Stand by for Titanfall!

Any hands on with the Titanfall controller? Is it worth it for $5 more?

What stores have it already?
Yep, just got it today and freaking LOVE this thing. It's very well done, the colors are crisp, the way the white wraps around the handles is slick...very nice. I don't regret this purchase at all.

COD Ghosts released with 15 Multiplayer maps (1 of which was for the Extinction mode), AND it had a single player mode. The rumors is that Titanfall (if this has been confirmed or denied please correct me) will also have 15 maps. But no Single player. I understand that the value of the game could come from the MP portion of the game. But with COD.. they gave you SP, and MP. Looking at from a number of maps perspective I could easily see how some would feel 60 is too much. Especially in comparison to other games in the same genre. 30 dollars for the game, and 60 dollars for the game with all DLC would be a reasonable package, and 120 best package, game plus controller (titanfall controller).
Titanfall will have a multiplayer campaign.

‏@Respawn 1h

@kid_fearless There is Campaign Multiplayer which is MP but with more cinematic integration and story elements
The beta is still active as of right now. I just signed off after playing for a couple of hours. I'm pretty terrible, but overall the game is a fun experience. Can't wait to give the full game a whirl.

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COD Ghosts released with 15 Multiplayer maps (1 of which was for the Extinction mode), AND it had a single player mode. The rumors is that Titanfall (if this has been confirmed or denied please correct me) will also have 15 maps. But no Single player. I understand that the value of the game could come from the MP portion of the game. But with COD.. they gave you SP, and MP. Looking at from a number of maps perspective I could easily see how some would feel 60 is too much. Especially in comparison to other games in the same genre. 30 dollars for the game, and 60 dollars for the game with all DLC would be a reasonable package, and 120 best package, game plus controller (titanfall controller).
Yeah as was mentioned, there's gonna be campaign multiplayer as two perspectives, the IMC & the Militia.

Here's the thing with cod and Titanfall. Yeah, cod has 15 maps and a SP. Both of which are god awful. The SP was a joke and most, if not all of the maps are terrible. The whole MP was just scrapped together like usual.

Titanfall is strictly MP, with a MP campaign only. And I'm fine with that. I don't need a SP element in every game. Id happily pay $60 for an amazing MP experience, which by the way is the whole reasoning ANYONE gets cod, and play a silk smooth game. When cod can offer me that, let me know.
i enjoy cod single player alot every game always have great action. i would say i would not mind having sp for titanfall but i understand why thye did not do one.

game is still going on because they pushed outa test server patch so seems like it worked so they are keeping beta open for couple extra hours who knows how long it will last but i stop playing monday was getting sick of the two maps.

Yep, just got it today and freaking LOVE this thing. It's very well done, the colors are crisp, the way the white wraps around the handles is slick...very nice. I don't regret this purchase at all.
Awesome. Hopefully WalMart gets them soon, since I need to "return" a PS4 controller I have. I currently have 3 PS4 and 1 ONE controller. 2 and 2 sounds better

i did not know this.... was searcing titanfall videos on youtube last night and found it. If you watch some of the videos they released at e3 last year you see what the mp story will be like.I'm sure it has changed some since then but not sure how much will find out in just over two weeks.

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Anyone else taking a chance on the 360 version? No X1 here. Hopefully it plays as well, or close.
I wouldn't worry too much, bluepoint games are handling the port and they have a fantastic track record. A couple of my friends havent made the jump yet either and are planning on getting the 360 version as well. Im getting the X1 version though.

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Read that this game might have more to it than what we saw in the beta. The article I read talked about monsters walking around.
In light of this, then I don't see much of an issue with buying the game at 60 dollars. I would honestly would have preferred to have 20 maps at launch. The MP story section probably will use the same 15 maps without variation.
I'm sure its the same 15 MP maps for the campaign mode. It's a weak offering map-wise, but they gotta sell those map packs.

And regarding the "value" at $60, people are gonna put a ton more hours and have a lot more fun with Titanfall than the majority of $60 games, so I don't really see what the problem is.

Anyone else taking a chance on the 360 version? No X1 here. Hopefully it plays as well, or close.
360 for me as well. I own a PS4, and the current Xbone exclusives don't really interest me, so I'm not dropping $500 on one just to play a prettier Titanfall.

Here's the thing with cod and Titanfall. Yeah, cod has 15 maps and a SP. Both of which are god awful. The SP was a joke and most, if not all of the maps are terrible. The whole MP was just scrapped together like usual.

Titanfall is strictly MP, with a MP campaign only. And I'm fine with that. I don't need a SP element in every game. Id happily pay $60 for an amazing MP experience, which by the way is the whole reasoning ANYONE gets cod, and play a silk smooth game. When cod can offer me that, let me know.
Tweaking and focusing on the main draw, the MP, yeah I think that's the way to go now and days (not for every game and I say this as a big Single Player gamer - this is where you get the best stories - who enjoys cinematic moments/epic lore & worlds).

The COD games I got for the story was the Modern Warfare series. Everything after that was for the MP.
See that's what's got me so excited, the MW campaigns were awesome. I don't think we'll get something that caliber but highly scripted awesome scenes on the MP maps sounds hella fun to me.

yeah fps story's have not been great since mw/mw2 days. I really feel that fps game should be 100 percent mp if it means we get great mp with them. the main issue with fps like cod/bf is that over the dev time of the game they have to take time to make a 5 hour sp which makes the sp be awful and mp not much better.

What's this shit about giant monsters, !?!?

Pretty sad the beta ended.  Overall, I like the fast pacing of the game and the variation between titan and pilot gameplay.  I do think that the bots are needed but they need to deal more damage so that spending the time to kill them is more rewarding.

Here is a compilation of my favorite moments during the beta:

I'd love to pre-load it, but not without at least $10 credit even MS provided on a physical copy.. or $10 from BB or the $25 from Dell.

Should be a pre-order/pre-load discount on digital, which would probably tick of physical retailers.. but oh well! Gotta start sometime.
I'm hoping they run some sort of promo. Either a discount for future DLC or maybe some sort of get back $10 or $20 if you spend $60 on digital content.

Pretty sad the beta ended. Overall, I like the fast pacing of the game and the variation between titan and pilot gameplay. I do think that the bots are needed but they need to deal more damage so that spending the time to kill them is more rewarding.

Here is a compilation of my favorite moments during the beta:
Hehe, dude pro tip, don't throw out your rocket salvo when the guy puts up the vortex shield. That said, great kill with the execution with your Titan down to almost nothing. Insult to injury for that other guy lol.

Here's Rev3Games talkin' about the Titanfall Beta:

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Considering how quickly we shot up to Level 14, this list looks pretty easy/doable.

Am most curious what the second and highest generation pilots would be...

im sure like cod it's easy to rank up at first and then gets slower at later ranks. Have they fully said what ranks and prestiges if any will be in game have not heard.

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so like 2 am PST, MS needs to give us some more incentives to go digital I mean not having to swap discs is great but having to wait 2 hours to start downloading the game and well paying the same price for a non resellable copy kinda makes it a moot point. Need at least a $5-10 discount with pre-load

apparently it was posted in "error" no pre-load/pre-purchase for Titanfall on Xbox One, damn really sucks since I am going digital for Titanfall oh well guess I'll have to wait just hope they make it available to download as soon as midnight as possible
Oh thanks for catching that, yeah I had updated my posts on other sites that I shared it but forgot about here. That really sucks if true. I'm hoping they're gonna go oh now you can pre-load your game like 24 hours before it launches.

yeah I mean its odd the posted very specifically that you could then said it was a mistake, maybe they posted it by mistake since they aren't ready to announce it yet at least I hope thats the case and they announce the ability to pre-load a week before or maybe week-end before launch

So I know people have only played the beta, but what are people opinions of whether or not this is worth biting on an Xbox One now for?

I am not much of a multiplayer gamer, never played any COD more than a day online and normally just stick to co-op campaigns. Generally I do not do well when a game doesn't have a story to push you further.

However, I have watched a good amount of trailers and a few game play videeos and it reminds me of Starsiege Tribes which is the last MP game that really got its hooks in me (yes, all the way back in the late 90s!)

I got as far as having an Xbox One at checkout at Target to get the $50 gift card, but it was $531 with tax which almost eliminated the gift card value and I thought of the 100+ PS3, 360 and Wii games I still have to play so I chickened out. I love the Gears of War series so obviously I need an Xbox One at some point, but my backlog makes it difficult to play a lot of the current games as they are sequels to games I have but haven't played (which is the reason I have only played my PS4 maybe 10 hours since launch day) and while Dead Rising 3 looks awesome and I enjoyed Dead Rising 1 I still have 2 and Off The Record sitting on my 360 backlog shelf...

Anyways, my friend that is way more into it but hasn't played the beta told me that Titanfall feels more like a single player game than Call of Duty for example, and DOES have a storyline throughout with cinematics, etc. Is that true? And from those of you who played the beta does this seem like a game that could grip a normally SP only gamer?

(And please, no fan boy arguments. I had to delete the last similar post I made because it turned into a flame war. I 100% support owning every major system, and the Wii U was the first time I haven't bought a major system since the Sega Saturn with Xbox One being the second. Nothing against either console, just as I get older and have less time to play every game I want to it didn't make sense to get them right away.)
^^^ Is it a system seller? For the casual gamer: No. If you're a COD fan boy of the past (see: MW1, MW2), this is a definite system seller though.

Did I buy an Xbox One just to play this game? Kind of. :whistle2:

There will be two multiplayer campaigns, from what I understand. One from each faction in the game's lore. I don't know anything about single player, though.

If you can snag an Xbox One on the cheap (see: AWD), I'd go for it. Otherwise, keep the $500+ in your pocket and wait for a price drop.

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If you are in need for next gen system i would say sure jump on the x1 for titanfall i think it's a game people that don't enjoy mp will enjoy it. seeing it has a.i bots it allows pretty much anyone feel good and do well. the mp does have a campaign mixed in it for both teams but none of it was seen in beta. 

it's one of those games that make people think well might be time to jump to next gen. I know for me it was really the most hype game i was looking forward to since last e3. I think the big following for this game is going on because the people that make it. Most people view cod 4/mw2 two of the best fps games ever made and that team is the group that worked on this.

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Picked up an XB1 specifically to play Titanfall. Revved me up like a game hasn't in a long time. And playing it was exciting as hell, which was, again, something I hadn't experienced in a long while.

I also played Tribes back in the day - one of my most favorite games. The jet packs don't quite work the same, there isn't any kind of 'skiing' aside from wall-running, but it does harken back to that level of excitement. For me, at least.

As for shelling out the cash, I sold off a very large part of my backlog to cover the cost of entry. Did a multi-pass reality check, asking myself "Am I ever really going to play this?" If I had even a hint of doubt, it was gone. Ended up ditching a solid 90% of my backlog over the past 2 months and I have yet to miss anything. I anticipate getting rid of a few more titles before all is said and done, and very much resisting the urge to splurge on the ridiculously good $9.99 sales that happen during the year and Black Friday.

So... $531 WITH a $50 gift card is a net $481 for the system itself. Considering I bought mine for $479.99 new and tax free, I'd say you're in a good price-ballpark for the moment, especially if you're intrigued by Titanfall.

If you're worried about the coin, give your backlog a good once, twice and thrice glance. Surely there are some lingering games that you won't actually ever play. Use that towards the system and call it done... or don't.

I'm not going to read every post in this thread, so sorry if this is an old point.

If you pre-order the 360 version at Wal-Mart, you get a free Platinum Hits game along with the FTF patch. The games you can pick from are:

Lego Batman

Fallout 3 GOTY

CoD 2

Kinect Joy Ride

Splinter Cell Conviction


Rainbow Six Vegas 2

Saints Row 2

Resident Evil 5

Street Fighter 4

Halo 3 ODST

Assassin's Creed 2

Max Payne 3

Final Fantasy 13

Lego Harry Potter: Years 1-4

LA Noire

Fable 3

Kinect Sports

Halo Wars

Red Dead Redemption Undead Nightmare

Mafia 2

Elder Scrolls 4 GOTY

Kinect Disneyland

Star Wars Force Unleashed

Lego Indiana Jones

If I wasn't going all out on a new graphics card, when places get a restock thanks to the coin mining and Chinese New Year, and getting the collectors edition for the PC I would bite on this. 60 bucks for 2 games and the patch isn't a bad deal at all.  Chances are I would just play the other game and trade Titanfall in at GameStop because of having it on the PC.  Hell I might even keep it.  However I will be putting in over a grand into this game already once the cards that I'm looking at release or come back in stock.

^^^ Is it a system seller?.....
If you are in need for next gen system...

Picked up an XB1 specifically to play Titanfall...
I am leaning more and more towards it. My biggest hesitation comes from my ass still being sore from the 3DS I bought on launch day with no games, and still hadn't opened it or bought a game by the price drop. By the time I got 3DS games the XL was announced so I decided to wait for that, but then I saw all the JP XL Special editions and decided to wait for a Zelda, Fire Emblem, Kingdom Hearts or Final Fantasy SE XL. Finally got a Zelda 3DS XL on Black Friday, but still have that original Cosmo Black 3DS I paid $250 sitting on the shelf sealed reminding me what a mistake that was.

The fact that I only played the Playstation 4 for 10 or so hours so far (Played Knack and half of Need For Speed: Rivals) only makes me hesitate more. It is just hard to dedicate time to playing every game I have minor interest in between working and gutting and redoing my entire 1300 sq/ft house by myself.

The idea of selling off a bunch of my backlog has been on my mind. Last year I cleared out 120 games that were "Meh, I'd play it if I was stranded on a desert island with a TV and systems and just this game" most of which I at $0.97 on Clearance at Sears over the years. So far I haven't regretted a single one and honestly most of them I don't even remember. I pulled out about 30 this morning that I either already have on other systems (Why do I need Fatal Frame 1 & 2 on Xbox and PS2? Bye Xbox versions!) or will never get around to playing like a lot of RPGs that I am not crazy about but I just bought because I will but any RPG for cheap.

I honestly think I would enjoy playing games more if I had a backlog of 10-20 rather than 100+. Best case scenario would be 0 but this is CAG and that will never happen.

Anyways, I got two solid endorsements from you guys (Not counting you HydroX as I was not huge in to CoD due to dying 0.5 seconds after I spawned 90% of the time). But hearing that TimboSlice reiterating that bots help it feel less like a MP game, and especially that a fellow Tribes fan finds any connection between the two is encouraging me.

I emailed a Craigslist seller that is selling the Day One Edition brand new for $475 (bought to flip but it didn't go as high as he thought) to see if he still has it and to make sure it includes the receipt, otherwise I may jump on the Wal Mart deal and get Battlefield 4 for free as I think I still have a few Wal Mart e-gift cards from the last time I ordered there when God of War III and Final Fantasy XIII came out and they came with e-gift cards and 30% Bing Cash Back so that shows how valuable those are to me that they are still unspent 4 years later.

Also, does anyone know why there are so many Xbox One console only on Craigslist and eBay?
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Also, does anyone know why there are so many Xbox One console only on Craigslist and eBay?
Mistaken belief that they would go up in value? They suddenly need some food, rent or drug money? Or they bought the system just because it's new / didn't wait for any exclusive games?

There is little sense in getting it for Battlefield 4, CoD, NFS: Rivals, etc., if those games are also on the 360. The differences aren't system-buying worthy.. not really.

That could, admittedly, also be the case for Titanfall, because we have not seen anything of the 360 version. And this may very well be why we have not seen anything, to sell more One systems.

I doubt, comparatively, many people who are fans of Dead Rising 3 are selling their systems, because that is why they bought it.

Mistaken belief that they would go up in value?
No sorry I mean like they buy the system, take the physical console out and sell it brand new and still wrapped on eBay and do who knows what with the Kinect, box, manuals, controller, cables. It looks like separately the console sells for $250, Power Adapter $40-100, Kinect $80, Controller $40, Box $60. That totals $470 on the low end, $530 on the high end. Doesn't seem worth parting it out for that, as that is the same range the whole system sells for so I figure they must be doing something else with them.

It is like when the broken console only PS2 fats were selling for more than the complete and working ones, morbid curiosity says I must know why.
bread's done