIT IN LINE IN A VIRTUAL WORLD is completely ridiculous. I can't play an arcade game because all of them are in use. What a joke! Also you have to download every location...this could turn in to a problem. It's nice to see all the gamers in the rooms, but at the end of the day, what's the point?
constant expansion is the key to it being good. if that's not there, then yes, this is pure fail. It has all the tools to work superbly, but in reality it may not work out.
At least the avatars look 100 times better than the ass looking ones on 360 and Wii. I'll give Home that.
Is everyone's homespace the same? I'm in a corner apartment overlooking the harbour. It'd be nice if I could sit on the balcony and watch people doing things in real time.. like the red bull game when it's in (hopefully it doesn't play like Superman 64)
Yeah can we pimp out our apartment? And what happened to the trophy room? I think the biggest thing I'm interested in is my own apartment/game launching and my trophy room.
[quote name='Blackout']At least the avatars look 100 times better than the ass looking ones on 360 and Wii. I'll give Home that.[/quote]

I wouldn't even say that. There's something charming about Miis. the 360 avys are ok, but just seem awkward for some reason. I actually would like a realistic look, but HOME is ugly-realistic.
[quote name='leveskikesko']I wouldn't even say that. There's something charming about Miis. the 360 avys are ok, but just seem awkward for some reason. I actually would like a realistic look, but HOME just looks ugly to me.[/quote]

The Miis are completely retarded, and the 360 ones are lame as well. Yeah they have an awkwardness about them. Out of all 3 I like Sony's the best, but everyone looks like a generic person. That's a problem. And I'm not spending X amount of money on a virtual t-shirt. I don't even spend X amount of money on real clothes. Why would I do it for a virtual world? :D
bread's done