SoulCalibur IV - (10.17.08) - Vader/Yoda DLC set to release on 10/23 [400 points]

Huh. I'm surprised nobody else is hitting the wall of scrub Maxi players. They're especially infuriating online, when the lag makes it impossible to sidestep and then punish with 8wr for the back throw while they're still flailing along.

I'm a bit disappointed with online in general -- the match-finding needs some serious streamlining and I can tell that to compete, I'm going to have to develop some ugly habits (GI? What GI?), which makes me a little sad. I've already set aside my Raph, since he's too dependent on precision timing for me to be successful with him over Live. On the plus side, I've picked up Zas, and even with his flaws, I'm having some luck -- people online don't seem to know what the hell to do with being yanked *toward* him for the throw.
I've been using Setsuka a bunch, but I'm nowhere near that combo video as far as skill goes. :)

She was one of the reasons I liked SCIII. . .

Rolento, bust out that cop Lizardman on B:L!!
[quote name='leveskikesko']SCIII wasn't that bad at all. It had better stages and a way better single player than SCIV.[/quote]

aside from the gameplay, you are definitely right. I loved the mini strategy story mode as well as other stuff. I expect we will get a better single player when SCV is out since the new engine is already there.
Any Ashlotte/Astaroth players? I normally don't like slow characters, but I do like Ashlotte's reach and grabs. I need to play this game more. Still haven't unlocked Apprentice. :bleh:
I'm not great with him... I play him more like a one hit wonder. pretty much I make setups where the opponent is forced into taking huge hits through recovery time. I'm still not good with the new asty, but I'll work on him more soon.
[quote name='MarkMan']If you want a good character, I'd suggest one of the following:


Thanks MM. I'm playing Taki atm, and I really like her speed.
[quote name='DarthPuma']Thanks MM. I'm playing Taki atm, and I really like her speed.[/quote]

Taki is my main and I love her. Great speed, range is short but once you get to know how to use her correctly, you can even take on the cheapest Kilik and other long range characters ;)
[quote name='gunm']Any combos, tips you can pass on for Asty?[/QUOTE]

Also, any time your opponent is in the air, toss out a plain ol' A+G or B+G throw -- Astaroth has a pretty wide window of opportunity to catch a juggled enemy with an air-throw. It's easy, flashy, safe damage. The only downside is that based my very few attempts, it seems like Ashlotte has a harder time of it, thanks to her shorter reach.

[quote name='MarkMan']If you want a good character, I'd suggest one of the following:


All good choices, though Ivy can be a bit complicated for new players.
[quote name='Trakan']His 1[A], B is cheap but godly.[/quote]
online, yes.

offline, expect the B to be GI'd every time and the A follow up to be tech jumped.
[quote name='DarthPuma']I still haven't found a good character. Is maxi bad like yun seung?[/quote]

Maxi's pretty good in SCIV, although he's pretty hard to figure out right now since his combos are kinda goofy and the only way you can avoid getting punished by good players is to do stance fake outs (which they already expect). He also has a bit of a problem with low pokes, but otherwise he's pretty awesome.

Also, Yun Seong is hilariously fun for beating on scrubs! Just 236K and A+B combo them allllll day.
[quote name='trq']Also, any time your opponent is in the air, toss out a plain ol' A+G or B+G throw -- Astaroth has a pretty wide window of opportunity to catch a juggled enemy with an air-throw. It's easy, flashy, safe damage. The only downside is that based my very few attempts, it seems like Ashlotte has a harder time of it, thanks to her shorter reach.[/quote]

Hm, so what exactly are the specific nuances between Astaroth and Ashlotte?

Just curious.
Well, I spent a little while last night getting frustrated with Algol on 60F. Then suddenly in one round he just charged at me and jumped straight off the tower and I won. I was speechless. I half want to go back and try to beat him legitimately, but I'm so relieved to be done with the tower that I don't know if I ever will. 58F was just so frustrating for me.

Now, bring on the DLC parts, Namco! Also, if I buy some of the SC1 songs, can I replace the Star Wars music with it? It's so corny when one of the Death Star stages comes up and suddenly... STAR WARS.
"Also, if I buy some of the SC1 songs, can I replace the Star Wars music with it? It's so corny when one of the Death Star stages comes up and suddenly... STAR WARS."

Unfortunately, you can't change the music in the Star Wars stages, nor can you select the Guilty Gear-esque track from floor 60. I did pick up one of the original songs for the seesaw stage since it shared a same track as the circus cage.
[quote name='akilshohen']which track? I bought worth dying for and used it in the pirate stage[/quote]

Nice! I had a few random points that were begging to be spent, so I picked up The Gathering: Fatal Gravity. My friend and I would play the coliseum stage in the Dreamcast Soul Calibur constantly because it was huge, making accidental ring outs a little more difficult.

We had (and still have) this sort of "no ring outs" honor system that we play by. Mind you, they still happen, especially when one of us is really getting on the other's nerves ;)

Back on topic, it would be nice if Namco added a random function to the music selection of each stage. While I'm dreaming, maybe they'll release the Khan Super Session, too.
Those tagging moves are the worst thing in the game, especially when the guys on 58F would tag through their entire team for one combo and end up back at the first guy. After a while it felt like the CPU was just doing it to spite me. :bomb:

So the custom soundtracks let you pick individual tracks for stages? In that case I might have to get a few, and hopefully SC2&3 track packs aren't far off. Worth Dying For is a great song, too. :)
[quote name='gunm']Hm, so what exactly are the specific nuances between Astaroth and Ashlotte?

Just curious.[/QUOTE]

It's just the range, as far as I can tell. You can get a sense of the difference by looking at her B+G throw, and noting how far her hand is from actually touching the opponent during the animation. Otherwise, they do the same damage, and they seem to be the same speed and weight (no changes in any of the juggles I tried on them both). But while I'd normally say that means Astaroth is the better character, at least for online, I tend to do better with Ashlotte -- people don't expect her to have her "big brother's" ability to crush their lifebar like a tin can, so the element of surprise against human players evens the score a bit in my book. And besides, she's a mechanical assassin who uses a giant clock hand as a weapon -- she rakes in the cool points on character concept alone.
[quote name='metaly']
So the custom soundtracks let you pick individual tracks for stages? In that case I might have to get a few, and hopefully SC2&3 track packs aren't far off. Worth Dying For is a great song, too. :)[/quote]

yeah. I would change a few more songs, but the sound quality is a bit off for me, or maybe it's nostalgia making me want to see the old stages. I wanted to buy in the Name of Father and Leaving the world behind but i just stopped myself.
I wish you could change some of the other BGM's because I'd like to use the menu and character selection music from SC3 also. It felt more epic.
In that hoax from the tester on the SC boards, didn't he say that there was a sound test for the old character voices and BGMs? Maybe old character voices will make a comeback.
[quote name='kainzero']57F-59F is such BS.

"hey look, he did an unsafe move, i can reply with this punisher. wtf tag out into throw?!?"[/quote]

If somebody knows how to beat this part please let me know. I've been stuck here and after awhile I just say forget this shit.

Anything would help. I don't even care about being cheap as hell just to get through this part anymore.
[quote name='KillaKen']If somebody knows how to beat this part please let me know. I've been stuck here and after awhile I just say forget this shit.

Anything would help. I don't even care about being cheap as hell just to get through this part anymore.[/quote]

Here's the method I used. Fair deal of luck is involved, but if you're having a hard time getting through, it can be effective.

First off, build an Astaroth style character with HP Drain A and Auto Unblockable A (or B/C if needbe). Maximize your attack stat, forfeiting HP and defense. When I did this, he had an Attack stat around 180. Turns you into a bit of a glass cannon, but unless the computer gets in early, you can punish them fairly quickly.

In combat, spam his 1[A], B attack (least I hope that's the right command). It's a rather slow-to-start low-sweep, followed by a massive vertical hammer-down. Even if they guard, pull it off again. They won't guard everytime. As one dies, time it right to nail the new character running in with one. This attack, with such a high boosted Attack stat, will kill most computer oponents in a few hits (on some stages, it'll completely annihilate a guy in one hit).

Like I said though, it's fairly luck based. If the opponent guard impacts, or gets in close to fast, unless you know Astaroth and can shake 'em, you may be doomed though. Keep at it though, and it should work eventually.
[quote name='infinitepez']Here's the method I used. Fair deal of luck is involved, but if you're having a hard time getting through, it can be effective.

First off, build an Astaroth style character with HP Drain A and Auto Unblockable A (or B/C if needbe). Maximize your attack stat, forfeiting HP and defense. When I did this, he had an Attack stat around 180. Turns you into a bit of a glass cannon, but unless the computer gets in early, you can punish them fairly quickly.

In combat, spam his 1[A], B attack (least I hope that's the right command). It's a rather slow-to-start low-sweep, followed by a massive vertical hammer-down. Even if they guard, pull it off again. They won't guard everytime. As one dies, time it right to nail the new character running in with one. This attack, with such a high boosted Attack stat, will kill most computer oponents in a few hits (on some stages, it'll completely annihilate a guy in one hit).

Like I said though, it's fairly luck based. If the opponent guard impacts, or gets in close to fast, unless you know Astaroth and can shake 'em, you may be doomed though. Keep at it though, and it should work eventually.[/quote]

Props on the tips.

I got all the way up to this point with Raph, I had the HP Drain A and the Venom Fang but I still couldn't get through it. I've made it to Nightmare a couple of times but he just owns the shit out of me anyway.

I'll try this later though. Thanx again.
[quote name='metaly']Those tagging moves are the worst thing in the game, especially when the guys on 58F would tag through their entire team for one combo and end up back at the first guy. After a while it felt like the CPU was just doing it to spite me. :bomb:[/quote]
I'm actually surprised they didn't put a tag mode in the game. It looks like it'd be mega fun. I remember getting beat really badly in DOAU's tag mode because they all had really crazy stun combos, the same thing could happen if they put in a decent tag mode in SC4. I'd just change it by being able to tag only on hit, not on block... you shouldn't be able to cancel your recovery with a tag.
I've played a total of about ~5 hours and am loving it -- Kilik's my main, I also like Algol and Cervantes. I'm trying to play Voldo but I have a lot of trouble with it.

What should I be doing to unlock as much Character Creation stuff as possible? I beat Story a few times, Arcade a few times, and now I'm nearing floor 20 ascending the tower. Are there outfits and stuff other than what I currently see to buy? I keep getting "new honor", "style level up", etc, but I'm not too sure what this stuff does. Also, I'm not sure how to do the finishing move... in Battle Tutorial it says R2, but I can never get it to work (when they're flashing red, right?).

Creating/modifying characters is by far my favorite aspect of the game... I love going online with my Ivy: underwear only, fox mask, pink afro. On GameFAQs there's a guide on how to make popular characters (Link, Master Chief, Spiderman, etc) that I'm going to do after I get enough gold to buy the parts.
I would have liked a tag mode as well. I think the reason the tag combos bother me so much is because without a tag VS mode, they're pretty much computer-exclusive moves. There's no good way to practice them and even if you did, you can only use them about half the time in a couple 1P modes.

Just curious, has anyone landed a finisher on a human opponent yet? I have yet to do one. Even a flashing red bar is rare when I'm playing someone I know. And usually it's me. :whistle2:#
I saw it online twice metaly. It was in standard mode as well. I was shocked seeing how all the reviews I saw/read said that in pretty much a month of playing the game hardly any finishers were done.
[quote name='Koggit']
Creating/modifying characters is by far my favorite aspect of the game... I love going online with my Ivy: underwear only, fox mask, pink afro. On GameFAQs there's a guide on how to make popular characters (Link, Master Chief, Spiderman, etc) that I'm going to do after I get enough gold to buy the parts.[/QUOTE]Thanks a lot, I'll have to look at that guide. :)

I need to play online more, but I've been busy with job searching stuff lately. I played a little single player today (I have around 11 hours into the game).
Im looking for some online action tonight. I really suck.

Also, could this thread lead up to The Mana Knight's triumphant return to the GGT??!?! Tune in to GGT 75 to find out :p
[quote name='metaly']Just curious, has anyone landed a finisher on a human opponent yet? I have yet to do one. Even a flashing red bar is rare when I'm playing someone I know. And usually it's me. :whistle2:#[/quote]
I got CFed twice, I think.

It kinda sucks when you're locked down online in infinite BB combo. I kinda wanna practice CF setups =) Setsuka's my girl for that!
I'm done with the tower (ascending, anyway) so feel free to send me an invite if you see me online and available. I usually set away or whatever mode if I'm already in a game.

Rolento, you must be a real masochist if you're trying to use both Astaroth and Rock. I can't stand slow characters, myself.
I'm played the tower, lost at some battle around floor 17 or whatever, and I haven't gone back since.
[quote name='Jest']Im looking for some online action tonight. I really suck.

Also, could this thread lead up to The Mana Knight's triumphant return to the GGT??!?! Tune in to GGT 75 to find out :p[/QUOTE]I was going to play you the other day, but you signed off, and I decided to go to bed. :p

Let's not get ahead of ourselves. ;)
[quote name='metaly']
Rolento, you must be a real masochist if you're trying to use both Astaroth and Rock. I can't stand slow characters, myself.[/quote]

not really. even the slow characters aren't slow at all. they have a few quick poke backs to get them out of messes like Asty's 6+K. I barely know rock, but I am ompelled tolearn him... plus I dressed him up as asty and dressed asty up as rock.
Wow, ranked versus couldn't be more broken.

90% of the time it says the room is full and if I do get in a match, people are constantly spamming that Cervantes/Shura bullshit. On top of that, if you're about to level up, and you do get beat legit and lose let's say 10 points, you have to win 2 matches in a row to actually level up, or you just stay at the current level's cap.

bread's done