Sony Playstation Home - Gen. Discussion & Info - Open Beta Available Now

Just wanted to post the above article that pretty much sums up my positive and negative thoughts on Home.

The key concept I take from the article is a standard game independant place to meet online, where a multitude of games can be launched from within the service, and returned to once the game is over.

This makes game meet-ups so much more convenient, even XBL doesn't do anything like this besides the party systems in individual game, and that's still game specific.

Instead, say we wanted to have a CAG PS3 game night. Instead of trying to coordinate various groups of gamers across a variety of games and time zones. We all just agree to show up in a specific game space, or someone's Home apartment, on or around a designated time. While there, we chat via text and voice, wait for other to show up, and maybe play some of the simple Home games. Then once enough people are there we can launch a game directly from within Home and start. But the important thing is that, say someone launches a game of Motorstorm, but a group of people would rather play GT4. Or perhaps someone has started an 8 player co-op game of Resistance 2, but there's well over 8 players in the meeting room? Well no problem since it's a general game night, and any game can be launched in the Home space, it's easy enough for people to just launch games of their own.

No longer would we have to setup specific days that only certain games will be played, and worry about games stepping on other games feet. Instead we just set certain times of the day to gather, working out what gets played there.

And when those games are finished you can drop back to Home to see how the meetup is going.

What I'm hoping for is some way for those still in Home to see the progress of games launched from Home. This way you can see what other games have started and jump into those, or just sit back in Home watching that game's progress while talking and waiting for other games you're interested in to open up.

This method might not seem like much, but it's a lot like meeting up with people in real life, hanging out, then deciding where the group wants to go out for the night. It's pretty social, and it's also free to PS3 users, and it's standardized. Sure there's things like IMs, chat rooms, IRC, and forum posts, but with Home it's all integrated, and you can meet random people that might become good online friends by playing various games with them.
[quote name='mwynn']I am sure they allocate funding to each project before it starts.[/quote]

Do you really think Sony can't afford to budget for XMB because of Home? You really think that the resources they would devote to Home would otherwise be pulled to do console updates?

Whether or not you think Home is a waste, which I could completely understand, its development is independent of a fucking console update.

That said, if someone ever sees an executive in charge of console updates, punch him in the face first, then ask about the XMB ..
[quote name='zengonzo']I can't see that fixing in-game XMB would require a company-breaking expenditure of resources, so having not implemented it yet, in spite of owners begging for some time now, I have to assume it's either because they have a plan for the update, or they just don't give a fuck ..

The most likely way that Home could be the problem is if they were holding off all big updates for one SUPERBIG UPDATE (E3?), and simply delaying its update until then.[/QUOTE]

It might not be company-breaking, but it's probably still a pretty big project considering that no guidelines were in place for games to work with an in-game XMB at launch. This means that quite a few of the already released PS3 titles will have to be tested against a feature they were never designed to support. Sony thought they could get away with just a worthless "quit game" menu like the PSP has.
You're quite right. I've no doubt it is a serious undertaking on their part, but it's nothing to do with the development challenges of Home.

It's not like you're in the ER with a piece of shrapnel in your foot and can't see a doctor because the ER staff are all off handling a critical brain surgery.
I hope they implement a way where you can create a party for random pickup games, rather than just creating a server.

And I really hope they've distributed at least some basic SDK code to third party developers for this game launching functionality. As I keep saying, Home get togethers with game launching from inside Home could be the PS3's way to one-up X-box live service. The success of Home really depends on people being able to play every game this method.
[quote name='cdrober']I have been in on the closed BETA for home for almost a year has improved alot form its original state but it is still just 'meh'....

Don't get your hopes up for this, instead just play your GTA IV, MGS4, and GT5:p or whatnot....[/quote]

Do you think that it's 'meh' to you because you have no friends in there? If I had friends that I could launch games with, and play pool and bowling with, etc, that I already knew, I could see Home being something great. I don't really have much interest in hanging out in Home and dancing, although I would like to pimp out an apartment. How is that part of it?
Yeah, the problem with these closed betas is that they're more for technical issues than actually testing the community features.

Home works best with friends you know in real life, then later you can potentially make online friends with people through other real life friends.
[quote name='Vanigan']Yeah, the problem with these closed betas is that they're more for technical issues than actually testing the community features.

Home works best with friends you know in real life, then later you can potentially make online friends with people through other real life friends.[/quote]

Yes. I don't think I really want to be "friends" with a bunch of nerds I meet while playing Warhawk. Present company excluded, of course. But you guys are CAGs, so it's cool.

I wish I had more time to play with the Cag teams. I suck anyway, though.
[quote name='orko60']Yes. I don't think I really want to be "friends" with a bunch of nerds I meet while playing Warhawk. Present company excluded, of course. But you guys are CAGs, so it's cool.

I wish I had more time to play with the Cag teams. I suck anyway, though.[/QUOTE]My thought is the exact opposite. I've met some great friends through PSN and Live, while you run into mostly assholes, once you're in a clan it's 10x more fun.
By blindly labeling everyone else out there as nerds unworthy of attention, you're missing out on the fact that A) you are also a nerd playing the same games and B) there are a lot of nice, reasonable, and mature people playing video games, such as people in our present company.

There are a lot of them also playing in public games.

I've met some friends who lived pretty close to me via games and I've gone to poker nights at their place. We met after playing Splinter Cell Chaos Theory multiplayer many times on the same servers, since we worked together well as a team, we started becoming friends in real life.
[quote name='Vanigan']By blindly labeling everyone else out there as nerds unworthy of attention, you're missing out on the fact that A) you are also a nerd playing the same games and B) there are a lot of nice, reasonable, and mature people playing video games, such as people in our present company.

There are a lot of them also playing in public games.

I've met some friends who lived pretty close to me via games and I've gone to poker nights at their place. We met after playing Splinter Cell Chaos Theory multiplayer many times on the same servers, since we worked together well as a team, we started becoming friends in real life.[/quote]

I'd be afraid going to see some people that I met on PSN or Xbox Live. Then again, I prefer to just curl up in the fetal position in the corner of my bedroom most of the time.

I'm of course not blindly labeling EVERYONE, but I would just prefer to know someone first. I actually have four or five people that I work with that own PS3's. If we had some Home, we could be kicking it in there after work. That would be fun.
shaky, but this was the ubidays going on in home in the PR area of Home.


expect TGS, E3, etc. to have stuff going on in these areas while they are going on...
Ugggh. Why do I have a feeling it's going to get delayed yet again?

Who could have that guessed PlayStation Boss Kaz Hirai was such the perfectionist? That's the vibe he's been giving off in recent years after delaying the release of PlayStation Home not just once, but twice. And before you skip ahead - yes, the service could get delayed a third time. Keep reading.

Reflecting similar views conveyed just after delaying the project last year, Kaz noted to MCV that he'd "much rather make sure we take the time to have a great service rather than rush something into the market - only for consumers to say: 'This is not enough for me.' I want to avoid that. If we have the right service, it doesn't matter when we launch - so long as it's in a reasonable timeframe
[quote name='Blackout542']Ugggh. Why do I have a feeling it's going to get delayed yet again?[/quote]
Damn, like Vanigan said, this would make it SO easy for CAG nights; now that I'm about to have my nights available again (done with school after this one final) I'd like to get in with the CAG nights but I'm sure it's kind of a pain in the ass to get it started. Home seems the perfect way to set up for and launch games; I could give a rat's ass about being able to dress up my apartment.
Keep in mind, what's planned to launch this Fall is a public beta, not a final release.

However for them really is very important to launch Home with significant features, the key feature is one I've already lauded above: The ability to have gatherings and launch any PS3 game available from within Home, have some way to track how the game is going by players still in the Home space while others play, and then have those players in-game drop back to Home all without a hitch.

But, just as important as it is getting this working, they also need to make sure that a large amount of games support this.

It sounds like with the 2.4 update developers got the first round of home SDKs to start developing with Home in mind. I hope that includes how to properly launch games from within Home.

In this case, I think Kaz is just responding to a question about Home's first delay.

Keep in mind that Bioshock PS3 is releasing in October and it's confirmed to have Trophies and Home support. They wouldn't announce Home support if they didn't have the tools, or time, to develop home features, nor would they announce that if Home wasn't going to come out in some way.
I wonder what kind of Home support Bioshock will get since it has no online component. I'm guessing it'll be a themed room a la Resistance and Uncharted.
There was an interesting bit on the Full Moon Show about Insomniac's press briefing from within Home. When they were doing their presentation, they managed to get their robot dancing in sync while talking about their games. After they were done, Ted Price went into Sucker Punch's presentation room and started trolling about how Ratchet could kick Sly Cooper's ass and stuff like that, though everyone seemed to get that it was all in good fun.
It's probably a themed room and support for the Trophy Room.

Currently all we have are 2D trophies, but they probably have 3D trophies in the trophy room using art assets from the game.

Not to mention, it'd be cool if Sony allowed developers to give players stuff for their Home characters or apartments if they get certain trophies in-game. For example, we could get a bunch of Bioshock furniture for our apartments by getting certain trophies. Or perhaps a splicer mask while wandering around Home spaces?
I think that they may end up cancelling HOME. Of course I don't expect an official announcement, however I think that they'll just keep pushing it back and back until its ultimately forgotten about. If there's no press conference, and outside of the use to launch Warhawk, MAG, and multiplayer games, I mean what's the use. What they could do... maybe they should use it as virtual Playstation website, where instead of going to you go to HOME for all information. That way there's always something to DO... Give all the blogs their own space within home where they can virtually represent their site from HOME. But there needs to be someting to do everyday within home... I'd love to be able to get trophies from completing TASKs within HOME.

i.e. have 50 people visit your apartment - Trophy
i.e. attend two press conferences - Trophy
i.e. visit all pavillions - Trophy
[quote name='Thomas96']I think that they may end up cancelling HOME. Of course I don't expect an official announcement, however I think that they'll just keep pushing it back and back until its ultimately forgotten about. If there's no press conference, and outside of the use to launch Warhawk, MAG, and multiplayer games, I mean what's the use. What they could do... maybe they should use it as virtual Playstation website, where instead of going to you go to HOME for all information. That way there's always something to DO... Give all the blogs their own space within home where they can virtually represent their site from HOME. But there needs to be someting to do everyday within home... I'd love to be able to get trophies from completing TASKs within HOME.

i.e. have 50 people visit your apartment - Trophy
i.e. attend two press conferences - Trophy
i.e. visit all pavillions - Trophy[/quote]

I don't think they're going to cancel it. Where would you get that idea?
Actually Thomas, I think the delay was for that very purpose of finding things for gamers to do inside Home, instead of the more general online meeting space they thought it would become before.
The idea of 3D trophies and in-Home rewards for trophies would be great for Home. If they can have that at launch, anything extra can be implemented later and I would still be satisfied.
[quote name='Vanigan']

Not to mention, it'd be cool if Sony allowed developers to give players stuff for their Home characters or apartments if they get certain trophies in-game. For example, we could get a bunch of Bioshock furniture for our apartments by getting certain trophies. Or perhaps a splicer mask while wandering around Home spaces?[/quote]

That would be an awesome idea to have themed furniture depending on the game. I want a MGS box in my room :bouncy:
The only thing I want Home for is so I can launch into a Warhawk game with my friends. If they can get that down, I'll be good. Having my own "gaming space" would nice but at this point, I'm losing all interest in that aspect. Judging from people's comments around here and people that took part in the beta before, Home is not all that cracked up to be. They should just get it out ASAP, AT least by the end of the year.
[quote name='orko60']I don't think they're going to cancel it. Where would you get that idea?[/QUOTE]

I was listening too Jack Tretton recent statements during E3 where he was saying that they were probably too ambitious as to what they wanted HOME to be, and the fact that its taking so long to come out, they're still trying to get business partners to fill HOME up with Content. The reason why HOME is talking so long to come out is due to Sony's lack of vision as it regards what HOME is to do, and what services they are going to provide.

I just think that the lack of what HOME is to be, and how they've already invested money to its creation, and there's still nothing so show for it makes me feel like they might just let the project go.
[quote name='JMEPO']Yes sir, Yes I did.[/quote]
Looks like you still care. :applause:

But seriously, theres no way Sony will cancel Home. Despite not being a beta tester, I've been following the updates made to the service, and there have been a lot of additions and improvements over the past year.

I think Kaz Hirai had a good idea when he wanted to delay it so that the service would feel more "complete". Home is a pretty ambitious project, and if they had went on to release it back when they originally planned to, it would be so barebones that I'd be willing to bet people would instantly bitch about it.
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Some interesting news has popped up in the past few days regarding games that are coming to Home:
Those hoping for more Echochrome shouldn't feel totally forgotten; the duo also mentioned that the original game is being remimagined in two dimensions exlusively for PlayStation Home.
Sony has begun accepting applications for the next beta phase of Home ... in Japan. PS3 users can put their names in the hat (from which 10,000 will be chosen) directly from a new option in the Japanese PlayStation Store. Successful applicants will be notified via email before the beta officially kicks off at the end of August.

In related news, classic arcade games from Namco are showing up as virtual coin-ops in the Japanese Home client. Pac-Man, Dig Dug, Galaga, and Xevious have been rolled out so far, with three "secret" titles still on the way. It's interesting to note that Home users – at least in the beta – can play these games for free, whereas they are paid downloads on Xbox Live Arcade.
It would definitely be nice to see more arcade classics and original games come to the Home arcades.
They are offering a chance to get in the closed beta soon.

Today we’re announcing the expansion of our closed beta test for PlayStation Home to begin at the end of the month.

Later today, the PLAYSTATION Store will be updated with a PlayStation Home theme. By downloading the theme, users are submitting an application to join the PlayStation Home Beta test community. We will be using a variety of criteria including activity on the PLAYSTATION Network to determine eligibility for the Beta community. Existing beta testers have automatically qualified to be part of the expanded beta.

We’re really excited about this milestone and want our most loyal fans to be a part of the evolution of PlayStation Home.

In Europe, SCEE is also beginning their expanded closed beta, directly targeting consumers who have been most active on PLAYSTATION Network and PLAYSTATION Store. SCEE will be in email contact with their PSN audience very shortly.

Let us know what you think.
I want to be a Home cop. Because than I could always be saying don't fuck with HPD! And scare off all of the annoying people.
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That would be really cool If the background of the home theme really was an overhead view of home all the time even if you're not logged on.
I'm still wondering why this hasn't been released yet. From what I have seen inside home, it was fine releasing it a version or two ago and add-on/update from there. But then again, I barely log on my beta account because there really isn't anyone there and most of the "issues" I find are either obsolete or notated.
bread's done